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Bkk Floods Affecting Our Grocery Stocks?


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Classic but here is an example of a possible but serious shortage. Everyone is lamenting the lack of rice, water, beer, whiskey but the other day my twin girls needed to buy sanitary pads in Big C & did manage to buy some. However, they said there was almost no stock of this item which is so essential to many of the female gender. There may be other things like baby formula, pampers, soaps, detergents etc which we take for granted but could very well become in short supply. I wonder if all those dingy, dark, dangerous Mom & Pop stores have ample supplies.

Out of interest... Why are the mum and pop stores dangerous?

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All these 'shortages' are sheer <deleted>. I went to buy some San Miguel yesterday and there was loads of the stuff, in a Thai style supermarket. No farang, too scared to go in unless they recognise the brand names TOPS/Tesco/7/11. And the prices of everything were exactly the same as before the call for a new Noah's Ark. Same as the local talad nats.

But many places price gouging. Just stick to the places that the locals go to. If you can lower yourselves ...

My Thai neighbor owns a "Thai style supermarket". She came home last night laughing about some "dish bog farang" in her store looking for San Muguel.

True story.


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Went to Sizzler yesterday & many of their beef, pork & chicken items were not available. GF usually gets the cheaper steak which IMO is just as good as the expensive one but they did not have the cheaper one. I opted for salad & baked potato as the usual salads were still there. If this is affecting a large chain like Sizzler then surely the smaller restaurants are going to suffer as well. So, don't plan on getting your favorite menu item when you go out to eat. The flood situation in Bangkok is only going to get worse & seems like it will take quite a while for flood waters to drain away. I think Phuket will see much more shortages than what we are seeing now.

"The flood situation in Bangkok is only going to get worse "

Not according to the latest news. Eggs are widely available in BKK probably because half of BKK is in Pattaya now :blink:

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All these 'shortages' are sheer <deleted>. I went to buy some San Miguel yesterday and there was loads of the stuff, in a Thai style supermarket. No farang, too scared to go in unless they recognise the brand names TOPS/Tesco/7/11. And the prices of everything were exactly the same as before the call for a new Noah's Ark. Same as the local talad nats.

But many places price gouging. Just stick to the places that the locals go to. If you can lower yourselves ...

Pray tell , how did you sum up the courage to enter one of these establishments ?

reason for edit , expletive removed , guess i just got scared again

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All these 'shortages' are sheer <deleted>. I went to buy some San Miguel yesterday and there was loads of the stuff, in a Thai style supermarket. No farang, too scared to go in unless they recognise the brand names TOPS/Tesco/7/11. And the prices of everything were exactly the same as before the call for a new Noah's Ark. Same as the local talad nats.

But many places price gouging. Just stick to the places that the locals go to. If you can lower yourselves ...

Pray tell , how did you sum up the courage to enter one of these establishments ?

reason for edit , expletive removed , guess i just got scared again

Whats really bad is I think it's a certain amount of profiteering.

"sure, price up because of the flood" uh-huh...............

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Apparently, toilet rolls are becoming like gold dust. None in several Tesco's that the wife visited today.

Thank the Lord for bum sprays here in Asia ..... :rolleyes:

Never tried a bumspray to clean my mouth or nose but I'll give it a try.

You use toilet paper to clean your mouth

I think a bum spray would be better

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Apparently, toilet rolls are becoming like gold dust. None in several Tesco's that the wife visited today.

Thank the Lord for bum sprays here in Asia ..... :rolleyes:

Never tried a bumspray to clean my mouth or nose but I'll give it a try.

You use toilet paper to clean your mouth

I think a bum spray would be better

555 :lol:

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All these 'shortages' are sheer <deleted>. I went to buy some San Miguel yesterday and there was loads of the stuff, in a Thai style supermarket. No farang, too scared to go in unless they recognise the brand names TOPS/Tesco/7/11. And the prices of everything were exactly the same as before the call for a new Noah's Ark. Same as the local talad nats.

But many places price gouging. Just stick to the places that the locals go to. If you can lower yourselves ...

My Thai neighbor owns a “Thai style supermarket”. She came home last night laughing about some “dish bog farang” in her store looking for San Muguel.

True story.

Arai wah? What's that supposed to mean? Either your neighbour is an out of touch cretin or, your Thai comprehension of some of their mangled English is. 'Dish bog farang'? Stupid cow.

PS I have one of my recently, and locally purchased open as I er, key, (ya gotta scout, see) bottles of 'tamada' San Miguel (not the 'light' shit on sale everywhere, because it's er, shit).

True story. :D

Edited by evanson
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I guess I don't understand either. If, as you say these items are produced in the flooded area, then production has ceased, so no more supply until the floods recede and production is resumed.

Not all items are produced in the flooded industrial areas but quite a few are

Fresh produce comes from all over Thailand and is imported so there should not be a shortage

Major manufacturers would have storage facilities in Phuket where they distribute from

Local supplies could run out It depends how long the flooding lasts

Panic buying is what is causing the shortage of some items in the shops at present

How's your theory holding up for you? I went to Prompan today and they are even running out of many items. But I can go to the open air markets along Viset road and get most things I need. I found out that Tipco and Malee fruit juices are made in Auyttaya, which is under water. They may try to start importing fruit juice from Malaysia at a higher cost. The dog food plant is also under water. Wine and whiskey importers are under water... Good thing I don't drink much anymore and my dog can eat Thai food! cool.gif

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How's your theory holding up for you? I went to Prompan today and they are even running out of many items. But I can go to the open air markets along Viset road and get most things I need. I found out that Tipco and Malee fruit juices are made in Auyttaya, which is under water. They may try to start importing fruit juice from Malaysia at a higher cost. The dog food plant is also under water. Wine and whiskey importers are under water... Good thing I don't drink much anymore and my dog can eat Thai food! cool.gif

Most are run out of most by now.

Tipco and Malee are not made in Auythhaya, Tipco in PrechuapKK.

Auytthya has established itself as a logistic/distribution center in TH, and it doesnt work properly at the moment

What is really bad in Phuket is the profiteering. a fried Phuket fish in the market is all the sudden up from 30 to 55 baht due to floodings.:ermm: :ermm:

and bars pay their suppliers 50% more for goods

anyway, I need a diet to loose weight B)

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How's your theory holding up for you? I went to Prompan today and they are even running out of many items. But I can go to the open air markets along Viset road and get most things I need. I found out that Tipco and Malee fruit juices are made in Auyttaya, which is under water. They may try to start importing fruit juice from Malaysia at a higher cost. The dog food plant is also under water. Wine and whiskey importers are under water... Good thing I don't drink much anymore and my dog can eat Thai food! cool.gif

Most are run out of most by now.

Tipco and Malee are not made in Auythhaya, Tipco in PrechuapKK.

Auytthya has established itself as a logistic/distribution center in TH, and it doesnt work properly at the moment

What is really bad in Phuket is the profiteering. a fried Phuket fish in the market is all the sudden up from 30 to 55 baht due to floodings.:ermm: :ermm:

and bars pay their suppliers 50% more for goods

anyway, I need a diet to loose weight B)

At Supercheap yesterday and I did not notice any difference in stock, we got every thing we wanted!!

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I still believe profiteering and panic buying are causing the shortages

We are going to Tesco today , and we have not shopped since it started

Hopefully we will get what we want

We always keep reserve stocks of essential items anyway and we are not

out of them yet, We mainly need fresh food items and they are available

if a lot more expensive

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Can anyone advise what the situation is like in the south of island eg the essentials.... beer, wine :rolleyes: water. How is Villa Market at Chalong stocked? I note some of the posts on here are a week or so old. An update would be appreciated.

We're driving up from Malaysia shortly. Just wondering whether to stock up on few things just over the border... or even bring in from Malaysia - bizarre idea I know, but no-one ever looks in car at border anyway. Any thoughts guys?

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Just returned from the main tesco lotus store, they have rice,water sugar and all the essentials

with limited purchases on some items and not there usual range

They even have big bags of dog food although it looks like they have just restocked the shelves

Not many smaller bags but they still have stock

There was less of a range of vegetables and very little in the small goods range bacon etc

No one is going to starve, you may have to buy a different brand name

They had no beer and they are getting low on spirits

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All the local markets and local stores that source products locally seem to me to be fully stocked and as there is a market on every day in the area I live its not a problem. I did visit the new Tesco in Thalang the other day and it was short on loads of stuff but if anything this will promote the fact that people should buy locally and not from the corporate superstores.

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Can anyone advise what the situation is like in the south of island eg the essentials.... beer, wine :rolleyes: water. How is Villa Market at Chalong stocked? I note some of the posts on here are a week or so old. An update would be appreciated.

We're driving up from Malaysia shortly. Just wondering whether to stock up on few things just over the border... or even bring in from Malaysia - bizarre idea I know, but no-one ever looks in car at border anyway. Any thoughts guys?

I went to Villa Market on Tuesday. They were out of a few things. They are holding up a lot better than the Tesco in Chalong. The imported beer aisle was kind of bare. I don't buy much there as they are way overpriced for many item that are available elsewhere, at least they were available elsewhere until recently. When I can get juice for 20 baht or more a liter less and rum for 100 baht a bottle less, it doesn't make much sense to buy most items at Villa. But they do have bagels and some other items I can't get anywhere else...

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