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Occupy As A Means To Financial Reform

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America may have a lofty 35% corporate tax rate—but who actually pays that? A new study from a pair of left-leaning think tanks examined 280 Fortune 500 companies from 2008-2010, and found that their average effective rate was 18.5%, with a quarter paying less than 10% and 30 paying no taxes at all, despite being profitable, Reuters

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Here is more evidence the LEFT movement is full of p*ss and wind . :rolleyes:

First they want to spend more money that they don't even have. Delusional :blink:

And then they won't even debate the issue about how do they reconcile if they are

wealthy themselves but try to claim at the same time they share the

values of the 99%............... :cheesy:

Here is a video of Michael Moore who is happy to take money from the 99%, is happy to

use the likes of Goldman Sachs to finance his films and yet he doesn't even have the guts

to acknowledge he is a multimillionaire himself calling a reporter who asks a perfectly

legitimate question a “ punk ”. :o

Once again a shining example of hypocrisy and duplicity the left delivers repeatedly. :bah:

Michael Moore Grabs ‘Punk’ Reporter, Growls ‘You Lie!’ Over Wealth Questions

“Just days after being confronted by a conservative blogger over his supposed net worth,

filmmaker Michael Moore took similar questions from a local CBS reporter at the Occupy Denver

protest, with markedly different results. Rather than ignore CBS-4 reporter Evrod Cassimy,

Moore engaged him. When Cassimy brought up Moore’s “rumored” $50 million net worth, though,

Moore called him “punk media,” pulled him close, and growled, “You lie!”


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Here is a video of Michael Moore who is happy to take money from the 99%,

He is one of the biggest phonies I have ever seen

Remember his claims he did not own Halliburton Shares?

Yet his tax returns said otherwise....He owned & profited off 2000 shares of Halliburton

No problem but that is the same company he pretends to vilify in in movie Fahrenheit 9/11

Not to mention his claims he did not own any stocks what so ever based on moral principles.

He owns thousands of shares - including nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One + those Halliburton shares

Publicity hound

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Here is more evidence the LEFT movement is full of p*ss and wind . :rolleyes:

First they want to spend more money that they don't even have. Delusional :blink:

And then they won't even debate the issue about how do they reconcile if they are

wealthy themselves but try to claim at the same time they share the

values of the 99%............... :cheesy:

Here is a video of Michael Moore who is happy to take money from the 99%, is happy to

use the likes of Goldman Sachs to finance his films and yet he doesn't even have the guts

to acknowledge he is a multimillionaire himself calling a reporter who asks a perfectly

legitimate question a " punk ". :o

Hmmm incredible incite............

First you argue that there is no left and right, ad nauseum, with Jingthing, then use the term yourself.

Then you claim they want to spend more money than they have, isnt that what the US government has been doing for the decades since Clinton? Isnt that why they are in a deby crisis?

Then you claim Michael More took money from the 99%. Actually he earnt it and as far as I am concerned he deserves it. Unlike the 1% who awarded themselves huge salary rises and bonuses for bankrupting the western finacial sytem.

Why would they debate about an issue that is hypothetical, such as what they would do if they were wealthy?

All this attention on MM and his alledged wealth is misdirection by the 1% through paid media, and you it seems, to draw attention away from the real issue, the reason there is an Occupy movement in the first place.

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Hmmm incredible incite............

First you argue that there is no left and right, ad nauseum, with Jingthing, then use the term yourself.

I have never argued there is no left or right political movement period?of course there is! :blink: the argument with

Jingthing has been about whether the people in OWS are supporting right or left ideals and I for one believe what they are asking for covers both spectrums and is more in the middle.

Then you claim they want to spend more money than they have, isnt that what the US government has been doing for the decades since Clinton? Isnt that why they are in a deby crisis?

Yes no argument about that :rolleyes:

Then you claim Michael More took money from the 99%. Actually he earnt it and as far as I am concerned he deserves it. Unlike the 1% who awarded themselves huge salary rises and bonuses for bankrupting the western finacial sytem.

Yes but you are missing the point entirely. Of course he deserves it but why then is he too embarrassed to talk about it

with this reporter instead calling him a " punk " when the reporter asked him how he can call for taxing the rich

when he is worth $50 million himself?is he not able to explain his " philosophy " about this rationally without getting angry? doesn't getting angry indicate something -embarrassment perhaps or a guilt complex while he stands in front of all those people who hate the rich ? :ph34r:

Why would they debate about an issue that is hypothetical, such as what they would do if they were wealthy?

All this attention on MM and his alledged wealth is misdirection by the 1% through paid media, and you it seems, to draw attention away from the real issue, the reason there is an Occupy movement in the first place.

No I don't I am drawing attention to the hypocrisy of the left-wing movement.

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Hmmm incredible incite............

First you argue that there is no left and right, ad nauseum, with Jingthing, then use the term yourself.

I have never argued there is no left or right political movement period?of course there is! :blink: the argument with

Jingthing has been about whether the people in OWS are supporting right or left ideals and I for one believe what they are asking for covers both spectrums and is more in the middle.

Then you claim they want to spend more money than they have, isnt that what the US government has been doing for the decades since Clinton? Isnt that why they are in a deby crisis?

Yes no argument about that :rolleyes:

Then you claim Michael More took money from the 99%. Actually he earnt it and as far as I am concerned he deserves it. Unlike the 1% who awarded themselves huge salary rises and bonuses for bankrupting the western finacial sytem.

Yes but you are missing the point entirely. Of course he deserves it but why then is he too embarrassed to talk about it

with this reporter instead calling him a " punk " when the reporter asked him how he can call for taxing the rich

when he is worth $50 million himself?is he not able to explain his " philosophy " about this rationally without getting angry? doesn't getting angry indicate something -embarrassment perhaps or a guilt complex while he stands in front of all those people who hate the rich ? :ph34r:

Why would they debate about an issue that is hypothetical, such as what they would do if they were wealthy?

All this attention on MM and his alledged wealth is misdirection by the 1% through paid media, and you it seems, to draw attention away from the real issue, the reason there is an Occupy movement in the first place.

No I don't I am drawing attention to the hypocrisy of the left-wing movement.

I wouldnt say MM is a poster boy for the left wing movement, I prefer Che, MM is more of a walking example of greed and over consumption.

However, I believe that the left wing movement provides the backbone of the Occupy movement but its flesh and blood is increasingly the mom and pops from mainstreet who are being grinded into poverty by the greed of 1%. I guess in essence its a class struggle.

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Watch the last part of Moore's movie about capitalism. Moore is VERY relevant now though of course the leadership of this specific movement needs to develop organically. Mark my words, the movement won't remain leaderless forever. This is a phase now, a brilliant phase.

OK, honestly of course this movement could be ruined by many events. For example if the violent anarchists take it over, if the Ron Paul gold standard freak true believers take it over, etc. The core idea is not anti capitalist per se, it against the type of stacked deck capitalism that now dominates America. It is not for a totally flat communist ideal of total equality of results/rewards.

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What does Chomsky say? Glad you asked.


The his­toric re­ver­sal in peo­ple’s con­fi­dence about the <deleted>­ture is a re­flec­tion of ten­den­cies that could be­come ir­re­versible. The Oc­cupy protests are the first major pop­u­lar re­ac­tion that could change the dy­namic.
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The Oc­cupy protests are the first major pop­u­lar re­ac­tion that could change the dy­namic.

Not the 1st & hopefully not the last....But as I said back when it started...

It is good to see folks off the couch & at least acknowledging there is a problem.

While they may only be crawling so to speak now....They may learn & soon walk & eventually run.

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An estimated 650,000 Americans and $4.5 billion in new deposits joined a credit union over the past month...........In anyone’s language that’s a massive swing, and it means more and more people are coming to realise that credit unions provide a better alternative than traditional banks.....The rush to credit unions in the U.S has grown around ‘Bank Transfer Day’, a ground roots campaign to punish banks for their high fees.My link

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An estimated 650,000 Americans and $4.5 billion in new deposits joined a credit union over the past month...........In anyone’s language that’s a massive swing, and it means more and more people are coming to realise that credit unions provide a better alternative than traditional banks.....The rush to credit unions in the U.S has grown around ‘Bank Transfer Day’, a ground roots campaign to punish banks for their high fees.My link

I pulled out of US banks in 2008

I do use a local credit union for what little banking I do.

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So now the fleabaggers show their true colors. 2 Cops got slashed in Oakland. Meanwhile the tent cities are being cleared out of major cities.

Personally if I were in a position of authority in Portland I would advise tear gas to clear out the Marxist riff raff. Mindless idiots.

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So now the fleabaggers show their true colors. 2 Cops got slashed in Oakland. Meanwhile the tent cities are being cleared out of major cities.

Personally if I were in a position of authority in Portland I would advise tear gas to clear out the Marxist riff raff. Mindless idiots.

It will not be long before the government puts the occupants of these tent cities into the FEMA camps that the gov has been building secretly over the past decade.

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ut o. Famous cartoonist Frank Miller weighs in. Could not have said it better myself except to add that POTUS anarchist in chief & windbag ex speaker of the house are inciting this pond scum to even more violence looting burning & anarchy. Mister Miller:

The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.

“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.

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I pulled out of US banks in 2008

I do use a local credit union for what little banking I do.

what is the difference between a bank and a credit union? i admit i have no idea.

Seems there's not much difference, other than the "bash du jour" is big banks.


In a sign of how widespread the nation’s financial crisis has become, even the credit unions are getting creamed.

Problems in the credit union system, once considered a largely mom-and-pop operation immune to turmoil, came to light last week, when their regulator seized two of the nation’s largest credit unions, U.S. Central Credit Union in Lenexa, Kanss, and Western Corp. Federal Credit Union in San Dimas, Calif. The two, with combined assets of $57 billion, are in trouble over the same investments in toxic mortgage backed securities that have felled global banks and led to the credit crunch.

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... Famous cartoonist Frank Miller weighs in.


For the record, an artist who many critics have labeled as a fascist.

As I have asserted here many times, the OWS movement is definitely leftist, so not surprising those from the far right are on the warpath.

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As I have asserted here many times, the OWS movement is definitely leftist, so not surprising those from the far right are on the warpath.

what you have asserted is totally meaningless and wrong because you are not an economist

you are only banging a political drum. :whistling:

An economist who has a track record says it is neither a left or right movement

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Elizabeth Warren Attacks Wall Street In New Campaign Ad: Despite creating the Consumer Financial Protection Agency in wake of the economic abortion of 2008, she feels "Washington is still rigged for the big guys, and that's got to change." My link

The occupy... movement cannot be evicted. Some politicians may physically remove us from public spaces — our spaces — and, physically, they may succeed. But we are engaged in a battle over ideas. Our idea is that our political structures should serve us, the people — all of us, not just those who have amassed great wealth and power. We believe that is a highly popular idea, and that is why so many people have come so quickly to identify with Occupy Wall Street and the 99% movement. You cannot evict an idea whose time has come.

Evicting protestor doesnt fix the underlying problems it exacerbates them.

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Cold weather is coming in America. Many protests are being booted out anyway. OWS has already succeeded in bringing the issue of income inequality to the top of the public consciousness, up from almost no awareness.

But what next, if anything? Can the progressive movement that is OWS move out of the parks to something bigger and more lasting? I agree with the columnist, sadly, probably not, but it ain't over yet.


It requires a willingness to work with the system that is, in certain ways, inimical to the founding of Occupy Wall Street. The good news, if they choose to make that transition, is that they don’t need a park to do it. The bad news is that, in most cases, it requires more hierarchy, clearer leaders, a more obvious agenda.


http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/did-bloomberg-do-occupy-wall-street-a-favor/2011/08/25/gIQAvQURON_blog.html Edited by Jingthing
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An estimated 650,000 Americans and $4.5 billion in new deposits joined a credit union over the past month...........In anyone's language that's a massive swing, and it means more and more people are coming to realise that credit unions provide a better alternative than traditional banks.....The rush to credit unions in the U.S has grown around 'Bank Transfer Day', a ground roots campaign to punish banks for their high fees.My link

I wonder why it took them until now to switch over. It's been common knowledge for decades that credit unions give consumers a better deal than banks.

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Cold weather is coming in America. Many protests are being booted out anyway. OWS has already succeeded in bringing the issue of income inequality to the top of the public consciousness, up from almost no awareness.

But what next, if anything? Can the progressive movement that is OWS move out of the parks to something bigger and more lasting? I agree with the columnist, sadly, probably not, but it ain't over yet.


It requires a willingness to work with the system that is, in certain ways, inimical to the founding of Occupy Wall Street. The good news, if they choose to make that transition, is that they don’t need a park to do it. The bad news is that, in most cases, it requires more hierarchy, clearer leaders, a more obvious agenda.



what is next is for Americans to wake up and realise this is all a political distraction and meanwhile they

are being completely duped and hoodwinked by both sides of the political aisle :blink:

can you please explain where is the logic that Nancy Pelosi can make $100,000 in one day by insider trading and for it to be

perfectly legal for her to do so while Martha Stewart goes to jail for doing exactly the same thing? B)

I hope this new book becomes a bestseller!


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Did U.S. Tax Policies Increase Economic Inequality?

The Occupy Wall Street movement continues to protest policies that have made the top 1 percent of income earners richer, while about 14 million Americans are out of work.

Meanwhile, the Congressional supercommittee only has one week left to come up with a plan that will cut more than $1 trillion from the deficit. Republicans are opposed to raising revenues by raising taxes, even on the wealthiest Americans, who have seen their taxes dramatically cut over the past 14 years.My link

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