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PM Yingluck's Submarine 'Mix-Up'


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PM's submarine 'mix-up'


Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra made a blunder yesterday when she told reporters that the Cabinet approved the Navy

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra made a blunder yesterday when she told reporters that the Cabinet approved the Navy’s plan to buy six second-hand German submarines worth Bt6.9 billion though in fact the proposal was not part of the agenda at yesterday’s meeting.

Leaving the meeting, Yingluck appeared slightly confused when asked if the Cabinet gave the green light to separate military plans to buy the German submarines and US-made Blackhawk helicopters.

“I don’t recall that. The Cabinet discussed 37 points today [yesterday] and had no reservation. Regarding the submarine plan, it has been approved. But for the Blackhawks, there’s some issues about the price that requires a discussion with the Budget Bureau,” she said early yesterday afternoon.

However, about two hours later, after the prime minister’s words had been reported by the online media, deputy government spokesman Chalitrat Chantharubeksa walked through the afternoon rain to the Government House press room to correct the prime minister’s statement.

He said that the Cabinet did not consider the submarine-purchase plan yesterday.

“The prime minister may be mixed up between submarines and helicopters. In fact, she referred to helicopters,” the deputy spokesman said, adding that the Army request to buy eight French-made helicopters was approved by the Cabinet. “She thought the question was about the eight helicopters.”

He also joked that the inaccurate media reports stemming from the prime minister’s “mix-up” might have “caused the Navy to be happy”.

The prime minister did not clarify or make any correction on the issue to Government House reporters.

The Navy is seeking Cabinet endorsement to buy six second-hand U-206 submarines, preferably before Friday – the deadline set by Germany for purchasing the submarines at a discount price.

The six submarines will be decommissioned by the German navy. Four will be refurbished before being deployed in the Gulf of Thailand, while two are slated for spare parts.

The original spending outlay was Bt7.7 billion, but the Navy agreed to cut the price after vetting by a panel formed by Defence Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha.

The Office of the Auditor-General dropped its earlier objection to the deal after receiving justification for the purchase from the Navy and the defence panel. However, the Cabinet asked the Army to revise its Bt2.8-billion proposal to purchase Blackhawk helicopters.


-- The Nation 2011-09-28

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Purchase of six used submarines approved and retracted: Yingluck

By The Nation


The Cabinet on Tuesday approved the naval proposal to buy six U-206 submarines, worth Bt6.9 billion, from Germany, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said, before retracting her statement hours later.

“The naval procurement project has been approved,” she said.

Yingluck subsequently instructed the deputy government spokesman to apologise for the confusion caused. The Cabinet did not debate the submarines deal but the prime minister misunderstood the reporter’s question as referring to the Army proposal to buy eight helicopters from France.

It remains unclear whether the Navy would get the greenlight to buy the submarines before the deal would expire on September 30.

Under the government procurement regulations, the Defence Ministry could give an initial approval before seeking the Cabinet endorsement next week.

The six submarines would be decommissioned by the German Navy. Four would be refurbished before the deployment in the Gulf of Thailand and two are slated for spare parts.

The original spending outlay was Bt7.7 billion but the Navy agreed to cut the price tag following the vetting by a panel formed by Defence Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha.

The Office of the Auditor General dropped its earlier objection to the deal after receiving the justification for the purchase from the Navy and the defence panel.


-- The Nation 011-09-27

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Dear Prime Minister (?) picture no.1: is a Helicopter. It flies. it does not operate on or under water very well at all.


Picture no. 2: is a Submarine. It is a vessel that can operate on or under the water .It does not fly.


I do hope that these two graphic illustrations will assist you and your fellow cabinet members here in Thailand or elsewhere in identifying the difference twixt the two items.

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Leaving the meeting, Yingluck appeared slightly confused when asked if the

Cabinet gave the green light to separate military plans to buy the German

submarines and US-made Blackhawk helicopters.

Reckon Yingluk wants to sette border dispute with Cambodia once and for ever.

Edited by Zpete
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Seems lie like the current administration has stepped up their game in purchasing war weapons instead of unused firetrucks.

Must be more profit in it for the deal makers.

Good to see they have their (the government) priorities in order - helicopters,submarienes what next "flight to the moon" oh wait a moment when do we have "items that affect the general populace of Thailand" oh ok those type things will be discussed at a later date, just as soon as we settle the important issues - next item for discussion discussion discussion Rentry of Fugitives - for the betterment of themselves and their families. What a circus nearly as good as the current Australian Labour Party certainly on parity.

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Maybe the submarines can be put to good use for the general good. Like spraying the farms of those deluded supporters of this government with insecticides and fertilisers?

They could mount bulldozer blades on the front and push the water out of the river to stop floods.

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Come on guys. Give her a break! There was once one US presidential candidate who thought Africa was a country. Now that's a more deserving embarrassment.

"Candidate". Big difference.

But she could also see Russia from her backyard.

Why would Thailand even want 6 submarines? To protect from whom?

Australia only has 6 U-boats, but only a maximum of 4 are on active duty at any one time.

6 submarines in the gulf? That has disaster written all over it.

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Krs1, no worries the government of bk signed a multi year deal with the same fire company that sold them the overpriced and highly unfunctional fire engines to fix them...... at a cost of $33,000 per vehicle. X 400 broken vehicles. They didn't forget about this further trough to get water from, they just arn't announcing it this time.

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"Four will be refurbished before being deployed in the Gulf of Thailand" Good military planning,

Does the Thai government know that the gulf of Thailand is a shallow body of water. The maximum depth of the water is 80 meters. The mean depth of the Thai gulf is only 45 meters.

Not exactly hard to find are they. Anti submarine detection system / firing solution = line of sight + pea shooter.

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I have a better idea as to how that money can be used.

First, set up an independent body of top investigators - which means foreigners, since no Thai really qualifies - to investigate the "unusual wealth" of every Thai General, both active and retired, both Military and Police, with the power to subpoena, arrest, and try anyone found guilty, along with the power to confiscate their ill gotten gains and sell at public auctions. Then take the billions that would be raked in and use it to upgrade the deplorable Thai education system.

Now that, to me, would be of a benefit to all, and not just a few elites and generals who want to add even more to their bank accounts by purchasing 6 out of date subs that, within 5 years, will be collecting rust, or sitting on the ocean floor as new coral reefs.

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