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Snake In The Kitchen


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Hey guys and gals,

I have rats at the moment and they tend to head for the area in my kitchen where I keep dried food like spagattii, nodles etc. Anyway today I saw a snake there in the same place coiling its way up the metal stand thing, when I passed it slowly sidled down but I didn't wait to see where it went. Hubby, who didn;t see it says it may have been a cobra. It was darish brown with dark green bits!! About a metre long.

We came home and bashed around with a brush to no avail. Hubby says it might take up residence in the house.

Any thoughts on this? Silly answers tomoorow okay!!!!!


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As you probably already know snakes are usually more afraid of people than the other way around. Getting bitten usually happens when you accidently startle a snake or step on it, etc. That means a snake in the house is not a good thing, because you might reach into a dark corner or drawer with a snake in it and it could bite you. If it is poisonous that is a real bummer. I would find someone to do a thorough search to remove the snake, and I would also try to fix any entry points.

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Cheers Qual,

Well it's a traditional old Thai house with multiple entry points ie the floor which has slats big enough to poke you finger through! But yes matbe I'll ask around for a snake expert! On this island we have a predominant cobra population as far as snakes are concerned. King cobras I do believe! Great!


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I would try to look on the bright side and that is less rats. Once he gets rid of them he will probably move on. Now that you are aware of the snake you will use caution and should not have a problem if you do not block his exit route. Perhaps you could tell the husband he is doing the cooking until you see the snake removed?

I doubt that it was a King Cobra as they tend to stay in a fixed area (and defend it) but there are many types of cobra and vipers among the minority that can be a problem so best not to take any chances.

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Cheers Qual,

Well it's a traditional old Thai house with multiple entry points ie the floor which has slats big enough to poke you finger through! But yes matbe I'll ask around for a snake expert! On this island we have a predominant cobra population as far as snakes are concerned. King cobras I do believe! Great!


seonai, I also live in a "traditional" thai house, our kitchenis actually outside on the veranda. virtually every one I know has rat's /mice usually living in the roof, it seems like its a seasonl thing here anyway, during the wet season they look for high, dry ground. Never had problems with then in hot or cold season.

Usually I put some of those sticky things around and it gets rid of them pretty quickly....until some more turn up, had a few snakes over the years in the kitchen including at least one cobra, they dont stay long though especially if there is no food source, so really get rid of the rats and the snake will go away (if it has'nt already)

Everything in the kitchen needs to be kept in screwable/sealable/chew proof containers, otherwise the rats/mice/ants will get to it

Edited by RamdomChances
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Documentary on SKY, called (Worlds Most Poisonous Places) have just quoted that 10.000 ( yes TEN THOUSAND ) people per year die from snake bites in Thailand. The main culprit is the Russell’s Viper, then followed by the Cobra’s. It has also named Thailand as the fourth (4th) worlds most deadliest country in the world.

So there you go, somewhere on this forum people were asking for snakebite numbers and fatalities (now you know)

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Bambi, Really strange to me that you can kill a snake so easily for food when the snake (on the most part) does good by keeping rats and mice controlled but when it comes to putting an animal to sleep because of diease or living in pain, you get all religious and say that is bad. So many hurt dogs (dangerous ones also) and the inbred cats running around and nothing is done to stop this craziness. :o:D

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