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True Internet Speed Down The Toilet Again


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...but tonight, my 1MB ADSL package is running at 37.5K. That's right, the GPRS modem in my mobile phone is marginally faster than my ADSL.

Going to find another company on the weekend, thats it.

Sam me,i'm tired of true,stop,basta!,everyday i'm get nervous with this adsl,now stop,30 novenber finish use true!I don't know if i can find some adsl better(not sure)maybe i look for ipstar more expensive,but maybe garantee speed.I don't know why true and other adsl not increase the price but give really speed to customer!If anybody pay a little bit more ,i think no problem,but true must guarantee internetionAl speed and stop block p2p because if block p2p 50 per cent of custommer back adsl to true for sure!


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...but tonight, my 1MB ADSL package is running at 37.5K. That's right, the GPRS modem in my mobile phone is marginally faster than my ADSL.

Going to find another company on the weekend, thats it.

Talking, only talking... Inactive complainers have never obtained anything... Why don't you take some action?


* Pay half (or any other fraction you will find relevant) of the amount charged in your next bill, instead of the full amount

* File a Police report (for fraud, false advertising, ...) and send a copy to True's CEO. And CC the Bangkok Post or the Nation for more fun...

* Any other suggestion anyone?


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Most ISP's (apart from True it seems) offer much more reliability on their more expensive packages.

I know many people, including myself, paying around 2500 Baht/month for a 512/256 connection and we are all happy with it.

This price seems to be the current sweetspot, where the contention ratio is at such a level that speed only drops to about 70% of rated during peak hours.

Most other times we get 85 - 90% of rated, what actually the maximum is due to overhead on your connection.

Can speak from personal experience on Maxnet (TT&T only available outside BKK) and CSLoxinfo.

Count on paying:

1500/month for 256/128

2500/month for 512/256

4000/month for 1024/512

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Can speak from personal experience on Maxnet (TT&T only available outside BKK) and CSLoxinfo.

Count on paying:

1500/month for 256/128

2500/month for 512/256

4000/month for 1024/512

That's the package I have at home, and now that I've sorted out my telephone line noise problems, am very happy with the performance.


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Can speak from personal experience on Maxnet (TT&T only available outside BKK) and CSLoxinfo.

Count on paying:

1500/month for 256/128

2500/month for 512/256

4000/month for 1024/512

That's the package I have at home, and now that I've sorted out my telephone line noise problems, am very happy with the performance.


Interesting to hear you sorted out phone line noise Jai Dee. Could you share what you did please?

I have always suspected this is one of the major culprits in Thailand's ADSL speed problems - when the ADSL connection has to rely on a substandard phone line system, how could they expect to deliver good quality Internet...?

I am moving and will unfortunately have to cancel my TRUE cable modem connection which is outstanding (last night when TRUE ADSL speeds went down the drain, mine was happily flying along as usual).

I'd recommend all of you who are considering getting high speed internet to check if cable modem is available in your area.

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Interesting to hear you sorted out phone line noise Jai Dee. Could you share what you did please?

I simply removed a faulty telephone handset from the wall socket. :D

See this thread for my before and after results, as well as some other helpful members contributions.


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Can speak from personal experience on Maxnet (TT&T only available outside BKK) and CSLoxinfo.

Count on paying:

1500/month for 256/128

2500/month for 512/256

4000/month for 1024/512

30 november i must to move to phuket,patong and im very happy of stop use TRUE adsl!Never more time i trust true also in phuket! :o

Interesting to your post,if you can explain to me if last package 4000Bath running god or not,internetional bandwitch off course e p2p,is limited or real speed in p2p?Can i use this connectuion in patong?Thanks a lot

PS=nobody know if in thailand can find fastweb?optical fibre?

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On the Maxnet4life packages P2P is not blocked, expect downloading at 100kbps or more (on the 1024/512 package).

Also there is no limit at speeds per port, so a download with internet explorer (or Firefox) will come in at maximum speed.

The lines are still shared so you still have a slowdown during peak hours, but I seldom have seen the speed drop below 70% of rated speed...

It does not seem to be limited to Maxnet, most ISP's have these more expensive packages available.

Maxnet is normally available where TT&T phonelines are available. Maxnet is not available when you have a TOT phoneline.

However the othe ISP's such as Loxinfo are available when you have a TOT line...

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Your not alone guys. Join the club...... :rolleyes:

hello to everyone. all of us have most the same problem. so everytime i report my problem all of you are also mentioned.

here's a direct contact to the Customer Service manager:


E-mail: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

Contact # : 02 - 900 9176 ext. 31932

For those TV members who can't speak thai yet, no need to worry. Mr. Anuchit

can speak english. You don't need to talk to the inefficient staffs at call center.

I also trying my best to get/find out the direct contact of the Senior officer of MD.

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This is weird because my True account has never been faster

P2P speeds for me have been awesome since last Friday

Must be my turn to get the good IP :o

where exactly are you Ian? And what package do you use?

I live on Wireless and I think not far from a True exchange

DL'd some Kindergarten software for the kid this morning and got my fastest ever BT speed at 250kilobytes/second!!

I've had my true account for 18months and have the 3M/512 package

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On the Maxnet4life packages P2P is not blocked, expect downloading at 100kbps or more (on the 1024/512 package).

Also there is no limit at speeds per port, so a download with internet explorer (or Firefox) will come in at maximum speed.

The lines are still shared so you still have a slowdown during peak hours, but I seldom have seen the speed drop below 70% of rated speed...

It does not seem to be limited to Maxnet, most ISP's have these more expensive packages available.

Maxnet is normally available where TT&T phonelines are available. Maxnet is not available when you have a TOT phoneline.

However the othe ISP's such as Loxinfo are available when you have a TOT line...

Thanks a lot for info,really! :D

About true i know he have sme package but some friends tell to me is not god e is the same normal package in p2p!About ip,i have 2560/512 with true,i never got 61.90.xx.xx,always i got 61.91.xx.xx ( :D )or 58.xxx.xxx.xx( :D ),off course i know what i can do when true give to me 58!With this range p2p go maximum 5KB! :D

Better with 61.91 range,but not a lot,so in one months i'll change with maxnet4life!!!! :o

Somebody know some web site for info about maxnet?Thanks a lot to all

bye :D:D

Edited by giulio
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I would agree with the comments regarding the problem of quality of phones lines (a part from the quality of True internet connexion, bandwith etc.).

It might be a factor.

At home (old condo) i have a true 512, and it sucks. At work (north BKK) we just got a True 512 on a "new" line phone (basically, a new cable that the phone company have installed outside) and there is no comparison. It is smooth, fast.

But since it is a suburb area, may be we are... the only internet user in the area !

;-) So no problem about sharing...


Conclusion : there is no conclusion. Quality of ADSL depends on way too many factors... In a country like Thailand, we have to accept that ADSL is still a "roulette russe" game.

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I am on a 1MB connection in Aussie. it runs like lightning, frequently maxing out when dL from a good source. But BT is variable. Just got Bewitched with 40 seeds, and 2000 peers ... at 17 mps. Rarely get more than 45, and the overall average speed is usually around 20+. That's at any time of day or night, any amount of peers. Since I am limited to 10 gigs/month they are not restricting p2p

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and again at just past 9am , true dropped offline and my barricade could not get an IP - so I called 029009000 and finally got an custormer service employee - bad move...

I explained that it was working and just dropped off , and that I was not using the true supplied ethernet modem and all I got was - sir , please re-enter your username and password - eh , peanut - finally he said he would get tech support to ring me up. and less than a minute later i was provided with an IP ..... maybe 40 minutes of frustration was all that was required... :o

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Well, it's time for me to get back to these boards. Why? Cause my True net has turned to s*** once again.

It's now about 4 days of poor quality service. My work is slowed down and I cannot really play WOW without being in a constant state of frustration.

It seemed to be working pretty well earlier today, then sometime around 1pm True disconnected me and it's been crap ever since.


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Well, it's time for me to get back to these boards.  Why? Cause my True net has turned to s*** once again.

It's now about 4 days of poor quality service.  My work is slowed down and I cannot really play WOW without being in a constant state of frustration.

It seemed to be working pretty well earlier today, then sometime around 1pm True disconnected me and it's been crap ever since.


only 1 thing can do:Stop use true and change package and provider!i'm patient for 1 year allready,now,stop,30 november get-back this ghost-service and change,stop cry or nervous,true cannot do better of this,everybody understand?The only way is change anything and nevermore TRUE :o:D:D

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Ciao Giulio! True? È della merde! Non vero? True, ora è finito. Basta basta!

Thanks for you understanding...............now is 24 hours that i cannot download nothing,and web international page is open in 2o3 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!I have 2560/512!I go to see web page site true corporation in network status and what he say??????Anythings UP and run well!!!!!Disounest!!!!!!!!!! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys ..I fould my own solution. I used have 2.5 package and p2p was really slow and last week moved to 256 cause it does not make any sense to pay for 2.5 if I cant get any juice and p2p has improved a lot, so I moved up again to 512, and its pretty cool not , running 3 p2p application and all rocking . :o

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