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Top Cops Face Action Over Illegal Gambling Dens

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Top cops face action over illegal dens

The Nation on Sunday

The chief of the Metropolitan Police Bureau and 18 senior officers will be summoned tomorrow to hear disciplinary charges for allegedly allowing gambling dens to operate in Bangkok, inspector-general Pol General Sathaphorn Laothong said yesterday.

If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

The investigation will look into the officers' failure to perform their duties in relation to the existence of gambling dens; and their possible involvement in the operations of some of them. One den was exposed in a video shown by Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit in Parliament in August.

Acting national police chief Pol General Priewpan Damapong yesterday denied the existence of a new den that Chuwit said would begin operating soon in Bangkok's Meng Jai.

No such den has been found, and talk of a new one is just a rumour, he said. Asked whether the den would have opened if not for Chuwit's disclosure, Priewpan said police must take action according to the law.

Meanwhile, outgoing Government Lottery Office chief Wanchai Surakul denied that anyone had "masterminded" his proposal that a casino be opened in Thailand


-- The Nation 2011-10-02

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

I know its just galling, i would n't even call it a punishment. Wonder what the warning will be "Next time don't get caught?"

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

Why can they keep the money they made from this? Every drugdealer when caught has to proof where money in his/her posession came from or it will be confiscated. The double standards and the hypocrisy in Thailand is really a slap in the face of normal people. Dealing drugs is bad but working together with the gambling mafia is honourable and profitable.

Edited by hanuman2543
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Why even bother? Police corruption is a major issue, and they simply want to smack the hands of the offenders. I suspect the 'higher-ups' are just as guilty, and they would want the same treatment when they are found out. Setting up the precedence for their own inevitable smack down.

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You know how it works here in Thailand, corruption rules and no one takes responsibility for anything or pays any (real) penalties. It's all about moving people to "inactive" posts, waiting for statutes to run out etc, and avoiding paying any penalties or fines at all.

The reason for this is of course, that no one anywhere in Thailand ever does any wrong, and therefore cannot really be punished for it, as that would admit to a failing in the 'system' and losing face which is to be avoided at any and all costs.

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face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months

Hahahaha - pathetic.

If I screw up against my companies interest in the same way these police officers fail to carry out the nations interest, I would be fired without compensation due to gross allegiance and malfeasance - and could face both a civil and criminal set of charges.

My God, this is pathetic. Given that their 'legal' salary is already so low, they are missing out on one late lunch at the massage parlor, nothing more.

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The guilty are laughing...

A 5% salary cut and a mere 3-month probation. No firing, no jail time!

Surely they sure made more in kickbacks than the paltry salary cut.

So, they will be admonished...to be more careful in their corrupt dealings next time!

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

They could have made the cops really pay for their crimes and add to the severe punishmet they will receive-yes give them hell--inactive posts- that will add more hurt on them ,making them feel guilty for what they have done ((or not done)):lol::cheesy:

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

Someone know who they are?? Maybe someone look what house and value on the house is, their Harley for 600 000 bath and their privat cars ,and bank acounts ...??

is it not a anticorruption department in Bangkok with a e mail and info number where everyone can slip some into to?? if everyone that know something give all the info they have , dont we get some result in the end?

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

They could have made the cops really pay for their crimes and add to the severe punishmet they will receive-yes give them hell--inactive posts- that will add more hurt on them ,making them feel guilty for what they have done ((or not done)):lol::cheesy:

I stand by my first recommendation.

If you want to make them lose face, do it Chuck Connors style.

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

They could have made the cops really pay for their crimes and add to the severe punishmet they will receive-yes give them hell--inactive posts- that will add more hurt on them ,making them feel guilty for what they have done ((or not done)):lol::cheesy:

I stand by my first recommendation.

If you want to make them lose face, do it Chuck Connors style.

I'm with you all the way, my bit of sarcasm I added for the stupidity of it all. These heads-responsible for the law, But the top man is far worse. to even suggest these punishments is not just a joke- in fact I will go as far as to say -they are having a laugh, no other reason. SICK

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5% isn't much but due to complaints they will be able to toss a coin if they wish on a double or quits basis so many will end up paying zilch. Those that win twice in a row will actually get a 5% bonus. Of course those that lose will have to forfeit 10% then 15% etc. Maximum losing run allowed restricted to just 3 as more than that may cause hardship problems for the families concerned. This compromise was approved by the police education dept. as it was felt the experience would be beneficial in the fight against gambling thus injuring 2 stones with 1 bird said the so far unidentified spokesman.

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

They could have made the cops really pay for their crimes and add to the severe punishmet they will receive-yes give them hell--inactive posts- that will add more hurt on them ,making them feel guilty for what they have done ((or not done)):lol::cheesy:

I stand by my first recommendation.

If you want to make them lose face, do it Chuck Connors style.

Ah, thanks for the walk down memory lane with Chuck, even if it reminds me of how old I'm getting. Out here in the village, there are numerous gamblin get togethers. For many, that is all they do. According to reliable sources, there is a set schedule for the local law enforcement folds to raid and receive their, oops I mean the monies on the table.

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months

Funniest thing I've read in a long time..

Will they be required to hand over 5% of immoral earnings also?

One draws one's breath in trying to put into perspective this particular punishment of corruption in comparison to others. There must be reasons for this. Aren't the forum shouters outraged?

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If found guilty, senior officers would be put on probation and face 5-per-cent salary cuts for three months, while less-senior officers would receive warnings, Sathaphorn said.

That's a real deterrent isn't it....... sack them <deleted>.

My memory tells me that once you reach certain ranks in the thai armed forces - essentially even higher officers or courts cannot sack you (rank of Major-General minimum I think), which accounts for the large number of Generals. The reasoning is that you swore an oath to a certain personage, and only he has the power to sack you. As an example, that is why the only punishment available for Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol when defying senior officers was to place him in an inactive position (could not even stop paying him).

I believe the Royal Thai Police ranks work in the same manner - so the National Chief may not actually have the power to punish them beyond this.

For a recent example http://news.bbc.co.u...fic/4326629.stm

Note the quote "Army Chief Gen Pravit Wongsuwan said: "There is no disciplinary penalty for the ranks of general and no disciplinary punishment is being meted out."


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I believe the Royal Thai Police ranks work in the same manner - so the National Chief may not actually have the power to punish them beyond this.

For a recent example http://news.bbc.co.u...fic/4326629.stm

Note the quote "Army Chief Gen Pravit Wongsuwan said: "There is no disciplinary penalty for the ranks of general and no disciplinary punishment is being meted out."


If that is the case, then we are faced with a 'can't blame the people, blame the system' situation.

Change the system.

And then sack them all.

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