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Noise Problem


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We suffer occasional problems from a nearby bar that plays load music until 2.30 in the morning.

It is not in an entertainment zone but I don't know what sort of licence they have.

Could someone please clarify what the 'law' is regarding opening times/playing music at such places.

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clarify what the ' law ' is regarding opening times / playing music at such places.

Yeah !! there's laws alright, you must know the score, it depends on how much they pay of course, maybe the owner has a uniform.:rolleyes:

Edited by Kwasaki
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If the law is 12pm, no point complaining even if the loud music plays till 5am.

I believe the law states 12pm for cessation of music unless it is a disco. However as you know - money talks.

Suggest you set up even louder music and drown them out if they are not receptive to compromise.

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We had a bar starting to make loud music a mile away. Obviously I lived there b4 and many others too. Complaints were lodged (not by me) and now it stopped.

So complaining can help of course. But if the officials are bribed then you have a problem.

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You can contact your local government metropolitan office and lodge a complaint , normally they follow it up . Our neighbors have complained about a business in our soi recently and some officials came out and interviewed people in the area and the business was closed down

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We had one of these "temporary" fairs setup less than 500M from our village. I heard the sound a bit in our bedroom, but the houses situated closer to the fair were really hearing it.

One owner finally gave up and had the village manager contact the police. The next night, you could hardly even hear the noise. They never played after midnight, but before then, it was LOUD!

Now, just have to get him to deal with that dam_n karaoke bar about 1KM away that plays until 5am or so!! :(

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