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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage

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This isn't a court of law where a tiny shred of doubt makes the accused innocent. So many frustrated hack lawyers here, it's rather funny. It was a Nazi parade at a Catholic school. It wasn't a Mel Brooks broadway show. There she wrote.

So once again ... Has it been determined they were Nazis? One would need them for a Nazi parade. We may not be in a court of law but I am hoping we are still in reality.

Nazi parade, schmatzi parade ...

OMG, the dime store wannabe lawyers (or as I like to call them, the terminally literal) are relentless! If I said I attended a bunny party, would you assume I was socializing with rabbits? OBVIOUSLY, you don't need actual Nazis to have a Nazi parade. Also, I don't recall even ONE post here of anyone accusing the students of being ACTUAL Nazis, so this is yet again a totally arcane, manufactured non-issue just to make diversionary noise (like a lawyer!), similar to the Asian swastika fun and games, when not one person was unclear the students were displaying Nazi swastikas. But for the legal eagles here, how about a parade of students dressed in Nazi outfits? Objection counselor?


All your lawyering and you don't come remotely close to explaining how you could have a Nazi Parade without Nazis, as you claimed occurred. Bunny Party? As in Playboy Bunnies? Well that would make them a type of Bunnies wouldn't it. What kind of Nazis were in this parade? Face it, you tried to sum up what happened in a couple words with a HUGE slant.

There was no Nazi Parade at the school. There were kids dressed as Nazis (we aren't all together sure why except that it doesn't have the same meaning here it does in the west) at a school putting on some kind of performance for their fancy dress sports day.

And was there a parade? If so, did it only consist of the red team dressed in Nazi costumes?

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This isn't a court of law where a tiny shred of doubt makes the accused innocent. So many frustrated hack lawyers here, it's rather funny. It was a Nazi parade at a Catholic school. It wasn't a Mel Brooks broadway show. There she wrote.

So once again ... Has it been determined they were Nazis? One would need them for a Nazi parade. We may not be in a court of law but I am hoping we are still in reality.

Nazi parade, schmatzi parade ...

OMG, the dime store wannabe lawyers (or as I like to call them, the terminally literal) are relentless! If I said I attended a bunny party, would you assume I was socializing with rabbits? OBVIOUSLY, you don't need actual Nazis to have a Nazi parade. Also, I don't recall even ONE post here of anyone accusing the students of being ACTUAL Nazis, so this is yet again a totally arcane, manufactured non-issue just to make diversionary noise (like a lawyer!), similar to the Asian swastika fun and games, when not one person was unclear the students were displaying Nazi swastikas. But for the legal eagles here, how about a parade of students dressed in Nazi outfits? Objection counselor?


Yep that is all it was, "A parade of students dressed in replica Nazi uniforms for a little light hearted fun." It was not a parade of Nazi's in uniform spreading thier anti semitic views. Chalk and Cheese. If it were an anti semitic parade then I too would be against it. All the over sensitive precious little princesses complaining about something they never saw or what never was should take a cup of cement and harden up.


Your level of comprehension is a bit off unless your examples are about school sponsored events in China and Japan. I think you have completely missed the point of the thread. Which is Student Nazis.

Student Nazis ???????????

You have confirmation these students are Nazis?

I'm pretty confident that you are one of the very few people to believe these kids to be Nazis and not kids wearing Nazi costumes for their fancy dress theme.

If you cannot see the relevance to this dress being fashionable in some parts of Asia and these people not having the same understanding of the offensiveness of the dress as in other parts of the world then I'm not sure whatelse can be said.

Edit: PS, no reason to post Thais in Nazi get-up because we've all already seen them.

You may also want to let the Israeli Embassy know they got it wrong too..

"I think that what happened was more down to ignorance than malicious intentions," Itzak Shoam, Israeli ambassador to Thailand stated. "Many people here in Asia are not fully aware of the events that went on in Europe."

It just goes right over your head because you can't admit you are wrong.

No one would have cared if girls dressed up as Nazis to go shopping or out to dance.

The whole outrage of this thread was they dressed as Nazis at a school sponsored event.

A couple of hundred students dressing up as Nazis with Nazi banners and goose stepping at a school sponsored parade only happens in Thailand. And it is about time it stopped instead of apologizing for stupid teachers and clueless administrators.


I think that hopefully teachers will give their students some idea of the horror of nazis in the future.

unsure.gif How?

They know nothing!

Sure teach them about the horrors of Germany but do not restrict thier preedom of expression and creativity. If you intruct them in the German horros this year and next year they want to go with the same theme then let it be.


50 pages!! :o

OK, perhaps we can all just agree that the students made a stupid mistake as a result of their bad education.

No we don't all agree to that , not at all. Some of us think people are too easily offended, essentially have no tolerance for extreme displays of free speech and are inculcated with a rotten value called PC

Are we now talking about two separate, recent incidences of Nazi theatrics in Thailand?

I noted a couple of attempts Kerry D and .. someone else to weave in an obvious bias, feminazi from some young woman dressed as Nazis in a different event?, I seriously doubt they were espousing Gloria Steineim. I doubt any Thai women are throwing off their roles as primary carers to everyone- anytime soon.

In fact I realize not one woman on the banner in the Sacred Heart event ( And it was quite good , big j art job )

You are right. I hadn't thought about that.


I think that hopefully teachers will give their students some idea of the horror of nazis in the future.

unsure.gif How?

They know nothing!

Sure teach them about the horrors of Germany but do not restrict thier preedom of expression and creativity. If you intruct them in the German horros this year and next year they want to go with the same theme then let it be.

WHO should teach them?

That's one of the points in this thread, the teacher's know nothing and probably don't want to know, lest the have to work, so who is going to do this teaching?


Thais make typical error of poor judgement due to lack of sensitivity, education, etc.

Thais rightly admonished for idiocy, insensitivity and crass behaviour.

Yet some foreigners continue to try to defend absolutely everything they do without question. It's like Stockholm Syndrome on steroids.

Why wouldn't they admire Hitler? They admire their own fascist dictator and Hitler's ally Phibun.

One thing the Nazis have in common with the Thais is their reinvention of history to propagate a nationalist sentiment among the populus.

Herr Oberkommando - I find it highly offensive that your username comes from the OKW, a part of the army in nazi germany during the WW2


.Actually a lot more offensive as you are grown up.

Harldy surprising that you call Thai people "they" and you make sweeping generalisations about the Thai race, imagining that you are superior. Do you really think you are?

I assume that you are German - if one school did something wrong in Gemany would you say, "Germans"?

I have no problems with your criticism of Okerkommando and I don't like 'sweeping generalisations' [sic] either.

However, your use of the term 'Thai race' piqued my curiosity about the notion of such. Before that, you used the term 'Thai people' in your response. I found this interesting Asia Pacific Nationalism and genetics: Thai obsession with race which was based on two Bangkok Post articles.

The first article covers issues resulting from DNA analysis that could date habitation of Thailand at several thousand years ago. The article ends with this:

They* would undermine the pathetic but nonetheless worrying efforts of these Thai academics to give to the concept of a "Thai race" a genetic justification as well as an historical depth which social sciences are unable (and for good reasons!) to provide them with.

* The 'they' referred to were open questions about whether the ancient inhabitants of the Thailand area were actual predecessors of the current 'Thai people' inhabiting the Kingdom of Thailand.

The second article ends with this paragraph:

Such an obsession for a "pure and old Thai race" is not new, nor is it isolated. It comes along with other obsessions, such as pride of the national flag. Eventually this produces a conceptual framework which reminds me, relatively speaking, of European racist and evolutionist theories at the end of the nineteen century.

The Wiki Race and Genetics Entry lists only 9 population clusters with all of Southeast Asia as a single element. Not that the Wiki is necessarily the best source for anything, but it's, hopefully fairly truthful in the sciences. But maybe not this particular science. In any event, I hadn't heard of the 'Thai race' until your post.

I doubt the good OberKommando would refer to himself as a member of a 'German race' or even one of a 'Germanic race (assuming he is German). And even the Nazis dusted-off the 'Aryan race' to identify their roots. I would never refer to myself as a member of the 'Russian race' nor do the Russians. I don't mainly because I'm not a Russian national, though.

So let me ask you: Do you really believe there is a 'Thai race'?

If so, can you describe the 'Thai race' to us on as many levels as possible including be basis of this belief?

Thank You in Advance


50 pages!! :o

OK, perhaps we can all just agree that the students made a stupid mistake as a result of their bad education.

No we don't all agree to that , not at all. Some of us think people are too easily offended, essentially have no tolerance for extreme displays of free speech and are inculcated with a rotten value called PC

Are we now talking about two separate, recent incidences of Nazi theatrics in Thailand?

I noted a couple of attempts Kerry D and .. someone else to weave in an obvious bias, feminazi from some young woman dressed as Nazis in a different event?, I seriously doubt they were espousing Gloria Steineim. I doubt any Thai women are throwing off their roles as primary carers to everyone- anytime soon.

In fact I realize not one woman on the banner in the Sacred Heart event ( And it was quite good , big j art job )

You are right. I hadn't thought about that.

The posters with the feminazi hypothesis might try next to claim there were humanoid alien life forms in the parade as well.

As far as the fact that not a single woman is depicted on the banner goes, we don't even know exactly what the selection criteria was for the people depicted. But if it (the selection criteria) has anything to do with being a dictator (Hitler), an unpopular leader (Bush II, probably) or a terrorist (bin Laden), can you think of any female equivalents? (Merkel, excepted). I cannot find a single women on Current Dictators ... even though my wife might qualify as one.


Just one more question: Are you now or have you ever been declared legally blind? :ph34r:


You ever been involved in horology?

Well, after all, this is Thailand, isn't it? :jap:

The time at the tone is: 1 minute past relevance.


Now we can all condemn Monty Python too based on pictures ... for that matter lets condemn all things British.



Exactly Nisa.Well said.

Of course they are doing obvious parody,

and not a mindless glorification of a symbolism.

A rather pertinent difference.

And you would be able to make this conclusions based solely on these pictures and the ones at the school event? In other words, without knowing the people in the photos or their motivation for being in the outfits or actually seeing their performances or hearing their words?

No question, Clease as Hitler must be taking the piss.


Just one more question: Are you now or have you ever been declared legally blind? :ph34r:


You ever been involved in horology?

Well, after all, this is Thailand, isn't it? :jap:

The time at the tone is: 1 minute past relevance.

In those terms, I'd say several time zones away ...


Wow, people are shocked, and with good reason. These same kids and others throughout Thailand and other countries are exposed to the unaware praising of a well known murderer,Che Chevera. T-shirts of Chevera are on display for sale all over, yet no outrage over the honoring of a butcher leader from Cuba. Chevera, and Marxist, was the right hand man for Fidel Castro and was personally responsible for the murder and executions of hundreds of Cubans, yet people wear his T shirts, many not having a clue who the person on their t-shirt really is, the same as the students at the Thai school. I have asked numerous people over the years if they knew who the person was that was shown on the t-shirt they were wearing-none knew is was the butcher of Cuba, Che Chevera. So let us not be so quick on condemming these students while many in our presence unknowingly praise a butcher of people, Che Chevera

Or as many say'Che who?"

The victims of Che and Fidel only own the media in South Florida.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Apparently not, as it emerged that not even the Thai teachers at the school understood what all the fuss was about.

A teacher at the school said: 'It was all very embarrassing. Traditionally the students wear fancy dress on the summer sports day and they like to keep everything they are preparing quiet. Nobody saw any swastikas around the school before the event.

'But then on sports day when we saw these Nazi storm troopers we were appalled. We told the Thai teachers that this was not on. But they did not understand what was wrong with the display.'

I wonder if they even understood what the foreign English language teachers were attempting to say.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

I would say Thailand is a prime example of a place where meaning and power is given to symbols and uniforms without enough education. As such they would do better to not try and adopt any "international" symbols without first understanding the history and cultural meaning. Domestic symbols are covered by all sorts of rules and regulations and cultural norms, to ignore these entirely when taking on an international symbol does not send a good message , especially when from an educational establishment.


Nisa I think here lays the problem. a quote from post 1304 by yourself.quote Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention. unquote People wear these things for fashion and are ignorant about the symbolism involved. If there was no symbolism involved there would be no emotional attachment to them.But there is attached and related issues that this symbols deal with in modern time. To not accept this as reality is either down right ignorant or just disagreeing to simply be the devils advocate. Deal with it.


50 pages!! :o

OK, perhaps we can all just agree that the students made a stupid mistake as a result of their bad education.

No we don't all agree to that , not at all. Some of us think people are too easily offended, essentially have no tolerance for extreme displays of free speech and are inculcated with a rotten value called PC

Are we now talking about two separate, recent incidences of Nazi theatrics in Thailand?

I noted a couple of attempts Kerry D and .. someone else to weave in an obvious bias, feminazi from some young woman dressed as Nazis in a different event?, I seriously doubt they were espousing Gloria Steineim. I doubt any Thai women are throwing off their roles as primary carers to everyone- anytime soon.

In fact I realize not one woman on the banner in the Sacred Heart event ( And it was quite good , big j art job )

You are right. I hadn't thought about that.

The posters with the feminazi hypothesis might try next to claim there were humanoid alien life forms in the parade as well.

As far as the fact that not a single woman is depicted on the banner goes, we don't even know exactly what the selection criteria was for the people depicted. But if it (the selection criteria) has anything to do with being a dictator (Hitler), an unpopular leader (Bush II, probably) or a terrorist (bin Laden), can you think of any female equivalents? (Merkel, excepted). I cannot find a single women on Current Dictators ... even though my wife might qualify as one.

Well, we could begin a dialogue on the general benevolence of female rulers, but I fear we will breach the no politics rule and stray into hostile country.

Lennon is neither current nor a dictator so I think the criteria was famous. Maybe it was ... power through infamy? Plenty of ultra iconic famous women, but how powerful were they?

Most likely the banner was designed by young men who tend to regard females as a minority.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.

So, I guess you are saying in any context it would be wrong to have somebody dressed as Nazis at a school or to be more exact showing anyone in a nazi costume marching at a school regardless of the reason.

One thing we do no FOR SURE is this school did not sponsor anything with a Nazi Theme .. they sponsored a fancy dress Sports Day.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.

So, I guess you are saying in any context it would be wrong to have somebody dressed as Nazis at a school or to be more exact showing anyone in a nazi costume marching at a school regardless of the reason.

One thing we do no FOR SURE is this school did not sponsor anything with a Nazi Theme .. they sponsored a fancy dress Sports Day.

Take a hundred kids dress them up in Nazi uniforms with Nazi banners and march them around the school. What kind of theme would you say it was? Barbi doll? Of course it was a Nazi theme regardless of the reason for the marching. Everyone knows it was a Nazi theme. That is why the nun wrote the letter of apology.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.

So, I guess you are saying in any context it would be wrong to have somebody dressed as Nazis at a school or to be more exact showing anyone in a nazi costume marching at a school regardless of the reason.

One thing we do no FOR SURE is this school did not sponsor anything with a Nazi Theme .. they sponsored a fancy dress Sports Day.

Take a hundred kids dress them up in Nazi uniforms with Nazi banners and march them around the school. What kind of theme would you say it was? Barbi doll? Of course it was a Nazi theme regardless of the reason for the marching. Everyone knows it was a Nazi theme. That is why the nun wrote the letter of apology.

Have you never been to a toga party?

My point is that different things upset different people.

You are a visitor to this country, and as such accept their ways.

It's pathetic seeing all these self-important foreigners complain about a harmless bit of fun that has absolutely nothing to do with them. You will never be happy here until you learn to accept what you cannot change.


To come up with all the Nazi paraphernalia, goose step etc, research must have been done by the kids probably the idea of their teacher as this years subject. All here who say it's OK and fun need to get a grip.

Thousands of subjects out there and they pick mass murderers.

So, for you fun guy's, next year it's Jap officers complete with Samurai swords holding Ozzy and Brit severed heads aloft to please the crowd.

Yep, thought so, you think it's good fun and the school know nothing about history. ;)

I think you are being a little bit dramatic here. Was thier theme this year antic semitic complete with gas chambers?

P.S it's Aussie and not Ozzy short for Australia, Ozzy is American as in Ozzy Osbourne :jap:


And your off topic remark, I think is completely off topic. There is no such rigidity assigned to the topic. It strikes me the ones who are most incensed, tend to want to control what others do and more importantly, what they think, or discuss. Very much like Nazis

If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.


A post containing Thai script has been removed. This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

Other nonsensical posts, derogatory slurs and off topic posts have been removed as well.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.

So, I guess you are saying in any context it would be wrong to have somebody dressed as Nazis at a school or to be more exact showing anyone in a nazi costume marching at a school regardless of the reason.

One thing we do no FOR SURE is this school did not sponsor anything with a Nazi Theme .. they sponsored a fancy dress Sports Day.

Take a hundred kids dress them up in Nazi uniforms with Nazi banners and march them around the school. What kind of theme would you say it was? Barbi doll? Of course it was a Nazi theme regardless of the reason for the marching. Everyone knows it was a Nazi theme. That is why the nun wrote the letter of apology.

Have you never been to a toga party?

My point is that different things upset different people.

You are a visitor to this country, and as such accept their ways.

It's pathetic seeing all these self-important foreigners complain about a harmless bit of fun that has absolutely nothing to do with them. You will never be happy here until you learn to accept what you cannot change.

Dressing up as Nazis seems to be a recurrent theme of the Thai school system. I guess we should get used to it in order to be happy in Thailand. Do you accept everything you can't change here Johnniey? How about under age sex workers in Thai brothels on the Cambodia or Burma border? Do you think that's OK?

You are a visitor to this country, and as such accept their ways.

Sometimes a bit of reciprocation is nice and also polite too.

And as a resident here for 20 + years (so hardly a visitor), I would say it is the educational establishment that is doing a disservice to their students. If my rants mean that the students receive a better and more internationally relevant education and that the school administration wake up from their slumber then I think it is worthwhile. Hopefully they will think about investing in education more than the usual front office appearances for at least a moment.


If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.

So, I guess you are saying in any context it would be wrong to have somebody dressed as Nazis at a school or to be more exact showing anyone in a nazi costume marching at a school regardless of the reason.

One thing we do no FOR SURE is this school did not sponsor anything with a Nazi Theme .. they sponsored a fancy dress Sports Day.

Take a hundred kids dress them up in Nazi uniforms with Nazi banners and march them around the school. What kind of theme would you say it was? Barbi doll? Of course it was a Nazi theme regardless of the reason for the marching. Everyone knows it was a Nazi theme. That is why the nun wrote the letter of apology.

Does it ever stop with you? I missed anywhere that it said 100 kids were dressed at Nazis at the school. And the letter of apology clearly stated the school was unaware of the kids Nazi dress prior to the school sponsored sports day.

As it seems with a number of things such as even what this thread is about ... you have no clue at all as to why these kids dressed up this way and what they were trying to say or not say.


Do you honestly believe that this parade was given completely free rein by the teachers and no one apart from students knew about this until the actual event. If you do , then you also must agree that the school was guilty of total negligence. Either way they were negligent.


And your off topic remark, I think is completely off topic. There is no such rigidity assigned to the topic. It strikes me the ones who are most incensed, tend to want to control what others do and more importantly, what they think, or discuss. Very much like Nazis

If a TV Show from 45-years ago (Hogan's Heroes) can bring bring big ratings while being a comedy set in a German POW camp, I really think it is time to let go over the over sensitivity related to symbols of The Third Reich when no intentional ill will is meant.

In some countries they have felt a need to pass laws about displaying such symbols including Germany where anti-nazi groups have been targeted and arrested for displaying anti-swastika signs. You want to talk about rewriting history and promoting ignorance when you cannot even question a state version of historical events but also cannot even buy a model plane of WWII if it shows a swastika. Things like this do nothing to heal and simply give more power to symbols that were around long before the Nazis were. There are few major militaries in the world who have not committed atrocities but no other military uniform is given so much power and the unrealistic belief that one must support the ideals of such a uniform or that ever soldier who wore the uniform was evil. Many people (especially young ones) wear things simply because they look cool or because they believe they are being different. or to gain attention.

As long as groups give power (often to benefit their own group) to these uniforms and symbols people will be offended while doing nothing to actually educate people. Putting power into objects such as these is akin to giving powers to ghosts.

Completely off topic again. The topic is, should schools sponsor parades with a Nazi theme? And in particular Catholic schools (given their complicity in the Nazi regime)?

No one gives a hoot if kids wear Nazi uniforms on a field trip to the mall. No one cares if anyone writes a sitcom where Nazis are depicted as brainless buffoons.

This thread is about a scholastic institution promoting Nazism be it with knowledge or without knowledge of what Nazism means.

It is not OK to call me a Nazi because I disagree with you. I don't care who told you to the contrary it is not OK.

The topic has to do with students and schools. There would not be any outrage without those two elements. Posts that try to misdirect righteous indignation by pointing out other elements of society do the same thing are off topic.

Simply put no one would be angry if this did not happen at a school sponsored event and perpetrated by students with Teacher approval.

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