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Lost Phone And Wallet :(


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Was playing pool, 2 hours in and 5 beers, and that is the last I remember. I can drink and 5 small bottles of Chang is nothing...

I have no memory until 5am when I woke up in a small storage room, missing my wallet, phone, motorbike key and even my sandals. Interestingly, my room key was still with me, it was in the same pocket as my wallet earlier.

I was too out of it to think clearly and don't remember where I woke up, and went to my room and slept. Thankfully there is free wifi in the guesthouse I am staying at.

I rarely get hangovers no matter how much I drink, but I am feeling <deleted>. But an inspection and look in the mirror reveals no injuries, though there were plenty of little prickles on my shirt. Perhaps I passed out on a garden bed and got robbed...


- I will go the Kathu police station and report and ask for assistance

- I will find my motorbike, and maybe move it to a safe spot, any suggestions? (keeping in mind I do not have the key)

- I will try get money, I have a fair few friends in Thailand at the moment, 2 nearby and another coming in the next few days, so can try borrow money

- My only ID left is my passport which is 10km away as a deposit for a motorbike rental. I assume services like Western Union need ID.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for taking the time to read!

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sorry to hear of your troubles. these are the sad facts :

you were drugged androbbed

this is not uncommon in Thailand

you will get nothing back

neither the police nor the staff at the car you were at will do anything to help.

these are the small mercies :

you are unhurt

yet still have your passport(biggest hassle to replace)

assuming you find your bike, the owner will have a spare key and will charge you a small fee to get a new one cut.

they will also give you your passport to collect a western union bags delivery.

in future :

keep a close eye on your drink and the Thai people around you.

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didnt occur to me why, but watching a guy playing pool he would always cover his beer glass with a coaster between shots, sounds like he had a similar experience.

Sorry to hear about your predicament but you are still alive so just write this off as a nasty experience and do report it to the police , they may have others that have been assaulted in the last few days so it may help capture this girl.

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Sorry to hear what happened to you, but look at this:

your MAIN problems are

- your passport - it is with the bike rental agency as you write, so you go to the Thai police without any ID... which might be an issue.

- Assuming you don't find your bike as it was also stolen (not only the key), you will not get your passport back from the rental agency until you paid them for a new bike... which you can't before you have money...

- you can't get money as you have no passport and yes, WU requires an ID

Therefore I would suggest to take your friends with you to the police station (they have an ID and can guarantee to the police that you are who you are) and then have the money sent to your friend to pick up for you, as you might not get your passport back from the rental agency without paying them for the loss of the bike...

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Thanks guys, GeoEng, drugging does seem to be the case. I got some of my memory back and recall waking up first in a small shed or storage room, more to add to the suspicion.

I think I was in denial, the guys I was with (2 expat males, one of their wives, and a thai guy were all regulars and friends at this bar, noone else there. I was in Patong for a bit early last month and was at this place with almost the same crowd, friendly great group. Hopefully they can shed some light, I will visit when it opens.

zorro1, yes, I am still alive and well, my ass is not sore, I have my room key and my other belongings so I am counting this as fortunate, a relatively cheap way to learn a hard lesson. Hangover has passed too :)

For the record:

- found the bike, will call the owner soon and report soon, and act once I get some money

- police didn't mind that I had no passport but I remember the number, also I found my Turkish citizenship card which was in my pack (has a photo)

- got a police report so hopefully that will help for travel insurance, the phone was expensive, I'll get onto that tomorrow once I talk to the guys at the bar

- hopefully meeting up with a couple tonight and see if I can borrow some money

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Thanks guys, GeoEng, drugging does seem to be the case. I got some of my memory back and recall waking up first in a small shed or storage room, more to add to the suspicion.

I think I was in denial, the guys I was with (2 expat males, one of their wives, and a thai guy were all regulars and friends at this bar, noone else there. I was in Patong for a bit early last month and was at this place with almost the same crowd, friendly great group. Hopefully they can shed some light, I will visit when it opens.

zorro1, yes, I am still alive and well, my ass is not sore, I have my room key and my other belongings so I am counting this as fortunate, a relatively cheap way to learn a hard lesson. Hangover has passed too :)

For the record:

- found the bike, will call the owner soon and report soon, and act once I get some money

- police didn't mind that I had no passport but I remember the number, also I found my Turkish citizenship card which was in my pack (has a photo)

- got a police report so hopefully that will help for travel insurance, the phone was expensive, I'll get onto that tomorrow once I talk to the guys at the bar

- hopefully meeting up with a couple tonight and see if I can borrow some money

great news you should get the insurance for your phone and possibly a few hundred$$$ or whatever it was. and you have a great holiday story B)

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Thanks guys, GeoEng, drugging does seem to be the case. I got some of my memory back and recall waking up first in a small shed or storage room, more to add to the suspicion.

I think I was in denial, the guys I was with (2 expat males, one of their wives, and a thai guy were all regulars and friends at this bar, noone else there. I was in Patong for a bit early last month and was at this place with almost the same crowd, friendly great group. Hopefully they can shed some light, I will visit when it opens.

zorro1, yes, I am still alive and well, my ass is not sore, I have my room key and my other belongings so I am counting this as fortunate, a relatively cheap way to learn a hard lesson. Hangover has passed too :)

For the record:

- found the bike, will call the owner soon and report soon, and act once I get some money

- police didn't mind that I had no passport but I remember the number, also I found my Turkish citizenship card which was in my pack (has a photo)

- got a police report so hopefully that will help for travel insurance, the phone was expensive, I'll get onto that tomorrow once I talk to the guys at the bar

- hopefully meeting up with a couple tonight and see if I can borrow some money

Lucky for you with regards to the bike! Would have been a mess, cause I am sure the rental owner would never have given your passport back without seeing the money first for the new bike! And since you have your Turkish citizenship card (with a photo, you probably can use this as ID for Western Union transfer from back home!

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Happens to everyone, roofie in the drink, no way to protect yourself (often the barman is the drugger).

It can be anyone, they follow you out of the bar when the drug takes effect.

But you can minimize the losses.

Put your wallet and phone and room key under the bike seat (or better still leave in your hotel room and remove hotel key fob from key)

Leave bike out of sight of the bar (so they don't know which bike is yours)

Don't carry more cash in your pocket than you need, never carry Passport, credit cards, etc.

Edited by ludditeman
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We once met an elderly couple from Australia in Phuket, drank some beer and went home separate.

Next day we saw them again.

He told he can somehow remember me, but nothing we spoke about. Luckily his wife is a bear and in the bar she danced all the time. So they thought he is alone.

On the way back a motorbike with 2-3 men stopped and wanted to help. She rejected and dragged him home.

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Update: After 11 hours of pondering, walking around, retracing steps, talking to everyone I know etc. I eventually found out that we started playing a beer a game with pool, and that the beers were coming faster than we could drink them. Deciding to use a straw to skull them to keep up, the result was 15 beers in a short time, I still don't know why my memory blanked out all of a sudden, but apparently I passed out and face planted on the street (might explain the headache), got a lift to "where I was staying" (of course I did not remember where it was), and then the awesomely helpful Ody gives my stuff to the police for safe keeping and I am given a place to sleep in this random storage room. It did not occur to me after waking that I walked past the sign for the police station suspiciously soon after heading back home. My parents can remain none the wiser :P


Excellent suggestions, I do most of them for nights when I plan to hit it hard, and yes, the bike was a fair way away from the place luckily. This close call is a reminder to be more mindful in future!


Was not going to mention it as I refused to believe it was them, but now that all is well, the place is Andymar Lounge on Soi Ratuthit Songroypi Song. I tend to stay away from anywhere with "working girls/ladyboys/whatever", not what I'm here for. Anyway, the staff and regulars there are great and the place deserves some promotion so I'm going to be praising them whenever I get a chance.


Selam, evet!

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indeed, the "Ody" mentioned in the story sounds like just the kind of guy to have minding you when you plan a black-out!

i think some small credit also to the bloke involved too for being man enough to admit in here (of all places) that it was actually his own rather ill-advised and over enthusiastic drinking that was to blame.

i am surprised the all too familiar and regular gang of self-righteous <deleted> that appear on threads like this with a few lines of smug, i've-never-put-a-foot-wrong-in-my-life type crap haven't been all over this poor lad like a rash!

anyhow - well done turkish binge drinker! made a wee bit of a dick of yourself and came back to admit it - i applaud you!

Edited by GooEng
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I know where you are coming from based on experience on other forums, my intro post included a comment about the helpful responses, I was expecting some backlash. Thanks for the kind words!


I had to find a place to join to post my story. If you feel strongly about it, I can send you some evidence

Edited by fenerli
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Come on, joined yesterday, first post? Nice tale, was this a creative writing assignment?

ooops, my bad - along with the know-it-all brigade i forgot to include the yeah-a-likely-story skeptics my previous post... :whistling:

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