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Portable Power Generators For Condo Use- Where To Buy?


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Hi, Does anybody know where in Bangkok I can find a small portable power generators to power up a fridge, tv, comp and maybe aircon in case of a power failure? Saw many online in the US that can be use in outdoor cmaping trips but can I buy something like that in Bangkok? And Where and how much if possible. Would appreciate any help. Preparing for the coming floods as my place always have blcakouts whenever it rains heavily or floods. Thanks.

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I am sure your condo neighbors will be thrilled at your ingenuity, not to mention the danger of spilled petrol to run the thing

Good luck but I would check with the Condo management before you make any investment since I am sure they have rules about noise and exhaust fumes

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I tend to agree with the above on the fuel and fumes issue, however if you have a balcony where you can run it less of a problem.

HomePro have some little Honda 4-stroke powered units which are very quiet although I suspect neighbours will be more pissed that you're watching TV when they're in the dark than from the noise.

If condo rules prohibit an actual generator there are a number of manufacturers doing UPSs with external batteries, you choose the run-time by how many batteries you hook up. We have a Chinese made 2kVA unit which happily runs the TV a couple of lights, fans and Wifeys fish tanks. With 4 x 40AH sealed lead-acid batteries we're good for several hours and no noise or fumes. Still miffs the neighbours when we have lights and TV mind.

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