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Hi Just to post another question I need help with.

My stepdaughter arrived in the uk on a dependants visa (after 4 years, 3 applications and 2 appeal hearings) Can she apply for settlement? I don't seem to be able to find a form which applies to her. Or can she apply on a set(m)?

Thanks in advance



When does her current visa/leave to remain expire? That is when she can apply (to be precise, 28 days before that date).

You ask in another topic about her mother's ILR application. As your step-daughter is now 18 she cannot be included in her mother's application as a dependent, and so needs to make, and pay for, her own application using Form SET(F).

Also, as she is now 18 she will need to satisfy the Knowledge of language and life in the UK requirement.



her visa runs out the same as her mothers on 15th december. She also has a settlement letter from her college tutor, so can she apply for this also and is this still form setF?

Thanks in advance



Yes, SET(M) is for spouses and civil partners; minor children can be included on SET(M) for a reduced fee.

Adult children and other dependant adults use form SET(F) and have to pay the full fee.


Yes, SET(M) is for spouses and civil partners; minor children can be included on SET(M) for a reduced fee.

Adult children and other dependant adults use form SET(F) and have to pay the full fee.

Thanks for the help matie.




I may be worth a phone call just to check as I got different information when I called, it may have changed but when I called them about a month ago with a similar situaton, 18 year old step son, they set to use SET M, the same as his mother, yes it will be the same fee and they said send them together with a cover letter. The reason I called was to question the price as a dependant other with SET F has to pay more. Like I say it may have changed so I will be making another call before mine goes in.


Yes, SET(M) is for spouses and civil partners; minor children can be included on SET(M) for a reduced fee.

Adult children and other dependant adults use form SET(F) and have to pay the full fee.

Thanks for the help matie.



Find the right form says SET(F).

Completing application form SET(M) says

Can I include my dependants in my application?

You can use one form for a joint application by you and any children aged under 18, if they are applying as your dependants. Children over 18 must apply separately, using application form SET(F).

You can contact them to check if you wish, but I'd suggest doing it by email so you have something in writing. I'm sorry to say that staff on the phones are notorious for misunderstanding enquiries and giving misleading information.

Contact details

The email address below is for applicants who are already in the UK and require general information about the Immigration Rules' requirements. For data protection reasons, we cannot answer questions about individual cases by email.

Phone: 0870 606 7766

Textphone: 0800 389 8289 (the contact centre also accepts calls by text relay and other similar services)

Email: [email protected]

Address: UK Border Agency, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 16:45, Friday 09:00 to 16:30 (excluding public holidays).


Hi 7by7,

I will take your advise on that one and send an email thanks, ive just read up again and it seems they may have told me wrong on the phone. The reason I called them in the first place was about the fee, they told me it would be the same as my wife, can you confirm this is right? On the website this is what it says

Application fees for settling in the UK using form SET(F)Close The application fee using form SET(F) for a child or adopted child under the age of 18 of a parent(s) or relative(s) settled in the UK is:

The application fee using form SET(F) for a parent, grandparent or other dependent relative aged 18 or over of a person present and settled in the UK is:

  • £1,814 if you are applying by post
  • £2,214 if you are applying in person (but note that the premium service is currently unavailable for this application type)

Does this read that as they are over 18 years old its £1,814?



Find the right form says SET(F).

Completing application form SET(M) says

Can I include my dependants in my application?

You can use one form for a joint application by you and any children aged under 18, if they are applying as your dependants. Children over 18 must apply separately, using application form SET(F).

You can contact them to check if you wish, but I'd suggest doing it by email so you have something in writing. I'm sorry to say that staff on the phones are notorious for misunderstanding enquiries and giving misleading information.

Contact details

The email address below is for applicants who are already in the UK and require general information about the Immigration Rules' requirements. For data protection reasons, we cannot answer questions about individual cases by email.

Phone: 0870 606 7766

Textphone: 0800 389 8289 (the contact centre also accepts calls by text relay and other similar services)

Email: [email protected]

Address: UK Border Agency, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 16:45, Friday 09:00 to 16:30 (excluding public holidays).



I am slightly concerned as to where these figures have come from as I have only seen the £1350 figure??!!!

Also the fact that Andy added a quote which says the fast track option is not available?!

Bit of a nightmare for me this as I was hoping to fast track hers as t runs out in december and we want to go away for christmas. Will phone up tomorrow.





Let me know how you get on. 7by7 is right they do give wrong information over the phone, I called again yesterday and they told me to use SET (O) and the cost is £972. I challenged he on the form and she went away came back and said yes SET (O). Clearly this is wrong. After looking through the website I will use SET (F) as though they are under 18, the financial questions leave blank and refer to his mothers application, thats what we did with the settlement visa applications, then pay £972 to do by post. Your right it does read that only SET (M) in straight forward cases can be done the fast track way.

I did send an email so I can get it in writing, you get an automated email back that is very long and basically says this is the only answer you will get unless you re submit the email with "FAQ" in the subject box on your email.

I dont need to send ours in until next year so just getting prepared the the moment, please keep in touch and let me know, what form you used, price and if you can fast track it, as we are also looking to go away and need the passports, apparantly (again not confirmed as this info was given to me over the phone) you can request the passports back for a short while during application process but then return them back when you get home although they dont advertise the fact.


I am slightly concerned as to where these figures have come from as I have only seen the £1350 figure??!!!

Also the fact that Andy added a quote which says the fast track option is not available?!

Bit of a nightmare for me this as I was hoping to fast track hers as t runs out in december and we want to go away for christmas. Will phone up tomorrow.





An update..I have had a reply from the UK Border Agency, here is the reply...

Dear Mr ****,

Thank you for your enquiry.

Please be advised your stepson will be required to submit a SET(O) application form with your wife.

His application form can be included in the same envelope with your wife. All fee details are on the application form. UK Border Agency application forms and related guidance can be found on the UK Border Agency website at:


The forms are in PDF format and can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which can be downloaded free of charge from the website.

Yours sincerely,

Umar Saif Immigration Group UK Border Agency


Hi Andy,

I had a very in-depth conversation with the ukba today. Who assured me to use the SET(O) forms also. They told me that the SET(F) could only be used if my wife already had ILR. And as she is applying at the same time, to definitely use the SET(O). They just told me to include it with my wife's application but to tick the 'other' box on the form and right in dependant of mother.

In regards to the Life in the UK test, they told me that as long as my wife had progressed one level in her ESOL classes that is sufficient. For me this a godsend as my wife started in pre-entry level 1, and has only just reached entry level 1, she finds it very difficult. Listen mate hope this has helped if you get any more tips of info then le us know.

Many thanks



So, if the child was under 18 when they first arrived, is now 18 or over and is applying for ILR at the same time as their mother then they can use SET(O) and pay the standard fee. Which is good news.

Apologies for the confusion caused by my previous misinformation, caused by reading the information published by UKBA; I wish they'd put all the information on their website!


Thanks both, glad that is cleared up now!! My wife has her Life in the UK test next week so fingers crossed she will pass that. My stepson has been going to college last year & this and has passed and progressed so we should be ok with him too. I am still confused if he actually has to do the ESOL thing due to his age and been dependant on us but he has done it anyway and is carrying on with another year, I cant beleive how well his English has come along.

Thanks again and good look, likewise if you have any more hints and tips let me know


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