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If You Dont Like Thailand Why Not Leave?


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I do leave every 6 to 8 months but I keep coming back to see if I have gotten stupid enough to fall for a few scams or just start thinking the normal fee at immigration is tea money. If I stay long enough I should be able to take off my rose colored glasses and see all Thais for what they really are. But since I tend to find all the positive things in life I guess I will be coming back for a while. I do feel left out not being scammed on a regular basis.

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great post MCA

you may have found a way to insult everyone and tell the truth by wrapping it up in satire and not get sanctioned by the mods for doing so

i have picked up some good tips, thanks man!

well i tried the direct insult route once tk mate and got banned for a week so now it's got to be a bit more sneaky. Although the urge to type " Are you sponsored for being a drooling <deleted> or does it come naturally?" occasionally rises which is why I'm staying away from the news forum. :D

how does it go? never discuss politics or religion? wisest words ever spoken.

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MCA, great post!

I could also comment that when I'm out dancing and someone slips their phone number into my hand with a wink, it's all a conspiracy to make me feel unwanted; the staff come by and give me hugs because of their fear of foreigners (they like some of the other foreigners, which they indicate by keeping well clear of them!). If there weren't a mortal dislike of me because of my nationality and race, my lovely friend out at Rama 2 wouldn't have introduced all his friends to me. I wouldn't have been introduced to parents and families of those who pretend to love me; the school I work for wouldn't have bent over backwards to make me feel appreciated and financially rewarded- no, all of this indicates a deep-seated loathing.

Back to non-irony- I do find it terribly annoying when one of these 'you are a guest in this country' people pop up off-topic in so many different ways, so perhaps it is refreshing for once to have them posting on topic in their own thread.

My own view on the subject, which I articulated for slightly different reasons in another subforum recently, is that although we are a minority, we are a significant enough part of life for some people- and of greater interest to many than our percentage deserves- that we fortunately get to help define how we live with our dearest and closest Thai associates COOPERATIVELY. While there is no doubt that 'we are in their country,' there is interest and attention to what we express as our beliefs and needs, sometimes to the extent that some of our Thai companions adopt some of our ideas- and vice versa. To that extent, the life of foreigners in Thailand is not some 'guestly' and dissociated presence as the OP would prefer to have it, but it is a dynamic process in which we have influence. And that being the case, if there are things which cause us trouble, of COURSE we should express our feelings- functionally and at appropriate intervals.

I doubt very much, whether anyone who has raised a specific complaint on any thread here, truly doesn't like 'THAILAND' as a whole (whatever that would mean and however that would be expressed)- and so no need to leave; whew, what a relief.

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Original Post of the week.........................................Not!

Was just thinking the same thing.

All we need now is a sin-sod thread, and perhaps one about whether or not the word 'farang' is racist.

I can't wait!

Funny you should mention it.....

I divorced my wife of nigh on 12 years ( and after knowing her for about 16 ) last week because she's from Isaan and I realised after reading the invaluable opinions made by the Thai experts on TVF that she was uneducated, only after money for her and her scum sucking family and a rabid Thaksin's cock sucking red shirt. Despite her protestations that she was financially independent being financial director for a Japanese company located here, her folks not needing money because, as she reminded me, when I screwed up the money transfer to buy a new car her dad gave me a near million baht bridging loan and the fact that she'd never voted in her life because she had more important things to think about like her job, me and our daughter I decided to go with the irrefutable facts presented by some posters here and kick her Central World burning arse to the curb.

Anyhow I was in the bank and I caught the eye of this sweet young thing. Turns out, unlike my trollop of an ex, that she's highly educated (BA from Rajahbat Saraburi ) and has a good job as a bank teller not like all other foreigners wives in Isaan who're all prostitutes! Plus she's not a lazy good for nothing but rioting and drinking lao kao Isaanite but from Saraburi! Quids in!

Of course I proposed to her on the spot and she said I'd have to meet her mother because she'd expect sinsod. As she pointed out because she's educated and holding down a good job then a figure of 2 million baht wouldn't be amiss for such a catch. What do you guys think?

Anyhow I was walking with her through the local market to the gold shop because the i-phone shop was closed and there was this old granny selling guavas. I couldn't believe my ears! She was yelling " FARANG! FARANG!" at the top of her voice not even considering I was within earshot. MY GOD ALL THAI PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Would they shout " NIG NOG! NIG NOG! " if a black guy was waking through there? I guess so.

Later we were on the songtaew and there were 2 young guys talking together. All I heard was "Farang" this and " Farang" that. I was incensed even after my bride to be told me that they were discussing a westerner who was aiding famine relief in Africa and not talking about me personally but I know racism when I see it. Face facts gentlemen. THAIS DON'T WANT US HERE and if it weren't for the fact that I was such an underachieveing <deleted> with a massive chip on his shoulder about people more successful than me back home and it makes me feel big when I denigrate Thais ( apart from the ones that are richer than me - but they're obviously corrupt in obtaining their wealth because as we all know ALL THAIS ARE STUPID) I'd be on the first plane out of here I can tell you!

Ha ha

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I think Thai people are nicer that people where i came from (UK). The culture in the UK is rotten to the core.

Thailand is right for being protectionist, patriotic and developmentalist. Look at indonesia and those south american countries which were "influenced" by free market thinking and the Americans. They sold out their assets, labour and their culture to international business. I like Thailands way, slowly but surely. Economic stability etc.

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Of course, I agree with the OP. It isn't even the complaining that I detest, it's the racist attitudes and hatred towards the Thais that I find so contemptible. I particularly find this point by the OP quite valid:

[The way I see it, if thailand had a good economy, good politicians, un-corrupt police, good education, good management of natural disasters etc - then Thailand would not be an attractive place for people to live. I mean a lot of people just live in Thailand because it is cheap and they feel free to do what they want. If all the above problems were sorted out, then it would be a first world country and many of these haters wouldnt or couldnt be here.]

No need to look to the future. This place already exist. It's called Japan. Or even Singapore. Are farangs flocking to these places? Of course not. The Thai-hating sorts can't afford it. When they talk options, they bring up the same tired places, e.g., Cambodia, Vietnam, the PI. Comical. Personally, I don't care where these Thai-hating whackjobs go, just so long as they leave.

Yes it is a good point and one i can't remember reading on the countless threads on this done to death subject.

For all the less than perfect aspects here i pretty much disregard the lot because they don't have to involve me. The one aspect that does let the country down are the BIB. I find them shocking. However its a compromise you make putting up with this and other corruption and in turn you reap the benefits of other areas.

For this reason alone i wish people would stop bleating on about the obvious areas needing improvement because as we all agree, i think anyway, nowheres perfect. The think the numbers of "Thai hating whackjobs" are actually minimal, most dissenters being just disolutioned souls that need to take a break and go back to their country of origin for a holiday to appreciate the freedom and benefits they are offered overhere.

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We of the round eye persuasion have no voice and no power in a foreign environment. Having come from a prior existence of at least partial credibility the loss of any credibility is indeed frustrating. So we vent amongst our equals. If you have a problem with this venting why don't you leave.

+1 clap2.gif


Much better to vent in private than in public. Over the years I have seen more than a few folks who complain quite a bit, almost to the point that you'd assume they'd be really angry individuals in other aspects of their life.... but they are actually the opposite, very mellow (okay, sometimes aided by antidepressants), and are the types that wai traffic police when they've been pulled over for the 3rd time in the same month for a 100 Baht 'tax.' Another was a serious Thaksin hater (usually describing anything to do with the man with cursing, even in front of children) who when he finally met the then PM, acted/kowtowed like he was a member of the Thai Rak Thai party.



there's a clear tendency of peeps in here to polarise anyone who has a criticism of thailand as a "hater", and anyone who's less vociferous as an "apologist"....

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Clear blue skies, sun shining, 23-24 degrees C in the shade.

New house well on way to construction, roof being completed now as I write.

Neighbourhood girls taking turns rocking the baby to sleep.

Just completed a low risk business transaction giving me guaranteed 5% return per annum

40 baht for 40 stalks of lotus fruit, enough to go round for everyone (mine gets peeled as well)

Village guys gathering around the TV, watching Muay Thai next door

Lunch being served, only time I have to lift a finger is to bring the food to my mouth

Ice cold beer, whisky and soda

Neighbours popping in and out, everyone laughing and smiling

Things concerning me at the moment:

- trying to find a more efficient (and cheaper way) than paying the village boys 20 baht each to wave their hands to keep the flies away from the food

- wondering whether to change down to 100 Pipers and 285 Blend from Black Label, since there's always plenty of people around (men and ladies included) to help drink

- which model of BBQ to purchase and how to arrange delivery

- where to buy good quality cuts of meat

- confused cocks, crowing regardless of whether it's midnight or 12 pm

- where to buy a good pair of Wellies (local stuff is too soft and too small for my size 44 feet)

Things I would like to change

- different forum to find the information I need, where I don't have to read through lots of idiotic posts from sad, pathetic losers that populate TV.

Life's great :)

NB: usual suspects need not reply / comment

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Funny you should mention it.....

I divorced my wife of nigh on 12 years ( and after knowing her for about 16 ) last week because she's from Isaan and I realised after reading the invaluable opinions made by the Thai experts on TVF that she was uneducated, only after money for her and her scum sucking family and a rabid Thaksin's cock sucking red shirt. Despite her protestations that she was financially independent being financial director for a Japanese company located here, her folks not needing money because, as she reminded me, when I screwed up the money transfer to buy a new car her dad gave me a near million baht bridging loan and the fact that she'd never voted in her life because she had more important things to think about like her job, me and our daughter I decided to go with the irrefutable facts presented by some posters here and kick her Central World burning arse to the curb.

Post of the week :clap2:

.... and a typical profile of a Falang/Thai relationship in Isaan.

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Later we were on the songtaew and there were 2 young guys talking together. All I heard was "Farang" this and " Farang" that. I was incensed even after my bride to be told me that they were discussing a westerner who was aiding famine relief in Africa and not talking about me personally but I know racism when I see it.

You are well rid of her!

I'm not sure, UG, but I think his entire rant was somewhat satirical.

You don't say?, and there I was still under the impression that most Americans think Irony is a small country in Africa.


is it not? :huh:

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I think Thai people are nicer that people where i came from (UK). The culture in the UK is rotten to the core.

Thailand is right for being protectionist, patriotic and developmentalist. Look at indonesia and those south american countries which were "influenced" by free market thinking and the Americans. They sold out their assets, labour and their culture to international business. I like Thailands way, slowly but surely. Economic stability etc.

I think that is a slightly myopic view of Thailand.

There are also many reasons whilst Thailand will superficially project itself as a developing country, but but always remain a third world country philosophically.

In short Thailand is imperfect (the same as any other country I have lived in) but I will remain here until it no longer suits me to do so.

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Original Post of the week.........................................Not!

Was just thinking the same thing.

All we need now is a sin-sod thread, and perhaps one about whether or not the word 'farang' is racist.

I can't wait!

Funny you should mention it.....

I divorced my wife of nigh on 12 years ( and after knowing her for about 16 ) last week because she's from Isaan and I realised after reading the invaluable opinions made by the Thai experts on TVF that she was uneducated, only after money for her and her scum sucking family and a rabid Thaksin's cock sucking red shirt. Despite her protestations that she was financially independent being financial director for a Japanese company located here, her folks not needing money because, as she reminded me, when I screwed up the money transfer to buy a new car her dad gave me a near million baht bridging loan and the fact that she'd never voted in her life because she had more important things to think about like her job, me and our daughter I decided to go with the irrefutable facts presented by some posters here and kick her Central World burning arse to the curb.

Anyhow I was in the bank and I caught the eye of this sweet young thing. Turns out, unlike my trollop of an ex, that she's highly educated (BA from Rajahbat Saraburi ) and has a good job as a bank teller not like all other foreigners wives in Isaan who're all prostitutes! Plus she's not a lazy good for nothing but rioting and drinking lao kao Isaanite but from Saraburi! Quids in!

Of course I proposed to her on the spot and she said I'd have to meet her mother because she'd expect sinsod. As she pointed out because she's educated and holding down a good job then a figure of 2 million baht wouldn't be amiss for such a catch. What do you guys think?

Anyhow I was walking with her through the local market to the gold shop because the i-phone shop was closed and there was this old granny selling guavas. I couldn't believe my ears! She was yelling " FARANG! FARANG!" at the top of her voice not even considering I was within earshot. MY GOD ALL THAI PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Would they shout " NIG NOG! NIG NOG! " if a black guy was waking through there? I guess so.

Later we were on the songtaew and there were 2 young guys talking together. All I heard was "Farang" this and " Farang" that. I was incensed even after my bride to be told me that they were discussing a westerner who was aiding famine relief in Africa and not talking about me personally but I know racism when I see it. Face facts gentlemen. THAIS DON'T WANT US HERE and if it weren't for the fact that I was such an underachieveing <deleted> with a massive chip on his shoulder about people more successful than me back home and it makes me feel big when I denigrate Thais ( apart from the ones that are richer than me - but they're obviously corrupt in obtaining their wealth because as we all know ALL THAIS ARE STUPID) I'd be on the first plane out of here I can tell you!

Don't worry - we all realise that your wife 'is different' and understand that when Thais talk about the farang (when you are the only one nearby), they mean it as a term of affection.

Anybody who has any sense at all realises that they love us and its only the odd person that has any negative experiences.

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I do leave every 6 to 8 months but I keep coming back to see if I have gotten stupid enough to fall for a few scams or just start thinking the normal fee at immigration is tea money. If I stay long enough I should be able to take off my rose colored glasses and see all Thais for what they really are. But since I tend to find all the positive things in life I guess I will be coming back for a while. I do feel left out not being scammed on a regular basis.

One of those odd things - I have never paid money at Immigration, other than that posted on the walls as the cost of renewing one's retirement visa.

If you think you haven't regularly been charged 'over the top', then you are delusional.

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Later we were on the songtaew and there were 2 young guys talking together. All I heard was "Farang" this and " Farang" that. I was incensed even after my bride to be told me that they were discussing a westerner who was aiding famine relief in Africa and not talking about me personally but I know racism when I see it.

You are well rid of her!

I'm not sure, UG, but I think his entire rant was somewhat satirical.

You don't say?, and there I was still under the impression that most Americans think Irony is a small country in Africa.


The best post I've ever read! Witty, funny and very profound. Please post more!

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For this reason alone i wish people would stop bleating on about the obvious areas needing improvement because as we all agree, i think anyway, nowheres perfect. The think the numbers of "Thai hating whackjobs" are actually minimal, most dissenters being just disolutioned souls that need to take a break and go back to their country of origin for a holiday to appreciate the freedom and benefits they are offered overhere.

If these "disillusioned souls" would just take your advice and leave for an extended period of time, I'd agree that they'd come back more, shall we say, "enlightened." Or better yet, they may just decide to not come back.

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I hate it here. there, I have said it! I miss the cool dampness of the UK winter, that seeps into your bones and joints to make me, a young man, feel old. I miss the opportunity to wander into a nightclub, only to be glared at as if i am a perv because i am older than the average clubber, knwing that merely glancing at a 21 year old tescos checkout girl dancing around her handbag will get me arrested and that the only thing I will leave with is weakened self image and, possibly, a very drunk 50 something with boobs that grace her knees with a knock as she bends down to do up her doctor martens in the morning light.

I resent not paying more for fuel here. its pathetic that the cost of a tank is under £30, whereas thats the cost of a litre back in GOOD OLD BLIGHTY and I miss the fact that I cant wriggle in fear as I make a dash for the local co op in the evening and try to avoid the little hoodies who are dying to taunt me as I go in to buy my cigs, 400 baht a pack and a microwave thai curry for two at a mere 450 baht.

Why cant these beastly people catch up with the western world, include OUR values in their schooling and guarantee that I and many more move on to pastures new, where we can continue to bitch and moan about how difficult it is to bear the cross of superiority in life

Well, thats me banned ;)

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I hate it here. there, I have said it! I miss the cool dampness of the UK winter, that seeps into your bones and joints to make me, a young man, feel old. I miss the opportunity to wander into a nightclub, only to be glared at as if i am a perv because i am older than the average clubber, knwing that merely glancing at a 21 year old tescos checkout girl dancing around her handbag will get me arrested and that the only thing I will leave with is weakened self image and, possibly, a very drunk 50 something with boobs that grace her knees with a knock as she bends down to do up her doctor martens in the morning light.

I resent not paying more for fuel here. its pathetic that the cost of a tank is under £30, whereas thats the cost of a litre back in GOOD OLD BLIGHTY and I miss the fact that I cant wriggle in fear as I make a dash for the local co op in the evening and try to avoid the little hoodies who are dying to taunt me as I go in to buy my cigs, 400 baht a pack and a microwave thai curry for two at a mere 450 baht.

Why cant these beastly people catch up with the western world, include OUR values in their schooling and guarantee that I and many more move on to pastures new, where we can continue to bitch and moan about how difficult it is to bear the cross of superiority in life

Well, thats me banned ;)

I sort of agree, but as a superstar DJ, you didn't wander, but staggered in to nightclubs to play your set, whilst we mere mortals queued! Or am I confusing you with Carl Cox? Dancing round handbags was mid eighties?jap.gif

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I hate it here. there, I have said it! I miss the cool dampness of the UK winter, that seeps into your bones and joints to make me, a young man, feel old. I miss the opportunity to wander into a nightclub, only to be glared at as if i am a perv because i am older than the average clubber, knwing that merely glancing at a 21 year old tescos checkout girl dancing around her handbag will get me arrested and that the only thing I will leave with is weakened self image and, possibly, a very drunk 50 something with boobs that grace her knees with a knock as she bends down to do up her doctor martens in the morning light.

I resent not paying more for fuel here. its pathetic that the cost of a tank is under £30, whereas thats the cost of a litre back in GOOD OLD BLIGHTY and I miss the fact that I cant wriggle in fear as I make a dash for the local co op in the evening and try to avoid the little hoodies who are dying to taunt me as I go in to buy my cigs, 400 baht a pack and a microwave thai curry for two at a mere 450 baht.

Why cant these beastly people catch up with the western world, include OUR values in their schooling and guarantee that I and many more move on to pastures new, where we can continue to bitch and moan about how difficult it is to bear the cross of superiority in life

Well, thats me banned ;)

I sort of agree, but as a superstar DJ, you didn't wander, but staggered in to nightclubs to play your set, whilst we mere mortals queued! Or am I confusing you with Carl Cox? Dancing round handbags was mid eighties?jap.gif

true, now they dance aroud their nokia or blackberry and probably have it set up to do a flash sequence to the muzak :) as to the staggering.. I resemble that remark :)

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There are people that complain about almost everything in life. I just went through a gigantic post a few weeks ago how I was burnt out on the place. My post was more of a social problem pertaining to my past life and a bit of social culture. Thailand has many faults as many other countries and people. My country also has faults that I was directly involved with in my profession almost everyday. The truth is, many people who have retired here, including myself, are a little burnt out on the myriad of laws and regulations in there home country. The truth is Thailand is so much less restrictive than many people here are used to and many retirees find that refreshing. I know , I do. However, it's not unusual, at times, for ex-pats to vent their frustrations about the country comparing it to where they come from. Even though there are complaints from many at times, these same people are still here and enjoying their life as much and in most cases more then their home country. So ..... you probably shouldn't judge all the people who live here by a few complaints. I too have had problems here, maybe more then others, but I'm still here and can leave when I choose.

Good reply!

I believe Napoleon ( correct me if I'm wrong ) said that he wasn't concerned if the troops complained about everything, it was when they DIDN'T complain that he started to worry!

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Once you've lived here for decent stretch of time - and I'm thinking 15 years plus here - you will come to the realisation that the world that you came from; the world that you, so often, use as a baseline for your criticisms of the way things are in Thailand, does not exist anymore. You will be severely dissappointed to find that the only place where it exists is inside your head. And if you were to go back to that mythical place, that you cling to as a crutch to justify why your view of how things should be in Thailand is correct (and why the Thai have it wrong), you will be incredibly shocked to find that you don't fit in anymore and that life there is far more difficult and tedious than it could ever be in the "land of Smiles."

You will appreciate the following:

1. That you can step out of your door at any time of the day or night and get a decent bowl of noodle soup within 5 minutes walk of your abode.

2. You can buy a reasonable range of alcohol from a 7/11 and that there are plenty of them everywhere.

3. That you can go to a bar/gogo/night club and receive undevided attention from a bevy of lovely ladies (even though it is largely an act).

4. That you are, everyday, eating some of the worlds best food that people back in those mythical lands (you come from) pay a fortune for and only get to eat occaissionally.

5. That the weather is always warm, and as you advance on in years, the problems with old joint injuries seem to be more managable in the said warm climate.

6. That health care is, by and large, very good and is inexpensive compared to the cost back in those mythical lands - As an aside; I have comprehensive accident and medical insurance through SCB. It's 26000 baht a year. I've used it a couple of times and I've never handed over a single baht at the hospitals I use. I just hand over my insurance card and that's the end of it.

7. If you give someone a smile - even someone you've never met before - you will almost always get a smile back in return.

8. That Thailand is a relatively free and easy place to live and that those mythical lands have become PC governed, over taxing, police states.

#9 If some very attractive SYT ( sweet young thing ) catches you looking at her ( in admiration ) she doesn't react as if you're an evil pervert, like they would back in PC world; rather, she smiles back at you.

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Oh please. People venting is as common as sunrises. Better for people to blow off a little steam here and there rather than holding it in and going berserk one day.

I keep telling my wife that, and I wish she would "vent", as when she does "explode" it's spectacular ( and rather unpleasant till she calms down ).

I find posts like this, complaining about people complaining rather ironic, LOL.

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Oh please. People venting is as common as sunrises. Better for people to blow off a little steam here and there rather than holding it in and going berserk one day.

I would prefer they hold it in then blow a valve, makes for some funny reading in the news section.

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It's human nature to complain but there is a difference between complaining posts and bitter hateful posts. The political (news) forum is really disgusting. And, YES, I would like those hateful people to go back where they came from. Here on Thai Visa I can avoid reading their posts and even block them but the bitter hateful comments out in public are shameful and reflect badly on all of us.

I had a friend who criticized everything Thai and I always told him that he was free to return to his home country anytime. He finally did leave. My friend is quite wealthy so maybe the problem is that the most hateful posters can't afford to leave.

Edited by Gary A
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