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Why Sleight Us Oldies ?


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Reading through some posts on TV, I get the impression that a lot of the younger ones think us 'oldies' should hang up our boots, buy a pair of slippers and fall asleep in front of the telly. They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'. Maybe they compare us with their parents. Of course, they know best, even though they are, maybe half our age. I agree, many of them are academically bright, but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

Through all stages of my life, I have thought I knew it all, but later, looking back, I can laugh at my inexperience, as I smirk at some of the posters on TV now.

It is a case of, just when you think it's all over, a new life begins. 15 years ago, I thought that was it, but since then, I have done so many things, and life gets better all the time.

Health is the common denominator. If one can keep that, why should one give up the things men and women love to do.( sorry, and katoeys too). I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me? :o

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Well I hope I'm still not posting on this bloody forum. :D

Its expected of us as the youth of these forum to have the odd pop at the 'pipes and slippers' crew here, and we expect all the 'we are old and wise' stuff back. :o

Cracks me up all the youngs guys moaning about the old dudes here with their young gfs though, sounds like a fair deal to me. :D

I hope I'm living it up like many of you lot are in my later years rather than rotting in front of the telly on some council estate in the UK.

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Nothing wrong w/being old and aging. We have to remember we all eventually will become old, so our actions now should reflect how we want to be treated ourselves at a later date. As medical technology progresses we all will be living way beyond what once was deemed impossible, so there will be alot more fossils running around. :o Young people should let our elders have their laffs - they'v certainly earned them.

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Reading through some posts on TV, I get the impression that a lot of the younger ones think us 'oldies' should hang up our boots, buy a pair of slippers and fall asleep in front of the telly.  They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'. Maybe they compare us with their parents. Of course, they know best, even though they are, maybe half our age. I agree, many of them are academically bright, but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

  Through all stages of my life, I have thought I knew it all, but later, looking back, I can laugh at my inexperience, as I smirk at some of the posters on TV now.

It is a case of, just when you think it's all over, a new life begins. 15 years ago, I thought that was it, but since then, I have done so many things, and life gets better all the time.

  Health is the common denominator. If one can keep that, why should one give up the things men and women love to do.( sorry, and katoeys too). I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

  What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

I use 2 b old and whine about youth's ignorance, but now that i am young and know better, i just wish i'll never grow up again.... :D

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I disagree.

I have respect for my elders actually (most) and I don't "sleight" any of them on TV or elsewhere. On my time here I have been given a bit of a hard time about my age by some members but I haven't given any older members grief about their ages or held any grudges because of a number.

I'm only talking about a minority though but even still that is my experience on TV. I don't let those comments get any further than where they stand and as I have been told by other fellow members, just to take no notice of them :D

I carn't say I've seen any youngsters give you oldies trouble about your age though :o

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They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'.

Nothing wrong with having fun in your "twilight years".

But having fun at the expense of others, pursuing sexual encounters like an irresponsible teenager, and living on the verge of financial collapse are things best left to Spring Breakers, not Golden Agers.

You're right, real knowledge does come with time and experience, which is why those who behave themselves (in public) like a bunch of drunken, randy monkeys should be doubly ashamed of themselves.

Not only are they making big asses of themselves, but they are also proving that their entire life was pretty much a waste of time, because they didn't learn a d-a-m-n thing.

By the time you hit the golden years, you're supposed to have wised up and realize that you can still have your fun, but you need to take some responsibility for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community as a whole. Boring as that may seem to some "permanent adolescents", its also the "grown up thing to do".

Something that some people seem to have conveniently forgotten when they stepped off the plane here.

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but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

Yes that is very true it is something you oldies will always have that I don't.

Life is a learning process and we will always be learning each moment we spend alive on this planet. Some of us with the knowledge we already have will use it wise some will not so I believe age isn't a way of telling how knowledgeable one is.

Me at 61? I honestly don't know and carn't think that far :o

....Take each day as it comes I say! :D

Edited by Ice Maiden
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You're right, real knowledge does come with time and experience, which is why those who behave themselves (in public) like a bunch of drunken, randy monkeys should be doubly ashamed of themselves.

Not only are they making big asses of themselves, but they are also proving that their entire life was pretty much a waste of time, because they didn't learn a d-a-m-n thing.

Sounds to me that if thats how they want to enjoy themselves, so be it. Maybe thats the 'real knowledge' they have gained already but you haven't got yet? Why should they worry about some spring pup thinking they are a big ass? :o

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I have nothing against old farts

But there are a few around that seem to be always complaining about something and generally dont have anything good to say about Thailand these are the guys that have been here for 20 years have a cool mill in the bank but still complain about paying for the slights thing. I know a few of them

A few even resent the fact the young guy’s moves to Thailand and sets him self up well and spends money having fun you get shit like why do you need that and what a waste of money . I think a few recond they are smart buy living in Thailand and not pay out any money and just existing not really living to me that ant a life

My father has a sticker on his motor bike that says I would rather be a old fart than a young dick head which is probably true and I think I am about in the middle some where and I guess that makes me a middle age dick fart :o:D:D

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Health is the common denominator.................................

I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

  What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

well I'm an "ancient" like you but have tosay I feel (and some look !!!!) far better than most blokes three quarters my age.

Age, if you have your health and faculties, is in the mind. So long as your keep everything in full use, body, and mind I see no reason why being active for years yet is not possible. "Use it or lose it" is my motto.

Keep going cock, there are umpteen things I wanna do yet including having more kids .......

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Don’t worry, mate.

There are absolutely no advantages to found for the so-called “young” in Thailand (nothing that Viagra can’t solve anyway).

If these young whelps criticize anyone, alone because they are older than them, it is simply because they childish and immature but above all jealous.

If ever any of their puerile jibes should come to hurt you, just comfort yourself with the knowledge that everyone dies – the lucky ones are allowed to grow old too.

Your advantage over them is that when their time comes, they will never have had the experiences you have had.

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Don’t worry, mate.

There are absolutely no advantages to found for the so-called “young” in Thailand (nothing that Viagra can’t solve anyway).

If these young whelps criticize anyone, alone because they are older than them, it is simply because they childish and immature but above all jealous.

If ever any of their puerile jibes should come to hurt you, just comfort yourself with the knowledge that everyone dies – the lucky ones are allowed to grow old too.

Your advantage over them is that when their time comes, they will never have had the experiences you have had.

I agree with inmature and childish but not jealousy (spelling?) the will be jealous when they get that age but young people who is full of life and ignorance and think that they now everything are rarely jelous of old people as wise as they can be.

Also I think that life and experience can give you knowledge but does do not make you wise. I think it only depends if you really learn anything from those esperience and if that knowledge can be use to make the people around you and yourself to live in a better place.

My father is 56 he is starting university. He dance flamenco, ballet and gim jazz- SO I THINK YOU ARE AS OLD AS YOU FEEL. My father is a 20 year old man in 56 years old body :o

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Don’t worry, mate.

There are absolutely no advantages to found for the so-called “young” in Thailand (nothing that Viagra can’t solve anyway).

If these young whelps criticize anyone, alone because they are older than them, it is simply because they childish and immature but above all jealous.

If ever any of their puerile jibes should come to hurt you, just comfort yourself with the knowledge that everyone dies – the lucky ones are allowed to grow old too.

Your advantage over them is that when their time comes, they will never have had the experiences you have had.

I agree with inmature and childish but not jealousy (spelling?) the will be jealous when they get that age but young people who is full of life and ignorance and think that they now everything are rarely jelous of old people as wise as they can be.

Also I think that life and experience can give you knowledge but does do not make you wise. I think it only depends if you really learn anything from those esperience and if that knowledge can be use to make the people around you and yourself to live in a better place.

My father is 56 he is starting university. He dance flamenco, ballet and gim jazz- SO I THINK YOU ARE AS OLD AS YOU FEEL. My father is a 20 year old man in 56 years old body :o

Believe me, they most certainly are jealous.

Especially when they see elderly gentlemen walking around with young women better looking than any woman they have ever been with.

Just as I'm jealous of your Dad, even though he is two years younger than me.

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Don’t worry, mate.

There are absolutely no advantages to found for the so-called “young” in Thailand (nothing that Viagra can’t solve anyway).

If these young whelps criticize anyone, alone because they are older than them, it is simply because they childish and immature but above all jealous.

If ever any of their puerile jibes should come to hurt you, just comfort yourself with the knowledge that everyone dies – the lucky ones are allowed to grow old too.

Your advantage over them is that when their time comes, they will never have had the experiences you have had.

I agree with inmature and childish but not jealousy (spelling?) the will be jealous when they get that age but young people who is full of life and ignorance and think that they now everything are rarely jelous of old people as wise as they can be.

Also I think that life and experience can give you knowledge but does do not make you wise. I think it only depends if you really learn anything from those esperience and if that knowledge can be use to make the people around you and yourself to live in a better place.

My father is 56 he is starting university. He dance flamenco, ballet and gim jazz- SO I THINK YOU ARE AS OLD AS YOU FEEL. My father is a 20 year old man in 56 years old body :D

Believe me, they most certainly are jealous.

Especially when they see elderly gentlemen walking around with young women better looking than any woman they have ever been with.

Just as I'm jealous of your Dad, even though he is two years younger than me.

I think they will be inmature enough as to think that the girl is with an old lad just because she is either a prostitute or he has money thus its inmatureness will be in top of their jelousy Do you know what I mean? :o ( I don´t :D ). Any young who have negative comments on how an old person is living his/her life will have just a childish attitude in my opinion.

Now I should go and watch television they are showing a Hitchcock (spelling?) film so stop posting interesting threads :D:D

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed :o

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed  :o

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

Young men’s follies and indiscretions are unfortunately only attractive to other young men.

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

I so agree with you. I really hate when guy approach to me when they are really drunk and then I have all his saliba dropping on me :D , so unattractive and so little gentleman like :o

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed  :D

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

Young men’s follies and indiscretions are unfortunately only attractive to other young men.

You have got all wrong first off we dont have to approach young ladies as they approach us. :D

Also if you really believe that young ladys would rather be with a wrinkle old fart then you have been brain washed by the girls down Nana :D

As for Young men’s follies and indiscretions. So you have forgoten what it was like to get totaly hammered and wake up in the morning with no skin left on you nob and wouldn,t have a clue what the two young girls names are laying in the bed with you :o

Sounds more like older you get the more you resent the younger guys for doing what you use to do :D

You old guys can try and keep up as long as you can with all the pills that are avalable to day but in the end you are fighting a lossing battle :D

So go out and make the most of it instead of wasting your time posting about taking shit from young bucks and go out do somthing as the clock is ticking and you dont have much time :D

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed  :D

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

Young men’s follies and indiscretions are unfortunately only attractive to other young men.


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I so agree with you. I really hate when guy approach to me when they are really drunk and then I have all his saliba dropping on me :o , so unattractive and so little gentleman like

The only people I see slobering with saliva running down there mouth is the old farts around the bars or the Scottish guys

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed  :o

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

Young men’s follies and indiscretions are unfortunately only attractive to other young men.

young people can consume gallons of beer AND a viagra

and young people have the stamina to get the full use of viagra too

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I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

  What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

Actually I wouldn't call 61 ancient, if you keep yourself in shape it's just middle age in this day and age, people are living longer, it's a fact.

How your living and what you look like are up to you, :D

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I think one should respect age and strive for it.

I've never met an older guy who didn't want to be younger or a younger guy who wanted to be older.

I respect most of my elders, but not many of the drunken old whoremongers of which Thailand has such a large number. Maybe this is a pearl of wisdom that will come to me in older age.

It is self-righteous condemnation as I am terrified that it would happen to myself. To be so self-obsessed and have a sexual over-drive at 65, no thanks, I'd hope that I had mastered my senses by then - who wants to be ruled by their dick at that age? I know so many elder guys who are so intelligent and worldly wise in other areas, I can't believe that they are stupid enough to hook up with bargirls and lose all their money.

Nothing to do with the age really, but who would you respect more - the guy who had brought up his kids and was now in Thailand to renunciate and develop spiritually, or other kind?

Edited by Neeranam
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I think one should respect age and strive for it.

I've never met an older guy who didn't want to be younger or a younger guy who wanted to be older.

I respect most of my elders, but not many of the drunken old whoremongers of which Thailand has such a large number. Maybe this is a pearl of wisdom that will come to me in older age.

It is self-righteous condemnation as I am terrified that it would happen to myself. To be so self-obsessed and have a sexual over-drive at 65, no thanks, I'd hope that I had mastered my senses by then - who wants to be ruled by their dick at that age?  I know so many elder guys who are so intelligent and worldly wise in other areas, I can't believe that they are stupid enough to hook up with bargirls and lose all their money.

Nothing to do with the age really, but who would you respect more - the guy who had brought up his kids and was now in Thailand to renunciate and develop spiritually, or other kind?

Yes I think you have a point there I think I would give a guy that has kids and is settled in thailand more respect than one bar hopping and poping pills so as to try and keep up with younger guys

As for renunciate and develop spiritually, or other kind?

Sounds like crap to me mate

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Reading through some posts on TV, I get the impression that a lot of the younger ones think us 'oldies' should hang up our boots, buy a pair of slippers and fall asleep in front of the telly.  They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'. Maybe they compare us with their parents. Of course, they know best, even though they are, maybe half our age. I agree, many of them are academically bright, but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

  Through all stages of my life, I have thought I knew it all, but later, looking back, I can laugh at my inexperience, as I smirk at some of the posters on TV now.

It is a case of, just when you think it's all over, a new life begins. 15 years ago, I thought that was it, but since then, I have done so many things, and life gets better all the time.

  Health is the common denominator. If one can keep that, why should one give up the things men and women love to do.( sorry, and katoeys too). I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

  What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

My philosophy of life:

All of us go through 3 phases of life...the three "L"s. Each phase is about 25 years.

Phase 1. Learn. You were born, you had no choice. If you learned well, you will finish University, secure a satisfying profession, find the ideal wife, have the perfect family.

Phase 2. Labor. Work, work, work..at your profession, your marriage, your family. Save, save, save...for phase 3. (At the end of phase 2, your kids will be approaching the end of phase 1 of their lives.)

Phase 3. Live (or Love, or Lust for some). You get to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and with whomever. Ahhhh...this is Life. It does not better than this.

To those who are young, cheer up...your life is getting better.

To all those older, enjoy it. Chokdee!

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Lets face it with out Viagra half you old cocks would not live here as it would probably drive you nuts. All these sexy woman around and nothing you can do with them.

It should be like the aboringines in Australia use to do once you get over hill you should smash the end of you dick with a rock so as not to spread your weaker older seed  :D

But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

I am also reliably informed that, ladies prefer the dependable stiffy produced by Viagra, accompanied by the night of passionate lovemaking, to the pissed-up youth who comes before he gets his zipper open, and then proceeds to redecorate the bedroom with the contents of his stomach.

Young men’s follies and indiscretions are unfortunately only attractive to other young men.


Classic :D

Personally , I don't care what any of you do as long as your happy doing it .

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