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Wont Be Many Brits Left Here Soon 47 Baht To Sterling Oh Dear

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The Brits on this thread should quit bitching about the GBP as your plight could be much worse. You could be complaining about the EUR, which by this time next year will be on parity with the USD.

You seem to have or a lot of knowledge about currencies or a crystal ball.

Can I make an agreement with you to sell Baht for Euros at a fixed price this time next year? 31 Baht for a Euro will fit me nicely.

That's because I trade currencies.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to see what is on the horizon for the EU and the EUR. Just like it didn't take a wizard to read the warning signs in the US prior to the 2008 meltdown.

So.we have a deal then?

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The Brits on this thread should quit bitching about the GBP as your plight could be much worse. You could be complaining about the EUR, which by this time next year will be on parity with the USD.

Why should we be complaining about the Euro, thankfully we have nothing to do with it.


Bitching ??? Lets get it right here not all Brits in Thailand certainly not me anyway !! always looked when planing retirement for £ to be there or around 50 and it could go to 30 before it bothered me into making some cuts, and as for UK join euro ,,,, never.:D

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The Brits on this thread should quit bitching about the GBP as your plight could be much worse. You could be complaining about the EUR, which by this time next year will be on parity with the USD.

Why should we be complaining about the Euro, thankfully we have nothing to do with it.

I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Unfortunately, the GBP will get drug down along with the EUR, even through the UK is not a part of the EU. Guilty by proximity to the 17 nation debacle known as the Euro Zone.

Correct, I COULD be complaining about the Euro, but why SHOULD I,?

If my memory serves me well, I am sure at one stage the mighty Euro bought 80 cents American.

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The Brits on this thread should quit bitching about the GBP as your plight could be much worse. You could be complaining about the EUR, which by this time next year will be on parity with the USD.

Why should we be complaining about the Euro, thankfully we have nothing to do with it.

I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Unfortunately, the GBP will get drug down along with the EUR, even through the UK is not a part of the EU. Guilty by proximity to the 17 nation debacle known as the Euro Zone.

Correct, I COULD be complaining about the Euro, but why SHOULD I,?

If my memory serves me well, I am sure at one stage the mighty Euro bought 80 cents American.

I wish I had a Crystal ball, dream on if you like to do so.:lol:

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I wish I had a Crystal ball, dream on if you like to do so.:lol:

Thankfully not being Euro dependant I am able to dream at night, God alone only knows how those poor Euro dependant souls sleep at night, nightmarish scenario I would imagine.

The Euro reminds me of a rancid rabid soi dog, they shoot horses dont they?

The sooner we see the return of the mighty DM the better, those Greek commies can kiss my ass.

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Makes it very appealing to send money back to Blighty for me though. 42 baht to the pound by end 2012 anyone ?

I hope so, being a businessman ( as I am ) it will be a fantastic boost for our exporters , it will create a surge in demand in inward tourism, ( do you remember the boost we got years ago when it nearly went to parity between the $ and the £, ? the Americans were queueing up to get in ) and will reduce the imports into the country by making them more expensive.

Happy days for the British economy......bring it on!!!!

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Makes it very appealing to send money back to Blighty for me though. 42 baht to the pound by end 2012 anyone ?

I hope so, being a businessman ( as I am ) it will be a fantastic boost for our exporters , it will create a surge in demand in inward tourism, ( do you remember the boost we got years ago when it nearly went to parity between the $ and the £, ? the Americans were queueing up to get in ) and will reduce the imports into the country by making them more expensive.

Happy days for the British economy......bring it on!!!!

but the other side of the coin is that it makes Thai exports more costly, who is going to buy Thai coconut milk in a supermarket when it's priced at substantially more than coconut milk from Sri Lanka? Is the product so markedly superior that you're prepared to pay the price? I think not. I would have to think very hard to think of a product or commodity that comes from Thailand that has the uniqueness, or the quality, to make it saleable against other cheaper imports.

Thailand is an exporting country,to do so it must make sure its products are competitive. If the Thai baht should continue to appreciate against Sterling then Thai imports will surely diminish, there is little that is so unique amongst them that we have to have regardless of price. The same applies across Europe and the US.

So at the same time that tourism to Thailand will be shrinking due to the higher exchange rates and the depressed economies in the West, it seems very unlikely that the export driven economy that is Thailand can maintain, or would even want to, see exchange rates drift further South.

I can think of few British exports to Thailand that are governed by cost alone, what British manufacturing is left sells on quality rather than cost.

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The Brits on this thread should quit bitching about the GBP as your plight could be much worse. You could be complaining about the EUR, which by this time next year will be on parity with the USD.

You seem to have or a lot of knowledge about currencies or a crystal ball.

Can I make an agreement with you to sell Baht for Euros at a fixed price this time next year? 31 Baht for a Euro will fit me nicely.

That's because I trade currencies.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to see what is on the horizon for the EU and the EUR. Just like it didn't take a wizard to read the warning signs in the US prior to the 2008 meltdown.

I take that you are now a multi billionaire as a currency trader.

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but the other side of the coin is that it makes Thai exports more costly, who is going to buy Thai coconut milk in a supermarket when it's priced at substantially more than coconut milk from Sri Lanka?

Guess it depends on the depreciation of the pound sterling against the rupee, doesn't it?

The pound has tanked against almost every major Asian currency so I doubt coconut milk lovers in Blighty will be able to see much difference other than an across the board price increase in everything imported. GB is well and truly <deleted>**ed.

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The Brits on this thread should quit bitching about the GBP as your plight could be much worse. You could be complaining about the EUR, which by this time next year will be on parity with the USD.

You seem to have or a lot of knowledge about currencies or a crystal ball.

Can I make an agreement with you to sell Baht for Euros at a fixed price this time next year? 31 Baht for a Euro will fit me nicely.

That's because I trade currencies.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to see what is on the horizon for the EU and the EUR. Just like it didn't take a wizard to read the warning signs in the US prior to the 2008 meltdown.

I take that you are now a multi billionaire as a currency trader.

No, but he will be soon.


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re title

i know i am going to get slammed for this:

best news i have heard i a long time



I'm sorry you don't slam what you pity dry.gif

Right !! no slamming, he should just change his name to " mai dee ".:D

Makes it very appealing to send money back to Blighty for me though. 42 baht to the pound by end 2012 anyone ?

Yes !! but a bit of a typo, by the end of 2012 you mean 42bht to the dollar and the £1.90 to the dollar.B)

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Makes it very appealing to send money back to Blighty for me though. 42 baht to the pound by end 2012 anyone ?

I hope so, being a businessman ( as I am ) it will be a fantastic boost for our exporters , it will create a surge in demand in inward tourism, ( do you remember the boost we got years ago when it nearly went to parity between the $ and the £, ? the Americans were queueing up to get in ) and will reduce the imports into the country by making them more expensive.

Happy days for the British economy......bring it on!!!!

but the other side of the coin is that it makes Thai exports more costly, who is going to buy Thai coconut milk in a supermarket when it's priced at substantially more than coconut milk from Sri Lanka? Is the product so markedly superior that you're prepared to pay the price? I think not. I would have to think very hard to think of a product or commodity that comes from Thailand that has the uniqueness, or the quality, to make it saleable against other cheaper imports.

Thailand is an exporting country,to do so it must make sure its products are competitive. If the Thai baht should continue to appreciate against Sterling then Thai imports will surely diminish, there is little that is so unique amongst them that we have to have regardless of price. The same applies across Europe and the US.

So at the same time that tourism to Thailand will be shrinking due to the higher exchange rates and the depressed economies in the West, it seems very unlikely that the export driven economy that is Thailand can maintain, or would even want to, see exchange rates drift further South.

I can think of few British exports to Thailand that are governed by cost alone, what British manufacturing is left sells on quality rather than cost.

Sounds look good news for the UK and bad news for Thailand.............

As I said...............bring it on!!!

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re title

i know i am going to get slammed for this:

best news i have heard i a long time



I'm sorry you don't slam what you pity dry.gif

Right !! no slamming, he should just change his name to " mai dee ".:D

Makes it very appealing to send money back to Blighty for me though. 42 baht to the pound by end 2012 anyone ?

Yes !! but a bit of a typo, by the end of 2012 you mean 42bht to the dollar and the £1.90 to the dollar.B)

So you reckon the Americans are going to completely lose control of their currency and won't be able to go on devaluing it?

The Chinese will be laughing all the way to the bank, when their treasury bond holdings soar in value.

I reckon same as the last 20 years, the pound will be between 1.50 and 2 USD. Despite experience to the contrary, everyone here reckons the Euro is going to decline; I suppose since it is close to historic highs versus the dollar and the pound, that is not a remarkable prediction. My graph shows it went from a low of about 46 near Christmas last year to its current 48; not a dramatic decline in my book. Although from time to time it turns out to be an inaccurate prediction, my prediction for tomorrow is that it will be similar to today.

The sky will still be falling on our heads, we will be living in times of unparallelled change and uncertainty, and the youth of today will not know when their lucky, show no respect for their elders, have no manners, drink too much etc etc, as they have done at least since the time of the ancient Greeks.


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Can someone tell me when there wont be many Brits left in Thailand? Because i will throw a party.

(Good Brits are welcome to stay)

Looks like you won't be throwing a party for a long time! I dunno, maybe round up the 'good Brits' and have a party with them.

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The sky will still be falling on our heads, we will be living in times of unparallelled change and uncertainty, and the youth of today will not know when their lucky, show no respect for their elders, have no manners, drink too much etc etc, as they have done at least since the time of the ancient Greeks.


Cheer up SC it's never that bad !! Bloody hell I see a depression coming on !! again.:lol::D

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The sky will still be falling on our heads, we will be living in times of unparallelled change and uncertainty, and the youth of today will not know when their lucky, show no respect for their elders, have no manners, drink too much etc etc, as they have done at least since the time of the ancient Greeks.


Cheer up SC it's never that bad !! Bloody hell I see a depression coming on !! again.:lol::D

Personally, I think we've never had it so good. We are living in the best of times and everything is perfect.

From here on, its downhill all the way, and things can only get worse...

I learnt, two teeth ago, never to think "This could not get any worse". It can always get worse. Much worse.


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Poms going home! There is a god after all.

There is a God, and he made England such a green and pleasant place. Over the years some bad men, scoundrels, vagabonds, and vagrants, criminal classes all, convicts of the lowest order, and whores amongst them, came to scar Gods Country.

So God, seeing what was happening to his wonderful creation, sent a gift to the people of England. He sent them the new land of Australia, and said......... "Send all the bad men, scoundrels, vagabonds, and vagrants, criminal classes all, convicts of the lowest order, and whores amongst them, to this new land of Australia".

So the English did as they were told..........

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^^ Amazing how 163,000 undesirables have multiplied into over 22 million bad losers.

They should learn from the Scots; we've had more experience.

Let's face it, until it gets to about 40 we can scarcely afford to send the clan back to the glens

If I was going to choose my job based on where I wanted to live, I'd not be working here, as I said many many years ago,...


40.. baht to the pound... an accidental digression back on topic - my apologies for that

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Can someone tell me when there wont be many Brits left in Thailand? Because i will throw a party.

(Good Brits are welcome to stay)

i can not imagine why you would post such a thing :rolleyes:





in all fairness

since i bashed twice

i will make it up twice

the brits have given us some of the best music and actors


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