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Aussies Deported Over False Phuket Robbery Claim


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Australia is the most multi-cultural country in the world, but yes, we also have racists. :bah:

If you believe the theory of migration out of Africa, then we are all immigrants in our own countries.

In the scheme of things this minor crime would not get a mention anywhere else. While, yes, it is "bad form" to attempt to deceive, it is nothing compared to what many Aussies (and everyone else) try to get away with in foreign countries.

I think you may be wrong. I do believe Amerca is right up there at the top of rhe list. are you sayimg that when you come here you try to do bad things? WOW

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That is why Australians and other nationalities will get a bad name because of all the import that they let into their country.

Only punished by 600 bath is cheap much too cheap

Thais wouldn't understand by their names that they were not originally from Australia. C'mon, they are holding Aussie passports...

I remember an American guy who called the cops to a hotel in Bangkok, where he 'got robbed.'

The cops not just found the 'items' he'd claimed to be 'stolen', they also found some weed. Two things are endless, human stupidity and the universe.

But I'm not sure about the universe...(Albert Einstein).................jap.gif

It shows to go yea, It doesn't matter where one comes from, It doesn't matter where ones at, what matters is where one is coming from on the inside374.bmp, cha, cha,cha.

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It's a pity they say Australian citizens, definitely not originally from Australia.

Who are, except the Aborigines? ;)

As a person whose photo you stole (no acknowledgement) Aborigines came originally from Africa via India, like everyone else they're just tourists who overstayed their visa's? :jap:

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It's a pity they say Australian citizens, definitely not originally from Australia.

Who are, except the Aborigines? ;)

As a person whose photo you stole (no acknowledgement) Aborigines came originally from Africa via India, like everyone else they're just tourists who overstayed their visa's? :jap:

As a person whose photo you stole

Care to elaborate on this?

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Unfortunately it would be nearly impossible to convict them for attempt to fraud, they can at any point claim confusion and lack of equality to police and that they accepted their fine off pure fear of more lack of justice, I dont think the Australian justice system holds massive respect for the Thai justice system...

Understandable but the evidence of them filing an insurance claim and then the officers finding everything in there room is pretty water tight wouldn't you say?

The justice system has nothing to do with it really here in Thailand,they committed a fraudulent claim which was recognized by the Thai police quite easily.I am sure they will be brought to book in Aus.

Where does it say they had filed an insurance claim. Probably have to wait on return to home and have a chat with their agent and show him/her their police report.

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It's a pity they say Australian citizens, definitely not originally from Australia.

Who are, except the Aborigines? ;)

If you knew a little about history, you would know that Australia wasnt called Australia until the first white man got there, . So to state that only aboriginies are original Aussies is rubbish and not factual.

Your racist slant puts you on a slippery slope, are you also saying then that white people are the original Americans, because white people gave the name America to the place?

Get a grip, really :lol::blink::lol:

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One thing I've never understood is why in the past, have I heard one or two of my fellow Brits and 1 or 2 Aussies moan about immigrants coming to live in their country and at the same time these same people are immigrants here in Thailand !!!!

What's the the Thai word for 'hypocrite'?

The difference is i take not one baht from the Thai Govt., or its people, I only contribute to the economy. I would have thought that would be obvious as to the difference between farrang coming to thailand and the lot we have to put up with in our country of birth.
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It's a pity they say Australian citizens, definitely not originally from Australia.

Who are, except the Aborigines? ;)

If you knew a little about history, you would know that Australia wasnt called Australia until the first white man got there, . So to state that only aboriginies are original Aussies is rubbish and not factual.

Your racist slant puts you on a slippery slope, are you also saying then that white people are the original Americans, because white people gave the name America to the place?

Get a grip, really :lol::blink::lol:

At last, someone has finally understood.
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It's a pity they say Australian citizens, definitely not originally from Australia.

Who are, except the Aborigines? ;)

right on mate the rest were convicts and I am an aussie except the police and the guards who came with the convicts and am not sure about some of them either
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It's a pity they say Australian citizens, definitely not originally from Australia.

Who are, except the Aborigines? ;)

right on mate the rest were convicts and I am an aussie except the police and the guards who came with the convicts and am not sure about some of them either

You forgot to mention the free settlers and those that flocked for the gold rush etc ;)

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lol, jap.gif I wai to thee in uttermost respect Litlos! You are a determined man.

Ok, transported it is!!

deport [dɪˈpɔːt]vb (tr)1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to remove (an alien) forcibly from a country; expel2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to carry (an inhabitant) forcibly away from his homeland; transport; exile; banish

The convicts were transported to Australia and other places, not deported.

This pair have committed no crime (in this instance anyway) in Australia, so there is likely very little the Australian police can do. However I can almost guarantee they are now registered on insurance databases and will be watched very carefully in case of future claims or applications for insurance. They might even have any previous claims looked at again in light of their activities in Thailand.


The sentence handed down to the convicts who ended up in Australia and other destinations from the UK was "Transportation". If evidence on that is required google "Transportation to Australia" and the UK Archives (as the originating jurisdiction) has some very good reading and references on the subject. Nothing on deportation to Australia though.

I do wonder if the BIB retained the evidence in this case, I Phones etc :whistling:


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One thing I've never understood is why in the past, have I heard one or two of my fellow Brits and 1 or 2 Aussies moan about immigrants coming to live in their country and at the same time these same people are immigrants here in Thailand !!!!

What's the the Thai word for 'hypocrite'?

there is a big difference,...... most farangs in thailand or anywhere else for that matter, do not become a burden on the system and bring huge famalies to be a bigger burden taking up valuable resources and housing stock, we dont get anything out of asian societies, only give more in ways of visa fees , room rentals and currency,business etc etc.........the arab countries will continue to overprice their oil and when it runs out they will look to western technology for their transport and expect it the same price as the west will pay, while in iran/iraq/kuwait etc they pay about 2baht per litre,..........why do western countries give india billions of $ in aid when they cant afford their own space programme as india can ???..............so, yeah , i feel a bit resentful too,...........charity starts at home !

Edited by osiboy
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Lets be logical,no matter their parentage, and hope they are put on the Australian Insurance Companies Association (or whatever it is called) watch list regarding future attempted claims.

People like these push everyone else insurance rates up. OK, it happens in other countries too.

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