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Disgusting, Filthy Tap Water In Bkk


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It was reported several days ago that residents of a flooded area broke a wall and flooded one of the canals that provides tap water for the city,contaminating it with floodwater.

If you have a bucket of water then' put the alum in that and take a traditional Thai shower until the water clears up.

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have a pommy shower.


i water bottle and towel and soap

combine the 3

1.wipe under arm pits

2. place towel between legs in groin area and wipe to and fro violently

your right to go now

slap on some old spice and hit the town :)

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have a pommy shower.


i water bottle and towel and soap

combine the 3

1.wipe under arm pits

2. place towel between legs in groin area and wipe to and fro violently

your right to go now

slap on some old spice and hit the town :)

The only problem I have with your cunning plan is where is he going to get a bottle of water in BKK...:rolleyes:

One could also suggest replacing said water with alcohol based hand santiser...but one needs to be careful with a persons delicate bit's as it can sting a bit...and do not smoke while washing...:lol:

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Get a big can, put some filtration material inside, poke some holes in the bottom. Hang the can from the ceiling in your shower and stand underneath it while the water runs through for your shower.

You must be an _________ because an _________ would have figured this out a week ago. :whistling:

Fill in the blank..... "English teacher" ?......:lol:

or option B

Geriatric old fart ?

You must be a Soutpeel... No wonder you've been getting flak regarding your recent posts... Stop being so pontificating and go with the flow, mate!

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One can be abused almost anywhere, but you come here to Thaivisa.com for the quality.

I was amazed that my gym has turned the drinking fountains back on- things are definitely looking up. On the other hand the water at home is the same- but I have faith that it will improve soon. Maybe the gov't is working harder than we give them credit for?

Thanks Yingluck!


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Been showering in this dirty water for more then a week now. Oh im flooded too. Even been drinking this water because there is no other water (after filtration and boiling). SO chill out.

Drinking it? Seriously mate i know your flooded and i also noticed today from reading tv your house is only 3cm deep of water. Surely you should get the F out now whilst you can.

Your better off in a shelter place and at least your health will be better.

Edited by maiphedmaiaroi
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Been showering in this dirty water for more then a week now. Oh im flooded too. Even been drinking this water because there is no other water (after filtration and boiling). SO chill out.

Drinking it? Seriously mate i know your flooded and i also noticed today from reading tv your house is only 3cm deep of water. Surely you should get the F out now whilst you can.

Your better off in a shelter place and at least your health will be better.

20 cm in the house 65 in the streets.. been surviving it 8 days or more already.. (lost count). FIrst it goes through the water purifier.. then i boil it then i put it for a few hours in uv light.

Anyway i have health insurance.. also i cant leave.. got two dogs.

I am surviving here me and the wife. Its ok i just get frustrated at times. But ever since the water stopped rising its better.

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I'll tell you what's disgusting. All of the "illtimed" statements and discusiions that are contained on almost every thread. This is a national disaster where people are and have been living in makeshift shelters on the side of the highways and having to take a bath in the same flood water that they deficate in and you are complaining about dirty water in your luxuri0ous hotel room. I'm a Farang and have live here for over 13 years. You can come shower in me place but you'll have to swim through the 1.5 meters of water on the first floor. Why don't you hurrry to the airport and get a flight home before it floods and you can't get out. We don't want you to continue to have to shower in dirty water and hear about how crappy your experiences are.

nobody cares that you cant afford a decent place in a decent neighborhood.

Op lives in a place with no flood and hes entitled to clean water, he doesn't have to suffer because some jackasses tried to make some illegal money by selling flood channels. And he certainly doesn't have to suffer because some poor people cant afford what he has, if he wants to be compassionate that's his decision not yours.

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Yes it's my personal opinion and I might be a jackass, but, at least I'm not like all of the other jackassess who have no concern about anybody but themselves that put their personal opinions on this thread and that's my decision not yours

I'll tell you what's disgusting. All of the "illtimed" statements and discusiions that are contained on almost every thread. This is a national disaster where people are and have been living in makeshift shelters on the side of the highways and having to take a bath in the same flood water that they deficate in and you are complaining about dirty water in your luxuri0ous hotel room. I'm a Farang and have live here for over 13 years. You can come shower in me place but you'll have to swim through the 1.5 meters of water on the first floor. Why don't you hurrry to the airport and get a flight home before it floods and you can't get out. We don't want you to continue to have to shower in dirty water and hear about how crappy your experiences are.

nobody cares that you cant afford a decent place in a decent neighborhood.

Op lives in a place with no flood and hes entitled to clean water, he doesn't have to suffer because some jackasses tried to make some illegal money by selling flood channels. And he certainly doesn't have to suffer because some poor people cant afford what he has, if he wants to be compassionate that's his decision not yours.

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Im going to ask people to stay civil

it is a difficult time for everyone. I understand its frustrating and we all need to vent every now and then

but lets not do it to the point where you start to get nasty to others.

cheers and hope everyone's situation improves soon

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This thread is entertaining. For me, the first floor of the house is flooded, furniture ruined, two motorcycles underwater, washer/dryer, dining room table, and everything on the first floor gone. This isn't a "poor" area either. House about 1km from Thaksin's house in Thonburi. I am in the States now, so I am not going through what alot of people are enduring. I think this is a national disaster, so I don't think I should complain because more people are going through worst than I am. The people who lost everything probably would be glad to trade places if the only thing that they had to deal with is dirty tapwater.

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Not a water treatment expert, but I do know a thing or two. Yes, I am very fortunate that all I have to worry about is running tap water that smells bad, and yes, it could be a lot worse. My sympathies to those suffering in exponentially worse situations.

In regards to the question of smelly tap water, it should be of minor concern. The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority releases real-time numbers on the amount of chlorine in its treated water, as well as it's turbidity (complicated term but simply put it means smelliness/cloudiness) . You can go online and check those numbers by clicking here MWA Site and then clicking on the map on the right hand side where it says "click here." I've visited these facilities. They are professionally run and the numbers are as accurate as possible - just keep in mind they are measured when water leaves the facility, not when it comes to your pipes. A lot of bad things can and do happen in-between then. Also, more important parameters, such as BOD and COD are not provided, which makes it nearly impossible to accurately analyze the water situation.

The numbers on the site above appear to show the water is relatively safe for at least bathing. However, the smell and color of the water where I am (Phaya Thai pumping station on the map) indicates that the turbidity is most likely much higher (a sight & smell test is a crude way to determine turbidity). How high I do not know. The smell is most likely caused by bacteria/algea (sewage), although there are other factors that could be involved such as heavy metals.

Boiling the water for 5 to 10 minutes should make it safe to drink - but it will still taste like crap. As for bathing, if you are really concerned, add small amount of liquid bleach/chlorine and let it sit for 30 minutes. That will kill most bacteria/algea. Amount of chlorine to be added depends on amount of water in container. Rule of thumb if you can taste it, it is probably a bit too much. Mr. Google has more accurate tables you can look up. Note that adding chlorine will make the water more safe to drink, but do so as a last resort especially if you are not measuring amounts accurately (pH and ambient temperature also effect how much chlorine should be added).

If anyone has questions on water treatment feel free to ask - I may not know the answer but hopefully can point you in the right direction. If more knowledgeable people have anything to add or correct, please do so.

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Not a water treatment expert, but I do know a thing or two. Yes, I am very fortunate that all I have to worry about is running tap water that smells bad, and yes, it could be a lot worse. My sympathies to those suffering in exponentially worse situations.

In regards to the question of smelly tap water, it should be of minor concern. The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority releases real-time numbers on the amount of chlorine in its treated water, as well as it's turbidity (complicated term but simply put it means smelliness/cloudiness) . You can go online and check those numbers by clicking here MWA Site and then clicking on the map on the right hand side where it says "click here." I've visited these facilities. They are professionally run and the numbers are as accurate as possible - just keep in mind they are measured when water leaves the facility, not when it comes to your pipes. A lot of bad things can and do happen in-between then. Also, more important parameters, such as BOD and COD are not provided, which makes it nearly impossible to accurately analyze the water situation.

The numbers on the site above appear to show the water is relatively safe for at least bathing. However, the smell and color of the water where I am (Phaya Thai pumping station on the map) indicates that the turbidity is most likely much higher (a sight & smell test is a crude way to determine turbidity). How high I do not know. The smell is most likely caused by bacteria/algea (sewage), although there are other factors that could be involved such as heavy metals.

Boiling the water for 5 to 10 minutes should make it safe to drink - but it will still taste like crap. As for bathing, if you are really concerned, add small amount of liquid bleach/chlorine and let it sit for 30 minutes. That will kill most bacteria/algea. Amount of chlorine to be added depends on amount of water in container. Rule of thumb if you can taste it, it is probably a bit too much. Mr. Google has more accurate tables you can look up. Note that adding chlorine will make the water more safe to drink, but do so as a last resort especially if you are not measuring amounts accurately (pH and ambient temperature also effect how much chlorine should be added).

If anyone has questions on water treatment feel free to ask - I may not know the answer but hopefully can point you in the right direction. If more knowledgeable people have anything to add or correct, please do so.

good post ,thanks

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I didn't originally post this to sound like some kind of bit$#, but I realize some people took it that way. I should have chosen my words more carefully. My goal was to get information and there has been a lot in this thread. First, the eyedrops were the BOMB. For under 200 baht I got TobraDex- Tobramycin and Dexamethasone- the pharmacist explained that it was an antibiotic plus an agent to handle allergic reactions and in two days I am back to normal. Probably will continue with it for another couple days for good measure.

My home country spoiled me in one regard- literally anywhere I can drink water from the tap. I don't expect that here and have lived in other Asian countries where the water was worse than Thailand. But I am really grateful to the people who work so hard to keep the water in Bangkok safe- maybe that is the moral of the story here. Everyone should appreciate those people and be thankful that we have safe water. My water is still smelly, but nowhere near as bad as it was two days ago. It is now clear again instead of yellow/brown and very cloudy. This tells me that indeed people here are concerned about public health and with limited resources in a very tough situation are doing a good job.

My apartment is Thai style with the low-profile toilet so any of you that have me living in luxury are dead wrong. I chose this place because it is CHEAP. I am really happy that my area didn't flood but disappointed in how the lines between flood and dry land were chosen only for economic value. The message seems clear to me that money determines who will suffer and who will not, and that is unfortunate.

Thanks to the people who replied with information!

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Tap water is just fine here in central Bangkok , bu we have not been affected by the flood yet.

In fact the water here is very clean and no smell , you can drink it even if I dont recommend it.

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