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Where Do You See Thailand In 10-15 Years


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Office girls sure. Mid level supervisors in industrial settings sure. The lady at the desk at the bank who handles my six accounts, yup. The lady who gives my my yearly visa at immigration, yes. The manager at the restaurant where I eat frequently yes. Nurses at my doctors office, ya every time I go in. And the lady who lives with me is an engineer at a steel company. She has an office so I guess you could call her an office girl. I don't live in a tourist area.

No,if you claim that they are on average 30 years younger than you,then you obviously live in dreamworld.

I'd live there too, if I could get a visa. Could I bring the bairns?


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You got the graceless answer that your graceless response to BuffaloRescue deserved, and now your stomping off the playground taking your toys with you. Up to you. :passifier:

Some of the people, ( in fact I would say many ) put real effort and thought into their answers, I recognize that and appreciate it.

ps By not reviewing the information posted your only showing a level of ignorance that no one should be proud of. If I have annoyed you so much I would make a point of researching and deconstructing my response. I'm not always right, and when I'm wrong I hold my hands up.

Over to you tw25rw

Graceless? Do I have to suck up when I ask a simple question? Is that the problem? I didn't bow to you as an all knowing oracle?

Welcome to my ignore filter.

You don't have to suck up but try being polite, on your nonsensical retort about " all knowing oracle " it may have escaped your attention that you were responding to BuffaloRescue, not me. Do try to keep up.

To compound it all you have stomped off the playing field taking your toys with you and now your hitting the ignore button..............wow, what a complete lack of self awareness :passifier::passifier::passifier: .

To the OP, as we have seen this year with the Arab Spring nothing can be reliably predicted. No one would have believed at the start of the year that within months dictatorships would fall in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, and it's not all over. Predictions of the economic Rise of the East and cataclysmic Fall of the West will be undone by one simple matter, and that matter is called.......Human Nature. Chinese factory girls are refusing to go back to work in their millions every year as they don't want to be slaves to their jobs. In Chinese culture if your not married off and with child in your early twenties you are an old maid. They are being offered ever increasing amounts of money to return to work, and the Chinese government is starting to reduce factory subsidies, hence forcing unprofitable factories ( after subsidy withdrawal ) to close down and production costs to soar by around 30%. I know this as I do business in China, and we are now finding Turkey to be a cheaper option for many of our goods. IMHO there will be a major upheaval in that country during the next 15 year period you are talking about. I should also point out that China is on the cusp of a dramatic shift in the demographic make up of the country, the Chairman Mao baby boomers are now reaching their late 50's on average, and in th next 15 years they will retire from the workforce. The problem is, that China imposed a one child policy, and bizarrely in a country of 1.3 billion people, in 15 years time there won't be enough people in employment to support their elders. Another social catastrophe coming down the line. China's population is predicted to drop to 1 billion people by 2050 as the baby boomers die off.

On top of that the " Fall of the West " theory assumes that Western nations will allow themselves to fall into poverty. Garbage, absolute garbage. What will happen is that the feather bedding cradle to grave welfare states will get a real haircut, and people will be forced to take any job going. As social welfare support is withdrawn by necessity, people will start queuing for work again and Western competitiveness will soar. It's starting to happen already. Jobs are being repatriated to the UK in big numbers away from India and China in particular. I could go on but I don't want to go too far off topic.

It's already been mentioned earlier that there will be an event which will most likely happen in Thailand within the next 15 years that we all fear in some way, as we cannot predict the outcome, at all. At best the outcome will be neutral, but many people fear it will be far from that. That's Human Nature coming into play again. It looks like Burma is starting to open up, though it may be a false dawn. If Burma opens up I think it will dramatically alter the dynamic of this whole region, ( on the whole for the better ). So, if the outcome is neutral, I predict a steady rise in economic activity in Thailand, more urbanization, and a bigger middle class.

If the outcome is far from neutral, all bets are off. In the meantime just keep earning and saving.

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So you worry about being taken to cleaners if you marry a Western woman,but have te intention to marry a Thai prostitute 30 years younger than yourself.

Or did you really think retirees are,or ever were, in demand by the office ladies?

Office girls sure. Mid level supervisors in industrial settings sure. The lady at the desk at the bank who handles my six accounts, yup. The lady who gives my my yearly visa at immigration, yes. The manager at the restaurant where I eat frequently yes. Nurses at my doctors office, ya every time I go in. And the lady who lives with me is an engineer at a steel company. She has an office so I guess you could call her an office girl. I don't live in a tourist area.

No,if you claim that they are on average 30 years younger than you,then you obviously live in dreamworld.

I am soooo old almost everyone is 30 years younger than I.

I would not tell you a lie. I have no reason too lie. To say that a 35 year old woman is not interested in a 65 year old man is silly and shows no knowledge of most of Thailand outside of the tourist enclaves.

But to be accurate you said nothing about age in your original statement. You said that office girls were not interested in retired men. Office girls come in all ages and sizes and you are completely in error so why don't you just admit you are wrong and leave it at that. Get outside of Pattaya for a while. Try Rayong or the Maptaput industrial estate.

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Office girls sure. Mid level supervisors in industrial settings sure. The lady at the desk at the bank who handles my six accounts, yup. The lady who gives my my yearly visa at immigration, yes. The manager at the restaurant where I eat frequently yes. Nurses at my doctors office, ya every time I go in. And the lady who lives with me is an engineer at a steel company. She has an office so I guess you could call her an office girl. I don't live in a tourist area.

No,if you claim that they are on average 30 years younger than you,then you obviously live in dreamworld.

I'd live there too, if I could get a visa. Could I bring the bairns?


Since no one seems to know I'll describe it. Thailand has industrial estates with thousands of businesses in each. People (at least 50%) women come to these estates from all over Thailand to work. They live a ways away from the work sites and buses and vans pick them up every day and drop them off after work. The supervisory ladies make good money 30 to 50,000 per month. They don't date much and the girls live after work in groups of friends for security and leisure activities.

A lot of the women work in the international language, English because Thailand is an export economy. The speak English on the phone to customers and suppliers. They write in English to make contracts and buy and sell products.

Most of the time they are lonely because they are removed from their homes.

I first became acquainted with this group of people to include government workers also attached to the industrial estates through language courses that are provided by their employers. A friend asked me to give a short course in English for his office staff that sold generators. I took them out to the factory yard and we identified all the parts of a generator in English and Thai. Then I did the same thing for oil and gas tankers for a company that serviced the boats. And another for machine tools.

Since I didn't come to Thailand to have Farang friends I have Thai friends. Are they interested in long term relationships with older men? You have to be kidding to even ask such a question. Of course they are for reasons too numerous to mention here.

Thai women are not like Western women. They don't live the same. They don't relate to men in the same way. They are polite to a fault. They would never consider going out alone to a singles bar. It is a different ballgame.

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I agree, and here we have an OP wondering if men in their 50's will still be in demand in Thailand in 15 years time.

I don't think there are many people going to bed tonight worrying about that.

Not worried about it, but it's a serious question. If I am not going to be in demand in my 50's, I may as well get married a second time here in the West to some age appropriate Western wife who I will never be able to please and who can take me to the cleaners once I call an end to my working days, leaving me destitute.

But yes, admit I might be overplanning it just a little.

So you worry about being taken to cleaners if you marry a Western woman,but have te intention to marry a Thai prostitute 30 years younger than yourself.

Or did you really think retirees are,or ever were, in demand by the office ladies?

After being truly cleaned out totally legally by a Western wife (and I mean cleaned out to the point where I ended up with far less than what I had before I got married, despite working 10 hour days and often 6 days a week for more than 10 years during my marraige) I think I'll take my chances with the Thai girl. And who said anything about a prostitute. If I have an income of $100k AUS per annum at 60 when retired, I imagine that sort of money is going to be able to entice more than just a Soi 7 or 8 Pattaya bar girl.

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Office girls sure. Mid level supervisors in industrial settings sure. The lady at the desk at the bank who handles my six accounts, yup. The lady who gives my my yearly visa at immigration, yes. The manager at the restaurant where I eat frequently yes. Nurses at my doctors office, ya every time I go in. And the lady who lives with me is an engineer at a steel company. She has an office so I guess you could call her an office girl. I don't live in a tourist area.

No,if you claim that they are on average 30 years younger than you,then you obviously live in dreamworld.

I'd live there too, if I could get a visa. Could I bring the bairns?


Since no one seems to know I'll describe it. Thailand has industrial estates with thousands of businesses in each. People (at least 50%) women come to these estates from all over Thailand to work. They live a ways away from the work sites and buses and vans pick them up every day and drop them off after work. The supervisory ladies make good money 30 to 50,000 per month. They don't date much and the girls live after work in groups of friends for security and leisure activities.

A lot of the women work in the international language, English because Thailand is an export economy. The speak English on the phone to customers and suppliers. They write in English to make contracts and buy and sell products.

Most of the time they are lonely because they are removed from their homes.

I first became acquainted with this group of people to include government workers also attached to the industrial estates through language courses that are provided by their employers. A friend asked me to give a short course in English for his office staff that sold generators. I took them out to the factory yard and we identified all the parts of a generator in English and Thai. Then I did the same thing for oil and gas tankers for a company that serviced the boats. And another for machine tools.

Since I didn't come to Thailand to have Farang friends I have Thai friends. Are they interested in long term relationships with older men? You have to be kidding to even ask such a question. Of course they are for reasons too numerous to mention here.

Thai women are not like Western women. They don't live the same. They don't relate to men in the same way. They are polite to a fault. They would never consider going out alone to a singles bar. It is a different ballgame.

Kerry, you are a wealth of knowledge as always. Thank you.

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In 10 to 15 years ,New condos in central Bangkok particularly on lower Sukhumvit 33-4 near a BTS will become expensive as land dries up (there is limited space now)

That Vacant land across from Nana bts will still be empty although worth a fortune. Its owned by Bangkok bank and is apparently not for sale.

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.

We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

You see Donald had already answered the question for you.

Now I'm off to find a couple of soap bubbles to tattoo on, much easier than trying to predict the future :whistling:

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I agree, and here we have an OP wondering if men in their 50's will still be in demand in Thailand in 15 years time.

I don't think there are many people going to bed tonight worrying about that.

Not worried about it, but it's a serious question. If I am not going to be in demand in my 50's, I may as well get married a second time here in the West to some age appropriate Western wife who I will never be able to please and who can take me to the cleaners once I call an end to my working days, leaving me destitute.

But yes, admit I might be overplanning it just a little.

So you worry about being taken to cleaners if you marry a Western woman,but have te intention to marry a Thai prostitute 30 years younger than yourself.

Or did you really think retirees are,or ever were, in demand by the office ladies?

After being truly cleaned out totally legally by a Western wife (and I mean cleaned out to the point where I ended up with far less than what I had before I got married, despite working 10 hour days and often 6 days a week for more than 10 years during my marraige) I think I'll take my chances with the Thai girl. And who said anything about a prostitute. If I have an income of $100k AUS per annum at 60 when retired, I imagine that sort of money is going to be able to entice more than just a Soi 7 or 8 Pattaya bar girl.

Well it was you that worried about the Barscene and demand for foreigners over 50 wasn't it.And since you in your latest post again relate your income to your success with younger Thai women it is clear that you gonna buy a bride.Sounds like "prostitute" isn't it?

Oh and if you think that Thai lady's don't take you to the cleaners,just do a search on this forum and you will find out that there are loads of examples available where your experience in your previous relationship in comparison sounds like you won the lottery.

In your search you will even find several threads about foreigners MURDERED by their loved ones in Thailand because they couldn't get the money fast enough.

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Office girls sure. Mid level supervisors in industrial settings sure. The lady at the desk at the bank who handles my six accounts, yup. The lady who gives my my yearly visa at immigration, yes. The manager at the restaurant where I eat frequently yes. Nurses at my doctors office, ya every time I go in. And the lady who lives with me is an engineer at a steel company. She has an office so I guess you could call her an office girl. I don't live in a tourist area.

No,if you claim that they are on average 30 years younger than you,then you obviously live in dreamworld.

I'd live there too, if I could get a visa. Could I bring the bairns?


Since no one seems to know I'll describe it. Thailand has industrial estates with thousands of businesses in each. People (at least 50%) women come to these estates from all over Thailand to work. They live a ways away from the work sites and buses and vans pick them up every day and drop them off after work. The supervisory ladies make good money 30 to 50,000 per month. They don't date much and the girls live after work in groups of friends for security and leisure activities.

A lot of the women work in the international language, English because Thailand is an export economy. The speak English on the phone to customers and suppliers. They write in English to make contracts and buy and sell products.

Most of the time they are lonely because they are removed from their homes.

I first became acquainted with this group of people to include government workers also attached to the industrial estates through language courses that are provided by their employers. A friend asked me to give a short course in English for his office staff that sold generators. I took them out to the factory yard and we identified all the parts of a generator in English and Thai. Then I did the same thing for oil and gas tankers for a company that serviced the boats. And another for machine tools.

Since I didn't come to Thailand to have Farang friends I have Thai friends. Are they interested in long term relationships with older men? You have to be kidding to even ask such a question. Of course they are for reasons too numerous to mention here.

Thai women are not like Western women. They don't live the same. They don't relate to men in the same way. They are polite to a fault. They would never consider going out alone to a singles bar. It is a different ballgame.

You for sure must experience different company's as I in Thailand because 95% of the big company's I call here in Thailand don't have english speaking staff.

Oh,and by the way those supervisor lady's who make 30-50.000 Baht a month for sure don't live in groups,they live with their Thai husband or Thai boyfriend.The one that live in groups are those that earn 200 Baht a day and most of the time can't even read or write proper Thai let's stand English.

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i think Vietnam and Cambodia will take over thailand's retiree base and Backpakers...

Vietnam, maybe.

Cambodia, definitely not. Even though I loved my brief time there.

What sets Thailand apart from Vietnam are the people. People simply cannot say that the Vietnamese people mucking around in tourist areas are good people. They are horrible and it turns quite a few people off. But then again, same with many of the foreigners who visit there.

The people outside of the tourist areas though are genuinely nice people at least in my experience.

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Since no one seems to know I'll describe it. Thailand has industrial estates with thousands of businesses in each. People (at least 50%) women come to these estates from all over Thailand to work. They live a ways away from the work sites and buses and vans pick them up every day and drop them off after work. The supervisory ladies make good money 30 to 50,000 per month. They don't date much and the girls live after work in groups of friends for security and leisure activities.

A lot of the women work in the international language, English because Thailand is an export economy. The speak English on the phone to customers and suppliers. They write in English to make contracts and buy and sell products.

Most of the time they are lonely because they are removed from their homes.

I first became acquainted with this group of people to include government workers also attached to the industrial estates through language courses that are provided by their employers. A friend asked me to give a short course in English for his office staff that sold generators. I took them out to the factory yard and we identified all the parts of a generator in English and Thai. Then I did the same thing for oil and gas tankers for a company that serviced the boats. And another for machine tools.

Since I didn't come to Thailand to have Farang friends I have Thai friends. Are they interested in long term relationships with older men? You have to be kidding to even ask such a question. Of course they are for reasons too numerous to mention here.

Thai women are not like Western women. They don't live the same. They don't relate to men in the same way. They are polite to a fault. They would never consider going out alone to a singles bar. It is a different ballgame.

You for sure must experience different company's as I in Thailand because 95% of the big company's I call here in Thailand don't have english speaking staff.

Oh,and by the way those supervisor lady's who make 30-50.000 Baht a month for sure don't live in groups,they live with their Thai husband or Thai boyfriend.The one that live in groups are those that earn 200 Baht a day and most of the time can't even read or write proper Thai let's stand English.

Every small company that sells something outside of Thailand, and that is the great majority, has English some speaking staff. Service companies who service ships and the transportation industry all have English speaking staff.

Perhaps I should have been more explicit about what I meant by living together. They don't sleep together but live alone or with relatives in close proximity to each other. After work they eat together or shop together and function as a small village.

I am not talking about big companies, they are not the backbone of the Thai economy anyway.

If you wonder what I did today, two ladies took me to lunch at the Hilton and I posted the pictures of the meal in a thread about Hilton buffet lunches for 350 baht per person. One is a factory manager and the other a controller. Both can speak English but 90% of the time we speak in Thai. Both had a Farang BFs at one point in their lives but both have been living alone for 10 years. One has an MBA and the other degrees in accounting and business. Both are 38 I am 65. Out of 200 people at the Hilton in Pattaya for lunch there were two hookers with two old guys.

When I go into a Thai company to consult or teach something I find the majority of the office staff are female and about 20% unattached. After the first meeting the seating usually changes and the single ladies are placed closer to the speakers place.

Invariably I am asked the usual questions about am I single, how long have I lived in Thailand, what kind of Visa do I have and so on.

But I can see where you are coming from. I know a couple of supervisors at Ford and it is a totally different situation. In the companies I frequent I personally know the owner or president in every case, that's why I got there.

And going back a ways in the good old days in Thailand the president of the company would make sure you had a corporate female companion for the evening or week or however long you stayed.

Thailand used to make a lot of things and engineers or representatives of multinational corporations visited Thailand to find factories to produce their wares.

In keeping with the theme of this thread, things certainly have changed a lot and I imagine will continue to change. 40 years ago the shoe was on the other foot. No Thai policeman would have had the audacity to check my passport or visa. If he did I think I would have feinted from shock. Thais bribed us instead of the other way around. We had the cash and they wanted the business. Now they have the cash and we want the business. I imagine this trend will continue.

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Since no one seems to know I'll describe it. Thailand has industrial estates with thousands of businesses in each. People (at least 50%) women come to these estates from all over Thailand to work. They live a ways away from the work sites and buses and vans pick them up every day and drop them off after work. The supervisory ladies make good money 30 to 50,000 per month. They don't date much and the girls live after work in groups of friends for security and leisure activities.

A lot of the women work in the international language, English because Thailand is an export economy. The speak English on the phone to customers and suppliers. They write in English to make contracts and buy and sell products.

Most of the time they are lonely because they are removed from their homes.

I first became acquainted with this group of people to include government workers also attached to the industrial estates through language courses that are provided by their employers. A friend asked me to give a short course in English for his office staff that sold generators. I took them out to the factory yard and we identified all the parts of a generator in English and Thai. Then I did the same thing for oil and gas tankers for a company that serviced the boats. And another for machine tools.

Since I didn't come to Thailand to have Farang friends I have Thai friends. Are they interested in long term relationships with older men? You have to be kidding to even ask such a question. Of course they are for reasons too numerous to mention here.

Thai women are not like Western women. They don't live the same. They don't relate to men in the same way. They are polite to a fault. They would never consider going out alone to a singles bar. It is a different ballgame.

You for sure must experience different company's as I in Thailand because 95% of the big company's I call here in Thailand don't have english speaking staff.

Oh,and by the way those supervisor lady's who make 30-50.000 Baht a month for sure don't live in groups,they live with their Thai husband or Thai boyfriend.The one that live in groups are those that earn 200 Baht a day and most of the time can't even read or write proper Thai let's stand English.

Every small company that sells something outside of Thailand, and that is the great majority, has English some speaking staff. Service companies who service ships and the transportation industry all have English speaking staff.

Perhaps I should have been more explicit about what I meant by living together. They don't sleep together but live alone or with relatives in close proximity to each other. After work they eat together or shop together and function as a small village.

I am not talking about big companies, they are not the backbone of the Thai economy anyway.

If you wonder what I did today, two ladies took me to lunch at the Hilton and I posted the pictures of the meal in a thread about Hilton buffet lunches for 350 baht per person. One is a factory manager and the other a controller. Both can speak English but 90% of the time we speak in Thai. Both had a Farang BFs at one point in their lives but both have been living alone for 10 years. One has an MBA and the other degrees in accounting and business. Both are 38 I am 65. Out of 200 people at the Hilton in Pattaya for lunch there were two hookers with two old guys.

When I go into a Thai company to consult or teach something I find the majority of the office staff are female and about 20% unattached. After the first meeting the seating usually changes and the single ladies are placed closer to the speakers place.

Invariably I am asked the usual questions about am I single, how long have I lived in Thailand, what kind of Visa do I have and so on.

But I can see where you are coming from. I know a couple of supervisors at Ford and it is a totally different situation. In the companies I frequent I personally know the owner or president in every case, that's why I got there.

And going back a ways in the good old days in Thailand the president of the company would make sure you had a corporate female companion for the evening or week or however long you stayed.

Thailand used to make a lot of things and engineers or representatives of multinational corporations visited Thailand to find factories to produce their wares.

In keeping with the theme of this thread, things certainly have changed a lot and I imagine will continue to change. 40 years ago the shoe was on the other foot. No Thai policeman would have had the audacity to check my passport or visa. If he did I think I would have feinted from shock. Thais bribed us instead of the other way around. We had the cash and they wanted the business. Now they have the cash and we want the business. I imagine this trend will continue.

I agree with your contention that there are plenty of good quality English speaking single women in Thailand. I've had five ladies that could be described as girlfriends in Thailand, a cafe owner, a fashion shop owner, an import export agent, a masseuse and my current girlfriend, who is a Business Graduate. The first four came into regular contact with farangs so that obviously helped their language skills, and the Business Graduate felt she had to learn English to further her career.

We are surrounded by quality ladies, many of them are below your nose and you see them every day. They see you every day too, and if they see you with a procession of bar girls hanging off you, you will have no chance of ever pulling them. I've said it before, be gentlemanly, talk gently, don't swear, dress well and be just a little bit attentive to your surroundings, and you will find good things happening to you.

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So you worry about being taken to cleaners if you marry a Western woman,but have te intention to marry a Thai prostitute 30 years younger than yourself.

Or did you really think retirees are,or ever were, in demand by the office ladies?

After being truly cleaned out totally legally by a Western wife (and I mean cleaned out to the point where I ended up with far less than what I had before I got married, despite working 10 hour days and often 6 days a week for more than 10 years during my marraige) I think I'll take my chances with the Thai girl. And who said anything about a prostitute. If I have an income of $100k AUS per annum at 60 when retired, I imagine that sort of money is going to be able to entice more than just a Soi 7 or 8 Pattaya bar girl.

Well it was you that worried about the Barscene and demand for foreigners over 50 wasn't it.And since you in your latest post again relate your income to your success with younger Thai women it is clear that you gonna buy a bride.Sounds like "prostitute" isn't it?

Oh and if you think that Thai lady's don't take you to the cleaners,just do a search on this forum and you will find out that there are loads of examples available where your experience in your previous relationship in comparison sounds like you won the lottery.

In your search you will even find several threads about foreigners MURDERED by their loved ones in Thailand because they couldn't get the money fast enough.

There have been only two occasions when I have been fearful for my life. The first was when the ex wife, a true blue, Aussie born & bred and age appropriate girl threatened me with a large kitchen knife in her hand. The second was a separate time when she came after me with a baseball bat.

Now divorced, when I meet girls here in Oz at the pub, after the normal hello and what is your name, the first question I invariably get asked is "so what do you do for a living". If it progresses beyond this to a couple of dates, the line of questioning usually becomes more direct and I will get asked "so how much do you earn". When I was with my wife, I lost count of the number of times my wife told me that "I dont earn enough" and that "if I earnt more, I would get more sex". Neither my ex wife nor any of the girls I meet at the pub here are or were prostitutes.

I shall let you draw your own conclusions to all of this. Suffice to say I believe I have enough experience to be able to handle anything I might be dished up in Thailand.

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Since no one seems to know I'll describe it. Thailand has industrial estates with thousands of businesses in each. People (at least 50%) women come to these estates from all over Thailand to work. They live a ways away from the work sites and buses and vans pick them up every day and drop them off after work. The supervisory ladies make good money 30 to 50,000 per month. They don't date much and the girls live after work in groups of friends for security and leisure activities.

A lot of the women work in the international language, English because Thailand is an export economy. The speak English on the phone to customers and suppliers. They write in English to make contracts and buy and sell products.

Most of the time they are lonely because they are removed from their homes.

I first became acquainted with this group of people to include government workers also attached to the industrial estates through language courses that are provided by their employers. A friend asked me to give a short course in English for his office staff that sold generators. I took them out to the factory yard and we identified all the parts of a generator in English and Thai. Then I did the same thing for oil and gas tankers for a company that serviced the boats. And another for machine tools.

Since I didn't come to Thailand to have Farang friends I have Thai friends. Are they interested in long term relationships with older men? You have to be kidding to even ask such a question. Of course they are for reasons too numerous to mention here.

Thai women are not like Western women. They don't live the same. They don't relate to men in the same way. They are polite to a fault. They would never consider going out alone to a singles bar. It is a different ballgame.

You for sure must experience different company's as I in Thailand because 95% of the big company's I call here in Thailand don't have english speaking staff.

Oh,and by the way those supervisor lady's who make 30-50.000 Baht a month for sure don't live in groups,they live with their Thai husband or Thai boyfriend.The one that live in groups are those that earn 200 Baht a day and most of the time can't even read or write proper Thai let's stand English.

Every small company that sells something outside of Thailand, and that is the great majority, has English some speaking staff. Service companies who service ships and the transportation industry all have English speaking staff.

Perhaps I should have been more explicit about what I meant by living together. They don't sleep together but live alone or with relatives in close proximity to each other. After work they eat together or shop together and function as a small village.

I am not talking about big companies, they are not the backbone of the Thai economy anyway.

If you wonder what I did today, two ladies took me to lunch at the Hilton and I posted the pictures of the meal in a thread about Hilton buffet lunches for 350 baht per person. One is a factory manager and the other a controller. Both can speak English but 90% of the time we speak in Thai. Both had a Farang BFs at one point in their lives but both have been living alone for 10 years. One has an MBA and the other degrees in accounting and business. Both are 38 I am 65. Out of 200 people at the Hilton in Pattaya for lunch there were two hookers with two old guys.

When I go into a Thai company to consult or teach something I find the majority of the office staff are female and about 20% unattached. After the first meeting the seating usually changes and the single ladies are placed closer to the speakers place.

Invariably I am asked the usual questions about am I single, how long have I lived in Thailand, what kind of Visa do I have and so on.

But I can see where you are coming from. I know a couple of supervisors at Ford and it is a totally different situation. In the companies I frequent I personally know the owner or president in every case, that's why I got there.

And going back a ways in the good old days in Thailand the president of the company would make sure you had a corporate female companion for the evening or week or however long you stayed.

Thailand used to make a lot of things and engineers or representatives of multinational corporations visited Thailand to find factories to produce their wares.

In keeping with the theme of this thread, things certainly have changed a lot and I imagine will continue to change. 40 years ago the shoe was on the other foot. No Thai policeman would have had the audacity to check my passport or visa. If he did I think I would have feinted from shock. Thais bribed us instead of the other way around. We had the cash and they wanted the business. Now they have the cash and we want the business. I imagine this trend will continue.

I agree with your contention that there are plenty of good quality English speaking single women in Thailand. I've had five ladies that could be described as girlfriends in Thailand, a cafe owner, a fashion shop owner, an import export agent, a masseuse and my current girlfriend, who is a Business Graduate. The first four came into regular contact with farangs so that obviously helped their language skills, and the Business Graduate felt she had to learn English to further her career.

We are surrounded by quality ladies, many of them are below your nose and you see them every day. They see you every day too, and if they see you with a procession of bar girls hanging off you, you will have no chance of ever pulling them. I've said it before, be gentlemanly, talk gently, don't swear, dress well and be just a little bit attentive to your surroundings, and you will find good things happening to you.

some wise advice blether, thanks

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some wise advice blether, thanks

I reckon its bad advice, not from the perspective of you drinkers or whorers, but from the perspective of the ladies you're going to foist yourselves on.

I suppose I just like to be on the long-odds side.


oh i know you think you dont drink or whore but that';s subjective.

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some wise advice blether, thanks

I reckon its bad advice, not from the perspective of you drinkers or whorers, but from the perspective of the ladies you're going to foist yourselves on.

I suppose I just like to be on the long-odds side.


oh i know you think you dont drink or whore but that';s subjective.

Oh I do drink, and I've even been known to whore, but I've never hit the gutter StreetCowboy.

I'll leave that to you.........

Edited by theblether
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some wise advice blether, thanks

I reckon its bad advice, not from the perspective of you drinkers or whorers, but from the perspective of the ladies you're going to foist yourselves on.

I suppose I just like to be on the long-odds side.


oh i know you think you dont drink or whore but that';s subjective.

You know they do sex lotteries at factories where the men buy lottery tickets for the ladies who work at the factories.

You know ladies go to sea in ships to meet the men who transport cargoes around Thailand but never go ashore for visa reasons.

You know a lot of ladies work part time in a bar and full time in a factory.

I think taken as a whole the ladies who do the above are a small percent of the whole but my point is that the ladies who work in factories are aware of the larger picture. If they need money quick for whatever reason they have no doubt where to go.

The current flood situation is a good example and bars are now being flooded with part timers.

I eat at a restaurant outside because it has a view of a number of bars. Yesterday, I was having coffee with the lady Thai owner of the restaurant. We were both in hysteria for 30 minutes watching the new people come to work at the bars. They were like typical factory workers (all sizes and shapes and ages) but dressed up in what they thought a whore would wear. The outfits were obviously new and all just a bit off, kind of like a Halloween whore costume party.

Very rarely will you meet a Thai women loner. The ladies run in packs and share information.

I don't think you have to worry too much about them.

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i am sure there will be plenty of single mother gambling addicts looking for gullible semi-impotent sugar daddies in ten years. thailand's wealth is growing but it is just the rich getting richer. the poor are still having their networth washed away every other flood.

Why would they want semi impotent men in ten years and not now? What do you know that I don't?

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some wise advice blether, thanks

I reckon its bad advice, not from the perspective of you drinkers or whorers, but from the perspective of the ladies you're going to foist yourselves on.

I suppose I just like to be on the long-odds side.


oh i know you think you dont drink or whore but that';s subjective.

You know they do sex lotteries at factories where the men buy lottery tickets for the ladies who work at the factories.

You know ladies go to sea in ships to meet the men who transport cargoes around Thailand but never go ashore for visa reasons.

You know a lot of ladies work part time in a bar and full time in a factory.

I think taken as a whole the ladies who do the above are a small percent of the whole but my point is that the ladies who work in factories are aware of the larger picture. If they need money quick for whatever reason they have no doubt where to go.

The current flood situation is a good example and bars are now being flooded with part timers.

I eat at a restaurant outside because it has a view of a number of bars. Yesterday, I was having coffee with the lady Thai owner of the restaurant. We were both in hysteria for 30 minutes watching the new people come to work at the bars. They were like typical factory workers (all sizes and shapes and ages) but dressed up in what they thought a whore would wear. The outfits were obviously new and all just a bit off, kind of like a Halloween whore costume party.

Very rarely will you meet a Thai women loner. The ladies run in packs and share information.

I don't think you have to worry too much about them.

You have been a font of constructive comment on this topic Kerryk, some other people just fire in stupid pejorative comments.

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