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Buying 50 Baht Gold

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I want to buy 50 baht of Thai gold as an insurance against currency/bank/economic chaos and upheaval.

I realise that the value may fall as well as rise. It is only a small proportion of my assets and will not be needed in the near future. I am not speculating and paper gold funds do not attract me as I believe they will be valueless in a real financial crisis.

This will be my first ever purchase of gold, other than jewellery type items for my Thai ladies.

So I would like the forum experts and old hands to tell me...where to buy.....

what to buy......is VAT payable......can I carry back to Europe and UK without trouble...can it be sold easily in UK....what sort of margin will I pay when selling....how to be sure of the value of what I buy

Any advice and thoughts are welcome but I do not need lectures on the downward risk factor of the present gold price. I am more concerned that because of my lack of experience I may be cheated with fake gold or be set up for robbery later.

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Internationally acknowledged gold is and has been the south African Krugerrand for more then 50 years.

You are internationally guaranteed of the value of the 91.67% gold that is in the coin.

About bringing it psychically overseas there are restrictions, the amount you are talking about is more.

You can purchase them at big banks in europe.

Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...


Gold (91.67% Au, 8.33% Cu)

33.93 g (1.09 troy oz)

Chuk Kam (足金)

in Cantonese means pure gold, literally "exact gold". It is defined as 99.0% gold minimum with a 1.0% negative tolerance allowed.[4][5] The quality of gold is guaranteed with a "Certificate of Gold" upon purchases in Hong Kong and Macau.

Thai Bath gold

1 troy ounce = 31.1035 grams

1 Thai gold Baht Bar = 15.244 grams

USA gold price is based on 0.995 gold

Thai gold is 0.965 gold

Hope to have given you something to think about.


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Internationally acknowledged gold is and has been the south African Krugerrand for more then 50 years.

My experience has not been positive regarding the Krugerrand. I could find no place in Thailand, banks/gold shops, that would buy it. Had a friend take them to England and even there it took some time to find a bank that would except them.

Anyway, the OP mentions specifically Thai gold.

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Buy baht bars from one of the big dealers like Hua Seng Heng in Bangkok. No VAT.

Plan to sell them back to the same shop before you leave the country, then re-buy .995 bullion bars in whatever form is the most liquid there when you return to Europe to reestablish your position.

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Buy baht bars from one of the big dealers like Hua Seng Heng in Bangkok. No VAT.

Plan to sell them back to the same shop before you leave the country, then re-buy .995 bullion bars in whatever form is the most liquid there when you return to Europe to reestablish your position.

Europe does not like 995 gold but insists on 999.9 :jap:

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Thank you all for the help so far.

Dancelot, you say that dealers will manipulate the percentage of gold. Do you think that this applies to the dealers like Hua Seng Heng as suggested by Cloudhopper?

I assume that any professional will spot a novice buyer instantly and take advantage if possible. I don't mind a little manipulation (that's life) but I don't want to be robbed or swindled too much.

Mr Naam. You say Europe insists on 99.9% not Thai standard. Surely, gold is gold and a true current value could be worked out and paid.

My idea is to hold it in small amounts, say one baht bars so that it could be sold easily if the much anticipated banking collapse ever takes place.

Gold shops give the impression that gold is instantly convertible to cash.

Is it perfectly legal to buy here and carry in my baggage to Europe or UK?

I am swayed by the argument that physical gold is an insurance against financial meltdown and would be happy to keep it on that basis. Whether its price rises or falls, it will always have some market value unlike paper which may lose its attractiveness.

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Mr Naam. You say Europe insists on 99.9% not Thai standard. Surely, gold is gold and a true current value could be worked out and paid.

My pal was just back in the UK buying some Krugs and he took a 1 baht bar to show the shop. The guy had never seen or heard of this type but "said" he would be willing to pay spot - his usual spread based on .965 content. It's also possible to sell higher grades here in LOS but you're better off holding whatever form is the most liquid wherever you happen to be IMO.

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Yes i agree with cloudhopper, keep it simple. But the question then is how much are you prepared to be swindeled. Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole?

I sympathize with your declining lack of trust in the paper Mr. Helloagianitsme.. There are really things changing in this world right now that are out of our hands. Before you know it your investment, let's say a house changed it's value from $150K to 5 kriptonites.

Gold is 1 way to secure your earnings, for now...

I think we, as consumers should change the value of money by setting 0 to the value of money in our daily lives. I mean to say Don't buy land rovers and Mercedeses and big houses we don't actually need to be happy. The banks, the system will not like that.

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Buy baht bars from one of the big dealers like Hua Seng Heng in Bangkok. No VAT.

Plan to sell them back to the same shop before you leave the country, then re-buy .995 bullion bars in whatever form is the most liquid there when you return to Europe to reestablish your position.

Yes but if you don't want the inconvenience of moving, storage etc most of the Thai banks have gold funds.

You may have a problem moving more than $10000 of gold internationally.

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Buy baht bars from one of the big dealers like Hua Seng Heng in Bangkok. No VAT.

Plan to sell them back to the same shop before you leave the country, then re-buy .995 bullion bars in whatever form is the most liquid there when you return to Europe to reestablish your position.

Yes but if you don't want the inconvenience of moving, storage etc most of the Thai banks have gold funds.

You may have a problem moving more than $10000 of gold internationally.

Is that a fact about $10,000 worth? That is just the kind of information I am seeking. The amount I am thinking of is approx $42,000. The cash is all legitimately obtained and an audit trail is no problem so is there a limit of $10,000 or is it just that you have to declare amounts above that?

Gold Funds operated by Big Banksters have no appeal to me whatsoever. It seems obvious to me that the fashion for gold (not yet mania) has enabled the banks to create enormous paper funds that are based on nothing more than the belief that more investors can always be found to support the whole ponzi scheme. Banks and honesty........are you serious?

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You may have a problem moving more than $10000 of gold internationally.

Is that a fact about $10,000 worth?

I doubt it however moving any amount internationally is likely to cause questions and possibly duties in addition to the possible liquidity awkwardness already mentioned. When it's time to move sell the locally acquired gold locally and wire the proceeds. Repeat in new location.

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You may have a problem moving more than $10000 of gold internationally.

Is that a fact about $10,000 worth?

I doubt it however moving any amount internationally is likely to cause questions and possibly duties in addition to the possible liquidity awkwardness already mentioned. When it's time to move sell the locally acquired gold locally and wire the proceeds. Repeat in new location.

Thanks cloudhopper.

I am beginning to appreciate your point of view buts its still a bit vague.

My cash is fully legitimate and taxes paid. Completely transparent.

Possible duties? Does anyone know for sure?

Liquidity awkwardness? Again conflicting points of view. Is gold universally traded or not?

But I can see the advantage of what you are suggesting. The only drawback would be the commission losses made by buying end selling if I then returned to Thailand and had to start buying again.

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Mr Naam. You say Europe insists on 99.9% not Thai standard. Surely, gold is gold and a true current value could be worked out and paid.

you conclusion is logical but Europe is not Asia where most jewelry shops sell and buy gold. in Europe very few companies exist which trade bullion because bars and coins are normally bought from and sold to "banKsters" with big margins.

if you want to sell bullion which does not possess the highest purity you have to deal with shady shops who buy gold and other precious metal but pay you an unreasonably low price.

by the way, gold is not necessary gold. true, purity can be checked easily (the outside of a gold bar). but to check whether the bar has a Tungsten core covered by 999 gold can only be done by an x-ray, cutting it in parts or drilling holes in it. what prospective buyer wants to do this procedure?

summary: if you want to sell bullion in Europe which do not bear markings and serial nos. from Crédit Suisse, Heraeus or Degussa you are in dire straits.

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^Didn't Degussa make Zyklon B?

a subsidiary of Degussa (acquired in the 1920s) produced and supplied Zyklon B. but to the best of my knowledge that does not lower the purity of gold bars produced by Degussa.

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Internationally acknowledged gold is and has been the south African Krugerrand for more then 50 years.

You are internationally guaranteed of the value of the 91.67% gold that is in the coin.

About bringing it psychically overseas there are restrictions, the amount you are talking about is more.

You can purchase them at big banks in europe.


Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...


Gold (91.67% Au, 8.33% Cu)

33.93 g (1.09 troy oz)

Chuk Kam (足金)

in Cantonese means pure gold, literally "exact gold". It is defined as 99.0% gold minimum with a 1.0% negative tolerance allowed.[4][5] The quality of gold is guaranteed with a "Certificate of Gold" upon purchases in Hong Kong and Macau.

Thai Bath gold

1 troy ounce = 31.1035 grams

1 Thai gold Baht Bar = 15.244 grams

USA gold price is based on 0.995 gold

Thai gold is 0.965 gold

Hope to have given you something to think about.


Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...

what total bullshit ive bought and sold gold Thai gold here at many gold shops not jewellery gold bars and not once have gold dealers manipulated or done anything other than honour the pledge and here gold dealers work on a buy/sell spread of a mere 100 baht a baht (it used to be 50 when I first bought gold here 10 years ago and gold was around 6,000 baht a baht instead of around 24000 today. weve bought many times 50 baht + worth of gold and when we had surplus money preferring it to bank deposits and then when we wanted to buy some land or property sold it to purchase that and vice versa at least 10 times over. Ive even brought Thia gold to UK and although you need to get it assayed and can then only sell it at scrap at around 95% of spot had no problem at all selling it and assay costs are not high. If you think any gold shop here given asians love of gold would dare cheat or manipulate even a forang you know absolutely nothing about culture here they would be lynched. I challenge you to find even one example of where a reputable main shop here has ever done anyone. As far as taking it out I am not sure exactly if their are any regulations but i doubt it. I've also taken 500 kg ++ or more of silver jewellery out when I was in jewellery trade and several times it was opened and when they saw it was silver just waved me through. I also hold significant quantities of Krugerand Swiss gold bars Aussie gold coins and American eagles mostly purchased in Singapore with Vat reclaimed on exit before bringing it here. SIngapore has Vat on GOld and Silver Thailand has no vat on gold but vat on silver Uk used ot have vat on both gold and silver but scrapped vat on gold as part of EEC deal in I think it was 2002 but stil has vato n silver USA has no vat on gold.

I wish people like you would stop talking absolute rubbish and so misleading people badly you I was going to say #$%@@ but instead idiot will do whistling.gif

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Internationally acknowledged gold is and has been the south African Krugerrand for more then 50 years.

You are internationally guaranteed of the value of the 91.67% gold that is in the coin.

About bringing it psychically overseas there are restrictions, the amount you are talking about is more.

You can purchase them at big banks in europe.


Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...


Gold (91.67% Au, 8.33% Cu)

33.93 g (1.09 troy oz)

Chuk Kam (足金)

in Cantonese means pure gold, literally "exact gold". It is defined as 99.0% gold minimum with a 1.0% negative tolerance allowed.[4][5] The quality of gold is guaranteed with a "Certificate of Gold" upon purchases in Hong Kong and Macau.

Thai Bath gold

1 troy ounce = 31.1035 grams

1 Thai gold Baht Bar = 15.244 grams

USA gold price is based on 0.995 gold

Thai gold is 0.965 gold

Hope to have given you something to think about.


Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...

what total bullshit ive bought and sold gold Thai gold here at many gold shops not jewellery gold bars and not once have gold dealers manipulated or done anything other than honour the pledge and here gold dealers work on a buy/sell spread of a mere 100 baht a baht (it used to be 50 when I first bought gold here 10 years ago and gold was around 6,000 baht a baht instead of around 24000 today. weve bought many times 50 baht + worth of gold and when we had surplus money preferring it to bank deposits and then when we wanted to buy some land or property sold it to purchase that and vice versa at least 10 times over. Ive even brought Thia gold to UK and although you need to get it assayed and can then only sell it at scrap at around 95% of spot had no problem at all selling it and assay costs are not high. If you think any gold shop here given asians love of gold would dare cheat or manipulate even a forang you know absolutely nothing about culture here they would be lynched. I challenge you to find even one example of where a reputable main shop here has ever done anyone. As far as taking it out I am not sure exactly if their are any regulations but i doubt it. I've also taken 500 kg ++ or more of silver jewellery out when I was in jewellery trade and several times it was opened and when they saw it was silver just waved me through. I also hold significant quantities of Krugerand Swiss gold bars Aussie gold coins and American eagles mostly purchased in Singapore with Vat reclaimed on exit before bringing it here. SIngapore has Vat on GOld and Silver Thailand has no vat on gold but vat on silver Uk used ot have vat on both gold and silver but scrapped vat on gold as part of EEC deal in I think it was 2002 but stil has vato n silver USA has no vat on gold.

I wish people like you would stop talking absolute rubbish and so misleading people badly you I was going to say #$%@@ but instead idiot will do whistling.gif

Many thanks for that letitbe.

Your knowledge and long experience is very reassuring. I can see that you would be a hard man to cheat but a first time buyer like me would be a lot easier to fool. However I will go to a reputable shop and see what is available. I also like the idea a certain amount of gold coins even though the premiums are very high percentage wise.It would be good to have something to look at and enjoy the artistry.For me, one of the drawbacks of gold bars is that they are so boring as objects.

to quote your post on another thread

You can now get 1/4 baht gold coins here which although they have a premium of around 400 baht a baht over normal 5 or 10 baht bars we have a small stack of just in case for necessities. We also have a collection of 1/8th baht pieces which are fantastic works of art in themselves but have around 800 baht a baht premium. These are an absolute bargain IMO for workmanship as is gold here at only around 1/2 % buy/sell spread as long as you dont buy jewelry (100 baht a baht)

No one seems to know exactly what the various customs regulations are in various countries but if there were draconian regulations I feel that someone would know that for sure.

Do you recommend any of the Pattaya gold shops for my kind of purchase?

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I also like the idea a certain amount of gold coins even though the premiums are very high percentage wise.It would be good to have something to look at and enjoy the artistry.For me, one of the drawbacks of gold bars is that they are so boring as objects.

While I myself have only ever collected coins....Maples, Eagles, Krugs etc...

I will say the artistry shown on the Pamp Suisse bars with the Lady Fortuna on it are quite nice

Available in many sizes....The 10 ounce/20 baht shown here


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I also like the idea a certain amount of gold coins even though the premiums are very high percentage wise.It would be good to have something to look at and enjoy the artistry.For me, one of the drawbacks of gold bars is that they are so boring as objects.

While I myself have only ever collected coins....Maples, Eagles, Krugs etc...

I will say the artistry shown on the Pamp Suisse bars with the Lady Fortuna on it are quite nice

Available in many sizes....The 10 ounce/20 baht shown here


looking at artistry might be interesting but it's nothing compared to the feeling you get holding a single 500g or 1kg gold bar in your hand. i wonder how it feels picking up a 12.5kg bar :o

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i wonder how it feels picking up a 12.5kg bar :o

near orgasmic

I've not picked up a bar of gold but working at nuclear research facilities have picked up lead bricks quite a few time - used for shielding. However one knows it's lead and expects it to be pretty heavy so no real surprises. I was checking a target chamber room and saw a brick stacked that was a fair amount smaller and different color than the lead ones. When I went to pick it up it was a <deleted> moment - it was pure tungsten. :D Completely unexpected the weight for the size of it.

Fake gold bars have been known to be produced by coating tungsten with gold as the densities are nearly identical within small fractions of a percent. Proper thickness of gold and pretty much can not tell its not all gold without drilling or cutting into it. All the outside characteristics, sound, softness, weight are there and X-ray pretty much can not penetrate to reach the tungsten.

Not quite the same as the sensation of real gold, but is identical to the feel ;) .

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I've not picked up a bar of gold but working at nuclear research facilities have picked up lead bricks quite a few time - used for shielding. However one knows it's lead and expects it to be pretty heavy so no real surprises. I was checking a target chamber room and saw a brick stacked that was a fair amount smaller and different color than the lead ones. When I went to pick it up it was a <deleted> moment - it was pure tungsten. :D Completely unexpected the weight for the size of it.

Fake gold bars have been known to be produced by coating tungsten with gold as the densities are nearly identical within small fractions of a percent. Proper thickness of gold and pretty much can not tell its not all gold without drilling or cutting into it. All the outside characteristics, sound, softness, weight are there and X-ray pretty much can not penetrate to reach the tungsten.

Not quite the same as the sensation of real gold, but is identical to the feel ;) .

That is interesting Tywais & I have heard the same about tungsten

Now that you mentioned it I wonder what ever happened to that story awhile back about the gold coated tungsten bars they found?

Never heard anything more about it.

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Internationally acknowledged gold is and has been the south African Krugerrand for more then 50 years.

You are internationally guaranteed of the value of the 91.67% gold that is in the coin.

About bringing it psychically overseas there are restrictions, the amount you are talking about is more.

You can purchase them at big banks in europe.


Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...


Gold (91.67% Au, 8.33% Cu)

33.93 g (1.09 troy oz)

Chuk Kam (足金)

in Cantonese means pure gold, literally "exact gold". It is defined as 99.0% gold minimum with a 1.0% negative tolerance allowed.[4][5] The quality of gold is guaranteed with a "Certificate of Gold" upon purchases in Hong Kong and Macau.

Thai Bath gold

1 troy ounce = 31.1035 grams

1 Thai gold Baht Bar = 15.244 grams

USA gold price is based on 0.995 gold

Thai gold is 0.965 gold

Hope to have given you something to think about.


Anyway if you want to buy gold for yourself in Thailand there is a lot to think about. For instance you have to take into account the percentages and grams will be manipulated by all gold dealers most of the times in an indirect way...

what total bullshit ive bought and sold gold Thai gold here at many gold shops not jewellery gold bars and not once have gold dealers manipulated or done anything other than honour the pledge and here gold dealers work on a buy/sell spread of a mere 100 baht a baht (it used to be 50 when I first bought gold here 10 years ago and gold was around 6,000 baht a baht instead of around 24000 today. weve bought many times 50 baht + worth of gold and when we had surplus money preferring it to bank deposits and then when we wanted to buy some land or property sold it to purchase that and vice versa at least 10 times over. Ive even brought Thia gold to UK and although you need to get it assayed and can then only sell it at scrap at around 95% of spot had no problem at all selling it and assay costs are not high. If you think any gold shop here given asians love of gold would dare cheat or manipulate even a forang you know absolutely nothing about culture here they would be lynched. I challenge you to find even one example of where a reputable main shop here has ever done anyone. As far as taking it out I am not sure exactly if their are any regulations but i doubt it. I've also taken 500 kg ++ or more of silver jewellery out when I was in jewellery trade and several times it was opened and when they saw it was silver just waved me through. I also hold significant quantities of Krugerand Swiss gold bars Aussie gold coins and American eagles mostly purchased in Singapore with Vat reclaimed on exit before bringing it here. SIngapore has Vat on GOld and Silver Thailand has no vat on gold but vat on silver Uk used ot have vat on both gold and silver but scrapped vat on gold as part of EEC deal in I think it was 2002 but stil has vato n silver USA has no vat on gold.

I wish people like you would stop talking absolute rubbish and so misleading people badly you I was going to say #$%@@ but instead idiot will do whistling.gif

Many thanks for that letitbe.

Your knowledge and long experience is very reassuring. I can see that you would be a hard man to cheat but a first time buyer like me would be a lot easier to fool. However I will go to a reputable shop and see what is available. I also like the idea a certain amount of gold coins even though the premiums are very high percentage wise.It would be good to have something to look at and enjoy the artistry.For me, one of the drawbacks of gold bars is that they are so boring as objects.

to quote your post on another thread

You can now get 1/4 baht gold coins here which although they have a premium of around 400 baht a baht over normal 5 or 10 baht bars we have a small stack of just in case for necessities. We also have a collection of 1/8th baht pieces which are fantastic works of art in themselves but have around 800 baht a baht premium. These are an absolute bargain IMO for workmanship as is gold here at only around 1/2 % buy/sell spread as long as you dont buy jewelry (100 baht a baht)

No one seems to know exactly what the various customs regulations are in various countries but if there were draconian regulations I feel that someone would know that for sure.

Do you recommend any of the Pattaya gold shops for my kind of purchase?

Thanks for compliment but I assure you ive been cheated a fewtimes in my life mostly by very very rich guys who I trusted but they did notget away with much and never understood why they did it just for fun I guess.Anyway I don’t know Pattaya but its not far from Bangkok so just go there whenfloods have gone and go to China town. Ive bought there many times. Google tofind oldest gold shop in place. I went there last when I sold one of our condosin BKK and had 5.5 million baht burning a hole in my pocket. Place had about 15 sales staff all bored as hell and ive never seen somuch money go over a counter must have been hundreds of millions baht an hour.We had to wait 30 minutes to but 30 baht if I remember at 12,000 or so a baht .Im told but don’t know if its true these days they and out tickets on openingfor Monday trading limiting first 250 people or something but that’s probablyjust not true. I use Ausiris sometimes you can google it and see their barscoins etc but as I said I would not worry about any of main gold shops. Buybars coins are rare here but you can get if you look nice 2 baht bars or 1 bahtjust look around and check price its normally displayed on window buy sell.They prefer you to buy jewelry since that’s what they make most at and that’s whatgirls always want but you loose about 8% or soon resale. If shop does not havebars go to one that has theirs tone around. Id not buy in Pattaya myself itsjust full of scams and tricks but if its got a china town gold shop should beok.

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I also like the idea a certain amount of gold coins even though the premiums are very high percentage wise.It would be good to have something to look at and enjoy the artistry.For me, one of the drawbacks of gold bars is that they are so boring as objects.

While I myself have only ever collected coins....Maples, Eagles, Krugs etc...

I will say the artistry shown on the Pamp Suisse bars with the Lady Fortuna on it are quite nice

Available in many sizes....The 10 ounce/20 baht shown here


looking at artistry might be interesting but it's nothing compared to the feeling you get holding a single 500g or 1kg gold bar in your hand. i wonder how it feels picking up a 12.5kg bar :o

lucky you one day ill progress 50 500gm or 1 kg but first ill need 4-5 kg of smaller stuff but ill dream but problem with a 1kg bar is you have to sell it all and here theirs very little saving with 10 100gm swiss bars over 1 x 1 kg bars. At last ive found places here selling 100 gm swiss bars and also now places selling Chinese 99.99% 100 mace bars

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Chinese 99.99% 100 mace bars

What are they? I have seen 5 Tael bars but never heard of these...

sorry we buy and sell gold in Hong Kong via a broker in Mace so stupidly I assumed since we have 1000 mace their would be 100 mace bars in shops A Tael is I understand is 10 mace so 5 teal would be 50 mace or for those who dont know in grams Here we buy in Baht in west in troy onz 50% physical 50% London Loco unallocated gold. ?? id we interested in what other units are used worldwide since for fun we collect as many different physical coins bars and rest we can find. Its not best way to buy gold but investment should be fun and as a hobby it beats crap out of other forms of collecting I reckon.

1 onz 29.57352969 1 kilo 32.15074657 1 troy onz 31.1034768 1 baht 15.244 1 mace 3.7429

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Chinese 99.99% 100 mace bars

What are they? I have seen 5 Tael bars but never heard of these...

sorry we buy and sell gold in Hong Kong via a broker in Mace so stupidly I assumed since we have 1000 mace their would be 100 mace bars in shops A Tael is I understand is 10 mace so 5 teal would be 50 mace or for those who dont know in grams Here we buy in Baht in west in troy onz 50% physical 50% London Loco unallocated gold. ?? id we interested in what other units are used worldwide since for fun we collect as many different physical coins bars and rest we can find. Its not best way to buy gold but investment should be fun and as a hobby it beats crap out of other forms of collecting I reckon.

1 onz 29.57352969 1 kilo 32.15074657 1 troy onz 31.1034768 1 baht 15.244 1 mace 3.7429

ps sorry dont want to comfuse above for kilo is no onzes not troy onz in a kilo important things for gold are grams in troy onz baht and mace if like us you collect gold coins and bars

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