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True Adsl


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I finally got the 1Mbps ADSL from true with a router modem but there are some problems.

My set-up: PC1-Win-98, PC2-Win-XP_Pro, PC3-WIN-XP_Pro, previously connected via LAN switch (PC3 set to Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) using dial-up) and all worked well.

After replacing LAN switch with router modem PC1 and PC2 work fine on LAN and ADSL but PC3 has problems.

I have disabled all ICS I can find on PC3 and it reports LAN connected and I also can reach the modem (IP: and change settings there BUT there is no connection to the other PCs and also no internet connection!

used "ping" and "ipconfig" all IP addresses 'appear' to be OK. there is no duplication of IPs (PC1=, PC2=, PC3=, of course "ping" timed out on PC3 in and out.

checked already MS kb about TCP/IP problems on WIN XP but still could not solve the problem.

any ideas? ---- PLEASE HELP ----



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Kill the XP firewall (you can re-enable it later and you are quite safe behind the router).

Are you using DHCP or fixed IP addresses? If fixed, revert to DHCP and see if it works.

Make certain you've removed all the connection sharing stuff from PC3

I'll think of something more soon :o

Let us know when you fix it so we can stop thinking :D:D

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you say you can access the router ( 1.1 ) via the browser on PC3? but cannot ping in and out ? can you ping the router from PC3 ?

check your firewall - what one are you using? zonealarm - check that it allows pings.

thanks for your reply.

I can ping the router at from PC3 but not the other PCs or any address on the internet.

Firewalls: PC1 - zonealarm, PC2 and PC3 - windows, but I disabled it on PC3 temporarily with the same results.

and there is no problem to ping between PC1 and PC2.

from what I read on the net and in books I gather the problem is most likely caused by the fact that PC3 was previously used for ICS but can't find any solutions short of re-installing the original TCP/IP stack which may be beyond my capability and would also require re-installation of many programs which rely on it (AVG, spybot etc......) and probably foul up many other things.



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Kill the XP firewall (you can re-enable it later and you are quite safe behind the router).

Are you using DHCP or fixed IP addresses? If fixed, revert to DHCP and see if it works.

Make certain you've removed all the connection sharing stuff from PC3

I'll think of something more soon :D

Let us know when you fix it so we can stop thinking  :D  :D


have done all of the above to no avail :o

of course I will let you know once it is fixed but for now PLEASE help me thinking.

I still can go online on PC3 using the good old dial-up but the biggest problem is that there are 2 printers connected to PC3 and the other PCs now have no access to them.



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ok you can ping the router from PC3 - good

when you log in to the router settings are there any tools you can use from it - ie. maybe you can ping PC3 from it ( my barricade will allow me to ping )

can you access the internet from PC3? make sure all proxy setting are removed in the browser ( though if you can access the router config via the browser that sort of says it is ok )

also you may want to check your hosts file and see if any changes have been made to it?

what router/modem are you using? it seems to be the thing that is giving you grief

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I suggest going into control panel => network connections and deleting your LAN connection on the PC. Then set it up again and see if that fixes it. Also check the connection icon - does it say 'enabled' or is there a broken sign?

Could be a misconfigured software firewall, try turning them off until you get it working.

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yes, I can get into router config settings but can't find a ping option. in fact I used PC3 to log on initially to our true ADSL account.

the modem is a "BILLION" BIPAC 5102G.

I read about hosts file but where is it and what should it contain?

PC3 confirms LAN enabled and connected.

Probably it is a good idea to uninstall everything in the network folder and start new from there. would it be advisable to pull the LAN plug during uninstall?

(this is the good thing about XP that it has the system restore if I foul up things).

will work on it tonight and let you know the outcome.

thanks again,


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I read about hosts file but where is it and what should it contain?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file gives a basic explanation , where to find it , and what it should contain.

I am still of the opinion that it might be a prob with your router config - as you are able to ping the router from all 3 comps , but unable to traverse it to PC3

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Just a thought - what is the default gateway setting on PC3? Does it match the IP of the router?

start => run => cmd => ipconfig

That might explain why you can ping the router directly, but not access the net/other PCs.

yes the IP is OK (

same as on all PCs

I also can not see any IP conflicts and everything appears to be OK as far as the router is conerned.


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Have you tried to repair your LAN/local internet connection by selecting start/connect to/show all connections/LAN/repair the connection? Should not hurt anything to try that (I hope).

For my router I changed DNS servers from automatic to under the properties of LAN/Tcp for some reason. :o

As everything is working on my SMC unit not about to play with it.

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Have you tried to repair your LAN/local internet connection by selecting start/connect to/show all connections/LAN/repair the connection?  Should not hurt anything to try that (I hope).

For my router I changed DNS servers from automatic to under the properties of LAN/Tcp for some reason. :o

As everything is working on my SMC unit not about to play with it.

yes tried repair - no help.

I rather not set DNS addresses unless I know the exact settings required.

I also do not like to make changes to the router settings because this could cause problems for the two PCs which are OK and of course the router has no "system restore" function :D


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Have you tried to repair your LAN/local internet connection by selecting start/connect to/show all connections/LAN/repair the connection?  Should not hurt anything to try that (I hope).

For my router I changed DNS servers from automatic to under the properties of LAN/Tcp for some reason. :D

As everything is working on my SMC unit not about to play with it.

yes tried repair - no help.

I rather not set DNS addresses unless I know the exact settings required.

I also do not like to make changes to the router settings because this could cause problems for the two PCs which are OK and of course the router has no "system restore" function :D


I only did the DNS thing in the TCP on my computer - not on the router. Not sure but believe programs on my computer will use that DNS setting but perhaps I am wrong. Had hoped the repair might have found and corrected something. Aren't computers fun. :o

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it sounds like you have a weird windoze prob - if you can ping the router and cannot proceed beyond.

just for fun do a tracert (trace route ) and make sure it only does a single TTL ( time to live )

next I would recommend , my comp --> properties ---> hardware --> network adapter --> remove .. then turn off the offending PC3 and remove card ( hopefully its not onboard ) ... then reboot ... shutdown ... reinstall the PCI NIC ... boot again .. set up the NIC to the ip address you desire and see ifthat resolves your probs...

me lou

Edited by stumonster
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Well I've just about exhaused my little grey cells. If you can't ping outside its probably not a DNS problem...I'm still inclined to think its some sort of gateway problem but anyway...

I had similar issues when I first set up my router. I just couldn't get it to work - until I did the typical windoze fix (delete and start again) of running my PC through the whole set up process to connect to the router again. That sorted it, but of course I never found out why.

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yes it is a weird problem.

the tracert looks OK to me, here is what I get on all PCs:

"tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 (spaces) 1 ms (spaces) <1ms (spaces) <1ms

Trace complete"

does this make sense?

LAN on PC2 and 3 is onboard, only the grandfather PC1 (8 yo) is still using a card.

tried to uninstall LAN on PC3 but could not figure out how! "Delete" is greyed out and there appears to be no uninstall option anywhere.

how about if I use the old LAN switch to get the LAN (PC1-3) going again and use a HUB-HUB (crossover) cable to connect the router, could this help?

anyway, I'm going to put this on hold for now since tomorrow FINALLY some guy from True will come (hopefully) to "install" the modem, could be he has a special hammer to knock some sense into PC3.

True was supposed to send somebody last Friday but I only got email with log-in info and a promise that it will be installed this week so I did it on my own already.


Edited by opalhort
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try plugging all the comps into the old switch and see if they are all pingable, have you tried even to just swap the cat5 from PC3 to another socket on the router?

on old switch all is OK but have to set PC3 to fixed IP address

did not try to change to another socket - will do but don't think there is a problem since communication to router is OK and PC3 reports LAN connected.

for now (2-3 days) I will have no more info/questions because yesterday afternoon PC3 simply quit on me (hardware problem) and this PC is only 6 months old!!! :D , even had to call the TRUE guy not to come until further notice.

strange thing is that PC3 quit just after I made my last post mentioning the hammer from true ---- could it be the PC read it and got scared???? :o

will stay in touch once I get it running again.


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  • 2 months later...


sorry it took so long. my PC3 was for 6 weeks! in the workshop (CPU had problems). after I got it back I solved the LAN/ADSL problem by using the old LAN switch connected to the router using only one port on the router and all was OK.

Today we took the router to Astra (importer/distributor of the router). They found a problem with the software settings of the firmware, corrected it and now all is well. using only the router with all 3 PCs.

Thanks again for all your help.



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