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I know most houses have septic tanks or just cess pits that are sucked empty on occaisions.

When the disposal lorry is full....where do they discharge it??

I must admit my mind is 'boggling' at the thought.

Does any of the bigger cities have any sewage treatment plants...does Bangkok sewage and drains just get discharges into the river/sea?

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Driver for honey pot lorry told me it was mixed with water and used to water/fertilize the trees and flowers on mediums and around Chiang Mai city. Probably fairly widespread in Thailand.

I can't imagine they would do this without some sort of filtering process first otherwise the smell would be horrendous.

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Driver for honey pot lorry told me it was mixed with water and used to water/fertilize the trees and flowers on mediums and around Chiang Mai city. Probably fairly widespread in Thailand.

:o you mean they are spraying shit all over ?

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Where the flowers/scrubs are on the divider on roadways, the vehicle exhaust smell masks the shit smell. Many of the flowers/trees are around the inner city moat, along the river bridges, etc and the odor from all contributing factors will be similar

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