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Dog Breed And Taking Pup To Thailand

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I am looking at getting a Gremanshepard pup, in Canada. From a registered breeder, female.

I looked at the shepards in Thailand and was not impressed with the over breading and was not to thrilled to see the conditions they were living in.

Am wanting to bring the pup to Thailand from Canada.

I have had various breads of dogs all my life from Shepards, beagles, bloodhounds, and heinz 57s.

One of my questions is I am looking at a shepard because I think when they are raised with kids and there are

many kids in my house on the weekends, they are very very good dog with kids.

Any one have any other experience with Sheppards and kids that they can share with me?

I had a Shepard when i was younger but i was 12 , 14 at the time the kids in my house range from 3 to 10

I did talk to Delta Air lines because i am Flying through the US back to bkk and seems very easy to do, call ahead and book with them so there

is room for the dog because there are only so many spots on each flight for dogs, and a fee about 125us dollars.

Another question i didnt think to ask Delta does any one know about transiting a dog through the US from Canada to Thailand if there are certain

papers i need to go through the US.

thanks in advance

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We have a female shepherd adopted in Thailand and I would say she has a somewhat weak constitution for our farm environment (needs regular mange injections and susceptible to buffalo drill worms)...as you say probably due to the nature of breeding here in Thailand. Long hair does not help I guess)

We have 5 other Thai 57 dogs a couple get the odd spate of mange but otherwise much strongerr dogs. We had a female shepherd/malamute cross in tropical north Queensland and only probs were hip operations ( typical of many shepherds).

Female shepherds seem to have great dispositions...

I think I would be inclined to go with a local 57 breed when you get to Thailand...stronger and more able to cope with tropical afflictions...think about soi dog foundations..

BTW Our shepherd (a big baby) looks to be pregnant by one of our other dogs ( slightly bigger ..dog somewhat like a setter..big baby too).. we could donate one to you in a few months maybe...should be nice dogs ..we hope.

Hope this helps




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I had two GS in Hong Kong, magnificent dogs, and sweet-natured. The male eventually succumbed to the usual hip dysplasia.

I have also had a male in Thailand; nothing wrong with his temperament, but not strong, and scared of the local soi dogs!

Beside me as I write is a GSX taken from CareforDogs in Chiangmai. Apart from being quite the silliest dog I have ever come across, he is temperamentally great... and best of all, has never (in 3 1/2 years on a farm) had any of the tropical infections so prevalent here. Yes, cross-breeds are tougher than pedigrees... and local pedigrees are probably tougher than imported pedigrees.

If I were you, I would also avoid long-haired GS; unsuitable for the climate, and particularly attractive to fleas and ticks.

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i think you should read all the topics in this forum,exspecially the ones i have posted regarding long hair dogs in the heat,and the diseases eg.heartworm,we have seen many soi dogs abandoned and rearly good lookers,but you also need space for exercise because some built up places you might not be able to take them for walks there is a lot of good info on these topics.

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A friend in Phuket bought 2 German Shepards around year 2000, one imported of good breed that looked very strong when he came but that didn't last, often sick and died before he was 2 years old. Imported immune system may be good but someone forgot to include Thai in it

He bought one bred in Thailand for 6-7 thousand bath too, grew up to be a big and strong dog, lives in Trat now and is still strong. Equally intelligent, same good personality

It was time to buy a dog for my daughter early this year, I wanted a GS but she wanted a Golden -> we now have a Golden of course. Locally bred was a requirement for me as I let my dog go outside a lot

Import is fine but I would advise making it pretty much an in-door dog if you import

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we have an alskan malamute who is bred for out doors,also he has a double coat,every night we left a fan on for him and had a mossy killing machine,the same through the day we done every thing to keep him cool,8months we have had him and he is our best freind,we got him to sleep downstairs me and the mrs takeing it in turns to stay with him,he has now repaid our love for him by sleeping in our bedroom every night,.his temprement is excellent and loves all children and the ladies so try and get an indoor dog so you dont have to worry about the mossys,snakes.we dont know the breeder of ours as we rescued him from someone who could no longer keep him,he came from about 7hrs drive from us,

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Very helpful info, thanks for your response and to all for the really good info, I will for sure be doing my home work on this.


one thing i forgot to mention was thai dogs are alert to all the dangers,like whats piosonous and dangerous,past posts by tv.members have lost their pedigree dogs brought with them,exspecialy to cobra's.

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Very helpful info, thanks for your response and to all for the really good info, I will for sure be doing my home work on this.


one thing i forgot to mention was thai dogs are alert to all the dangers,like whats piosonous and dangerous,past posts by tv.members have lost their pedigree dogs brought with them,exspecialy to cobra's.

The Thai Ridgeback dog is the dog to get for snakes I am told.

Re the OP. My friend has a GSD bitch bought from a Great breeder in BKK and it is great with kids and is in fact obsessed with watching over them.


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sad day yesterday the only dog on our mooban that is allowed to wander anywhere day and night was found dead 8am.had not been well for 2days but he wasnt looked at,my wife told me he was foaming at the mouth,i had seen him the day before looked ok to me.

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