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The Govt Should Think Before It Opens Its Mouth: Thai Opinion


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The gov't should think before it opens its mouth

By The Nation

Populist promises made during the election campaign either cannot be fulfilled and will have to be reneged on, or will create long-term damage

The questions that have arisen following the government's announcement that it will raise the cost-of-living allowance for civil servants marks another example of the Yingluck administration not thinking through its policy platform. The Pheu Thai Party made so many promises during the election campaign but is now finding it difficult to actually implement them.

The government has again ended up assigning the ministry in charge to evaluate the practicality of actually putting pledges into action. They will now have to study details of the new salary structure for state officials before the plan is implemented early next year.

The Pheu Thai Party has also promised to raise the minimum salary for new graduates to Bt15,000 - another campaign ploy to score points among voters. However, raising the basic salary for graduates will not be that simple because it will certainly affect the entire payroll structure of the civil service.

To find a way out, the government has yet again adjusted its message. The Cabinet on Tuesday said that it had approved an increase in the monthly cost-of-living allowance for civil servants and state employees, not their actual salaries. The Cabinet did not mention what it would do about the entire salary structure for state employees. Instead, it would wait for the results of a study by the Finance Ministry before deciding on the issue.

The latest announcement is another example of how the Pheu Thai Party has not thought about the reality of making such promises to voters. Its election pledges were apparently meant only to outsmart its political opponents, and there was obviously no thorough study on how to implement them, their impact on the government's fiscal stance and inflation in the longer term.

Earlier, the government had already caused confusion regarding the reduction of the Oil Fund levy because it contradicts the country's campaign to promote energy efficiency and alternative energy sources. This is not to mention the question of whether these populist policies are even necessary. In fact, Energy Minister Pichai Nariptapand conceded that the policy has been carried out simply to fulfil the promises the Pheu Thai Party made to voters during the election campaign.

The promise of a Bt300 daily minimum wage is another example of how hastily announced populist policies can create confusion. Even now, it remains unclear how, or even if, this policy will be implemented. The Pheu Thai Party said earlier that it wanted to bridge the wealth gap between urban and rural areas. But as things have turned out, the Bt300 minimum wage will likely only be implemented in Bangkok and six other provinces with a similar level of industrial development to Bangkok. Labour unions meanwhile have said that they cannot accept this selective approach, adding that people voted for the party because of its pledge that all workers in all provinces would receive the Bt300 daily wage.

The consequences of these hastily announced policy platforms should serve as a lesson on how irresponsible promises can have a longer-term impact. And let's hope that the Pheu Thai Party's success in the election will not set an example for other political parties to follow the same trend.

The government has made all these promises on the back of taxpayers' money, even though some ministers have acknowledged that these populist schemes are neither necessary nor urgent. They will also wreak havoc on the country's fiscal position.

Worse still, these policies will undermine the nation's competitiveness because they will distort the market. Instead of creating more jobs, private-sector employers and even some state agencies will now feel reluctant to hire new employees while it remains unclear how these plans will be implemented. For example, will the government help employers with subsidies to make up the minimum wage for new graduates?

Our election process should be about the future direction of the country. It should not be about which party offers the highest bid to voters in order to win power regardless of the cost to the wellbeing of the people and the competitiveness of the country in the long term.


-- The Nation 2011-09-22

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All these wonderful policies and U turns ,distortion of the truth, ambiguous statements are indeed much like a dog chasing its own tail.


It is not so normal when politicians chase their tail. For a politician there can be several causes of the tail chasing episodes. The cause for the tail chasing could be physical, neurological, behavioral or a combination of these causes.

Edited by siampolee
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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

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can i just ask, cos i genuinely don't know... when was the last time in this country that a government fulfilled all it's general election promises? ... as it was pointed out by someone here, it's illegal not to

and quite obviously i mean people who were voted in by the people of thailand.

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

Hyponeros, Deez started with the word "unfortunately" which usually means he was empathising with the uneducated not criticising and saying they should not vote.

He is right in that Thailand has an education system which in many cases is basic at best. Look at one of the reports in Thaivisa about children/young adults lacking in creative/logical thinking skills and move forward to their parents. This is not the fault of the Thai citizens, it is the fault of the Thailand elite that allegedly, take the route of it is better to keep it this way so that few questions will be asked by the people. It is these people who naturally think along the lines of "what's in it for me" and who is promising to give it to me.

When Thai citizens are given the means to think and question openly then Thailand may start to change.

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

Not saying they should not vote,,, but it seems to be a world wide problem. It is not lack of education as much as gullible voters everywhere.

The point is correct,,,,, regardless of education voters vote with their pocket books and the politicians get elected by promissing to spend money the country can not afford. Certainly one can not miss this point looking at the western world today

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

I agree with Deez, but Hyponeros has a point as well.

Yes, there are many many stupid people in the US and many other countries who believe all the false info you can feed them.

I know of a disabled man in america who though Obama was muslim and not native born. This guy should be voting for him as

the blood sucking republican bastards would take away his disability pension in a second.

The point is why wouldn't a corrupt former goverment spread disinformation.

Here in Thailand, I am a spectator and glad of it.

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Obviously the editorial is pro-yellow shirt.

In many other countries the reporter or editor who contributes a column

attaches his name.

Since the title 'Govt. should think before it opens its mouth' may apply to lots of governments I know, the peril of the yellow-shirts seems more well spread than most would believe. Obviously that is

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Nope. I don't see where Deez wrote anything of the sort. He only suggested a cause of a problem. He did not present any suggested solutions. Your response is not warranted and gives you the appearance that you have some unstated agenda. Back in seventh grade we called your response a "straw man argument." That's a term used when someone wants to appear to be refuting someone else by falselyclaiming the original poster made a statement that has no weight or credibility, and then tearing it down as if in response. The gullible then think that the responder has made a point against his oponnent, when in fact he simply shifted focus.

And one more small point: being uneducated and being stupid are two different things. Look it up.

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Yingluck was never to carry out the promises with any deliberation of true wit...

It was a huge smokescreen to win votes from outside the box thinking - Taksin Style

And the final objective is to reshuffle the Gov while the smoke settles and get her BIG BROTHA back into Thailand.

Most of us have known this for a long long time, But the uneducated are still hell bent that they care about Thailand.

And then we have the Pro Yingluck Farang supporters who are Barflies and just like a pretty lady...

Well... The joker was left in the pack :ph34r:

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

appointed once and elected once.


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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

I agree with Deez, but Hyponeros has a point as well.

Yes, there are many many stupid people in the US and many other countries who believe all the false info you can feed them.

I know of a disabled man in america who though Obama was muslim and not native born. This guy should be voting for him as

the blood sucking republican bastards would take away his disability pension in a second.

The point is why wouldn't a corrupt former goverment spread disinformation.

Here in Thailand, I am a spectator and glad of it.

"The point is why wouldn't a corrupt former goverment spread disinformation."

Oh David, you hit the nail right on the head! It's been going on for the last 3 or so years in Isaan - they call them "democracy schools" and they are right little lie-fests.

In case you doubt me, many old people in Isaan believe that their Democrat initiated old-age allowance is a gift from k. Thaksin - where would they get that idea?

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Nope. I don't see where Deez wrote anything of the sort. He only suggested a cause of a problem. He did not present any suggested solutions. Your response is not warranted and gives you the appearance that you have some unstated agenda. Back in seventh grade we called your response a "straw man argument." That's a term used when someone wants to appear to be refuting someone else by falselyclaiming the original poster made a statement that has no weight or credibility, and then tearing it down as if in response. The gullible then think that the responder has made a point against his oponnent, when in fact he simply shifted focus.

And one more small point: being uneducated and being stupid are two different things. Look it up.

Well said. There is a lot of 'straw man' arguments on the Red side but, in all fairness, it's all they have.

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All these wonderful policies and U turns ,distortion of the truth, ambiguous statements are indeed much like a dog chasing its own tail.


It is not so normal when politicians chase their tail. For a politician there can be several causes of the tail chasing episodes. The cause for the tail chasing could be physical, neurological, behavioral or a combination of these causes.

Great example. Maybe if the Thai Politicians followed through with what they promised people would actually like them.

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

This article could actually be used as a Word Template. All you have to do is go to the "insert fields' and change the name of the country, leader, promise and result. This headline may as well read "Politicians often promise more than they can deliver and even when they try, events change and they lose their footing." A really amazing article, that could win the Pulitzer would be, "Politician fulfills all the promises on time and everyone is happy!" (Good luck on that ... ) It is a silly article written to spew negative venom on a new administration that has hardly discovered where the ink for the printers is stored.

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

This article could actually be used as a Word Template. All you have to do is go to the "insert fields' and change the name of the country, leader, promise and result. This headline may as well read "Politicians often promise more than they can deliver and even when they try, events change and they lose their footing." A really amazing article, that could win the Pulitzer would be, "Politician fulfills all the promises on time and everyone is happy!" (Good luck on that ... ) It is a silly article written to spew negative venom on a new administration that has hardly discovered where the ink for the printers is stored.

If they cant find it in an hours time - all they have to do is call Dubai!!!!!!!!!

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Unfortunately its the ignorance and gullible voters lack of education that is to blame. The real problem is the lack of education among the poor. And its just how the politicians like it because they can sell the uneducated anything.

Ah here we are: What you are saying is that the poor are too stupid to vote and therefore they should not be allowed to vote, right?

Maybe we should apply that in the US or the UK, too, what do you think? Believe there are very stupid people over there, too! One was even elected president two times!

I agree with Deez, but Hyponeros has a point as well.

Yes, there are many many stupid people in the US and many other countries who believe all the false info you can feed them.

I know of a disabled man in america who though Obama was muslim and not native born. This guy should be voting for him as

the blood sucking republican bastards would take away his disability pension in a second.

The point is why wouldn't a corrupt former goverment spread disinformation.

Here in Thailand, I am a spectator and glad of it.

Can we trust any goverment in any country to carry out there promises i wont hold my breath, the poor old people on the street dont know what go'es on behind closed doors you only have to read what comes out after the goverment has been kicked out they are all a bunch of good actors when they need to be i used to be interested in politics but soon realised what can i do. All head's of goverment pick there team who funny enough are all yes men if you rock the boat your out

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can i just ask, cos i genuinely don't know... when was the last time in this country that a government fulfilled all it's general election promises? ... as it was pointed out by someone here, it's illegal not to

and quite obviously i mean people who were voted in by the people of thailand.

As opposed to voted in by the Thai army?
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can i just ask, cos i genuinely don't know... when was the last time in this country that a government fulfilled all it's general election promises? ... as it was pointed out by someone here, it's illegal not to

and quite obviously i mean people who were voted in by the people of thailand.

As opposed to voted in by the Thai army?

All MPs are voted in by the people, either direct (constituency) or indirect (party list). Those MPs elect a PM.

Now back to the commercials 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts', 'one man, one party, no compromise', the clone / puppet has spoken.

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Just another Nation op ed lump

They didn't seem to say these things when yellow nutters got Thailand in a border incident - a made up incident for domestic politics which then spiraled out of control and cost peoples lives.

Why the concern now? :blink:

With the previous government theNation also questioned about campaign promises which is the OP

"Populist promises made during the election campaign either cannot be fulfilled and will have to be reneged on, or will create long-term damage"

This is not about PM Hun Sen helping his eternal friend k. Thaksin and stopping as soon as hisher government was in place.

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