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Yingluck Laughs At Speculations She Would Be Removed As PM


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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She's lovely and doing a great job. What would Mr. Abhisit be doing differently if he hadn't been removed from office by the electorate?

Thank You for a good statement I do not understand why the farangs condem Her, only for their own benefit, they should go home. That said I am a farang but I try to respect Thai peeple 7 years now,

Take care.

Are you sure you're a 'farang'? You write English like many Thais on Facebook. Also, 'the farangs condemn her' '?

I, being 'a farang' I guess, have nothing to gain from condemning her. I have nothing to gain from condoning her handling of the floods, either (Unless I'm Thai of course. Don't ask me how that makes sense because I really don't know)

It's good that you respect the local culture and people, too. I do also. I also bite my tongue a lot. But when someone messes up so badly that it affects millions of people, I will call a spade a spade.

The heavy floods were inevitable. The handling of them is inexcusable.

Edited by rkidlad
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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She's lovely and doing a great job. What would Mr. Abhisit be doing differently if he hadn't been removed from office by the electorate?

Do you think doing a great job at being lovely is good enough? Maybe the voters will. They made their (flood) bed anyway.


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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

your a scream my 5 year old could not do a worse job than these clowns cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif sorry my dog or cat could not do worse since at least they would not completely #$#%#@ it up I cant think of any example anywhere in world or any place where anyone could make a bigger mess of dealing with situation than this lot but then your welcome to your delusions. But then on other hand they don't care about anything but face save face and bring big brother back and not forgetting to feed as much as they can from trough so why should anyone expect anything apart from total incompetence from them except their quite gifted at pulling wool over eyes of people like you it seems.cheesy.gif

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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She's lovely and doing a great job. What would Mr. Abhisit be doing differently if he hadn't been removed from office by the electorate?

Thank You for a good statement I do not understand why the farangs condem Her, only for their own benefit, they should go home. That said I am a farang but I try to respect Thai peeple 7 years now,

Take care.

Are you sure you're a 'farang'? You write English like many Thais on Facebook. Also, 'the farangs condemn her' '?


I think he means on this site... which makes it a true statement for the majority here imo.

Edited by nurofiend
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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

She could have done a better job if she had kept her mouth shut and shut up her followers mouth also.

Not sure how a continues stream of false information is considered as doing her job at all.

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I think he means on this site... which makes it a true statement for the majority here imo.

I'm sure most 'farangs' on here do condemn her. That wasn't my point. My point was his reference 'the farangs condemn her' sounding like he wasn't a 'farang' at all. Even though he said 'I am a farang'

It seems socially acceptable on Thaivisa for foreigners to criticise foreigners and Thais to criticise Thais . You can see why it might benefit some people to lie about where they're from because they know they're socially immune from criticising others.

oh right, i get ya!

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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

Well,she is known to do make a very good job of everything she is assigned to.

At AIS she even did such a good job that until today they still haven't been able to find a replacement :lol:

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Her laughs are as vapid as her smiles.

She's lovely and doing a great job. What would Mr. Abhisit be doing differently if he hadn't been removed from office by the electorate?

Thank You for a good statement I do not understand why the farangs condem Her, only for their own benefit, they should go home. That said I am a farang but I try to respect Thai peeple 7 years now,

Take care.

You mis-spelled "sheeple"

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With vast areas of rice growing land flooded and the crop lost, and huge expenses facing this government, why has there been no suggestion to abandon or delay the expensive rice pledging scam when a large number of the SUPPOSEDLY intended recipients will be unable to benefit?

Couldn't B400+ billion be better spent?

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She's here to stay.

In the meantime check out http://farangplumber.blogspot.com/2011/11/flood-mitigation-what-to-do-in.html

you may find it useful.

Customer service and client satisfaction are top of my agenda. Guaranteed installations and services.

You should pay for your advertising as a forum sponsor or utilize the free classifieds section rather than putting spam links in a Thailand News thread.


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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

If Thaksin was my brother, I would do a wonderful job don't you think?

I don't think anybody from any country would have done a better or worse job, this was mother nature wreaking her havoc in a way nobody anticipated or knew how to deal with. The perfect storm.

There will plenty who will say this should have been done or that should have been done but it is simply lip service.

Hopefully lessons will be learned by ALL sides,parties,colors etc and that action can be taken to reduce the problem in the future, because it will happen again.

On one level I agree with you.

It is not her fault that her brother put her in this position and it is not her fault that Thaksin saddled her with a bunch of useless cabinet appointments whose only level of 'ability' was that of wanting Thaksin to return asap. Under the circumstances her position has been impossible from the start. What the floods have done is to expose Thaksin's chicanery for the floating rubbish it is.

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With vast areas of rice growing land flooded and the crop lost, and huge expenses facing this government, why has there been no suggestion to abandon or delay the expensive rice pledging scam when a large number of the SUPPOSEDLY intended recipients will be unable to benefit?

Couldn't B400+ billion be better spent?

Actually, the government could make a some money out of the rice pledging now.

With all the crop damage, the price of rice has gone up. The government will pay the 15,000 baht to the farmers and sell the rice for more.

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With vast areas of rice growing land flooded and the crop lost, and huge expenses facing this government, why has there been no suggestion to abandon or delay the expensive rice pledging scam when a large number of the SUPPOSEDLY intended recipients will be unable to benefit?

Couldn't B400+ billion be better spent?

Well said !

Just as one could welcome the abandoning of the pre-election promise of a questionable credit-card scheme for farmers, it would be good to similarly welcome the de-prioritising of the wealth-scheme for rice-millers, especially since world rice-prices are likely to rise anyway following the extremely-wet monsoon-season across S.E.Asia.

Perhaps the flooding can permit this to be done while also avoiding loss-of-face for the PTP-elites ? Or perhaps not. B)

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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.


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Posts have been deleted for failure to use quote function leading to misunderstanding of who posted what.

Just a reminder that posts using derogatory nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be deleted. If you don’t want your post to be deleted, spell people’s names correctly.

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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.


I'm sure there are many here that think they could do a worse job, and i'm sure there are many there who think they could do a worse job. But a vast majority of people could NOT have done a cock-up like this, it gets more difficult if you do not have the right people running the job, it would have been better they had kept their mouths shut.

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Come on people! The show has just begun. Why would be want to get rid of her??? Already, a pretty good portion of the deluded population that elected her are waking up to the fact that she has no leadership skills and that they are getting the feeling of being duped. Let the show go on!

Let her totally discredit herself and her party and then the country can really move forward. I personally, for Thailand's sake, hope she stubbornly fills out her full 4 years and pisses off as many people as possible in the process. Already the PTP 111 are calling for her resignation. This wouldn't be news if it were the opposition, but this is from her own power base! Let the PTP factions, red shirts, and all the other incompetent fools fight it out with each other. Sit back and enjoy the fight. This sacrifice will be for the long term good of the country.

T and all his $$ holds significant power, but don't forget he is also a megalomaniac and addicted to power and unabashed greed. They will make mistakes! We already had a glimpse of the future with the first months of this administration. Let it play out...

Edited by pattayaorganic
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Come on people! The show has just begun. Why would be want to get rid of her??? Already, a pretty good portion of the deluded population that elected her are waking up to the fact that she has no leadership skills and that they are getting the feeling of being duped. Let the show go on!

Let her totally discredit herself and her party and then the country can really move forward. I personally, for Thailand's sake, hope she stubbornly fills out her full 4 years and pisses off as many people as possible in the process. Already the PTP 111 are calling for her resignation. This wouldn't be news if it were the opposition, but this is from her own power base! Let the PTP factions, red shirts, and all the other incompetent fools fight it out with each other. Sit back and enjoy the fight. This sacrifice will be for the long term good of the country.

T and all his $$ holds significant power, but don't forget he is also a megalomaniac and addicted to power and unabashed greed. They will make mistakes! We already had a glimpse of the future with the first months of this administration. Let it play out...

I think you will find that if they called an election today she would increase her majority.

The Thai Rath cartoon "Man blocks Canals" gives an indication of where many of those who elect PTP believe blame lies. And a lot of those poor listen ardently to local community radio, local networks, and have been potlicised. Dont be deluded into thinking that what middle class Thai people post on webboards or facebook or twitter or foreigners on here represents what the majority think.

And dont think some internal red on red or PTP on PTP divisions indicate a split in the alliance or their power. Those things are normal factional politics with people competing for limited influence and power and we saw it under the last government and even more so at local election time under the Samak government.

And dont think that the rural masses are going to vote Dem any time soon especially with their current leadership.

The floods will likely create an even bigger divide between minority middle class, BKK and south and most of the rest of the country, with an increase in extreme red influence if PTP traditionalists including Thaksin start to lose sway.

As one analyst said (confessed?) to me, what the analysts in Thailand write is what they want to happen not what will happen or even what they think will happen.

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Come on people! The show has just begun. Why would be want to get rid of her??? Already, a pretty good portion of the deluded population that elected her are waking up to the fact that she has no leadership skills and that they are getting the feeling of being duped. Let the show go on!

Let her totally discredit herself and her party and then the country can really move forward. I personally, for Thailand's sake, hope she stubbornly fills out her full 4 years and pisses off as many people as possible in the process. Already the PTP 111 are calling for her resignation. This wouldn't be news if it were the opposition, but this is from her own power base! Let the PTP factions, red shirts, and all the other incompetent fools fight it out with each other. Sit back and enjoy the fight. This sacrifice will be for the long term good of the country.

T and all his $ holds significant power, but don't forget he is also a megalomaniac and addicted to power and unabashed greed. They will make mistakes! We already had a glimpse of the future with the first months of this administration. Let it play out...

I think you will find that if they called an election today she would increase her majority.

The Thai Rath cartoon "Man blocks Canals" gives an indication of where many of those who elect PTP believe blame lies. And a lot of those poor listen ardently to local community radio, local networks, and have been potlicised. Dont be deluded into thinking that what middle class Thai people post on webboards or facebook or twitter or foreigners on here represents what the majority think.

And dont think some internal red on red or PTP on PTP divisions indicate a split in the alliance or their power. Those things are normal factional politics with people competing for limited influence and power and we saw it under the last government and even more so at local election time under the Samak government.

And dont think that the rural masses are going to vote Dem any time soon especially with their current leadership.

The floods will likely create an even bigger divide between minority middle class, BKK and south and most of the rest of the country, with an increase in extreme red influence if PTP traditionalists including Thaksin start to lose sway.

As one analyst said (confessed?) to me, what the analysts in Thailand write is what they want to happen not what will happen or even what they think will happen.

You are 1 of half a dozen that will never ever want to see the reality of this fiasco, you answered not an Abhisit lover, but someone that is spelling out the truth of the situ,. It's funny really how all these farrang posters are saying the same as Pattayaorganic, as if we have anything to gain by being anti this government.

I don't think it's a disease, posters tend to speak out what is wrong. If there were all this lot going on with the last government majority would have done the same, normally most go on their instincts like the Issan people did to vote her in. NOW it is a very different story-I live amongst them and can tell you the Issan people are far from happy, even though they don't ave flood problems, they got nothing that was pledged ..

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I have no doubt that Hammered is correct that the propaganda machine of PT and Red Shirt has been working in overdrive, trying to blame everyone else for everything everywhere.

Hopefully the wake-up from the lies will make the betrayal far more obvious to them and then rejection of PT and Thaksin so much harder.

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While PMs sometimes face calls form opponents to resign at times of crises, what makes this story interesting apart from it sounding like Thanongesque nationism is that Pracha and Chalerm are mentioned as alternatives. Hardly the leading edge of PTP intelligensia even compared to Yingluck and lacking anything like her charisma, but both are choices that would be acceptable to the elite as both are old style traditional polticians ala Banharn, Newin etc. Looks like inspite of it being flood time those who like to manage democracy have decided to play at least on the sidelines.

Interesting that Abhisit has kicked out of play any suggestion that Yingluck should step down.

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While PMs sometimes face calls form opponents to resign at times of crises, what makes this story interesting apart from it sounding like Thanongesque nationism is that Pracha and Chalerm are mentioned as alternatives. Hardly the leading edge of PTP intelligensia even compared to Yingluck and lacking anything like her charisma, but both are choices that would be acceptable to the elite as both are old style traditional polticians ala Banharn, Newin etc. Looks like inspite of it being flood time those who like to manage democracy have decided to play at least on the sidelines.

Interesting that Abhisit has kicked out of play any suggestion that Yingluck should step down.

I think that Abhisit understands that this time PTP wont make the mistake of putting a pliant PM up to keep others happy and would actually go for an election. Abhisit knows she will win this again and would rather be playing his current hand in opposition than face PTP absolved of flood allegations by the Thai people returning them, probably with a bigger majority too. And of course big business that dumped the Dems a huge amount earlier in the year wont want to be doing it right now again after the economic affects of the flood or even seeing delay until Yingluck is returned again. Realpolitik by Abhisit in my opinion.

Yingluck will be judged by those who vote for her on the recovery and ability to maintain some populist policies. That will be difficult but her voters dont really have anyone else to vote for. The interesting thing will be whether she tosses the CTP agriculture minister and maybe even takes Agriculture under PTP. Intersting opportunity for Newin's boys there or a split of them as ditching CTP could be very popular with PTP voters in central Thailand and would look decisive (interestingly even after the flood she scores higher on being decisive than Abhisit after three months)

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Ahh yes, a media group is going to market with some comments that are not overly significant and TVF's resident gaggle of PM Yingluck haters chime in with their usual cries of "she's no good". Lost in the chatter is that the PM still enjoys broad national support and has made new friends in the army and Bangkok special interest groups with her determination to protect Bangkok.

There is anger and resentment at the government as is always the case following a natural disaster, However, there is plenty of time and more importantlly, opportunities for the government to recover. In politics, a year is a very long time. We may very likely see the PM go from hero to zero back to hero again. Such is political life in Thailand.

I suggest some of you look at the numbers of displaced people. One would have expected tens of millions were refugees, but that is not the case.The numbers are manageable. Yes, there is some terrible damage, yet no one is suffering from starvation, disease or abandonment. As imperfect as the government response is, the government is seen out and about with the MOI and Royal Irrigation crews everywhere. There is still law and order, albeit Thai style. As long as the government keeps a lid on the fallout, it will be same same.

Sorry to all you haters, but you can't change the government like you change bargirls. PM Yingluck's a lady, a titanium one at that.

After this party political program now for something completely different ... ;)

You mean: back to the ramblings from "The other side"?

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I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

She could have done a better job if she had kept her mouth shut and shut up her followers mouth also.

Not sure how a continues stream of false information is considered as doing her job at all.

I really have a problem, when people talk about "false information" and solely pin it on the government.

Yes, they f@cked up a lot and gave contradicting or rather meaningless comments or info,,,,but so did everybody else. For the BMA it was clear that "Bangkok would not be flooded" (well...I guess that depends on your definition of Bangkok, I guess)...and a few days later Thonburi was lost to save "Inner Bangkok".

Every other day there is another "freelance expert" popping up, offering his "expertease" and solution, and in most cases it seems like absolute starring into a crystal ball.

If you put all that together, maybe things were not as clear an predictable as some say it was...with the expertease of doing so, 1 day after every event took place.

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I think that Abhisit understands that this time PTP wont make the mistake of putting a pliant PM up to keep others happy and would actually go for an election. Abhisit knows she will win this again and would rather be playing his current hand in opposition than face PTP absolved of flood allegations by the Thai people returning them, probably with a bigger majority too. And of course big business that dumped the Dems a huge amount earlier in the year wont want to be doing it right now again after the economic affects of the flood or even seeing delay until Yingluck is returned again. Realpolitik by Abhisit in my opinion.

Yingluck will be judged by those who vote for her on the recovery and ability to maintain some populist policies. That will be difficult but her voters dont really have anyone else to vote for. The interesting thing will be whether she tosses the CTP agriculture minister and maybe even takes Agriculture under PTP. Intersting opportunity for Newin's boys there or a split of them as ditching CTP could be very popular with PTP voters in central Thailand and would look decisive (interestingly even after the flood she scores higher on being decisive than Abhisit after three months)

Very interesting thoughts

As to Abhisit's realpolitik, as a way of operating it's to be welcomed in my view because it represents common sense and sanity - qualities which are not necessarily associated with all Thai politicians and pundits.

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