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Ubon Hash - Country Outing And Bonfire Bbq

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Run 40 on Saturday 5th November will be an away night and bonfire BBQ in amphur Amnat Charoen, 75 kilos north of Ubon. Charles has kindly volunteered his place in the country as the venue.

400 baht (khon Thai 250 baht) will get you:

Transport to the hash and return on Sunday morning (limited - first come/first served); 3pm from outside Wrong Way Cafe and return about 12 noon

A lovely hash run/walk in the country

Free beer/soft drinks until the hash supplies (generous) run out

BBQ/food after the hash

A bonfire and fireworks (some of you will know why we are doing this on 5th November!)

Hangover hash/walk (brief) on Sunday morning in Meuang Amnat - if there is demand!

Wonderful company

In addition you pay, according to need, for:

Overnight accommodation in Meuang Amnat Charoen - expected to be around 400-500 baht per room. We book, you pay

Beer after the hash supply runs out (cheap - will be provided at cost by the hash)

Drinks/entertainment at local bar(s) later on Saturday evening

Breakfast - we eat together on Sunday morning (those who are capable)

You should:

Reply - Yes I want to come - before 25th October if possible please. Late entrants may have to find their own accom/transport.

Wives/husbands/visiting hashers/locals up in Amnat/Yasothon and other hangers on are very welcome. Don't be put off about the reference to running - we are a Hash and 'it's the beer, stupid'

Bookings, questions or late changes; PM Santisuk ('Flash Git')



I'll be there and will hopefully be over the burnt foot and my now banged up knee. Jim

If you cannot run, you'll be put in charge of the late evening's entertainment............. :rolleyes:


Oh and I'll be there, hoping for some haggis and malt to top the beer at the bonfire :D


Oh and I'll be there, hoping for some haggis and malt to top the beer at the bonfire :D

You are driving, again. Bell will drop me off in Ubon, stay the night and go shopping. Jim


There goes the malt........... :D

400 baht (khon Thai 250 baht) will get you


Not at all!

What he means is that Thai gfs/wifes gets a discount, since they usually drink less beer........ :D

  • 2 weeks later...

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