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I just bought a car and received my license plate.

It has the two letters ก ง and then a 4 digits number

Since I got it I noticed that the amount of cars with the same letters is much higher then any other letter combinations.

I thought it was linked to the year or brand of the car, but this combination appears on different brands, different colors, different models, so it makes me wonder..

What is the meaning of that combination? why is it so popular?

Anyone ?


Plates go from 1 to 9999 in each letter combination your just noticing more with your letters because you have them, and i'm sure other provences use the same letter/No's not neccesary at the same time just the Thai word is different at the bottom which will also increase the letters you see if your near the boundrys .


I thought the 2 letters relate to the year. underneath the letter/number combo is written the province.

My private use truck has black letters. Thought green letters were commercial use. ;)


I thought the 2 letters relate to the year. underneath the letter/number combo is written the province.

My private use truck has black letters. Thought green letters were commercial use. ;)

No they relate to the box at Land Dept they came in B)


I saw a first the other day, seen it before people sticking other numbers between the official ones except this time it was on one of those picture plates with the sequencial No's so why bother :wacko:.


I thought the 2 letters relate to the year. underneath the letter/number combo is written the province.

My private use truck has black letters. Thought green letters were commercial use. ;)

Plates on Thai Cars

this link has been posted a lot of times, but unfortunately it is not correct and far from complete. I ll wait for MRO to see if he can find a correct list/link, and if not I will create a new list.

Green on white is for pickups with 3% excicetax only, thats 2 door or 2+2 door seating max 3 in first seat row. When a pickup is register with 2 seatrows, usually 4 door requiring 13%excicetax, it gets black on white plates. Both groups ownership or use irrelevant. Installing seats in the bed and reg for +10, it gets blue on white plates, but for commercial use black on yellow plate starting with numbers (tabien yai).

and kartman is spot on the first 2 letters, 1-9999, then next letter in alphabet for a new run of 1-9999. vehicles from different Provinces can have exactly same platenumber/letters, except for Provincename in lower center of plate. any police radio chat of vehicle plate starts with krungthep or province name.


So as the vehicle passes over you make sure you can read Thai otherwise your F :crying: :crying: :crying: ed.

searching in CAR1Q (DLT and Police internett tool for reg vehicles), you dont stand much of a chance if you only have toyota vios white and 4 numbers. Province narrows search substantially


So as the vehicle passes over you make sure you can read Thai otherwise your F :crying: :crying: :crying: ed.

But it might be a forgery.:blink:

yeah, my ninja is plate number 69 :P

69 is good specially when I was younger. :whistling:


I saw a knackered old Honda Tena with my initials in Thai and the number "1"

Had to smile as back home that'd most probably be sitting on a Bentley or Lambo.


Cobie, how old is the car?

My parents' old Nissan AD Resort (1991 or 1992 model year) also stared with กง, but in Phuket province... and I do recall seeing a lot with those letters too!


Cobie, how old is the car?

My parents' old Nissan AD Resort (1991 or 1992 model year) also stared with กง, but in Phuket province... and I do recall seeing a lot with those letters too!

bought it 6 months ago

  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought a new car from the company showroom. They fitted fake red plates and I got fined yesterday. Seeking legal advice at the moment to come down on them with a sledgehammer.


I just bought a new car from the company showroom. They fitted fake red plates and I got fined yesterday. Seeking legal advice at the moment to come down on them with a sledgehammer.

you break the law, and want to come down on the dealer?


I just bought a new car from the company showroom. They fitted fake red plates and I got fined yesterday. Seeking legal advice at the moment to come down on them with a sledgehammer.

Are you saying you didn't know the plates were duds ?


I just bought a new car from the company showroom. They fitted fake red plates and I got fined yesterday. Seeking legal advice at the moment to come down on them with a sledgehammer.

Make sure it's not Thai made might shatter into pieces if you try and do anything serious with it.


I just bought a new car from the company showroom. They fitted fake red plates and I got fined yesterday. Seeking legal advice at the moment to come down on them with a sledgehammer.

Are you saying you didn't know the plates were duds ?

Think the poster is showing keyboard bravado thats all...<deleted> would you seek legal representation over a THB 500-1000 fine, and he will not be coming down on anyone with a slegdehammer.....all BS

It has the two letters ก ง and then a 4 digits number

Since I got it I noticed that the amount of cars with the same letters is much higher then any other letter combinations.

With number plates the lettering is "sequential alphabetical" for both the car/body type and province which it is located in.

So, in a province such as Prachinburi, for example, the current "alphabetical sequence (according to Thai script)" is in the กง (0-9999) range for regular passenger cars, and hence see, and seem to notice, more of these plates on regular passenger cars than other lettering sequences.

As the plates are released, theoretically they will be listed as below (passenger cars only, different vehicle class use different sequences and colours - per province).

ก 1-9999

กก 1-9999

กข 1-9999

กค 1-9999

กง 1-9999

and so on.

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