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One thing I really dislike is having added items installed on my computer when I signup for a particular service. It is bad enough when the company provides a means to uninstall, and far worse when they do not. TV has apparently decided I need an additional toolbar at the bottom of my screen so I can go to facebook, tweeter etc etc etc. I find a minimize button but then still have the thing and an arrow to max it if I want. Well TV I do not want the thing at all. Does anyone know how to get rid of it short of not visiting the site at all? Thanks for any advice.

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Are you talking about the W i b i y a toolbar? I've only ever seen it on the home page of TV. And it's not software installed on your machine but a web toolbar loaded in your browser. i.e it's just code not 3rd party software.

Edited by bangkockney
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I have seen that 'toolbar' effect a couple of times, but in fact, it is NOT a toolbar.

Toolbars are installed into a browser, and would be there (if activated) on ANY webpage you visit, once it is installed. What I believe we are seeing (sometimes) is a piece of code that's part of the website, and doesn't modify your browser in any way.

I seem to recall that I told it to hide, and it hasn't been seen since, but it's been so long ago, I'm not sure.

There are MANY better reasons to not log in to TV than a simulated toolbar. Take your pick.

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I have seen that 'toolbar' effect a couple of times, but in fact, it is NOT a toolbar.

Toolbars are installed into a browser, and would be there (if activated) on ANY webpage you visit, once it is installed. What I believe we are seeing (sometimes) is a piece of code that's part of the website, and doesn't modify your browser in any way.

I seem to recall that I told it to hide, and it hasn't been seen since, but it's been so long ago, I'm not sure.

There are MANY better reasons to not log in to TV than a simulated toolbar. Take your pick.

Yes it is, it's a web toolbar. Like you say different from a browser toolbar but to say it is not a toolbar is bizarre; a toolbar is just a strip of icons used to perform functions.

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As mentioned above, the tool bar on the bottom of the TV website is not installed on your computer, it is "only" web-based code executed in your browser session.

Second, yes there are many sites that ask you for the installation / activation of SW products like Java, Active-X, want to install cookies etc. etc. From a security perspective, you must first decide whether you trust this site or not... and then it makes sense to NOT install the SW from this site, but to go to the web-site of the official SW provider (i.e. java.com, adobe.com) and install the original product. This not only gives you the security that you don't download any unwanted add-on at the same time, but it also will enable your computer to track SW updates for these products on a regular basis.

Third suggestion is that you have two users on your computer. First, you have your Admin user which is allowed to download new products or updates. Second, you install your personal user for daily surfing which does NOT have Admin rights and therefore, if ever a website tries to install a SW product without your approval, you will receive a popup telling you who tries to install what and you will need to enter your Admin user password for the installation => this is the best security feature you can have preventing unwanted / unauthorized installations!

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the info. I called it a toolbar because the arrow says hide or open toolbar. The info is good but the question is can it be removed or not? TV have any other complaints or requests to remove? Seems every site service keeps trying to update, improve, simplify and just make worse and more imposing.

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