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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage

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i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

To not remember a tradegic event in human history is doomed for repeat.

It's like getting your hand burned when placed near a hot object and saying forget it.

I find your comments extremely ignorant and appalling.

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i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

It's dim wits like you that don't realize that you are here cos your country men gave their lives so you could live. If you are sick about folk dying for you then l feel sorry for you. Perhaps your new mobile phone is more important or where you can fly off too for your holidays this year eh. Hmmmm, all courtesy of those who died for you. ;)

"i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011. Get over it."

I agree with you huuwi. I was actually born in the rubble of a bombed London, and yes, now we do have 2011. I've grown up with this and the whole Vietnam thing too, and more beyond that, and it goes forever. I've lost friends in battle and been at shot myself.

So I join with you: I'm sick of reading this, .. now we have 2011 .. Get over it.


So what?

Remember, these were just kids with costumes and plastic machine guns right?

Just like western kids might dress like ninjas or samurais.

would it be different if they dressed as Japanese suicide pilots? or Napoleontic armymen? Or American bomber pilots?

Whose history matters most?

This nazi-stigma and the perpetuation of guild-feelings is not part of Thai history and very rightly so. That's why perhaps only the expat parents at school took offence.

The past is the past in Thailand (that's why their historians suck) and perhaps we should learn from that.

It's been 3 generations since the Nazis, isn't it time to get over it??

So ... we can learn from Thailand ... to forget the past?

Can we volunteer you to be a martyr when the next generation of Nazis come knocking?

If you can't wait for the opportunity, I can suggest a few countries for you visit to experience instant tyranny.

you cant forget if youve never heard or known about it !


God forbid some people here use any logical sense at all to know there was absolutely no hatred or negative views being expressed by these kids ... but don't let that stop you from expressing your faux outrage and faux feelings of superiority.


So there are at least two apologists for the abysmal decisions made by the adults running this school. Few, if any posters, are blaming the kids. And response to this for many is neither false outrage nor false expressions of superiority. There are no excuses for this staged school activity. On the other hand, it is not the end of the world. It is an isolated event that is indeed deserving of condemnation.

Sure lets condem the teachers who (its already been said) didnt know anything about it...but hey why harp on about what happened over 60 yrs ago if you need to add history to the curriculum.... lets teach them modern history and the allied invasion of Iraq in 2003 - more upto date, more in keeping with modern times, but thats ok because we did that!!..... looking for the weapons of mass destruction - they still havent found!

This was no more than a school day carnival that has been blown out of proportion by the PC brigade.

To think I retired here to get away from that lot; is there no end to it!!


There are instances of kids all over the globe who have dressed in Nazi gear ... wasn't there a prince in England who wore a Nazi uniform for fun as an adult? Does this mean the entire UK education system is broken and the population uneducated?

But if this topic helps those whose only self esteem comes from feeling superior to people in a developing nation ... more power to them.

God forbid some people here use any logical sense at all to know there was absolutely no hatred or negative views being expressed by these kids ... but don't let that stop you from expressing your faux outrage and faux feelings of superiority.


I guess you two missed the images of the (at least) 5 meter, vertical banners, one that displayed Nazi aircraft, both civilian and military Nazis as well Hitler arrayed with automatic weapons. If it weren't the kids who produced those banners, who did? Albert Speer back from the dead?

Who really gives a sh@t?

Although anyone with any knowledge of Thais and their culture certainly know there was no ill intent by the kids, why give a sh@t even if it turned out to be a racist school who sees Hitler as a hero. There are nut bag groups all over the world and there isn't a day that goes by in the US somebody isn't (including local governments) isn't flying a confederate flag or there isn't somebody wearing nazi gear or putting on a white hooded sheet. So many people here scream about censorship and lack of freedom of speech in Thailand but these same people are outraged now because they don't agree with freedom of speech if it goes against their claimed principles (which usually always happen to work to condemn Thais as a whole for incidents of a few).

Who really gives a rat's @ss if Thailand teaches WWI or WWII history (can't teach one properly without the other) and the effects it had on other nations and people. As Ali said re: the Vietnam war; "No VietCong Ever Called Me Nigger" and I'm sure Thais can say something very similar about the Nazis. Truth be told, Thais don't teach too much about war, especially those in the last century, in low school period ... and this may be a good thing. We can learn all we want about the past but history always has a way of repeating itself and people always seem to find a way of using the past to improve methods of killing and control.

The bottom line is the majority of posters here claiming some true insult by this incident are full of it and simply just latching onto another excuse to slam Thais because of their own feelings of inadequacy & insecurities here. Based on the ease in which some condemn an entire nation of people, I would be surprised to find that many of the posters feigning outrage here are not themselves bigots and racists who speak negatively of Jews.

Is this a news worthy event? Of course it is but certainly nothing for anyone to get worked up about if the context is explained and there is an awareness of Thai culture. Probably why the story has not really gone global even though the likes of Fox and others love to slant any story to get people worked up.

Relax folks. We have to remember that 'Superman' Nisa here is afraid of only Kryptonite and Mods, so judge accordingly.



I guess you two missed the images of the (at least) 5 meter, vertical banners, one that displayed Nazi aircraft, both civilian and military Nazis as well Hitler arrayed with automatic weapons. If it weren't the kids who produced those banners, who did? Albert Speer back from the dead?

Who really gives a sh@t?

Although anyone with any knowledge of Thais and their culture certainly know there was no ill intent by the kids, why give a sh@t even if it turned out to be a racist school who sees Hitler as a hero. There are nut bag groups all over the world and there isn't a day that goes by in the US somebody isn't (including local governments) isn't flying a confederate flag or there isn't somebody wearing nazi gear or putting on a white hooded sheet. So many people here scream about censorship and lack of freedom of speech in Thailand but these same people are outraged now because they don't agree with freedom of speech if it goes against their claimed principles (which usually always happen to work to condemn Thais as a whole for incidents of a few).

Who really gives a rat's @ss if Thailand teaches WWI or WWII history (can't teach one properly without the other) and the effects it had on other nations and people. As Ali said re: the Vietnam war; "No VietCong Ever Called Me Nigger" and I'm sure Thais can say something very similar about the Nazis. Truth be told, Thais don't teach too much about war, especially those in the last century, in low school period ... and this may be a good thing. We can learn all we want about the past but history always has a way of repeating itself and people always seem to find a way of using the past to improve methods of killing and control.

The bottom line is the majority of posters here claiming some true insult by this incident are full of it and simply just latching onto another excuse to slam Thais because of their own feelings of inadequacy & insecurities here. Based on the ease in which some condemn an entire nation of people, I would be surprised to find that many of the posters feigning outrage here are not themselves bigots and racists who speak negatively of Jews.

Is this a news worthy event? Of course it is but certainly nothing for anyone to get worked up about if the context is explained and there is an awareness of Thai culture. Probably why the story has not really gone global even though the likes of Fox and others love to slant any story to get people worked up.

Relax folks. We have to remember that 'Superman' here is afraid of only Kryptonite and Mods, so judge accordingly.

And there I was thinking he was afraid of the truth...


I'm glad this parade happened as it has initiated discussion and exposure of what I believe one of the most important events ever, unlike "The Best Breakfast in Pattya" which elicits nearly 3000 views and umpteen replies.

Far more important now is the liberation of Palestine. For those who we liberated from the Nazis, have since been allowed to break every rule in the book, and do so with impunity. Something went seriously wrong.


This is appaling, most people agree on that... others don't see the value of teaching history to avoid doing mistakes again...

Now we can blame them for "not knowing what it stands for", but we should apply the same in Europe where T-shirts with CCCP, Lenine, Staline, Che Guevara and other mass butchers are seen as fashionable left-wing human rights-conscious symbols... same same but different...


I'm glad this parade happened as it has initiated discussion and exposure of what I believe one of the most important events ever, unlike "The Best Breakfast in Pattya" which elicits nearly 3000 views and umpteen replies.

Far more important now is the liberation of Palestine. For those who we liberated from the Nazis, have since been allowed to break every rule in the book, and do so with impunity. Something went seriously wrong.

I also hope the Palestinian Gazans can liberate themselves from their radical fundamentalist Hamas government, a government that murders homosexuals, stones adulterous women, and openly advocates genocide of Jews.


i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

To not remember a tradegic event in human history is doomed for repeat.

World leaders remember history very well but that doesn't stop the repeating of it. Maybe knowing too much about the horrors of past wars actually makes the horror of war more acceptable .... we've all learned to accept that collateral damage is an acceptable part of war (at least if it is the enemies losses).

Wasn't Saddam compared to Hitler to justify the killing of over 100,000 Iraqi civilians? 10 years before young Bush invaded Iraq, the elder Bush claimed Saddam to be the incarceration of Hitler.

Seems we like to use history to justify repeating the horrors of past history.

History is told by the winners and if Germany had conquered the world, the same people who speak of their country soldier's giving their lives for us, would still be saying the same but only they would be saying it of their German soldiers.


This is appaling, everybody agrees on that... now we can blame them for "not knowing what it stands for", but we should apply the same in Europe where T-shirts with Lenine, Staline, Che Guevara and other mass butchers are seen as fashionable left-wing human rights-conscious symbols... same same but different...

I can't see putting Che in the same boat as Stalin. There is a lot to admire about Che, the man.


This is appaling, everybody agrees on that... now we can blame them for "not knowing what it stands for", but we should apply the same in Europe where T-shirts with Lenine, Staline, Che Guevara and other mass butchers are seen as fashionable left-wing human rights-conscious symbols... same same but different...

But how would that help people to try to convince themselves they are more superior than Thais?


God forbid some people here use any logical sense at all to know there was absolutely no hatred or negative views being expressed by these kids ... but don't let that stop you from expressing your faux outrage and faux feelings of superiority.


So there are at least two apologists for the abysmal decisions made by the adults running this school. Few, if any posters, are blaming the kids. And response to this for many is neither false outrage nor false expressions of superiority. There are no excuses for this staged school activity. On the other hand, it is not the end of the world. It is an isolated event that is indeed deserving of condemnation.

Sure lets condem the teachers who (its already been said) didnt know anything about it...but hey why harp on about what happened over 60 yrs ago if you need to add history to the curriculum.... lets teach them modern history and the allied invasion of Iraq in 2003 - more upto date, more in keeping with modern times, but thats ok because we did that!!..... looking for the weapons of mass destruction - they still havent found!

This was no more than a school day carnival that has been blown out of proportion by the PC brigade.

To think I retired here to get away from that lot; is there no end to it!!

Sorry to say, there is no getting away from the insecure doom and gloom brigade. They seem to find there way into every corner of the world, even in a country as mellow and easy going as Thailand.


Don't forget it wasn't only the jews that were send to the camps. Many other groups were also undesired and murdered, like gypsies and the mentaly handicapped.

you mean thais were sent to the camps too ??:lol:


Lost in the discussion is the fact that Sacred Heart Catholic School is under the guidance an influence of the Roman Catholic Church. The RC has a very clear position on Nazis and the the events related to WWII: It abhors the event and considers the Nazi period to be one horrible sin. I'm not trying to start a debate on the Church, but am emphasizing that there can be no excuse for this event at a Catholic school because it violates the current position of the Church Having students parading about in nazi garb is an affront and rebuke to the Church. As such, the argument that the poor dears were ignorant or that the swastika is a good luck sign etc holds no water. The use of non Christian symbols, particularly those associated with practices and customs not consistent with Church teachings and positions is contrary to the Church doctrine, and are neither encouraged nor promoted by Church associated entities.

It seems to me that the Roman Catholic clergy needs to assert itself in this matter. Either the school is worthy of being called a Catholic School or it is not. At the very least, someone needs a smack across the head from a Sister Mary Margaret and needs to revisit the compulsory morals class and curriculum.

"Someones needs a smack across the head." ?? !! :annoyed:

I remember a teacher in Australia who used to "smack us across the head". He eventually got he deserved, in front of an audience, by the same physically abused students who had grown a bit, and by then bigger than him. :D

Having taught in a Catholic girls' school, I can simply say that even there in 1970s Australia, it was an unhealthy institution. It has absolutely no place in Thailand, and I look forward to the day when it has been shut down, demolished and the materials and land put to better use.


I am impressed by what the students staged. As I said in an earlier post, it was a great "art event"


A lot of comments about a miserable Thai education system.

But ask a typical high school senior in the USA "who was Hitler?" and then note the response... heck, ask 100 of them...

You'll be surprised. Well, maybe some of you won't be...

Shame on their parents then....

"Shame on their parents then." Bull s***

If you insist on them knowing who he was, I will insist that you also include the names and deeds of every other tyrant since then, and those in business now. And when you have totally brought the students to their knees, throwing up, you can feel pleased with yourself.

It is time to move on. The perpetuation of the Hitler saga has been reduced to little more than an engine to drive the Jewish self pity and the billions the US throws at Israel, maintaining that country's disgusting military machine and expansion agenda.

Yada, yada, yada :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: BS,BS, hiel Hitler etc. etc..................


This is very strange and is smacks of total ignorance of WWII history and Nazi Germany. Don't these teachers read? If I am not mistaken, this is NOT the first time it has happened in Thailand.

If you were part of the NAZI's axis of evil in the 1940's then you would tend to keep it quiet from the next generation wouldn't you?

You mean keep it quiet by parading around school as Nazis?

The teachers were not told anything about ww2 involvement at uni, so how could they know any different when instructing there students?

But if they were not taught about WW2 at Uni how did they know about Hitler and what uniforms to wear for the parade? Are you honestly expecting us to believe they knew who Hitler was, what he looked like, what the SS looked like, but not what they did? HA!

They 've obviously skimmed the basics from the net for the uniforms etc, so they should be able to read the rest; but as I have 6 Thai school teachers in my family I can honestly say that they know shit (& don't give a toss) about wwI/II!


I'm glad this parade happened as it has initiated discussion and exposure of what I believe one of the most important events ever, unlike "The Best Breakfast in Pattya" which elicits nearly 3000 views and umpteen replies.

Far more important now is the liberation of Palestine. For those who we liberated from the Nazis, have since been allowed to break every rule in the book, and do so with impunity. Something went seriously wrong.

Yep, seriously wrong. They wised-up and decided to stop turning the other cheek while facing extinction in the process.


But if they were not taught about WW2 at Uni how did they know about Hitler and what uniforms to wear for the parade? Are you honestly expecting us to believe they knew who Hitler was, what he looked like, what the SS looked like, but not what they did? HA!

They 've obviously skimmed the basics from the net for the uniforms etc, so they should be able to read the rest; but as I have 6 Thai school teachers in my family I can honestly say that they know shit (& don't give a toss) about wwI/II!

This was my earlier point as well..


Is Thailand a colony of Britain, or France or US or Germany? Why the hell did the embassies concerned make such a fuss and why the hell did the owners of scholl have to apologise. This is a shame for all Thais and something needs to be done. This is Thailand and this is Asia, if the Western expats do not like anything we do...thsy can just leave and actually the foreign teachers and parents at the school that made such a fuss should have been told to do just that. This is really so sad that Thais have to dance to the whims and fancies of the West.

yes,..they could leave by choice too , unlike the japanese that occupied thailand, the thais dont realize that if the allies had not won the war they would be speaking japanese now , but at least they would have an education system in japan owned thailand that they could be proud of ! ,... of course you would'nt know that b'cos you never learned anything about it .:jap:


There are instances of kids all over the globe who have dressed in Nazi gear ... wasn't there a prince in England who wore a Nazi uniform for fun as an adult? Does this mean the entire UK education system is broken and the population uneducated?

But if this topic helps those whose only self esteem comes from feeling superior to people in a developing nation ... more power to them.

God forbid some people here use any logical sense at all to know there was absolutely no hatred or negative views being expressed by these kids ... but don't let that stop you from expressing your faux outrage and faux feelings of superiority.


I guess you two missed the images of the (at least) 5 meter, vertical banners, one that displayed Nazi aircraft, both civilian and military Nazis as well Hitler arrayed with automatic weapons. If it weren't the kids who produced those banners, who did? Albert Speer back from the dead?

Who really gives a sh@t?

Although anyone with any knowledge of Thais and their culture certainly know there was no ill intent by the kids, why give a sh@t even if it turned out to be a racist school who sees Hitler as a hero. There are nut bag groups all over the world and there isn't a day that goes by in the US somebody isn't (including local governments) isn't flying a confederate flag or there isn't somebody wearing nazi gear or putting on a white hooded sheet. So many people here scream about censorship and lack of freedom of speech in Thailand but these same people are outraged now because they don't agree with freedom of speech if it goes against their claimed principles (which usually always happen to work to condemn Thais as a whole for incidents of a few).

Who really gives a rat's @ss if Thailand teaches WWI or WWII history (can't teach one properly without the other) and the effects it had on other nations and people. As Ali said re: the Vietnam war; "No VietCong Ever Called Me Nigger" and I'm sure Thais can say something very similar about the Nazis. Truth be told, Thais don't teach too much about war, especially those in the last century, in low school period ... and this may be a good thing. We can learn all we want about the past but history always has a way of repeating itself and people always seem to find a way of using the past to improve methods of killing and control.

The bottom line is the majority of posters here claiming some true insult by this incident are full of it and simply just latching onto another excuse to slam Thais because of their own feelings of inadequacy & insecurities here. Based on the ease in which some condemn an entire nation of people, I would be surprised to find that many of the posters feigning outrage here are not themselves bigots and racists who speak negatively of Jews.

Is this a news worthy event? Of course it is but certainly nothing for anyone to get worked up about if the context is explained and there is an awareness of Thai culture. Probably why the story has not really gone global even though the likes of Fox and others love to slant any story to get people worked up.

It went global


It's sad that these children had no idea of the implications of these costumes, nor were aware of the acts committed by the Nazis. But we should ask ourselves, before we condemn the Thai educational system, how many secondary school pupils in the UK or anywhere in the west are aware for example of the Japanese actions in China throughout the 1930s?.

Also. the original report was in the Daily Wail! Try this:www.qwghlm.co.uk/toys/dailymail

"how many secondary school pupils in the UK or anywhere in the west are aware for example of the Japanese actions in China throughout the 1930s?"

Probably none. Even in the US today, the kids are unaware of the atrocities the Japanese caused in WWII. As far as back in the '30's, none. If it isn't about Lady Gaga, they don't know squat. AND, they don't care.


Sorry to say, there is no getting away from the insecure doom and gloom brigade. They seem to find there way into every corner of the world, even in a country as mellow and easy going as Thailand.

I'm tired of it now, as you say they are everywhere, they could have dressed as red indians and someone would have found fault, I came here to get away from it but it seems theres no escape.


The Swastika is seen in the past in Thailand as symbol of peace, any of you driving down to Hua Hin along Rama 2 road out of BKK will see on the right a big Gold building with a Red Swastika on the dome. All of you who think this disgusting get real they know nothing about Nazi's and what they did and they don't care cos it did affect them, they not lose any money over this, money rules in Thai. The Jap " occupation" of Thailand in the 2nd world war has been written out of Thai books, teaching and media. Think for F*** sake, the Thai way of life is what you didn't see never happened, same as many countries and people in the world, but sorry more in Thai than anywhere else.


I'm glad this parade happened as it has initiated discussion and exposure of what I believe one of the most important events ever, unlike "The Best Breakfast in Pattya" which elicits nearly 3000 views and umpteen replies.

Far more important now is the liberation of Palestine. For those who we liberated from the Nazis, have since been allowed to break every rule in the book, and do so with impunity. Something went seriously wrong.

Yep, seriously wrong. They wised-up and decided to stop turning the other cheek while facing extinction in the process.

I think cheekiness is more New Testament than Old. Its a bit eye for eye, tooth for tooth, floods, Sodom and Gommorrah.

Anyway, maybe we should be paying more attention to the third volume, which reflects God's latest thinking.

As a true blue bigot, I'm not even going to read it, but what I've read about the Koran suggests that it offers more by way of common sense than the first volume.


EDIT: On the topic of open minds, I am reminded of a story I read from the war-time blitz on London (that's a bit topical, eh?)

A street had been bombed, but the newsagents on the corner had a sign on the door saying "Open as usual"; the shop next door, which had suffered more damage, had a sign "More open than usual".


i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

And I'm a 1930 generation and a survivor of the London blitz. I'm sick of moronic dickheads such as yourself spouting ignorant crap. Ask any Dutch or Polish person now getting on in years whether they have forgotten. Get over that you cretin.

It is about time a reminder was given to the so superior Thais that if it wasn't for brave farangs liberating them they'd all be speaking Japanese now.

but on the bright side , they would have better education !


Who really gives a sh@t?

Although anyone with any knowledge of Thais and their culture certainly know there was no ill intent by the kids, why give a sh@t even if it turned out to be a racist school who sees Hitler as a hero. There are nut bag groups all over the world and there isn't a day that goes by in the US somebody isn't (including local governments) isn't flying a confederate flag or there isn't somebody wearing nazi gear or putting on a white hooded sheet. So many people here scream about censorship and lack of freedom of speech in Thailand but these same people are outraged now because they don't agree with freedom of speech if it goes against their claimed principles (which usually always happen to work to condemn Thais as a whole for incidents of a few).

Who really gives a rat's @ss if Thailand teaches WWI or WWII history (can't teach one properly without the other) and the effects it had on other nations and people. As Ali said re: the Vietnam war; "No VietCong Ever Called Me Nigger" and I'm sure Thais can say something very similar about the Nazis. Truth be told, Thais don't teach too much about war, especially those in the last century, in low school period ... and this may be a good thing. We can learn all we want about the past but history always has a way of repeating itself and people always seem to find a way of using the past to improve methods of killing and control.

The bottom line is the majority of posters here claiming some true insult by this incident are full of it and simply just latching onto another excuse to slam Thais because of their own feelings of inadequacy & insecurities here. Based on the ease in which some condemn an entire nation of people, I would be surprised to find that many of the posters feigning outrage here are not themselves bigots and racists who speak negatively of Jews.

Is this a news worthy event? Of course it is but certainly nothing for anyone to get worked up about if the context is explained and there is an awareness of Thai culture. Probably why the story has not really gone global even though the likes of Fox and others love to slant any story to get people worked up.

It went global

Because it was in the Daily Mail?


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