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Thais Top World Poll For Use Of Porn In Sex


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Thais top world poll for use of porn in sex

Published on November 09, 2005

Thais topped a global poll for using pornography during sex, condom maker Durex said yesterday. Some 67 per cent of Thai men surveyed said they use it, while 44.5 per cent of women surveyed said they also subscribe to it. The practice is most popular among respondents who were between 21 and 24 years old.

About half of the locals surveyed said they engaged in unprotected sex without first finding out about their partners’ sex history.

This statistic equalled that of Americans surveyed, where 51 per cent of respondents said they had engaged in unprotected sex.

The global average of respondents saying they engaged in unprotected sex was 47 per cent.

Norwegians top the practice of unprotected sex, said Durex Global Sex Survey covering 41 countries.

Greeks were second and the Swedes third on this matter.

Women surveyed were found to be less likely to take risks. On average, 45 per cent of female respondents said they had unprotected sex. Some 28 per cent of Thais polled said they had “one-night stands”. The global average of “one-nighters” was of 44 per cent.

On this matter, Norwegians again topped the list of respondents, followed by Finns, New Zealanders and Swedes.

Some 16 per cent of Thais in the poll said they had had an extra-martial affair, less than the global average of 22 per cent. Turkish people headed the respondents for this category.

Thai respondents said they had sex, on aveage, 97 times a year, or about twice a week.

Greeks polled claimed to have sex 138 times a year. But Japanese respondents were found to have the lowest average – 45 times a year. And Singaporeans ranked second lowest with 73 sessions.

Just over a half of Thai respondents said they favour sex in toilets, followed by doing it in cars.

This contrasted with the global results in which the car was the most favoured place outside the bedroom. Respondents said that toilets, their parent’s bedroom and parks were the next favoured locations, respectively.

On average, Thais surveyed lost their virginity at the age of 16.2 years, just over the global average of 15.9 years. They tend to have sex for the first time on Valentine’s Day, followed by Loy Krathong and on their birthdays.

About 40 per cent said they did it to find out what sex was like, while 23 per cent said they did it because they were in love.

The poll, covering 317,000 respondents, is considered the largest of its kind.

Rojana Manowalailao

The Nation

Link: Thai Sex Poll

Whoever would have thought this could possibly be true! With Thailand being the "hub" of crackdowns, two being porn and sex, how can this be possible? :o

There is also another article that was also eye catching!

Lusty teens await Loy Krathong

Published on November 09, 2005

The Loy Krathong Festival is traditionally an occasion for spiritual cleansing ceremonies, yet teenagers may exploit the festival as an excuse to have sex, according to a survey of local residents.

A cross-generational survey by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) and the Culture Ministry of 1,246 city residents aged between 12 and 60 revealed that many suspected young Thais of using the festivities to engage in worrying activities such as racing and drinking alcohol, said Wilasinee Phiphitkul, director of the foundation’s communications office.

Around 43 per cent of people interviewed said they expected teenagers to have sex on Loy Krathong Day, while more than half were not confident that many youngsters would not engage in immoral activities.

Most of the respondents said police should monitor entertainment venues and ban the sale of liquor in and around festival temples.

Almost two out of three polled admitted that they had sex during last year’s festival, Wilasinee said. She said a third of teenagers surveyed admitted to engaging in unprotected sex.

One in four Thais interviewed said they would consume alcohol during the festival this year, whereas one in three conceded they had drunk on Loy Krathong last year, she added.

“Alcohol consumption causes many youngsters to lose their self-control and engage in inappropriate behaviour such as fist fights, premature sex, sexual harassment, and even drug abuse,” Wilasinee said.

She added that ThaiHealth would campaign for alcohol-free Loy Krathong celebrations.

Amornwit Nakhontap, a lecturer at Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Education, stressed, however, that in order to tackle problems at their roots, the authorities needed to step up their campaigns against teenage debauchery all year round, not just during specific periods like festivals. He recommended that extensive social campaigns be launched to try to convince parents to spend more quality time with their offspring, including longer maternal leave for mothers.

Amornwit said schools must also make sure to keep dormitories orderly, while police needed to crack down on gambling practices and the widespread availability of pornographic material among youths.

Link: Lusty Youths

I wonder if the "western world" will somehow be blamed for this one as well?

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My error! Didn't realise there was another topic on this already. But, it is very intersting to note how both articles shed a very different light on the subject. Bangkok Post, no mention of using porn whatsoever. Nation, no mention of Valentines Day compared to the Post. Nation reports about Loy Krathong being a sexual activity Day, Bangkok Post, no mention of it. What a contrast.

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