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1,000,000 Baht To Invest

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A friend has 1,000,000 baht on bank deposit here in LOS earning a very low rate of interest but appreciating against his Euro currency.

He asks if there is a better home for it.

The cash is not needed for anything in particular and instant access is not required.

Has anyone any creative low risk suggestions as to what to do with it?

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Open a stock trading account.

Park the money in silver (SLV, gold (GLD), corn (CORN).

Sell options on the holdings.

If the money is needed quickly it usually can be deposited back to a bank account within a few days.

How do you sell options in for example GLD ?

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Buy silver coins (not usully available in Thailand) or gold, or rubber / palm land or some other fertile land to grow other things to sell.

Paper money is losing value quickly with increasing prices, low interest rates can not compensate for the high inflation and history has shown how quickly a currency can lose all value.

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Open a stock trading account.

Park the money in silver (SLV, gold (GLD), corn (CORN).

Sell options on the holdings.

If the money is needed quickly it usually can be deposited back to a bank account within a few days.


Silver? I doubt that investing in something that loses 15% in 24 hours counts as a "low risk" investment suggestion. I don't think even Greek Bonds lose money as fast as that!

Once again PoeDogg your financial advice is as useless as a pile of DoggPoe.

OP, Since you don't mention the time frame or approx. return that you expect from the investment and assuming you are measuring your returns in THB as base currency then term deposits are the best low risk choice with banks offering around 3.75% for 6month+ terms. The 1MBt will qualify for government guarantee - which is as low risk as you can get. Otherwise you could choose a (SET-) listed property fund with yields around 6%. These are mostly long term dividend plays, however, there is a risk of small capital losses. Listed Property funds trade like normal stocks but are much less volatile.

For investment term of longer than 5 yrs you might like to try equities (or LTF if you are working in Thailand to claim tax benefit)

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Buy a bar in Pattaya. You will lose every one of your Million Baht but at least it will be quick so you won't have to sit and worry about your return on investment for the next few years.

Buy a pig farm for a dancer at Nana Plaza. You won't be the first to do that. Return on investment will be a couple of fun nights before she and all your money disappears.

I also hear that Water Buffaloes are sickly creatures and there always seems to be a big demand for them.

Many options.

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Open a stock trading account.

Park the money in silver (SLV, gold (GLD), corn (CORN).

Sell options on the holdings.

If the money is needed quickly it usually can be deposited back to a bank account within a few days.

Low risk?? How did that work out for you this week?

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There are Thai related businesses (food) that are very sound investments. Avoid tourism like the plague expecially bars and farang restaurants, Fish farms are a disaster waiting to happen unless you have a background in aquaculture and gov backing.Most farangs set up fish farms with no qualifications except a prostitute GF they picked up in a soi bar in Nana or Pattaya.She gives him 5 rai rent free in roi-et or kalasin....who cares ?

I am looking for a partner early next year in Bangkok for a business. Already have a qualifiedThaii to front it.

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Depending on where he is, as a long-term investment, one or two cheap condos for rental (including to Thais) might be a good return. He can buy these in his own name, perfectly legally, and own them without involving anyone else. Which to my mind has got to be a very good idea. The fewer financial dealings I have with other people in Thailand, the happier I am. :)

There are several people on here who do this successfully, and get a decent return from rent + possible capital appreciation. If you buy the right budget condo at the right price it should retain its value, especially if you sell it on and buy another before the building becomes too decrepit.

Just watch out for all the over-priced crap, of which there is an abundance. :(

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1 million baht sadly isn't a lot of money outside of Thailand.

How old is your friend?

Is he retired or near retirement age?

Will he need (not want) this money in the next 6 or 12 months?

Can he afford to lose part or all of it ?

These are more important questions than a simple where to invest.

Frankly, in the current situation, I would be happy to park it in a secure and stable bank and accept the small rate of interest in return for the safety factor.

If he has been making money from the value change in currency, Euro/Baht, then thats just an added benefit.

Be very conservative ...... VERY !

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"Run Forrest,Run!Mak,Mak!.I have 1.2M in the 3.75% "Bangkok Bank"11 month fixed deposit.That sum of return after Thai capital gains tax is 15% of the interest.If i could move money that now is getting very "Whacked in the American Stock Market",I would do so.As a another poster already mentioned,your amount of money is small in relationship to"Outside Thailand" investments.Anytime you play poker,invest,loan or otherwise take risks with your money,you assume full responsibility.Thailand's generous interest rates for "Fixed Deposits" our very good compared to what is available in most Money markets in the west.Please think twice before you risk your money on investments that promise great returns.

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I should have done a edit on that post!Sorry about the error on the return.That should have said( Net return,less 15% of the capital gains tax.)=45,000THb-15% Tax=38,250.00THB Net return .I am sure they will also find some other "fees",as is the norm.I do however intend to keep the money in the highest interest short term fixed deposits.If you leave that money to grow(compounded interest)is the safest,smartest way to earn income.If you can live without it for 5 years,then it is a good investment.I think it is much safer than lending,investing money with family(Thai)(GF)(Pig Farms)...Condos will not return your investment in most cases.

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