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Subconscious Problem Solving In LOS - An Interview

Felix Lynn

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On the next Thailand Today,

Treating what ails you in the Land of Smiles with hypnosis. Bangkok’s very own certified hypno-therapist John Krukowski joins Felix Lynn for a frank discussion on the benefits of a sub-conscious approach to solving executive stress, sexual dysfunction and sexual addiction:

“Every person has told me that it’s helped them to control their urge, which is basically what it’s all about. You don’t want to completely shut it off, because you can’t. It’s part of nature. It’s part of what we are.”

The government inches forward on a plan to break up the CAT Telecom monopoly on international internet access.

And a Maverick Minister angers women’s groups with a call for wives to lay prostrate before their husbands at bedtime.

On the next Thailand Today, each weekday at 3pm, 9pm, 3am, 9am only http://www.radiobangkok.net

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Felix, you're back - where were you last week, you lazy git :o

I was hypnotised before but not for any sexual thing.

Once on stage, eating an onion thinking it were an apple, and once on a tv program about the supernatural. I was hypnotically regressed. Of course now I have absolutely NO DOUBT about reincarnation.

There is a lot to be said for hypnotism.

I think it is like a quick fix when trying to solve problems(not much better than dropping a valium) - in my experience it is better to get to the root of the problem through other methods.

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There is alot to be said about hypnotism.

I think it is like a quick fix when trying to solve problems.

I'll take a quick fix over a long one! But it's "hypnotherapy" not "hypnotism." I think there's a difference.

John does mention in the interview, however, that using hypnotherapy, it often takes less time to work through problems than in standard counseling sessions.

He also shares some interesting details about the Thai approach to hynotherapy. It's not something you come across everyday in Thailand.

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