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48 Hours: Deadline Bangkok


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If there is a earth cable and a breaker it is safe no mater if the cables are under or on top of the wall or how doggy it is made. For moving the plug, it isn't done by your family I hope.

You know that almost all of the extension cable in Thailand don't have earth and the more expensive one with earth plug, doesn't have it connected (I measured it).

that would be complete illegal in Germany but in fact there are almost no accidents. Which surprise me, specially as everyone stands without shoes.

For myself I am a technician I came already 100 times in 240 Volt in Europe, that just happen if you work with machines you can't turn off for repair. No problem if young and healthy.

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Some of the comments on this thread are quite frankly , disgusting.Blaming the Leader for a monumental natural disaster is a new low for those trying to discredit the new PM and her government.

Hang your heads in shame!!!

A good friend of mine is a Thai business man. I have known him for over 5 years. He told me that he worked with some people that know the new PM personally. His comment about her was: "She is utterly incompetent. She only knows how to get a good manicure!"

A good friend of mine and hi so Chinese wife told us you friend is wrong. He and his whole family eats and goes fishing with the new PM and they all say she is very smart and competent and caring for everyone. He did say her nails look great.

Difficult to imagine the pm casting a line from a river bank or off the back of a tuna boat or were they talking about her choosing a lobster from the tank of her fave restaurant?:-))

Edited by apetley
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Migsy, like Arsenal, sometimes 'doing their best' is not good enough.

but as I said, doing something is better than not even trying at all

there are lots of people who will criticise anything and everything someone does

but they simply sit back and do nothing

thats not a way to solve any problem, let alone a crisis of this magnitude.

I salute the numerous volunteers who have dedicated time to assist with whatever role they can play

I disagree. The right step would be putting the specialist and the Army together, maybe setting a few priorities for what is important (the own assets and the factories which payed the biggest bribe), declare State of Emergency (with that situation now even Martial Law would be justified) and sit back and do nothing.

Maybe plan the recovery afterwards.

But don't order people around without knowing anything. Run from one place to the other and give impossible orders in panic.

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If there is a earth cable and a breaker it is safe no mater if the cables are under or on top of the wall or how doggy it is made. For moving the plug, it isn't done by your family I hope.

You know that almost all of the extension cable in Thailand don't have earth and the more expensive one with earth plug, doesn't have it connected (I measured it).

that would be complete illegal in Germany but in fact there are almost no accidents. Which surprise me, specially as everyone stands without shoes.

For myself I am a technician I came already 100 times in 240 Volt in Europe, that just happen if you work with machines you can't turn off for repair. No problem if young and healthy.

Why are you persisting in making an asinine point, I threw in the towel several posts ago..

I know when I'm wasting my time trying to inform someone and then I give up rather banging my head against the wall..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Aussie government - complete mis-handling of the recent floods and almost every year of bush fires

Japanese government - complete mis-handling of the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis

Most European governments - complete mis-handling of financial issues

British government - complete mis-handling of recent riots and every time it snows (wrong kind of snow) and every autumn (wrong kind of leaves on train tracks)

American government - complete mis-handling of ....... everything.

I reckon the Thai government is not doing too badly after all. Glad I'm here.

"Aussie government - complete mis-handling of the recent floods and almost every year of bush fires"

I cordially invite you to show me some evidence of incompetence, or refrain from making off topic comment on something of which you have very little knowledge.

It's practically impossible to ever show evidence of either competence OR incompetence. It's all a matter of interpretation. During such natural disasters, difficult decisions have to be made, many conflicting issues have to be balanced and it's impossible to have everyone either agreeing or disagreeing.

Another thing of course is that a Government (meaning the politicians) are generally not experts in any fields. Instead, they are merely decision makers, making decisions based on reports given to them with the accompanying recommended actions to be taken and the pros and cons of each decision. Of course they are responsible for their decisions but any mis-handling or mis-management goes further. It's the experts that should be held to task as well. Thus, criticism of the government is actually meaningless. By all accounts, the amount of water that has inundated Thailand has been unprecedented and it is clear to all that the respective authorities (regardless of whichever government is in place, even Western Governments) have not been up to standard, having to deal with insufficient infrastructure to deal with the problem - something not caused by the current Government.

It's practically impossible to ever show evidence of incompetence when there isn't any. Australia has a professional Civil Defense and Bush Fire Brigade which leads a volunteer force of thousands - people who give up their time and effort to train regularly, and who sometimes die to help others when the need arises.

You calling them incompetent as a throw away line to defend the farce that is happening here, especially when you show no knowledge of their performance, shows a lack of education and intelligence that YOU seem to find lacking in others.

The rest of your reply is self-serving crap. If you were actually in this country you might have a better grasp on what is happening here. There is PLENTY of evidence of incompetence, but don't trust a bunch of farangs, just go to BKK Post and hear what Thais have to say.

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Some of the comments on this thread are quite frankly , disgusting.Blaming the Leader for a monumental natural disaster is a new low for those trying to discredit the new PM and her government.

Hang your heads in shame!!!

A good friend of mine is a Thai business man. I have known him for over 5 years. He told me that he worked with some people that know the new PM personally. His comment about her was: "She is utterly incompetent. She only knows how to get a good manicure!"

A good friend of mine and hi so Chinese wife told us you friend is wrong. He and his whole family eats and goes fishing with the new PM and they all say she is very smart and competent and caring for everyone. He did say her nails look great.

Difficult to imagine the pm casting a line from a river bank or off the back of a tuna boat or were they talking about her choosing a lobster from the tank of her fave restaurant?:-))

I think he probably forgot this smilie :rolleyes: it seems to me like a deliberate poke at the idea that my "friend says" yada yada blah blah..

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Some of the comments on this thread are quite frankly , disgusting.Blaming the Leader for a monumental natural disaster is a new low for those trying to discredit the new PM and her government.

Hang your heads in shame!!!

This government are not to blame fr the rains, but certainly are to blame for the complete mis-handling of this crisis ... they knew the rains were coming, warning after warning... but , what did they do... organise a football match with Cambodia and ask Japan for a visa for the daddy Mafia man. Incompetent is far too mild a word for this lot of Buffoons... The rain in Spain.....................

Aussie government - complete mis-handling of the recent floods and almost every year of bush fires

Japanese government - complete mis-handling of the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis

Most European governments - complete mis-handling of financial issues

British government - complete mis-handling of recent riots and every time it snows (wrong kind of snow) and every autumn (wrong kind of leaves on train tracks)

American government - complete mis-handling of ....... everything.

I reckon the Thai government is not doing too badly after all. Glad I'm here.

agree 100%

If you agree 100%, please read the first line, and then explain why you think bush-fires and floods are mis-handled in Aus.

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"The problem now is now bigger than before, please don't panic"

Well that must be the understatment of the year. Where do these buffoons get their ideas from. Firstly to be a problem bigger than before is he saying before he spoke yesterday, before last week or before he had his lobotomy ?

Secondly to make such statements, "please don't panic" guess what will happen ?

I suspect that so long as their own residences are not hit their primary concern even now is how the billions of aid and re-development that will be needed is going to get skimmed to this country's leaders friends and families businesses and associated cronies rather than spending it on a 50 year water management scheme that all of Thailand could benefit from, rich or poor!

Funny about calling "them" buffoons. It was just a few years ago that the "Global Warming" hoax buffoons had people fooled and all the followers of those buffoons said that the rising waters caused by the (hoax) of global warming would flood Bangkok. This is major flooding over a few month period of raining. Yet people heeded the global warming panic and started to worry about Bangkok getting flooded by rising seas levels, something if true. would be very slow in happening, not a 48 hour event, rather a 48 year event.

Well that hoax has been exposed. The only thing rising was the money in the bank accounts of those who profited off the global warming hoax. It has been getting colder, not hotter. After thousands of years of rising sea levels, sea levels have gone down over the past 10 years. Bangkok will not sink because of a warming climate that is not warming. Mother Nature has caused todays flooding problems, not the politicians. They are doing the best they can against a very formable force, Mother Nature.

Enough of the political games. PS- a certain ex politician was not around when property for new airport was purchased, yet he got blamed for it in this on going political game.

Edited by robokop
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If there is a earth cable and a breaker it is safe no mater if the cables are under or on top of the wall or how doggy it is made. For moving the plug, it isn't done by your family I hope.

You know that almost all of the extension cable in Thailand don't have earth and the more expensive one with earth plug, doesn't have it connected (I measured it).

that would be complete illegal in Germany but in fact there are almost no accidents. Which surprise me, specially as everyone stands without shoes.

For myself I am a technician I came already 100 times in 240 Volt in Europe, that just happen if you work with machines you can't turn off for repair. No problem if young and healthy.

Why are you persisting in making an asinine point, I threw in the towel several posts ago..

I know when I'm wasting my time trying to inform someone and then I give up rather banging my head against the wall..

h90: Do you have anyone who depends your being around in the future for financial support? If so, do you have any personal injury/death insurance?

FYI: A young, UK citizen tourist in Thailand was electrocuted recently by a sidewalk-mounted receptacle plate that had apparently internally shorted due to rain. Two other people were injured trying to pull him off the plate while he was hot.

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if I recall correctly, only a few months back there was prediction that Thailand could face drought this year.

based on that prediction, the dams manage their water storage content.

with a drought prediction, it would be fair to assume that water storage content is maintained at near capacity.

with the heavy rains in the last 3 months, they may have tried to release some excess water, but by then it is too late.

I would blame the government (Federal and BAngkok) for underestimating the level of threat, but I wouldnt personally accuse them of not doing their best.

I wouldnt even suggest they were lying either - one always hope for the best, couple that with underestimating the threat, then of course you send out a message of 'we are confident we can contain it'

they should of course hope for the best, but plan for the worse.

eg. why leave the filling of the one million sandbags to today. why didnt they already prepare that even while the effort to fight off water at navanakorn was in place. why only start attempting fall back plan once the previous plan fails? no reason why both could not have been done simultaneously

but...we are where we are now.

would be nice if people stopped pointing fingers and just go out there and do what we can. (no matter how limited it is)

Extraordinary points..

you hit the nail on the head with that one,

In Australia after several years of drought in Qld and other states and no shortage of calls for more dams, desalination plants etc etc, the place gets inundated. And then some!

In times of scarcity the mindset is to hoard (more dams, better management ) when in abundance suddenly everyone is jumping up and down calling for the exact opposite and why wasn't it already in place?

Don't be surprised if 18 months from now the country is bone dry again and the government gets the blame for that too

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"The problem now is now bigger than before, please don't panic"

Well that must be the understatment of the year. Where do these buffoons get their ideas from. Firstly to be a problem bigger than before is he saying before he spoke yesterday, before last week or before he had his lobotomy ?

Secondly to make such statements, "please don't panic" guess what will happen ?

I suspect that so long as their own residences are not hit their primary concern even now is how the billions of aid and re-development that will be needed is going to get skimmed to this country's leaders friends and families businesses and associated cronies rather than spending it on a 50 year water management scheme that all of Thailand could benefit from, rich or poor!

Funny about calling "them" buffoons. It was just a few years ago that the "Global Warming" hoax buffoons had people fooled and all the followers of those buffoons said that the rising waters caused by the (hoax) of global warming would flood Bangkok. This is major flooding over a few month period of raining. Yet people heeded the global warming panic and started to worry about Bangkok getting flooded by rising seas levels, something if true. would be very slow in happening, not a 48 hour event, rather a 48 year event.

Well that hoax has been exposed. The only thing rising was the money in the bank accounts of those who profited off the global warming hoax. It has been getting colder, not hotter. After thousands of years of rising sea levels, sea levels have gone down over the past 10 years. Bangkok will not sink because of a warming climate that is not warming. Mother Nature has caused todays flooding problems, not the politicians. They are doing the best they can against a very formable force, Mother Nature.

Enough of the political games. PS- a certain ex politician was not around when property for new airport was purchased, yet he got blamed for it in this on going political game.

Err, sorry to correct you as you clearly have not been in Thailand long or perhaps not now either, but the the airport's planning dates back to between 30 and 40 years. Adequate time for most of the "families" to buy up swamp land cheap, which is what it was, knowing full well that they would capitilise upon the eventual decision to build there. It was not if it would be built - it was when. It wasn't known as cobra swamp for nothing and the "glinting of gold" which effectively this then worthless land became was too much to ignore for any corrupt politician or their cronies no matter of what political persuasion they were. At that time it was fully realised that the location was a major relieving flood plain for BKK.

As for the fact we are not going through a period of global warming well I guess that is for you and the climate scientists to debate.

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Bangkok residents could in the meantime move their belongings to uipper floors or move up power sockets, he said. If not for this year, this might be useful in the future, who knows," he said.

Is that the best they can do???

I'd be fuming as many of you are. I feel for you I really do. I'm living a stress free life in Phnom Penh, not missing LOS too much at the moment. IMO, BKK has passed it's 'use by' date, just a dirty polluted mess, and that's without the floods.

And the Thai politics, is it all worth it? Surely some of you must be considering your options!

My advice; sell up and ship out!!!

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If there is a earth cable and a breaker it is safe no mater if the cables are under or on top of the wall or how doggy it is made. For moving the plug, it isn't done by your family I hope.

You know that almost all of the extension cable in Thailand don't have earth and the more expensive one with earth plug, doesn't have it connected (I measured it).

that would be complete illegal in Germany but in fact there are almost no accidents. Which surprise me, specially as everyone stands without shoes.

For myself I am a technician I came already 100 times in 240 Volt in Europe, that just happen if you work with machines you can't turn off for repair. No problem if young and healthy.

Why are you persisting in making an asinine point, I threw in the towel several posts ago..

I know when I'm wasting my time trying to inform someone and then I give up rather banging my head against the wall..

I, different than you are not posting to win an argument. Here the water is pretty close. I fully agree that messing around with the electric isn't something you should do normally. But we expect water tomorrow. And with us x0.000 other people, so the point is not if you threw the towel or not. If you have to say something helpful than please do it, I am grateful, if you just posting to fun please don't bother me when the water might come soon and what I decide here might help people or kill them.

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Bangkok residents could in the meantime move their belongings to uipper floors or move up power sockets, he said. If not for this year, this might be useful in the future, who knows," he said.

Is that the best they can do???

I'd be fuming as many of you are. I feel for you I really do. I'm living a stress free life in Phnom Penh, not missing LOS too much at the moment. IMO, BKK has passed it's 'use by' date, just a dirty polluted mess, and that's without the floods.

And the Thai politics, is it all worth it? Surely some of you must be considering your options!

My advice; sell up and ship out!!!

Probably good advice for some but not so easy if you have a family and/or business here. Mind you it could get worse and the politicians evacute BKK for Pataya !!

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Some of the comments on this thread are quite frankly , disgusting.Blaming the Leader for a monumental natural disaster is a new low for those trying to discredit the new PM and her government.

Hang your heads in shame!!!

A good friend of mine is a Thai business man. I have known him for over 5 years. He told me that he worked with some people that know the new PM personally. His comment about her was: "She is utterly incompetent. She only knows how to get a good manicure!"

Met her on a training course for a few days - was my assessment too

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If there is a earth cable and a breaker it is safe no mater if the cables are under or on top of the wall or how doggy it is made. For moving the plug, it isn't done by your family I hope.

You know that almost all of the extension cable in Thailand don't have earth and the more expensive one with earth plug, doesn't have it connected (I measured it).

that would be complete illegal in Germany but in fact there are almost no accidents. Which surprise me, specially as everyone stands without shoes.

For myself I am a technician I came already 100 times in 240 Volt in Europe, that just happen if you work with machines you can't turn off for repair. No problem if young and healthy.

Why are you persisting in making an asinine point, I threw in the towel several posts ago..

I know when I'm wasting my time trying to inform someone and then I give up rather banging my head against the wall..

I, different than you are not posting to win an argument. Here the water is pretty close. I fully agree that messing around with the electric isn't something you should do normally. But we expect water tomorrow. And with us x0.000 other people, so the point is not if you threw the towel or not. If you have to say something helpful than please do it, I am grateful, if you just posting to fun please don't bother me when the water might come soon and what I decide here might help people or kill them.

Take care of yourself then and good luck..

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"The problem now is now bigger than before, please don't panic"

Well that must be the understatment of the year. Where do these buffoons get their ideas from. Firstly to be a problem bigger than before is he saying before he spoke yesterday, before last week or before he had his lobotomy ?

Secondly to make such statements, "please don't panic" guess what will happen ?

I suspect that so long as their own residences are not hit their primary concern even now is how the billions of aid and re-development that will be needed is going to get skimmed to this country's leaders friends and families businesses and associated cronies rather than spending it on a 50 year water management scheme that all of Thailand could benefit from, rich or poor!

In a televised solemn flood warning by Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand Palibatra last night, Bangkok residents are advised to stay clam and keep monitoring the situation in the next 48 hours, when the next statement is possible if not flash flood.

'Everyone stay CLAM' . Does he mean just 'clam up and don't make any comments?'

Bangkok residents could in the meantime move their belongings to uipper floors or move up power sockets, he said. If not for this year, this might be useful in the future, who knows," he said. "Problem is now bigger than before, but please don’t panic."

I didn't realise that Bangkok residents now have the luxury of 'moveable electric sockets' - another Thailand first, truely Amazing Thailand! What a load of clowns, but the yellow wellies look great, very impressed.

we moved up all electric sockets. What is the problem with that?

Unscrew them and screw them in again somewhere higher. If you want it nice shorten the cables.

5-20 min per socket for someone without skills.

Yes, I am perfectly capable of doing that if the feed to the sockets is in plastic conduit and fixed onto the wall and it is being fed from above (with or without an earth connection) - easy peasy. I was assuming that the sockets were being fed from BEHIND AND ONE WOULD THUS HAVE TO CHISEL OUT THE WALL TO GET TO THE CABLES IN ORDER TO MOVE THEM. Sorry, I'd forgotten that most electrical work here is done on the cheap and cables are run on the surface. I would hazard a guess that the 'Minister' who made the remark does not have cables running in HIS HOUSE in this way.

As you say a 5-20 min per socket for someone without skills - just like most of the people that 'installed' them in the first place and left death traps for the unwary.

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"The problem now is now bigger than before, please don't panic"

Well that must be the understatment of the year. Where do these buffoons get their ideas from. Firstly to be a problem bigger than before is he saying before he spoke yesterday, before last week or before he had his lobotomy ?

Secondly to make such statements, "please don't panic" guess what will happen ?

I suspect that so long as their own residences are not hit their primary concern even now is how the billions of aid and re-development that will be needed is going to get skimmed to this country's leaders friends and families businesses and associated cronies rather than spending it on a 50 year water management scheme that all of Thailand could benefit from, rich or poor!

In a televised solemn flood warning by Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand Palibatra last night, Bangkok residents are advised to stay clam and keep monitoring the situation in the next 48 hours, when the next statement is possible if not flash flood.

'Everyone stay CLAM' . Does he mean just 'clam up and don't make any comments?'

Bangkok residents could in the meantime move their belongings to uipper floors or move up power sockets, he said. If not for this year, this might be useful in the future, who knows," he said. "Problem is now bigger than before, but please don't panic."

I didn't realise that Bangkok residents now have the luxury of 'moveable electric sockets' - another Thailand first, truely Amazing Thailand! What a load of clowns, but the yellow wellies look great, very impressed.

we moved up all electric sockets. What is the problem with that?

Unscrew them and screw them in again somewhere higher. If you want it nice shorten the cables.

5-20 min per socket for someone without skills.

Yes, I am perfectly capable of doing that if the feed to the sockets is in plastic conduit and fixed onto the wall and it is being fed from above (with or without an earth connection) - easy peasy. I was assuming that the sockets were being fed from BEHIND AND ONE WOULD THUS HAVE TO CHISEL OUT THE WALL TO GET TO THE CABLES IN ORDER TO MOVE THEM. Sorry, I'd forgotten that most electrical work here is done on the cheap and cables are run on the surface. I would hazard a guess that the 'Minister' who made the remark does not have cables running in HIS HOUSE in this way.

As you say a 5-20 min per socket for someone without skills - just like most of the people that 'installed' them in the first place and left death traps for the unwary.

you don't need to move any electric sockets, all you do is isolate the ground floor from the upstairs with a seperate feed that can be turned off, a bit of simple rewiring

I wonder if the current government will sit down with experts and put an urgent plan in place to bolster flood walls etc in anticipation that this could all happen next year

Also at this late stage of the current disaster - has anyone found out which source of information is actually reliable, hard to believe at this stage people still don't know where to get reliable information

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You guys in Bangkok....av not got a clue what as and is coming your way...you can not stop water, which we up north have discovered..enjoy

Agree, there is a massive amount of water heading towards BKK. I like in a fairly elevated area and now my village is cut off; water's rising fast - This is Pak kret, Nonthaburi. The main roads around here look like rivers. It's all gotta go somewhere, and that's south.

Don't listen to anyone telling you BKK is safe!!!

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You guys in Bangkok....av not got a clue what as and is coming your way...you can not stop water, which we up north have discovered..enjoy

Agree, there is a massive amount of water heading towards BKK. I like in a fairly elevated area and now my village is cut off; water's rising fast - This is Pak kret, Nonthaburi. The main roads around here look like rivers. It's all gotta go somewhere, and that's south.

Don't listen to anyone telling you BKK is safe!!!

May I suggest a minor change? Listen, but don't believe !

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There are always floods during the rainy season, but Bangkok is built on clay subsoil prone to subsidence. It is also under threat from the rising sea level caused by climate change and coastal erosion. Some Thai experts are predicting that part of Bangkok may be waterlogged by 2030

I suppose Yingluck is to blame for the climate change and coastal erosion too!violin.gif

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There are always floods during the rainy season, but Bangkok is built on clay subsoil prone to subsidence. It is also under threat from the rising sea level caused by climate change and coastal erosion. Some Thai experts are predicting that part of Bangkok may be waterlogged by 2030

I suppose Yingluck is to blame for the climate change and coastal erosion too!violin.gif

If you want to blame her for that, then that's up to you.

No one is blaming her for the floods. Some people are just amazed at how incompetently her government are handling the situation.

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There are always floods during the rainy season, but Bangkok is built on clay subsoil prone to subsidence. It is also under threat from the rising sea level caused by climate change and coastal erosion. Some Thai experts are predicting that part of Bangkok may be waterlogged by 2030

I suppose Yingluck is to blame for the climate change and coastal erosion too!violin.gif

I agree it's a bit unfair to blame Yingluck; whoever is in charge would have faced the same problems and done the best they can. But, let's face it, there's no way, she is making all the big decisions; someone with that lack of experience in politics would not be allowed to run a country without a lot of guide. Yingluck's just a face; it would like putting Cheryl Cole in as PM in England.

I'm no fan of the red shirts or their misguided expat followers, but I for one am not blaming Yingluck entirely for this. And to be honest she and everyone else have done a good job at protecting main Bangkok so far. There's only so much you can do; nature is a beast. However, mistakes have happenned and they should have started work earlier than focusing on trying to bring a certain person back in the country.

On another note- If Abhisit were still in charge and he decided to save BKK and sacrifice other areas; the red shirts would be going mental right now -'he's just protecting the elite'; 'he doesn't care for the poor'. Plus, he probably wouldn't have walked on a ledge with hi-so walking boots while common people were up to their chests in water.

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There are always floods during the rainy season, but Bangkok is built on clay subsoil prone to subsidence. It is also under threat from the rising sea level caused by climate change and coastal erosion. Some Thai experts are predicting that part of Bangkok may be waterlogged by 2030

I suppose Yingluck is to blame for the climate change and coastal erosion too!

If you want to blame her for that, then that's up to you.

No one is blaming her for the floods. Some people are just amazed at how incompetently her government are handling the situation.

A lot of people are...

79 per cent said the government's support was insufficient and not distributed efficiently; and 68.6 per cent said the flood relief supplies themselves did not sufficiently meet victims' needs.


As much as 86.2 percent of the respondents still have no clear understanding as to whether their areas are flood-prone even after the updates, while 89.2 percent find the updates confusing. About 87 percent don’t trust the information from the FROC.

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There are always floods during the rainy season, but Bangkok is built on clay subsoil prone to subsidence. It is also under threat from the rising sea level caused by climate change and coastal erosion. Some Thai experts are predicting that part of Bangkok may be waterlogged by 2030

I suppose Yingluck is to blame for the climate change and coastal erosion too!violin.gif

Your last statement is a bit silly really. Who on this thread, or the forum is blaming her for the floods and climate change??

What Yingluck is absolutely responsible for is how she and her ministers conduct themselves at this time of national crisis. She is responsible for executing timely decisions and timely release of information. She is responsible for the effective co-ordination of all Government departments, emergency services and armed forces, ie every resource this country has to offer to ensure the country puts up the most effective defence against the floods and importantly, using all those resources to alleviate the hunger and suffering of those people who are living in 2M of water for weeks. She is responsible for getting her 'brother in law' to mobilise the Police and get them to do something. There should be policemen guarding the sandbag reinforcements and flood defences, ensuring people are not breaking them down, either over disputes or for profit.

She is not responsible for floods and climate change, but when she decided to step up to the plate and become PM she took on responsibility for just about everything else. It does not matter what previous governments have done or not done, she is responsible now. A little like Obama really. Nobody with any intelligence could accuse him of causing the US financial problems, it happened long before he came in power, but he is now responsible for sorting it out and is being judged on how HE handles the crisis. Yingluck is in a similar situation.

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She is not responsible for floods and climate change, but when she decided to step up to the plate and become PM she took on responsibility for just about everything else. It does not matter what previous governments have done or not done, she is responsible now. A little like Obama really. Nobody with any intelligence could accuse him of causing the US financial problems, it happened long before he came in power, but he is now responsible for sorting it out and is being judged on how HE handles the crisis. Yingluck is in a similar situation.


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You guys in Bangkok....av not got a clue what as and is coming your way...you can not stop water, which we up north have discovered..enjoy

Agree, there is a massive amount of water heading towards BKK. I like in a fairly elevated area and now my village is cut off; water's rising fast - This is Pak kret, Nonthaburi. The main roads around here look like rivers. It's all gotta go somewhere, and that's south.

Don't listen to anyone telling you BKK is safe!!!

The Nonthaburi Governor has issued an evacuation alert to people living in some districts of Pak Kret as flood levels continue to rise.

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There are always floods during the rainy season, but Bangkok is built on clay subsoil prone to subsidence. It is also under threat from the rising sea level caused by climate change and coastal erosion. Some Thai experts are predicting that part of Bangkok may be waterlogged by 2030

I suppose Yingluck is to blame for the climate change and coastal erosion too!violin.gif

Your last statement is a bit silly really. Who on this thread, or the forum is blaming her for the floods and climate change??

What Yingluck is absolutely responsible for is how she and her ministers conduct themselves at this time of national crisis. She is responsible for executing timely decisions and timely release of information. She is responsible for the effective co-ordination of all Government departments, emergency services and armed forces, ie every resource this country has to offer to ensure the country puts up the most effective defence against the floods and importantly, using all those resources to alleviate the hunger and suffering of those people who are living in 2M of water for weeks. She is responsible for getting her 'brother in law' to mobilise the Police and get them to do something. There should be policemen guarding the sandbag reinforcements and flood defences, ensuring people are not breaking them down, either over disputes or for profit.

She is not responsible for floods and climate change, but when she decided to step up to the plate and become PM she took on responsibility for just about everything else. It does not matter what previous governments have done or not done, she is responsible now. A little like Obama really. Nobody with any intelligence could accuse him of causing the US financial problems, it happened long before he came in power, but he is now responsible for sorting it out and is being judged on how HE handles the crisis. Yingluck is in a similar situation.

My point is that some people on this forum are using this disaster as an excuse to pour scorn on the current government.There is no contingency plan for this type of natural disaster and a lot of the blame should be put on previous governments for not doing enough to plan for a disaster of this scale.You can't put all of your eggs in the one basket on this topic , I'ts just ridiculous!

Edited by dmcguire70
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