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Hubs In Thailand


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I often read about Mr T (him with the dodgy haircut) saying that Thailand will become the hub of this or that, but I never see confirmation that the country has actually become a hub of anything. Am I missing something here or what? I would be most grateful if someone could enlighten me as to what Thailand IS the hub of. Please don't include hub of corruption and similar items, just hubs of things worthwhile. Thanks guys

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I believe the history of Thailand being a 'hub' came from the airline industry's strategy of having a large airport in a region be the first stopping point for all its connections in the region. A map of this showed a central airport with flights traveling outward like spokes in a wheel and it was natural to think of the central airport as the 'hub'. Thailand wanted to make Don Muang Airport the 'hub' for SE Asia....and to a certain degree they were successful at this. I don't know enough about the reality of transportation to know if they still are an aviation hub or not. At any rate it seems that the gov't has now extended this term to mean the...blah blah blah....

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I often read about Mr T (him with the dodgy haircut) saying that Thailand will become the hub of this or that, but I never see confirmation that the country has actually become a hub of anything.  Am I missing something here or what?  I would be most grateful if someone could enlighten me as to what Thailand IS the hub of.  Please don't include hub of corruption and similar items, just hubs of things worthwhile.  Thanks guys

Are you reading the English language press? I suspect the translators default to "hub" when confronted with the words the PM uses to declare an intention to become the regional leader, or best-in-class provider, of services, goods, infrastructure, tourist destinations, manpower, education, etc. I don't think you're missing anything, it's just one method that leaders use to state a plan and define a goal, and possibly inspire the people tasked with implementing the plans. Hub makes a bit of sense with regards to transportation, and even trade, but should probably not be used as universally as it is. I don't understand Thai so I am not sure how often the PM uses the word hub, or its equivalent in Thai.

I would agree that it is beneficial to assess performance against the plan every so often. I think that there is no shortage of published statistics regarding the performance of all sorts of sectors here in Thailand, and off the top of my head i would say Thailand is a regional leader in the tourism area (destinations, visitors, infrastructure, marketing and support). However I wouldn't refer to it as a 'hub of tourism' as that doesn't really make sense, to me anyway. I might call Thailand "Southeast Asia's leading tourist destination"?

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Thailand is the hub for expats who come up with unique and utterly useless ways to criticize the current government.

Why do you care what the PM says?

Is he the first Thai politician, or politican anywhere in the world, who likes to make things sound positive and like there is a vision somewhere, even while stretching the truth a little?

Don't like the PM? Fine, just say so. why come at the topic indirectly?

What should the PM say, he wants T-land to backslide or not move forward?

What is the point?

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Thailand is the hub for expats who come up with unique and utterly useless ways to criticize the current government.

Why do you care what the PM says?

Is he the first Thai politician, or politican anywhere in the world, who likes to make things sound positive and like there is a vision somewhere, even while stretching the truth a little?

Don't like the PM? Fine, just say so. why come at the topic indirectly?

What should the PM say, he wants T-land to backslide or not move forward?

What is the point?

Calm down Ladphrao, it was a semi serious question. I do read articles claiming that Mr T talked/mentioned/spoke about being the hub of this or that, and I was just curious if Thailand actually was the recognised hub of anything worthwhile. It was only semi serious because I knew I would get all sorts of comical replies too.

And yes I do care about what he says, a lot of his half baked ideas affect the expats living here, as do a lot of his more sensible ideas.

A couple of days ago I asked my TG to name some good things that he's done for the people in the street, the silence was deafening., and she voted for him as well!

I think he's probably the best of a bad bunch, though I haven't lived here long enough to say that with any certainty. Apirak seems to be making a difference here in BKK, maybe one day he'll become PM and do the same nationwide, who knows.

So lighten up mate, everyone is entitled to their opinion, we may not like some opinions but that's life :o

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My wife comes from the south (Nakhon Si Thammerat). I thought taking an helmet and ask her about the Premier. But than I saw what happend with the last guy who mentioned who used the word beginning with "T". I guess the doctor is still pulling out words like "get mam, dobdei hung, kee........" out of his ears.

I think Thailand will get the Hub of corruption. Still Philipines and Indonesia are leading, but Thailand is improving a lot......

Thailand is the hub for expats who come up with unique and utterly useless ways to criticize the current government.

Why do you care what the PM says?

Is he the first Thai politician, or politican anywhere in the world, who likes to make things sound positive and like there is a vision somewhere, even while stretching the truth a little?

Don't like the PM? Fine, just say so. why come at the topic indirectly?

What should the PM say, he wants T-land to backslide or not move forward?

What is the point?

Calm down Ladphrao, it was a semi serious question. I do read articles claiming that Mr T talked/mentioned/spoke about being the hub of this or that, and I was just curious if Thailand actually was the recognised hub of anything worthwhile. It was only semi serious because I knew I would get all sorts of comical replies too.

And yes I do care about what he says, a lot of his half baked ideas affect the expats living here, as do a lot of his more sensible ideas.

A couple of days ago I asked my TG to name some good things that he's done for the people in the street, the silence was deafening., and she voted for him as well!

I think he's probably the best of a bad bunch, though I haven't lived here long enough to say that with any certainty. Apirak seems to be making a difference here in BKK, maybe one day he'll become PM and do the same nationwide, who knows.

So lighten up mate, everyone is entitled to their opinion, we may not like some opinions but that's life :o

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Thailand is becomiing the "hub" if you will of the growing trade within the greater Mekong Sub-region. I won't bore you with the facts anf figures, since I doubt you are really interested, but I just finished writing a piece that touches on this even if the focus of the piece was not on Thailand being a hub. Trade with the Greater-Mekong Sub-region has grown 8 fold since the early 90s and Thailand is the "hub" of this growing trade.

I have also read the case being made that the center, or hub if you will, of political power in ASEAN, is shifting from Indonesia to Thailand.

But, I doubt you would be interested in researching this either, as it wouldn't give you a chance to insult the country we live in. (which needs insulting from time to time I agree, but constant whining by ex-pats pointing out the country's faults gets so so tiresome)

And sure, Thailand is the hub of toursim of the northern ASEAN region. Most foreign traveles visiting Anchor Wat or Penang or Hanoi, do so from Bangkok.

Seems obvious to me, that Thailand is slowly developing into the business hub of the northern ASEAN region, with its central location and more advanced economy. Most foreign investment into Cambodia, Mynamar and Laos comes from the hub, Thailand.

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As I said, it was a semi serious question, and thank you for the info about Thailand being a 'hub' of trade in the region etc, that was the type of answer I was really after.

So you're 100% happy with how Thailand is being governed are you? Is it only Farang that complain about Thailand, don't the Thai ever complain, don't they ever say anything even mildly derogortory about Mr T? Of course they do. If you don't like the bad mouthing about Mr T and Thailand in general why do you bother frequenting this forum? It must really wind you up.

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What is the meaning of "hub"?My english is a bit limited :o

It's just alot of hub-bub about hubs bud :D

(couldn't resist;) Ok, ok, a "hub" is basically slang for a "center" for products or services. ie: Thailand wishes to be a hub or regional center for everything from logistics to electronics to air transport and so on (and on and on and on...) :D:D

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Perhaps it is hub hubris, but we in Chiang Mai are (or will become) the hub of numerous things, indeed a hub hub:

* Aviation hub

* Education hub

* IT hub

* Eco-tourism hub

* Spa hub

* Handicraft hub

* Medical treatment hub

* Dental treatment hub

* Golf tourism hub

* Night Safari hub

* Panda Bear hub

* Superhighway hub

* Future rail hub to Laos

I agree with a previous post that a hub cap might be in order.

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I often read about Mr T (him with the dodgy haircut) saying that Thailand will become the hub of this or that, but I never see confirmation that the country has actually become a hub of anything.  Am I missing something here or what?  I would be most grateful if someone could enlighten me as to what Thailand IS the hub of.  Please don't include hub of corruption and similar items, just hubs of things worthwhile.  Thanks guys

For myself, for two of the busineses we're involved in, Thailand is one of the world "hubs."

1. Orchid export (something like 97% of the world market controlled from the LOS)

2. Aquarium fish and aquatic plants (not sure of the %'s here, but second only to Singapore I believe)

There probably aren't hundreds of other items, but surely at least several dozen. Jasmine rice, surfboards, after-market auto parts (thanks to about 20-30 Taiwanese factories set up in Thailand),.....


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Our main "competition" actually is Hawaii. Singaporean farmers (yes there are some) come up with new strains sometimes, Malaysians are barely on the board. Just good farmers and a great climate I think.

Same thing for one particular breed of pet/show fish called the "discus" (symphosydon discus). Originally native to Brazil, but brought to Thailand for breeding, and now dominated by Thai breeders/exporters (usually all under one roof since they don't take to frequent transport very well). I don't mind telling you since it's no longer my bread and butter -and since you often like to wonder "where's the f***in money coming from, evil doings surely!"-, but it's this one single breed of fish that turned an 25,000 Baht a month AUA income into middle X millions in revenue per year and allowed expansion into a half dozen other unrelated busineses. And sadly, no corruption, exploitation (unless you're talking about the fish perhaps), or mafia type stuff involved whatsoever.


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