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Flood Relief Operations Center Video Clip Reveals Donation Hoarding

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Flood Relief Operations Center video clip reveals donation hoarding

BANGKOK, 31 October 2011 (NNT)- A video clip has been released online revealing hoarded donations by the Flood Relief Operations Center .

According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan which included floating toilets and bamboo rafts, all were hidden and locked away, with the no entry sign posted at the front of the cargo.

The anonymous user had revealed that the video clip was captured on 27 October. The footage also exposed a large amount of bottled water being kept away from flood victims without any distribution to the flood-affected areas.


-- NNT 2011-10-30 footer_n.gif

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No surprise here. Who wants to guess that some of these items may show up at various border towns in Cambodia or Myanmar for sale at the markets. This is why I haven't donated a single baht of cash to flooding. It only ends up in some piece of sh*t official's mercedes fund.

There was mass looting of the tsunami donations in 2004.

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I've seen an image of that storage a week ago. Really bad. That was taken when one foundation left there. I think you remember.

when you want to help or donate chose wisely, preferably funds that are controlled and setup by the Royals, Mae Fah Luang Foundation (hope that this spelled correctly) for example. Here you can be sure it will be distributed and also in a timely manner.

Maybe someone can provide a list of reliable sources.

Froc has a logistic problem like frogs. wink.gif

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According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan

Channel 3 report showing the hoarded and now ruined supplies kept at the Don Meuang.


Edited by Buchholz
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According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan

Channel 3 report showing the hoarded and now ruined supplies kept at the Don Meuang.


You obviously do not understand Thai or you would not have posted that. I just watched the video, which was taken approximately 19:00 last night. It reported that FROC had been forced to move because of the flooding, and that the water had arrived so rapidly that there was no time to evacuate many of the supplies or office equipment there. They also reported that there were still 400-500 evacuees at the airport. THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE WORD ABOUT HOARDED GOODS, NOR ANY IMPLICATION OF THAT. Stop passing along BS rumors for everyone's sake.

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Nice rush to judgment based on: 1. An anonymous source 2. A 'video on the Internet' but no link to said video; 3. A claim by said 'anonymous source' that the material pictured is being hoarded-but how could we know that is the case even if we saw the video? How would you be able to determine that it was 'hidden' or 'hoarded' and not stored. A sign saying 'hoarded'?

At any rate, nice attempt at dividing the people during this time of crisis, something that is really important right now. Let me take a stab at playing this game, looks pretty easy:

I found this on a Thai web forum: I heard from an anonymous source that there was a video on the Internet that showed Abhisit pushing people into the water while they were trying to get into the boat he was riding on.

I assume you all believe that since I provided as much proof as this so-called news story.

P.S. Just to make it clear, I made that up. I feel I need to say that because if you believe this story based on what was presented to you then there is no reason for you not to believe the 'news' I just passed on to you.

to see that image where a warehouse is fully stuffed with donation was enough for me to be convinced. It was published on natiomultumedia when one of the foundation broke up with FROC

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According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan

Channel 3 report showing the hoarded and now ruined supplies kept at the Don Meuang.


I just watched the video, which was taken approximately 19:00 last night. It reported that FROC had been forced to move because of the flooding, and that the water had arrived so rapidly that there was no time to evacuate many of the supplies or office equipment there. They also reported that there were still 400-500 evacuees at the airport. THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE WORD ABOUT HOARDED GOODS, NOR ANY IMPLICATION OF THAT.

Please stop shouting.

The Channel 3 report is related to the hoarding shown in the video shot 2 days earlier.

Good you recognize many of the hoarded donations are now ruined.


Edited by Buchholz
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Nice rush to judgment based on: 1. An anonymous source 2. A 'video on the Internet' but no link to said video; 3. A claim by said 'anonymous source' that the material pictured is being hoarded-but how could we know that is the case even if we saw the video? How would you be able to determine that it was 'hidden' or 'hoarded' and not stored. A sign saying 'hoarded'?

At any rate, nice attempt at dividing the people during this time of crisis, something that is really important right now. Let me take a stab at playing this game, looks pretty easy:

I found this on a Thai web forum: I heard from an anonymous source that there was a video on the Internet that showed Abhisit pushing people into the water while they were trying to get into the boat he was riding on.

I assume you all believe that since I provided as much proof as this so-called news story.

P.S. Just to make it clear, I made that up. I feel I need to say that because if you believe this story based on what was presented to you then there is no reason for you not to believe the 'news' I just passed on to you.

Shows your feelings --political HaHa, your opinion though. But even if you made the Abhisit boat story up. (must have anti Abhisit instilled in your head to think of it. Get real please, Did you see the T.V. channel ????..........Whoever is in power, This sort of stealing will go on, it's sick, I have no def-proof but knowing what does take place here I can believe the story. (past experiences ).

This is more than a crises it's a complete disaster, atrocious weather, but lousy management of water in the last 3 months, because of non release of stored water, Just blaming of high tides, and rainfall is BU##sh#T. and the damming up of Bkk stupid.:whistling:

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I saw that video last night, too. Criminal indeed.

The FROCcers better come with a explanation quick.

You saw it, but it is crystal clear you didn't understand what was being said. But no problem, you just make up your own interpretation.

Since you have it in for me now, let me make it clear that although I do not understand Thai fluently, my wife sat right next to me told me the deal. Do you need to understand what is being said seeing those images.

The FROCs excuse that the water came to quick to move all the stuff just does not fly.

They knew for days that the water was building. Those supplies are essential for many victims.

Just leaving them there to rot is criminal.

The people still at Don Muang should take those things and use them.

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The story title and subsequent posts are not in agreement at all. This time the word "alleged" (hoarding/illegal sales/theft) was not even used.

Yellow journalism at best, absolutely jaundiced at worst.

I want more information before I even wade into this septic quagmire of a thread...

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According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan

Channel 3 report showing the hoarded and now ruined supplies kept at the Don Meuang.


I just watched the video, which was taken approximately 19:00 last night. It reported that FROC had been forced to move because of the flooding, and that the water had arrived so rapidly that there was no time to evacuate many of the supplies or office equipment there. They also reported that there were still 400-500 evacuees at the airport. THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE WORD ABOUT HOARDED GOODS, NOR ANY IMPLICATION OF THAT.

Please stop shouting.

The Channel 3 report is related to the hoarding shown in the video shot 2 days earlier.

Good you recognize many of the hoarded donations are now ruined.


Excuse me, but why do you use the word hoarding instead of stockpiled? Rhetorical question, I know why. Was FROC supposed to release all goods at once, which would have been logistically impossible? The Channel 3 video only mentions that some goods could not be evacuated in time and there is no mention at all that they were hoarded or hidden, none whatsoever. I am not claiming FROC did a 100% competent job, but to use the words 'hoarding' and 'hidden' implies that there was some secret agenda involved, which you of course would love to be true. Sadly, nothing in either of those reports oftens even a shread of evidence that the materials was hoarded, or hidden. It is a another baseless smear.

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According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan


Channel 3 report showing the hoarded and now ruined supplies kept at the Don Meuang.


I just watched the video, which was taken approximately 19:00 last night. It reported that FROC had been forced to move because of the flooding, and that the water had arrived so rapidly that there was no time to evacuate many of the supplies or office equipment there. They also reported that there were still 400-500 evacuees at the airport. THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE WORD ABOUT HOARDED GOODS, NOR ANY IMPLICATION OF THAT.

Please stop shouting.

The Channel 3 report is related to the hoarding shown in the video shot 2 days earlier.

Good you recognize many of the hoarded donations are now ruined.

Excuse me, but why do you use the word hoarding instead of stockpiled? Rhetorical question, I know why. Was FROC supposed to release all goods at once, which would have been logistically impossible? The Channel 3 video only mentions that some goods could not be evacuated in time and there is no mention at all that they were hoarded or hidden, none whatsoever. I am not claiming FROC did a 100% competent job, but to use the words 'hoarding' and 'hidden' implies that there was some secret agenda involved,

<personal attack snipped>

Please calm down.

I'm using the terminology of the thread title and the OP.

If you have specific information that the goods were not being hoarded, you are welcome to share it.


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I saw that video last night, too. Criminal indeed.

The FROCcers better come with a explanation quick.

You saw it, but it is crystal clear you didn't understand what was being said. But no problem, you just make up your own interpretation.

Since you have it in for me now, let me make it clear that although I do not understand Thai fluently, my wife sat right next to me told me the deal. Do you need to understand what is being said seeing those images.

The FROCs excuse that the water came to quick to move all the stuff just does not fly.

They knew for days that the water was building. Those supplies are essential for many victims.

Just leaving them there to rot is criminal.

The people still at Don Muang should take those things and use them.

I don't have it in for you, I don't even know you. I do 'have it in' for people who base opinions on insufficient information. You do need to understand what is being said, because the reporter said they were supplies that could not be evacuated in time. They were not 'hidden' and they were not 'hoarded', they were stockpiled there, and she does not imply either of those things. Perhaps FROC could have got them out earlier, but you may have noticed that authorities on all sides of the political spectrum here have been caught off guard by the worst flooding in 70 years. Many people on TVF want to politicize this and make it look like one side is at fault when there is ample blame to be laid on politicians from every party here. I do have an issue with people who believe every rumor that they see or hear as long as it confirms their deeply held prejudices.

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The accusations being made are libelous. There were limited stockpiles shown and for the most part consisted of approx. 40 port a potties and some plastic sheeting, which some consider to be rafts. It is to be expected that there would have been stockpiles at the airport. The images displayed are of insignificant quantities of material. I don't think there is a big market for portopotties outside of the flood zone in Bangkok nor for the small bagged toiletries. Has it occurred to some that since the flooding in most of inner Bangkok has not yet occurred to the point that floating portopotties did not need to be distributed? It seems to me that the supplies were on hand to have something with which Bangkok suffered catastrophic flooding.

The usual gang has assembled to vent their hatred at the elected government. Nice.

I strongly suggest that constructive criticism be considered instead of hateful inaccurate accusations.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Nice rush to judgment based on: 1. An anonymous source 2. A 'video on the Internet' but no link to said video; 3. A claim by said 'anonymous source' that the material pictured is being hoarded-but how could we know that is the case even if we saw the video? How would you be able to determine that it was 'hidden' or 'hoarded' and not stored. A sign saying 'hoarded'?

At any rate, nice attempt at dividing the people during this time of crisis, something that is really important right now. Let me take a stab at playing this game, looks pretty easy:

I found this on a Thai web forum: I heard from an anonymous source that there was a video on the Internet that showed Abhisit pushing people into the water while they were trying to get into the boat he was riding on.

I assume you all believe that since I provided as much proof as this so-called news story.

P.S. Just to make it clear, I made that up. I feel I need to say that because if you believe this story based on what was presented to you then there is no reason for you not to believe the 'news' I just passed on to you.

Shows your feelings --political HaHa, your opinion though. But even if you made the Abhisit boat story up. (must have anti Abhisit instilled in your head to think of it. Get real please, Did you see the T.V. channel ????..........Whoever is in power, This sort of stealing will go on, it's sick, I have no def-proof but knowing what does take place here I can believe the story. (past experiences ).

This is more than a crises it's a complete disaster, atrocious weather, but lousy management of water in the last 3 months, because of non release of stored water, Just blaming of high tides, and rainfall is BU##sh#T. and the damming up of Bkk stupid.:whistling:

1. So putting the shoe on the other foot to illustrate how stupid it is to believe such a poorly sourced story proves I have anti-abhisit feelings?? Good to know.

2. I saw both TV clips and you can see my response to those in other comments. Unlike you I can understand what is being said in both. Not bragging, but it usually helps to be able to understand what the reporter is saying. That is why the news has an audio track.

3. "Atrocious management of water in the last 3 months" Oh, forget about the last 30 years though, the new government should have been able to tackle those deficiencies in two months, right?

4. "Damming up Bkk was stupid" Guess how I know you don't know the mayor of Bangkok is a democrat?

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Thai Rath has a story on Bang Kruay residents in Nonthaburi: they said they didn't received help from officials despite 2m deep floods./via@veen_NT

Bang Kruey is always hit very hard despite the extreme flood happening this year. Send some stuff there ... like boats toilets etc, right from the 'stockpiles'

People there will be affected for months.

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I don't have it in for you, I don't even know you. I do 'have it in' for people who base opinions on insufficient information. You do need to understand what is being said, because the reporter said they were supplies that could not be evacuated in time. They were not 'hidden' and they were not 'hoarded', they were stockpiled there, and she does not imply either of those things. Perhaps FROC could have got them out earlier, but you may have noticed that authorities on all sides of the political spectrum here have been caught off guard by the worst flooding in 70 years. Many people on TVF want to politicize this and make it look like one side is at fault when there is ample blame to be laid on politicians from every party here. I do have an issue with people who believe every rumor that they see or hear as long as it confirms their deeply held prejudices.

Which would be exactly what YOU are doing. You have decided that the gov't and powers that be in this case can do no wrong and in spite of all the obvious examples of them being completely useless you will defend them to your dying breath. Odd how you only notice so called "prejudices" from the "other team"

"Not evacuated in time" really? That is the story you think is ok.. and "caught off guard" really? They didn't notice the water coming for the last six weeks, how did it catch them off guard?

Your attempt to spread the blame around for stuff like this to parties that have zero say in what is done and when confirms your "deeply held prejudices"

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The accusations being made are libelous. There were limited stockpiles shown and for the most part consisted of approx. 40 port a potties and some plastic sheeting, which some consider to be rafts.

That is all you saw in the whole video? Time to get the glasses checked champ.

Seriously have an actual look and let me know if that is really all you saw, or are you just doing your usual I love anything RED dance and pretending you don't see the rest of the stuff left behind because as your other team members pointed out "they were caught off guard" staggering.

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1. So putting the shoe on the other foot to illustrate how stupid it is to believe such a poorly sourced story proves I have anti-abhisit feelings?? Good to know.

Perhaps not directly but it does show your first gut reaction on who to attempt to make nonsense up about, so take it for what's worth likely to mean something...

2. I saw both TV clips and you can see my response to those in other comments. Unlike you I can understand what is being said in both. Not bragging, but it usually helps to be able to understand what the reporter is saying. That is why the news has an audio track.

I understood perfectly what was said thanks. Not sure why anybody would brag about knowing Thai about the most useless language on the planet outside of Thailand.

3. "Atrocious management of water in the last 3 months" Oh, forget about the last 30 years though, the new government should have been able to tackle those deficiencies in two months, right?

At least this a welcome change from the usual Red nonsense about how come the DEMS didn't fix it in the last three years. But your point is still moot, because really what does the last 30 years have to do with the last three months? There is no doubt NOBODY could have stopped this water I haven't seen anyone claim they could have, but it doesn't change the current gov't did not prepare for this as well as they could have even from a communication point of view, not to mention how they just seem to be lurching from one mistake to another there is no planning and no critical thinking going on. I firmly believe just about anybody else could have done a better job than the people currently at the top. Perhaps even other people from the same party.. this group is hopeless.

4. "Damming up Bkk was stupid" Guess how I know you don't know the mayor of Bangkok is a democrat?

Does not mean he gets to operate in a vacuum.

Please as said I never claimed the DEMS were better or worse simply that the current people in charge regardless of their colors are a mess.

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Nice rush to judgment based on: 1. An anonymous source 2. A 'video on the Internet' but no link to said video; 3. A claim by said 'anonymous source' that the material pictured is being hoarded-but how could we know that is the case even if we saw the video? How would you be able to determine that it was 'hidden' or 'hoarded' and not stored. A sign saying 'hoarded'?

At any rate, nice attempt at dividing the people during this time of crisis, something that is really important right now. Let me take a stab at playing this game, looks pretty easy:

I found this on a Thai web forum: I heard from an anonymous source that there was a video on the Internet that showed Abhisit pushing people into the water while they were trying to get into the boat he was riding on.

I assume you all believe that since I provided as much proof as this so-called news story.

P.S. Just to make it clear, I made that up. I feel I need to say that because if you believe this story based on what was presented to you then there is no reason for you not to believe the 'news' I just passed on to you.

Shows your feelings --political HaHa, your opinion though. But even if you made the Abhisit boat story up. (must have anti Abhisit instilled in your head to think of it. Get real please, Did you see the T.V. channel ????..........Whoever is in power, This sort of stealing will go on, it's sick, I have no def-proof but knowing what does take place here I can believe the story. (past experiences ).

This is more than a crises it's a complete disaster, atrocious weather, but lousy management of water in the last 3 months, because of non release of stored water, Just blaming of high tides, and rainfall is BU##sh#T. and the damming up of Bkk stupid.:whistling:

1. So putting the shoe on the other foot to illustrate how stupid it is to believe such a poorly sourced story proves I have anti-abhisit feelings?? Good to know.

2. I saw both TV clips and you can see my response to those in other comments. Unlike you I can understand what is being said in both. Not bragging, but it usually helps to be able to understand what the reporter is saying. That is why the news has an audio track.

3. "Atrocious management of water in the last 3 months" Oh, forget about the last 30 years though, the new government should have been able to tackle those deficiencies in two months, right?

4. "Damming up Bkk was stupid" Guess how I know you don't know the mayor of Bangkok is a democrat?

No 1. speaks for it's self

No 2. with you having the capacity to understand and others not, to your advantage.

No 3. NO we dont forget the last 30 years of bad management( 2 years of a caretaker P.M.) you can discount( A..)

Yes they should have run water off when getting into government to relieve the stored water, it is fact, would have saved lives and hardship. But priority at that time was Thaksin issues and red shirt appointments. Near all this stored water could have been run off as the rains started.

No 4. I don't give a toss what party he is from, it has no interest to me, I comment on whats wrong not who is who. just to add---the Mayor is not the government, Yingluck is the (so called boss) do you think that she has done a decent job??? the recent survey shows in all walks of life in BKK 75% are extremely unhappy about the way the whole charade has been handled from day 1. Please don't come back with any Abhisit remarks as my non political opinion is one of--He is a better person to run this country than this family set up. but I didn't say he was perfect by any means. .

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I don't have it in for you, I don't even know you. I do 'have it in' for people who base opinions on insufficient information. You do need to understand what is being said, because the reporter said they were supplies that could not be evacuated in time. They were not 'hidden' and they were not 'hoarded', they were stockpiled there, and she does not imply either of those things. Perhaps FROC could have got them out earlier, but you may have noticed that authorities on all sides of the political spectrum here have been caught off guard by the worst flooding in 70 years. Many people on TVF want to politicize this and make it look like one side is at fault when there is ample blame to be laid on politicians from every party here. I do have an issue with people who believe every rumor that they see or hear as long as it confirms their deeply held prejudices.

Which would be exactly what YOU are doing. You have decided that the gov't and powers that be in this case can do no wrong and in spite of all the obvious examples of them being completely useless you will defend them to your dying breath. Odd how you only notice so called "prejudices" from the "other team"

"Not evacuated in time" really? That is the story you think is ok.. and "caught off guard" really? They didn't notice the water coming for the last six weeks, how did it catch them off guard?

Your attempt to spread the blame around for stuff like this to parties that have zero say in what is done and when confirms your "deeply held prejudices"

No I have not. I have said that it is foolish to make judgments based on rumors, which is ALL this story is. There is nothing to back it up, nothing. An anonymous source, a video of some warehoused items, and a later video showing some different items that were flooded. The claim is that goods were hoarded and hidden, and there is not a scintilla of evidence showing that. What is it about that that you do not understand? It really could not be more simple. Pointing out BS rumors means I am a government supporter??

FROC could have planned better, so could a lot of people, but for the sake of argument let us assume they were 100% incompetent. That still doesn't back this rumor of hoarding and hiding, which is what this story was about.

There is no need to spread blame around, it is there in spades. The failure to adequately plan for flooding goes back more than 30 years. David Lyman has a piece addressing this in the Nation today I believe, in which he reports about the way responsibility for flood and relief operations are spread over multiple agencies. This has been a crisis years in the making. But if it makes you feel better to spread rumors and blame the party you hate -- go for it.

P.S. I was very critical of Thaksin when he was PM, much to the consternation of my wife and neighbors, but my criticism was fact based, not based on some anonymous e-mail postings or photo-shopped pictures. It is abundantly clear that if you point out any problem with rumors slamming the Red Shirts on TVF that ipso facto makes you a Red Shirt. That is Standard Operating Policy for any true believer movement, whether they be Trotskyites, Fascists, or whatever.

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A quote on Yahoo from the PM: "Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra urged Bangkok residents to be "confident," saying Sunday that there may be some overflow into some neighborhoods but that it would not cause any great damage. She said, "We will recover soon." I hope her words are true.

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I understood perfectly what was said thanks. Not sure why anybody would brag about knowing Thai about the most useless language on the planet outside of Thailand.

Your responses are not worthy of comment save for the one above. Some of us live here in Thailand and find knowing Thai quite useful. For example, if you could understand Thai you would have instantly known the channel 3 story didn't mention hoarding or hiding, which might have set off a lightbulb in your head. Or maybe not...

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