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No Telephone Line


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Hi All,

for about 6 months now I been without a telephone line and I'm a fair way from the internet cafe' I t seems that when I do get a line connected I won't be able to use it to go online. This is according to the telephone folks.

Someone mentioned to me couple of years back that it can be done by sattelite, they also mentioned that it was pretty expensive can anyone give me some info.

just in case you don't know I'm pretty much of a green horn so please simple language.

Regards Joe

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I t seems that when I do get a line connected I won't be able to use it to go online. This is according to the telephone folks.

are they going to give you a empty can on a piece of string? :o

how is life in phichit mate

do a search on gprs on this forum and have a read

then ask away - I still use gprs as a backup and while I am out and about

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What the telephone tried to communicate was maybe that you could not get ADSL on your telephone line. ADSL is faster than normal dial-up (well, normally at least...TIT...).

Meanwhile you should certainly be able to use the internet via normal dial-up. You can buy a 1 month pre-paid package most places for 300-400 Baht.


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It's very well possible Strawberry can get a phoneline which does not support any internet.

Out in the boonies (even still in parts of Pattaya, East of Sukhumvit) they are installing small microwave phonelines.

They use a small transmitter/antenna (5" by 5" box on an antennapole) and although they work perfectly as a phoneline, you can't use them for data traffic...

It seems iPSTAR has lost some reliability since they shot there new satellite in the air, probably the techs are concentrating on switching over to the new bird...

Seems iPSTAR or gprs are your only posibilities, Hutch's cdma system works pretty good but no coverage up North I think...

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I live right out in the trees and I have been waiting over 2 years for a phone line and it has been promised for this life but is it mine (I am 61 or my son at 16 months)?

I use AIS postpaid and GPRS at 350 baht for 120 hours a month.

My basic phone bill was 4560 baht for the month and I used GPRS for 64 hours.

As I have a phone promotion to get 3000 baht nationwide and pay 750 baht and 350 baht for 120 hours GPRS, my actual bill was 2457 baht including 855 baht od GPRS at the cost of 350 baht.

The GPRS speed says 115kbs but is just about the same as a 56k dial up modem and I can use it anywhere in Thailand that I can get an AIS signal.

Out here it is not always that good but there is very little need for high speed in a slow speed life.

What cannot be done today can be done tomorrow or another day.

Life is too short and too precious to waste rushing everywhere and missing the best things as they whiz past you.

Why do you need ADSL and gigabits of information anyway?

Sign me up as slower and content to be so.


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The GPRS speed says 115kbs but is just about the same as a 56k dial up modem and I can use it anywhere in Thailand that I can get an AIS signal.

Out here it is not always that good but there is very little need for high speed in a slow speed life.

The next time you head into BKK pop over to Baan Mor and have a look at the GSM extender systems they have there.

Worked for the farm up north where we had no signal at all, put up the system and the yagi on a big pole and now we have a local repeater and full signal around the property.

The cost was 12,600 but worth every satang of it

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Hi Stu,

life in pichit is pretty dull. Looks like I might just have to wait until the phone line gets connected. I'm not together yet (financially) to go big on installing GPRS.But, in 10 monts I'll be better situated. The guy next door has the phone on and I can't understand why its taking so long. I have a suspicion that they might be for me to offer payment.

I also think that the line will accept slow speed but not hi speed and I'm happy to accept that.

Thanks all for the feed back

Regards Joe

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I use AIS postpaid and GPRS at 350 baht for 120 hours a month.


a secondhand GPRS capable phone with bluetooth - approx 4-5000baht

a USB bluetooth dongle - approx 700-100 baht

AIS postpaid sim with GPRS plan - approx 500baht/month

this would allow you to be online at 30-40 kbytes per sec - not blazingly fast but useful for email and basic browsing ( reading the news / thaivisa )

even when you get a dial up phone line - depending on the installation and the line quality you still might be only able to connect at 28-33 kbytes/sec.

many phones are GPRS capable now - and if they don't have bluetooth you can still connect to the comp via usb cable or infra red - bluetooth can just be convient because you can place the phone somewhere with good reception.

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