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Do we have any relationship sucsess stories with farangs and thai girls,x bar girls as well,how have the relationships progresed and how are things going in there new countries.

Once a tg wants to be with you in your country what would you think the sucsess rate of the relationship lasting...


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hutchy07 i do not know much about relationship between male farang and thai girls but mine ( fanrang girl- me and thai men) have been a disaster ( but also my relationship with europeans... :o

I think the relationship success it will depend on you and your girlfriend...

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Once a tg wants to be with you in your country what would you think the sucsess rate of the relationship lasting...

I'd say about 5% chance(higher than if she wanted to stay in Thailand) of having a relationship over 5 years, but depends on a lot of factors like the age difference and how much cash you have, family etc. I'm speaking of bar-girls.

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Once a tg wants to be with you in your country what would you think the sucsess rate of the relationship lasting...

I'd say about 5% chance(higher than if she wanted to stay in Thailand) of having a relationship over 5 years, but depends on a lot of factors like the age difference and how much cash you have, family etc. I'm speaking of bar-girls.

Looks like i only have a year left then before the wife wants to go back to Thailand :o

I have found it to be the other way round, i am the one that wants to go back to Thailand and it is the wife who wants to stay in the U.K because she can earn better money chefing(spelling) here than she can in Bkk :D

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I have found it to be the other way round, i am the one that wants to go back to Thailand and it is the wife who wants to stay in the U.K because she can earn better money chefing(spelling) here than she can in Bkk smile.gif

Move to Thailand and have her send money over once a month DB. :o

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I have found it to be the other way round, i am the one that wants to go back to Thailand and it is the wife who wants to stay in the U.K because she can earn better money chefing(spelling) here than she can in Bkk smile.gif

Move to Thailand and have her send money over once a month DB. :D

:D i reckon thats a plan, do you think i should tell her its for my sick buffy, or maybe the sick granny :o

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I would say it depends totally on the guy.

Is he chilled out? Does he not think too much? Is he happy to accept all aspects of Thai culture - possibly supporting his wife's family, pay a sin sot etc? Can he understand how Thais think - often extremely different to how westerners think? Does he totally understand and is ready to work with the concepts of mai pen rai, greng jai, and 'face'? Will he and the family be financially secure?

In my expeience it is the guy doing most of the giving in the relationship - yes there are exceptions and some here in TV but... - and must not expect the same attitude and values from his Thai gf as one from his culture.

Thai and Western culture are worlds apart and combining the two seems to fail in the most part, or those that succeed either work real hard, or the girl is very open minded/forward thinking.

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I would say it depends totally on the guy.

Is he chilled out? Does he not think too much? Is he happy to accept all aspects of Thai culture - possibly supporting his wife's family, pay a sin sot etc? Can he understand how Thais think - often extremely different to how westerners think? Does he totally understand and is ready to work with the concepts of mai pen rai, greng jai, and 'face'? Will he and the family be financially secure?

In my expeience it is the guy doing most of the giving in the relationship - yes there are exceptions and some here in TV but... - and must not expect the same attitude and values from his Thai gf as one from his culture.

Thai and Western culture are worlds apart and combining the two seems to fail in the most part, or those that succeed either work real hard, or the girl is very open minded/forward thinking.

if u are talking about an undereducated or close minded girl then the farang has to compromise more, or also if u end up living in ur gfs home village/town. however i find some people make too much of supposed differences.

i think its less about thai/western culture and more to do with individual personalities that will determine the success or failure of a relationship.

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if u are talking about an undereducated or close minded girl then the farang has to compromise more, or also if u end up living in ur gfs home village/town. however i find some people make too much of supposed differences.
No. She doesn't have to be uneducated or close minded, just ignorant and unworldly and unaware of western culture/world/ways.
i think its less about thai/western culture and more to do with individual personalities that will determine the success or failure of a relationship.

Oh really? So you think an investment banker from New York with a fun personality who hooks up with a Thai secretary who's knows nothing about farangland, likes Hello Kitty, hates western food, but also has a fun pesonality is going to be more successful?

Doubt it. You need to be on the same page and that goes far past personality in my opinion. (for most people anyway)

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I would say it depends totally on the guy.

Is he chilled out? Does he not think too much? Is he happy to accept all aspects of Thai culture - possibly supporting his wife's family, pay a sin sot etc? Can he understand how Thais think - often extremely different to how westerners think? Does he totally understand and is ready to work with the concepts of mai pen rai, greng jai, and 'face'? Will he and the family be financially secure?

In my expeience it is the guy doing most of the giving in the relationship - yes there are exceptions and some here in TV but... - and must not expect the same attitude and values from his Thai gf as one from his culture.

Thai and Western culture are worlds apart and combining the two seems to fail in the most part, or those that succeed either work real hard, or the girl is very open minded/forward thinking.

I agree with some of your posted points. However In my opinion both parts in a love relationship have to put some effort. I think the girl should try to understand the culture of the new country she is going to.

If she loves him she will make the effort. I think it will be hard for the girl at the beggining .But if both of them want the relationship to work both parts have to open, understanding and patient.

Thai and Western culture are worlds apart and combining the two seems to fail in the most part If this is true I hope it changes in the future.

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if u are talking about an undereducated or close minded girl then the farang has to compromise more, or also if u end up living in ur gfs home village/town. however i find some people make too much of supposed differences.

No. She doesn't have to be uneducated or close minded, just ignorant and unworldly and unaware of western culture/world/ways.

i think its less about thai/western culture and more to do with individual personalities that will determine the success or failure of a relationship.
Oh really? So you think an investment banker from New York with a fun personality who hooks up with a Thai secretary who's knows nothing about farangland, likes Hello Kitty, hates western food, but also has a fun pesonality is going to be more successful?

Doubt it. You need to be on the same page and that goes far past personality in my opinion. (for most people anyway)

having read both ur posts i dont think we are that far apart. :o

the only thing i would like to add is what if the NY investment banker hooked up with a NY secretary who hated all foreign food, knew nothing about the world outside usa, liked hello kitty and had a fun personality. i dont think they have much of chance either.

thai culture is a factor, but after a while it really does depend on the individuals concerned. a bit more to add, things are different here, to be on the same page requires a bit of observation, but after a while once u hv a slightly better understanding of where ur gf is coming from itit does get better and miscommunications due to culture diminish.

yes it will be difficult for the girl to adjust to frangland, same as it is for many westerners to adjust here, some do it better than others and dont neccessarily have to drop all their values to do so.

i hope this helps in some way h7, am not trying to confuse u on purpose. :D

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I would say it depends totally on the guy.

Is he chilled out? Does he not think too much? Is he happy to accept all aspects of Thai culture - possibly supporting his wife's family, pay a sin sot etc? Can he understand how Thais think - often extremely different to how westerners think? Does he totally understand and is ready to work with the concepts of mai pen rai, greng jai, and 'face'? Will he and the family be financially secure?

In my expeience it is the guy doing most of the giving in the relationship - yes there are exceptions and some here in TV but... - and must not expect the same attitude and values from his Thai gf as one from his culture.

Thai and Western culture are worlds apart and combining the two seems to fail in the most part, or those that succeed either work real hard, or the girl is very open minded/forward thinking.

I agree with some of your posted points. However In my opinion both parts in a love relationship have to put some effort. I think the girl should try to understand the culture of the new country she is going to.

If she loves him she will make the effort. I think it will be hard for the girl at the beggining .But if both of them want the relationship to work both parts have to open, understanding and patient.

Thai and Western culture are worlds apart and combining the two seems to fail in the most part If this is true I hope it changes in the future.

My wife is an ex BG, we have now been married for 12 good years, first living in Oman , and now 7 years in Denmark.

I don't see any problems it's a give and take situation, but works fine for us.

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Do we have any relationship sucsess stories with farangs and thai girls,x bar girls as well,how have the relationships progresed and how are things going in there new countries.

Once a tg wants to be with you in your country what would you think the sucsess rate of the relationship lasting...


if a had 1 $ for all the disaster storyies i have heard about Thai women going to the west ,

and that includes BGs and non BGs i would be a wealthy man.

consider the fact that in LOS they have limited opportunities and low salary expectations .

suddenly they arrive in the land of plenty ,well paying jobs are easy to find, credit cards easy to get by the fistfull, easy credit , tons of men chating them up as Thai gals have a reputation as slappers and you can see why they go off the rails quickly.

Of course we know most thai gals are not slappers but they all get roped in together.

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one of my neighbours recently brought his thai gal/wife over for 6months. i invited them in for a cup of tea and a chat. they came in and sat down on the sofa. now it happens that his house is a dump inside and my house looks very nice inside. she appeared to be shocked and kept muttering 'dont you have a nice house' .i could see the wheels in her head going round making comparisons. when they left i could see that she wasnt happy about her blokes house interior . now you can imagine this happening with other things like his money supply ,car etc ..and then they decide to upgrade and move on to some other bloke .

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I've never dated a bar girl, but that doesn't mean I've never dated scheming, lieing, cheating Thai women - I've had more than my fair share of disasters. I think if a western guy tells you he went to Thailand and met a Thai women (any Thai woman) and he got a good one first time, then I think he's either lieing or he is increadibly lucky.

I'm very happy with Mrs GH, but as I say I had to get past a bunch of bloody awful women and go through a lot of grief finding the right one. Moreover, I think a very large percentage of the guys I know married to Thai women are closing their eyes to problems.

Guys I know who have met genuinly good Thai women (regardless of the woman's background), have all, like me, been through the mill _ think it has a lot to do with knowing the game, and thier is no easy way to learn the rules.

Culture is a factor, but I really believe it is more often that culture and language are used as a means to disorientate, confuse and take advantage of foreigners.

If I had one piece of advice for guys taking a Thai woman back home it would be 'keep her away from other Thais as much as you can'. I'm a fluent Thai speaker and I've been in the company of Thais overseas, the whole topic of almost every conversation is spitful gossip laced with green eyed envy. That has a huge amount to do with background and education.

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I've never dated a bar girl, but that doesn't mean I've never dated scheming, lieing, cheating Thai women - I've had more than my fair share of disasters. I think if a western guy tells you he went  to Thailand and met a Thai women (any Thai woman) and he got a good one first time, then I think he's either lieing or he is increadibly lucky.

I'm very happy with Mrs GH, but as I say I had to get past a bunch of bloody awful women and go through a lot of grief finding the right one. Moreover, I think a very large percentage of the guys I know married to Thai women are closing their eyes to problems.

Guys I know who have met genuinly good Thai women (regardless of the woman's background), have all, like me, been through the mill _ think it has a lot to do with knowing the game, and thier is no easy way to learn the rules.

Culture is a factor, but I really believe it is more often that culture and language are used as a means to disorientate, confuse and take advantage of foreigners.

If I had one piece of advice for guys taking a Thai woman back home it would be 'keep her away from other Thais as much as you can'. I'm a fluent Thai speaker and I've been in the company of Thais overseas, the whole topic of almost every conversation is spitful gossip laced with green eyed envy. That has a huge amount to do with background and education.

Jing Jing :o

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If I had one piece of advice for guys taking a Thai woman back home it would be 'keep her away from other Thais as much as you can'. I'm a fluent Thai speaker and I've been in the company of Thais overseas, the whole topic of almost every conversation is spitful gossip laced with green eyed envy. That has a huge amount to do with background and education.

Your fluency with the Thai language is a great advantage in this regard, but is it only Thai women who gossip about possessions, wealth and other such things? :o

In Australia, the Thai population is increasing rapidly. Today, we have Loy Krathong being celebrated officially in at least two different locations in Sydney. Thousands of Thais will be in attendance, so keeping Thais apart is virtually impossible....unless you lock them up. :D

For Thais to integrate properly into Farangland society, they need to have a feeling of belonging to that society.

We men bring our g/f's out to Farangland on at least two separate tourist visas. These visas should give us all a fairly good idea of how our partners will cope with living in Farangland.

The Thai women living in Australia that I know, want to be self sufficient. They want to meet their obligation to their families back in Thailand, by supporting them financially, so obtaining work is very important to them.

The most difficult thing is to find our g/f's full time work. Lack of education and experience are hinderers.

My g/f is employed as a full-time casual in the hospitality industry. Her salary is at the lower end of the average pay scale but she loves her work. Her wages far surpass what she could be expected to earn if she still lived in Thailand.

She is able to support her family back home and she feels important as she no longer has a need for my financial assistance.

When women have a feeling of belonging and are self-sufficient, they can live happily anywhere in the world.

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Mate this has been done to death so many times on here. Please just use the search button at the top of the screen :o

Daleyboy do not be hard on him he is newbie...looking for answers :D .

All newbies seek answers

doesn't mean they'll get them. :D

But you learn such thing with time isn´t it? And then...you become an Advanced member :D:D

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Mate this has been done to death so many times on here. Please just use the search button at the top of the screen :o

Daleyboy do not be hard on him he is newbie...looking for answers :D .

All newbies seek answers

doesn't mean they'll get them. :D

But you learn such thing with time isn´t it? And then...you become an Advanced member :D:D

Advance is just a nice way to say wasted time. :D

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