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Little Girl Run Over In China, Many Passersby Actively Avoid Helping


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Y'all should watch this video and learn something about human nature in China.

Ultimately the lowly trash collector helps, shaming her wealthier comrades.

So we know this happened in China.

Do similar things happen in Thailand?

If so, would it because of the same cultural reasons as today's China, or different?

Now we know its a fact that hit and run accidents often involving fatalities are common in Thailand (to avoid being punished, etc.) but this little girl incident with mass stranger avoidance is another level.


You could go directly to youtube but it involves logging in as an adult id:


Edited by Jingthing
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Were the passers by not simply too afraid to assist in case the police turn up and decide to pin it on them?

Take Japan, for example. I am told that if you end up in court there, you have to work bloody hard to prove your innocence - `Why would the Police arrest you if you hadn`t done it?`

The Chinese are no more evil or callous than anyone else.

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My workmate has mentioned that in this case the guy driving the van stated that he drove over the girl the second time deliberatley for the reason that if the girl survived the hit he would have to pay a lot more compensation to her family than if she died from the hit . These are the rules in China , dictating his behaviour , or his excuse .

I wonder what the driver was doing not to have seen the girl in the first place .

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18 people passed by to be exact before she was helped.

You guys should listen to the interview from the reporter with the driver "It's her fault she walk without looking at the road" <deleted> the kid is only 2 yrs old.

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The Chinese are no more evil or callous than anyone else.

I realize this might be a delicate area. It's a matter of culture and yes I suppose laws can come into it. However, going back to Thailand, we know hit and run accidents are A LOT more common here than in the west. I think the hit and run issue is related to this now famous incident in China. It's hard to place any value judgment on such things that aren't very negative.

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The Chinese are no more evil or callous than anyone else.

I realize this might be a delicate area. It's a matter of culture and yes I suppose laws can come into it. However, going back to Thailand, we know hit and run accidents are A LOT more common here than in the west. I think the hit and run issue is related to this now famous incident in China. It's hard to place any value judgment on such things that aren't very negative.

The compensation issue is related to the one child policy as the number of family members who contribute financialy is controlled .

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Disgusting.... I was unaware that people anywhere could be this callous, regardless of whether this happens in China or in fact here I cannot imagine a human being able to just walk past this....fuc_king disgraceful, I am appalled..

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Like supaprik, I'm appalled. But, it doesn't surprise me. Money is put before human acts of kindness. The driver should be charged with murder for running her over after she had already been knocked down. In countries where people die by the thousands the populace gets hardened to death. What I would like to ask is where were the toddler's parents? How long did it take before they even noticed? It was a stranger who eventually went up to the girl.

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What I would like to ask is where were the toddler's parents? How long did it take before they even noticed? It was a stranger who eventually went up to the girl.

From reading the commentary/translation on youtube it appears the woman who picked her up and left was the mother. I was also thinking, where were the parents than remembered seeing kids playing out in the streets by themselves pretty often in Thailand.

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What I would like to ask is where were the toddler's parents? How long did it take before they even noticed? It was a stranger who eventually went up to the girl.

From reading the commentary/translation on youtube it appears the woman who picked her up and left was the mother. I was also thinking, where were the parents than remembered seeing kids playing out in the streets by themselves pretty often in Thailand.

It was a cleaner who discover her first and inform her parents.

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My brain could not comprehend that Vid. RIP child

I doubt it would happen here though, I once stepped over a toddler that was playing on the foot path and got scolded by my G.F, something to do with the culture

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As this was broadcasted in Chinese news, it seems the Chinese themselves are as disgusted as us with this tragedy.

I can understand why a driver might do a runner to avoid potentially severe penalties and damages payments.

BUT I don't understand why passers by don't help.

Is there any reason for that?

I think the common trait with Thailand might be the hit and run, but I don't see Thais passing on such a riskless and easy opportunity to make merit and gain face by helping the little girl.

I have seen a few accidents in Thailand so far, and every time people around rushed to help.

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when i was in pattaya last month me and a mate wen to go go carting we pull in then had a ciggie facing the main rd and watched a couple on a scooter get killed by a double decker bus filled with tourists but the response was quick to help as there was onsite ambulance at the go carting place so within 10 mins they were on stretchers and on the way to hospital. funny thing was the guys at the go carting place kept asking us if we wanted to go shooting or quad riding after watching to people die in front of you all you want is a beer and a shot lol

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Though the driver of a tuk-tuk might indeed speed off, it wouldn't happen here like that where with people would walk on by, esp. where kids are concerned.

I doubt it would happen here though, I once stepped over a toddler that was playing on the foot path and got scolded by my G.F, something to do with the culture

Never step over people as having someone's head lower than your feet (the lowest point spiritually in the body) is a major faux pas. Consequently, one also does not tap someone with their feet or, god forbid, stamp on money. Always ask people to move, even if they're asleep on the floor in a train.

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Sad video with no one helping a child.

This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

Edited by losworld
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As this was broadcasted in Chinese news, it seems the Chinese themselves are as disgusted as us with this tragedy.

I can understand why a driver might do a runner to avoid potentially severe penalties and damages payments.

BUT I don't understand why passers by don't help.

Is there any reason for that?

I think the common trait with Thailand might be the hit and run, but I don't see Thais passing on such a riskless and easy opportunity to make merit and gain face by helping the little girl.

I have seen a few accidents in Thailand so far, and every time people around rushed to help.

From what I read in the article the passers by won't stop to help because in China they think that because you stopped to help then you must have been the one to run her over. Also there has been a number of 'good samaritans' sued and blamed for things.

A very sad indictment on what the world is coming to.

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Sad video with no one helping a child.

This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

Do you know any Chinese people ?

Are you implying that USA citizens don't murder or hit and run because they are morally superior to Chinese and China is somehow resposible for capitalism's failngs .

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I don't believe in God of any kind but I know I inherited what moral code I have from a religiously conscious (Church of England) upbringing.

It worries me that the world does not seem to have cracked the nut of imbuing moral responsibility into people other than by letting ludicrous religious belief systems run rip.

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Sad video with no one helping a child.

This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

If the Chinese were so beastly, Santa would not employ them to make all the Christmas presents.


EDIT: Wandering back on topic, I think a similar legal situation prevails in Arab countries, where someone who is unsuccessful in helping is considered to owe a debt to the family of the victim (though my thirty seconds' research does not support that claim)




I believe in the US, it is not unknown for doctors to decline assistance to people who are not their patients (and hence, presumably, limited by contract in their redress, as well as protected by insurance.

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As this was broadcasted in Chinese news, it seems the Chinese themselves are as disgusted as us with this tragedy.

I can understand why a driver might do a runner to avoid potentially severe penalties and damages payments.

BUT I don't understand why passers by don't help.

Is there any reason for that?

I think the common trait with Thailand might be the hit and run, but I don't see Thais passing on such a riskless and easy opportunity to make merit and gain face by helping the little girl.

I have seen a few accidents in Thailand so far, and every time people around rushed to help.

From what I read in the article the passers by won't stop to help because in China they think that because you stopped to help then you must have been the one to run her over. Also there has been a number of 'good samaritans' sued and blamed for things.

A very sad indictment on what the world is coming to.

ok... put a mask on and help!

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Man arrested for allegedly running over toddler in China

(CNN) -- A 24-year-old man has been charged with manslaughter for the death of Wang Yue, the toddler who garnered international attention after she was run over and ignored by passersby, authorities said Tuesday.

Authorities arrested a man named Hu Jun, China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

The man, who is from eastern China, is accused of being one of two drivers who drove over the two-year-old girl on a narrow street in southern China earlier this month.

The girl, known by the nickname Yue Yue, later died.

More here CNN

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Sad video with no one helping a child.

This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

Do you know any Chinese people ?

Are you implying that USA citizens don't murder or hit and run because they are morally superior to Chinese and China is somehow resposible for capitalism's failngs .

I am saying that the historic transformation through the Communist period has kept many away from Buddhism or religion and this has affected their morality to an extent. And yes I have done business with a number of Chinese companies and seen how they treat their employees, their attitudes and their way of doing business and it is appalling to say the least. And what do Americans have to do with my point?

Edited by losworld
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Sad video with no one helping a child.

This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

Do you know any Chinese people ?

Are you implying that USA citizens don't murder or hit and run because they are morally superior to Chinese and China is somehow resposible for capitalism's failngs .

I am saying that the historic transformation through the Communist period has kept many away from Buddhism or religion and this has affected their morality to an extent. And yes I have done business with a number of Chinese companies and seen how they treat their employees, their attitudes and their way of doing business and it is appalling to say the least. And what do Americans have to do with my point?

I would say that Americans have, with religion , gone through their historic transformations with as much murder and cruelty as just about anyone else .

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  • 1 month later...

I had a link shared with me on my facebook. ..


This I thought was it the most disturving thing I had ever seen in my life. But the link led me to the toddler in china, Now I wished I had never seen it.. Its really scared me. I have seen some terrible things in china and about china but know I really believe there the moral scum of the earth. I have chinese friends in Oz and they are Australians to me nothing to do with colour/race. I rememberd this topic on thai visa and at the time did not want to look at the link... Just wanted to share the link of the bashing of this poor kid, the <deleted>#@ers even break his fingers...

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