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Israel to expedite settlement construction after UNESCO vote


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I think you honestly believe yourself.

Here's another to show the world just does not agree with Israel, and you of course.


But my vote for the biggest moron of the day goes to the guy that made this quote.

"It stems directly from their refusal to negotiate peace from their boycotting the negotiations and from their decision to attack Israel in (the) international forum."

So he thinks that asking for inclusion into UNESCO is an attack on Israel. Just goes to show the mindset of these radicals, and they actually believe they are right. hahahhaha

If Israel thinks the UN is useless and hypocrites then why are they still a member, why are they so concerned that Palestine wants to be a member. Surely if they hold the UN in such low esteem they wouldn't care but their actions indicate differently.

The world has spoken, all except you of course.

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They are illegal, the UN has called them illegal. The majority of the world calls them illegal.

Oh, that proves it then. It is not like they are complete hypocrites. :whistling:

I'm under the impression that you think because other countries act illegally that it somehow means Israel's actions are less illegal.

Your honour, he murdered someone as well so my murder isn't as bad and is legal. hahahhahaa, you are priceless.

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