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No Buddhists Need Apply.


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Larrt Bird: "How many lives have been lost in the name of Christianity, and how many have been lost in the name of Buddhism?"

Perhaps you never heard of WW2. Did you know that the Buddhist monks of Japan not only supported but advocated Japan's domination?

There was a book written a few years ago that showed insight in a lot of the Buddhists teachings that were manipulated in Japan to support and advocate the war.

Buddhism is like any other belief system it can be used to justitfy awful acts.

I think that idealizing Buddhsim/Buddhists and critizing Christainity/Christians is quite stupid. Both belief systems offer comfort to those that believe in it. It is the individual that corrupts any message.

If the OP refuses business to people based on content that is their right. Who really cares or knows deeply what their pure motivation is? Move on and find someone that does.

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No, I never heard of WW2. What does that stand for, oh wise one. Please tell me of all the other stupid things i've said...

Your mention of the japanese buddhis monks : That's like saying getting hit by an eyedropper is the same as getting hit by a bucket of water.

If I was a Christian, I would still want to know what this store is practicing discriminatory practices like this. I'd like to know where people are being treated like this, regardless of my religion... So, ok, sure, he should move on and find another store, but at the same time, he was treated rudely, and if he wants to share it with others, that's up to him as well.

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I doubt he was treated rudely, rather he was informed of the policy.

Why are people so eager to trample on other peoples rights. Have we learned nothing from the disastrous PC movement in the west?

I'll take PC over กลัวดำ 'Glua dam' any day..

Is the far east moving forward real fast while the west lags behind? Is that the way things are going?

Edited by LarryBird
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I doubt he was treated rudely, rather he was informed of the policy.

Why are people so eager to trample on other peoples rights. Have we learned nothing from the disastrous PC movement in the west?

I'll take PC over กลัวดำ 'Glua dam' any day..

Is the far east moving forward real fast while the west lags behind? Is that the way things are going?

The west is busted, by next year it will be all hammer and sickles.

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Christians have been in Chiang Mai for more than 150 years. They have as much right to the place as anyone else. If they own the business and they don't want to print anything Buddhist that is their right.

If you start dictating to Christians what they are and are not allowed to do then you have just become the evil that you are complaining about.

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I doubt he was treated rudely, rather he was informed of the policy.

Why are people so eager to trample on other peoples rights. Have we learned nothing from the disastrous PC movement in the west?

What disastrous PC movement is that? The movement where people are expected to be polite to each other?

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Christians have been in Siam for over 300 years not 150. In the 1700's the heir to the throne in the Ayutthaya kingdom was Christian. If he wasn't killed as a boy he would have been the first Christian king of Siam.

But I like all of your other points Richard.

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anyway who is GOD.. :unsure:

Either everything - a conscious universe; the architect of the membranes that caused the Big Bang through a false vacuum; something in one's head; none of those; or nil. :unsure:

Buddha was an actual bloke, dunno about Jesus.

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The right to deny service based on religious or racial grounds no longer exists in the USA where I come from.

But we are not in the USA. We are in Thailand. So these people had a perfect right to refuse to print artwork that contained Buddhist imagery.

It's not a question of legality. It's a question of tolerance. We live among Thais and accept their hospitality on many levels. From the old pee-lee-ung who has raised your children, to the immigration cop who stamps your passport.

Their religion is part of their culture and to disrespect it as these fundamentalists do is repulsive.

Bible-thumpers are their own religion's worst enemies. They are the reason why after hundreds of years the percentage of Thai Christians is so small that it can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

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yes, the reason there is a small amount of Thai Christians compared to Buddhists is that the Buddhists in power slaughtered them 100's of years ago when they first came. Check your Thai history from the Ayutthaya period. BKK was filled with French missionaries and businessmen that were slaughtered and the area was burnt to the ground.

The shop is not refusing someone becase they are buddhists. They are refusing to replicated religious imagery from a religion that they don't abide in. That is still done in your old and wonderful USA. If a shop owner doesn't want to print a certain type of image that is fine. They are not refusing business to Buddhists.

If it were a shop owned by a political zealot they might refuse to print work that supported an opposing party.

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You misunderstand.

This company is run by farangs who are fundamentalists with a strong prejudice against Buddhism.

Did you know this before going there or after?

How did you establish that they are "fundamentalists", with strong prejudices against Buddhism?

To tell you the truth I did have some idea that they were fundamentalists before going. But I didn't think they were brainless bigots who would reject work simply because it illustrated certain aspects of another religion.

The definition for fundamentalists is brainless bigots.

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