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PM Yingluck Enjoys House Canteen To To Quash 'Bt200.000 A Meal' Rumours


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I think from the reaction of the other canteen users it's fairly <deleted> obvious she is rarely seen there. Does anyone really give a monkeys if she eats there or not?

What is of more interest is the alleged phone call with Taksin where she claimed she was tired- Anyone got a link to that story?

Tired!!! Poor girl - she has only just under 4 years to go - who's army is she feeding for 4,000 pounds a throw by the way???! She is such a joke that it's not funny anymore!!! Why doesn't she 'throw the towel in' and call it a day, as she has apparently admitted that she is tired and clearly deserves a well-earned rest (from poitics that is)!!!:blink:.

Why doesn't she take an extended holiday somewhere (anywhere) and take her incompetent buffoons along with her - Thailand woud be a far better place without her (and them):jap:.

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What an UN- story!!!

Instead of... "To make it fair for food shops in the canteen, Yingluck ordered items from all of them. The dishes she ordered included omelette, fried Sepat Siam fish, fried chicken, chicken curry, friend Chinese sausages, bitter gourd soup, fried hot minced meat and Chinese meatball soup." ... why not order from a different vendor every day!!

She seems like a very attractive lady, so she must be under a considerable amount of stress if she is able to eat all of that food and maintain such a slim and trim figure. :jap:

Actually If shes anything like the Thai females i know she probably took a few mouthfuls and threw the rest away :rolleyes:

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OMG! TheNation relapses.

It's just impossible to eat for 200,000 THB in a single meal. Let try! this is 5 tons of the best jasmine rice! This is 100 lunch buffets in the best hotels in Bangkok.

You obviously do not know the best hotels / restaurants :-). You would be amazed how much a single person can spend in a few hours.

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I wouldn't dispute the claim that she spends 200K THB on a meal, as she is a billionaire and is probably accustomed to it, but I'd like to know more details, because very good food can be had for much cheaper. Even a 2K THB meal in the Hilton hotel is of a very high standard. So where would she spend 200K THB for a meal and what food does she order? I'm thinking she pays for more than herself, and if so, how many people?

No doubt she at least occasionally invites her older sister and niece, and fellow Red Shirt rally attendees, to lunch. Together, the 3 look like they could do some damage at a buffet line.



Look at all those chins.... Shins!wink.gif

I think that is Thaksin in drag

We can only hope that the sequel is Thaksin on Ice.

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200,000 bht per meal. Geez someone in the canteen is certainly skimming a little of the top of the budget. Can't wait for the announcement that the canteen has receive an injection of 5 Billion baht to improve the standards of the meals and service.

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Can we only imagine us reading something like that in the Washington Post:



Unthinkable?Well, not in Thailand....

Did she also mentioned that she likes to use the workers' toilets, because she wants to prove that she does not use luxury ones? And that she tried all cubicles in said toilets as she wanted to please all cleaners? And that the ones she enjoyed the most were the ladies' toilets?

Can't believe that her alleged taste for canteen omelets can make ground for a report!! Nothing better to discuss?

Miracle Thailand indeed.

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If he was suspected of spending 7,000 USD on lunch, I'm sure it would make the press but I would hope he wouldn't have such an idiotic response.

His every move is scrutinized (read/watch Fox News) including the times he plays golf to how much his personal vacation costs to how much his business trips costs and questioning if they are worth it ... remember, he was even scrutinized for his birth certificate, living in a Muslim country as kid (as if he had a choice), having known people who did bad things, his religion claims, his pastor ....


http://www.washingto...st-nyc-weekend/ (dinner & orchestra seats cost Obama $96.50)




Can we only imagine us reading something like that in the Washington Post:



Unthinkable?Well, not in Thailand....

Did she also mentioned that she likes to use the workers' toilets, because she wants to prove that she does not use luxury ones? And that she tried all cubicles in said toilets as she wanted to please all cleaners? And that the ones she enjoyed the most were the ladies' toilets?

Can't believe that her alleged taste for canteen omelets can make ground for a report!! Nothing better to discuss?

Miracle Thailand indeed.

Edited by Nisa
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If he was suspected of spending 7,000 USD on lunch, I'm sure it would make the press but I would hope he wouldn't have such an idiotic response.

His every move is scrutinized (read/watch Fox News) including the times he plays golf to how much his personal vacation costs to how much his business trips costs and questioning if they are worth it ... remember, he was even scrutinized for his birth certificate, living in a Muslim country as kid (as if he had a choice), having known people who did bad things, his religion claims, his pastor ....


http://www.washingto...st-nyc-weekend/ (dinner & orchestra seats cost Obama $96.50)




Can we only imagine us reading something like that in the Washington Post:



Unthinkable?Well, not in Thailand....

Did she also mentioned that she likes to use the workers' toilets, because she wants to prove that she does not use luxury ones? And that she tried all cubicles in said toilets as she wanted to please all cleaners? And that the ones she enjoyed the most were the ladies' toilets?

Can't believe that her alleged taste for canteen omelets can make ground for a report!! Nothing better to discuss?

Miracle Thailand indeed.

"Idiotic Response", Nisa? Really. Perhaps, just perhaps, Jingluck has a sense of humour.

How about you are the new Thai PM. The press are on a feeding frenzy trying to trip you up on everything you say or do. One of the latest stories going the rounds is that you spend 200,000 THB on a meal - ridiculous, you know, but one of your advisors suggests you go down to the staff canteen with said press for a photo opportunity. You have better things to do but you go along with it and one of the reporters asks you "Do you spend 200,000 baht on a meal" You answer with a barely suppressed sigh and a laugh "If I spent that much on a meal, I'd be fat".

A non story, a waste of your time, but the TV expats are on it in a flash and one of them decries your reply as "Idiotic" whilst their own upright Statesman would never utter such an idiotic reply. Well, Nisa, outside of Thailand they wouldn't have a press that ask such idiotic questions - well probably Fox News would.

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In spite of the obvious attempts to label Yingluck as a profligate rich person, she seems to mix pretty well with the less well heeled and certainly looks a lot more natural at it than her uncomfortable wooden looking predecessor, which I would think will trump attempts by the half of the media still in hate mode to destroy her by any means. The half that has defected from the anti-Thaksinista camp in a manner with bridges burnt will also likely offset these attempts at least in Thai language

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200,000 bht per meal. Geez someone in the canteen is certainly skimming a little of the top of the budget. Can't wait for the announcement that the canteen has receive an injection of 5 Billion baht to improve the standards of the meals and service.

Thats 4,000 pounds!!!!!:blink: I'm as confused as you!!

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200,000 bht per meal. Geez someone in the canteen is certainly skimming a little of the top of the budget. Can't wait for the announcement that the canteen has receive an injection of 5 Billion baht to improve the standards of the meals and service.

Thats 4,000 pounds!!!!!:blink: I'm as confused as you!!

I can easily imagine them spending 200K baht on a fancy formal lunch for a group of people. It would be much more interesting to see that food rather than the prai slop.

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Anyone that proclaims one cannot eat for 200k baht and then start to list the amount of low-grade rice it would amount to is proudly proclaiming how poor and out of touch they are. Retired plumber perhaps?

Yes, Thailand has very cheap food - or as expensive as you can think of. Or more for some of you.

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Things could be worse. At least Thailand doesn't have corndogs.

The next president of the United States?

Thailand does have sausages, though.

The real PM of Thailand?


I think you need help.

I think you need to take a look at the reply above this one.

A humor gland transplant might be beneficial, as well.


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What an UN- story!!!

Instead of... "To make it fair for food shops in the canteen, Yingluck ordered items from all of them. The dishes she ordered included omelette, fried Sepat Siam fish, fried chicken, chicken curry, friend Chinese sausages, bitter gourd soup, fried hot minced meat and Chinese meatball soup." ... why not order from a different vendor every day!!

She seems like a very attractive lady, so she must be under a considerable amount of stress if she is able to eat all of that food and maintain such a slim and trim figure. :jap:

Agreed I for one wouldn't want to kick her out of bed on a cold night!

Take a look at her photos where she is not wearing any make-up. She looks 50+ years old and like she has lived a hard life.

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