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Budget Not Responding To Flood Crisis: Abhisit


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So 48.4% of 75% is a landslide ? :lol:

No wonder the PTP budget doesn't reflect the current situation, as former-PM Abhisit correctly points out, the government & its supporters are clearly financial illiterates or numerically-challenged.

Perhaps it would be more sensible to admit that the situation has changed, go back to the drawing-boards, and produce a new forecast & plan. B)

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Abhisit is pursuing: serving best interests of his masters (global bankers). and he is pretty successful in that. other reaction from him would have been illogical to expect. he (and his buddy Korn, Eton schoolmate) will do everything possible to ensure that Thailand burrows more and more.

So Abhisit=Evil Global Banker, and Yingluck/Shinawatra family is the strong powerful government of the people and will save the poor and rescue Thailand from the debt trap?

Let's see how much debt the Yingluck government will put Thailand into and see how many percent of that end up in the Shinawatra coffers.

Taksin said in Early October that it would take 400b baht to create a comprehensive flood prevention scheme. Now the Yingluck cabinet says its 800b, EXACTLY double of Taksin's estimate.

How do you suppose the PTP pundits figured this out so accurately and so quickly amongst their commendable handing of the flood crisis on the ground.

By the way, the troll that claims that PTP is what the THAI people want. Is that what the ABAC poll says? Perhaps if you turn the page upside down, you and I can be "on the same page".

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I predict abhisits time as pm will have been longer than the present incumbent and certainly more productive

Wrong on both counts. 1 Yingluck was elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, Abhisit was not. 2 He was removed from office for being inept and notorious for being all talk and no action. It's time to face facts the Thai (not ex-pat farrang)electorate want Pheu Thai and Yingluck. If she was unpopular it would be obvious but in this huge crisis she has survived from ctiticism remarkably well. Indeed her brother Mr Thaksin was the only PM to be voted in twice in recent years. I can't believe that you guys really can't see what the Thai electorate want. I'm not Thai so I don't have to explain why they want what they want but to me and most Thai's it's obvious.

Are you on Thaskin Payroll or what

Yingluck was not elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, They where elected by the biggest con in the last decade of Thailand history

These are the words of my Thai wife not mine so don't pull the old ex-pat farang routine

What she does say is that this government was not the choice of hers or any of her Thai university friends as they under Thai culture are not allowed to speak again their parents wishes

But she smiles and says soon our time will come

Pheu Thai will be added to the history books with the truth written beside their name.

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nope, it won't work here, coz it's been already "occupied" :)


So Abhisit=Evil Global Banker, and Yingluck/Shinawatra family is the strong powerful government of the people and will save the poor and rescue Thailand from the debt trap?

nope, he isn't - he's just a puppet who leaps the hoops when ordered. (real banksters don't bother with such menial tasks - they have Eton boys for that LOL)same as T & YLS. all of them are merely figureheads and all the drama "yellows Vs reds" is just elaborate BS show ;)

(pretty much same as so called 2 or more party system in US or elsewhere)

so, don't be fooled by this show. it is more like "pot calls kettle black"

showbiz (and as any biz - it brings profit to those who runs it :) )

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I notice that after the failure of old shoot em all to drive a divide between the government and army the nation are still hand jobbing over his handsomish but increasingly fat face to actually come out with something that most people would even waste two seconds to listen to

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I predict abhisits time as pm will have been longer than the present incumbent and certainly more productive

Wrong on both counts. 1 Yingluck was elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, Abhisit was not. 2 He was removed from office for being inept and notorious for being all talk and no action. It's time to face facts the Thai (not ex-pat farrang)electorate want Pheu Thai and Yingluck. If she was unpopular it would be obvious but in this huge crisis she has survived from ctiticism remarkably well. Indeed her brother Mr Thaksin was the only PM to be voted in twice in recent years. I can't believe that you guys really can't see what the Thai electorate want. I'm not Thai so I don't have to explain why they want what they want but to me and most Thai's it's obvious.

thai rak thai means thai like thai people. Phua thai means for the thai. I cannot understand that you can't see the thai people who voted phua thai and before that TRT don't want you because you are not thai. Obvious or not?

Happy now?

this is a something i've often wondered about as a factor of a lot of expats staunch anti-PTP position...

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Yingluck was not elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, They where elected by the biggest con in the last decade of Thailand history

These are the words of my Thai wife not mine so don't pull the old ex-pat farang routine

What she does say is that this government was not the choice of hers or any of her Thai university friends as they under Thai culture are not allowed to speak again their parents wishes

But she smiles and says soon our time will come

Pheu Thai will be added to the history books with the truth written beside their name.

As much as me (and Mrs Insight) would like the last sentence to happen, unfortunately we're both not that optimistic about it happening anytime soon. Whether it was the propaganda or money being thrown around during the last election, it worked back then and IMO will probably work again.

The one thing this flood is doing is completely reseting any of the negative reputation the red shirts brought on the army last year, through their prolonged armed occupation and propaganda campaign. This reverse of fortunes for the army is being caused, ironically enough, by the red shirts/Phua Thai's own greed and shortsightedness.

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I predict abhisits time as pm will have been longer than the present incumbent and certainly more productive

Wrong on both counts. 1 Yingluck was elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, Abhisit was not. 2 He was removed from office for being inept and notorious for being all talk and no action. It's time to face facts the Thai (not ex-pat farrang)electorate want Pheu Thai and Yingluck. If she was unpopular it would be obvious but in this huge crisis she has survived from ctiticism remarkably well. Indeed her brother Mr Thaksin was the only PM to be voted in twice in recent years. I can't believe that you guys really can't see what the Thai electorate want. I'm not Thai so I don't have to explain why they want what they want but to me and most Thai's it's obvious.

K. Yingluck was indirectly elected as MP being #1 on the Pheu Thai party list, elected as PM by her 259 other Pheu THai MP's and additionally coalition partners. K. Abhisit was Dem's party list MP and similarly elected PM. PM Abhisit was not removed from office, but dissolved the House and called early elections.

It's clear that some of the Thai electorate want 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts' k. Yingluck, but the uproar when Thaksin's son twittered that k. Abhisit was on a short holiday in Thailand's dirests hour since human memory can recall suggests differently.

I'm living and working in Bangkok since 1994, but even talking with Thai I will still not declare here on this forum I do understand. Mostly because that would be a lie. My bad as they say ;)

Edited by rubl
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I notice that after the failure of old shoot em all to drive a divide between the government and army the nation are still hand jobbing over his handsomish but increasingly fat face to actually come out with something that most people would even waste two seconds to listen to

Do you have a degenerative posting disease?

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Abhisit has expressed natural interests of global bankers (IMF, WB, Fed)

as their obedient servant, he certainly tries his best to ensure as much debt created as possible. because that's what it actually is: creating more debt. where else gov can get that much money?

in this article (OP) it is not used, but in other foreign articles on this matter exact phrase "budget deficit" is being used. well deficit of course may simply mean lack of funds in the gov budget. however it was mentioned that gov will have to "burrow"

that's how financial system works all over the globe: literally debt trading. it is too big subject, surely those who're interested can search it out by themselves (Google, Youtube).

so, USD is in deep sh1t, Euro in deeper. however USD is still a global currency and current global financial system still uses it as so. according to this system, each country has a Central Bank, which is practically separate from gov, but answerable only to IMF (and Fed ;) ). each CB must have "foreign reserve" according to those arrangements (as I recall Breton-Woods). briefly, NO ANY CB is allowed to print its own so called "national currency" (i.e. emit liquidity) unless certain percentage of funds is proportionally added to its "Foreign reserve"

now, this "Foreign reserve" is comprised of ... mainly USD

(well, gold & few other currencies too - but USD is main item)

which is "coincidentally" usually kept there in USA too - NOT in the vaults of local CB! :D

therefore, to be able to print more of its own currency, local CB (BoT in this case) absolutely MUST get more USD! (or US bonds = Debt papers)

naturally Fed is glad and rather eager to oblige! its printing press is legendary. Fed prints more & more green toilet paper, and disperses it to all the countries where still remains more or less real (physical) economy. because Fed (and its owners - private cartel of international banksters) is desperate to make indebted as much and many countries (& even individuals) as possible! to ensure that it still stays afloat a bit longer.

that's why we can see gov of Abhisit (with Korn at the helm) being very busy burrowing more and more, and dispersing that liquidity among the local banks, companies and even ordinary citizens (even "motosai" drivers). that's why we can see all over Bangkok so many construction going on lately - scarily reminds of pre-Tom-Yam-Kung crisis (1997-98?) and how many half-constructed carcasses stayed till 2004-05

the burrowing scheme works.... for FEd, IMF, global bankers (and their local lackeys & agents)

so, that's the whole scheme Abhisit is pursuing: serving best interests of his masters (global bankers). and he is pretty successful in that. other reaction from him would have been illogical to expect. he (and his buddy Korn, Eton schoolmate) will do everything possible to ensure that Thailand burrows more and more. they do not give a sh1t about country or about ordinary people. the very reason why his Cocroach party has been urgently installed and kept in power 2.5 years by all means (even bloody suppression of anti-gov protests) - is precisely because he and Korn (who is not coincidentally was chief of JpMorgan section in Thailand) ensure the fulfillment of global bankers' plans for this country.

therefore, it is very natural that he is demanding MORE debt created! because debt = PROFIT for bankers. (never mind the virtual slavery of indebted country, rising inflation, imposed heavy austerity measures, etc)

Please watch/listen to this radio interview with Abhisit today regarding the budget for the 3 Rs.

I certainly hope you can understand Thai and if you don't, please get someone to translate for you. He also goes into the flood situation and what's being done. I also recommend others to listen to this and get your wife to translate it for you. At least it's coherent and understandable (in Thai) much more information that you would get from this government (in Thai or English <_<).

Edited by ThaiOats
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Unscheduled and with no agenda of course.... a "social" visit.

The holiday had been scheduled for quite a while apparently, so the meeting would have been planned too. I'm sure Abhisit didn't just turn up at the front door saying "Saw your light on. Thought I'd drop in".

I don't know what the agenda was, but visits between foreign dignitaries would always have some sort of agenda.

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Spending plans insufficient amid floods crisis: Abhisit

Wichit Chaitrong

The Nation


The government's spending plans fail to meet the challenges presented by the floods crisis, the opposition said yesterday during the debate on the 2012 Budget Bill.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra presented planned annual expenditure of Bt2.38 trillion for the 2012 fiscal year, 9.7 per cent higher than for the previous fiscal year, which ended on September 30.

The government expects to collect revenue worth Bt1.98 trillion, resulting in a budget deficit of Bt400 billion, which is equivalent to 3.4 per cent of gross domestic product.

The administration plans to spend Bt120 billion for flood recovery and flood prevention, while local government will spend another Bt10 billion, resulting in total expenditure of Bt130 billion in this area, she said.

Opposition Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva told Parliament that the government spending plan was insufficient to meet the challenges of the current situation, under which revenue is expected to decline and a large number of people are suffering from the devastating floods.

He said the central government's Bt120billion budget allocated for flood recovery and flood prevention would not be adequate due to the large number of flood victims and the huge investment required to prevent future flooding.

Abhisit also expressed concern over the lack of transparency surrounding the Bt120 billion. He said that because it was earmarked as central budget under the supervision of the prime minister, project details were not available.

"It should be allocated to ministries, which have to present clear projects for spending," said Abhisit.

He also predicted that the government would not meet its revenue target, arguing that it was based on an assumption of economic growth of 3.5 to 4 per cent this year, whereas the Bank of Thailand last month downgraded its growth forecast to just 2.6 per cent due largely to the floods crisis and uncertainty over the global economy.

Moreover, the government's plan to cut corporate income tax from 30 per cent to 23 per cent next year will result in a revenue loss of Bt55 billion for the year, he said.

The oil-subsidy policy will also lead to lower tax revenue, since the government currently borrows Bt10 billion via the Oil Fund, he added.

Abhisit argued that lower revenue could lead to the government stepping up a tax-collection campaign, which would hurt small and medium-sized enterprises.

He said he expected the government to run a larger deficit, with the increased budget-deficit burden shifting to the 2013 fiscal year.

He urged the government to review tax policy by giving a tax break to selected firms that had agreed to keep their employees on during the floods crisis. Alternatively, breaks could be given to firms affected by the flooding, he suggested.

Abhisit asked the government to drop its first-car scheme, under which tax refunds of up to Bt100,000 are available for each car buyer, due to the overall tax cost of the measure being estimated at Bt30 billion.

"The government should use the Bt30 billion to create jobs for unemployed workers," he said.

The opposition leader also blamed the government for implementing the farm-subsidy scheme, which Yingluck said would cost Bt92.36 billion.

"As the government plans to buy 25 million tonnes of rice at Bt5,000 per tonne higher than the market price, it would cost taxpayers Bt125 billion," he claimed.

Abhisit also urged the government to cancel tax breaks and soft loans to first-time homebuyers and to drop the plan to provide tablet computers for students, as neither scheme was urgent.

He disagreed with the government plan to cut spending for the universal health scheme by about Bt7 billion, which he said would lead to Bt140 less spending per head each year than the budget previously prepared by his own administration.

Nor did he agree with the government's planned cut in student-loan funding from Bt18 billion to Bt11 billion.

He said he did, however, agree with the plan to raise the minimum wage to Bt300 per day, and the minimum monthly income for state officials with a bachelor's degree to Bt15,000.

The Budget Bill is being considered later than the original schedule, which was for implementation in October, due to the early general election held in July and the need to revisit the Abhisit government's spending plans.

His Democrat-led administration had prepared a budget aimed at running a deficit of Bt350 billion, with a revenue projection of Bt1.9 trillion against a spending plan of Bt2.25 trillion.

The new Pheu Thai-government changed the spending plan to meet its populist policies and the challenges presented by the emerging flooding crisis.

Suchart Thadathamrongvech, a Pheu Thai MP, yesterday defended the government's budget, arguing that it needed to spend more at a time of global economic weakness and the flood crisis.


-- The Nation 2011-11-10

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Spending plans insufficient amid floods crisis: Abhisit


The same dynamic duo Deputy Prime Minister Yongyuth and Prime Minister Yingluck in a different photo today.

It reflects how often Yingluck actually cooks by displaying her lack of knowledge that cooking utensils have insulating handles nowadays that negate the need for cumbersome oven mitts. :rolleyes:

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, center right, cooks lunch for flood victims at a relief center in Bangkok, Thailand Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011. Thailand's former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva added to growing criticism of his successor, Yingluck, over her administration's flood response, saying Wednesday that the government should postpone some promised populist measures to free up money for flood recovery.


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I predict abhisits time as pm will have been longer than the present incumbent and certainly more productive

Wrong on both counts. 1 Yingluck was elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, Abhisit was not. 2 He was removed from office for being inept and notorious for being all talk and no action. It's time to face facts the Thai (not ex-pat farrang)electorate want Pheu Thai and Yingluck. If she was unpopular it would be obvious but in this huge crisis she has survived from ctiticism remarkably well. Indeed her brother Mr Thaksin was the only PM to be voted in twice in recent years. I can't believe that you guys really can't see what the Thai electorate want. I'm not Thai so I don't have to explain why they want what they want but to me and most Thai's it's obvious.

Apparently you are not in Thailand. Do not believe news posted abroad.

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I predict abhisits time as pm will have been longer than the present incumbent and certainly more productive
Wrong on both counts. 1 Yingluck was elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, Abhisit was not. 2 He was removed from office for being inept and notorious for being all talk and no action. It's time to face facts the Thai (not ex-pat farrang)electorate want Pheu Thai and Yingluck. If she was unpopular it would be obvious but in this huge crisis she has survived from ctiticism remarkably well. Indeed her brother Mr Thaksin was the only PM to be voted in twice in recent years. I can't believe that you guys really can't see what the Thai electorate want. I'm not Thai so I don't have to explain why they want what they want but to me and most Thai's it's obvious.
thai rak thai means thai like thai people. Phua thai means for the thai. I cannot understand that you can't see the thai people who voted phua thai and before that TRT don't want you because you are not thai. Obvious or not?Happy now?

So let's do a logic check here.... The Thai's have an election and vote for a Thai party which obviously means they want all foreigners out of Thailand? Jesus H Christ! What kind of logic is that? By the way I believe that the Thais want me here because they keep giving me visas and work permits I can't wait to see your 'logical' arguments to dissprove this.

So your "logic" tells you that Thai people want you here because you can get a visa and work permit? Almost any idiot can get a visa and/or work permit if that is what they want. I would like to explain to you that that does not mean that Thais want them here. But then you would not comprehend that so it is futile. You say you have been a while in Thailand and that you work here. And still you do not understand anything of Thailand.

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Go Abhisit!

Your shout is a bit too late - he's already out. :)

That doesn't stop him from being able to tell the government that their budget figures won't add up.

Yes, that's his job as an opposition leader... when he's in the country.

I thought they were having this debate here in the city.

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How can we make accurate estimates when we are still in the middle of the Crisis?

Only when things will be back to normal, a survey can be done and consequently the Budget has to be revised, amended.

Obviously it is not the correct time for speculation on the Budget, and not the correct time to play politician gamblings

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I predict abhisits time as pm will have been longer than the present incumbent and certainly more productive

Wrong on both counts. 1 Yingluck was elected by a landslide by the Thai electorate, Abhisit was not. 2 He was removed from office for being inept and notorious for being all talk and no action. It's time to face facts the Thai (not ex-pat farrang)electorate want Pheu Thai and Yingluck. If she was unpopular it would be obvious but in this huge crisis she has survived from ctiticism remarkably well. Indeed her brother Mr Thaksin was the only PM to be voted in twice in recent years. I can't believe that you guys really can't see what the Thai electorate want. I'm not Thai so I don't have to explain why they want what they want but to me and most Thai's it's obvious.

For one thing most thais didn't even vote and the ones that did were being led by carrot on a stick. Oh yes the land slide it's not a real victory obviously is it.

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How can we make accurate estimates when we are still in the middle of the Crisis?

Only when things will be back to normal, a survey can be done and consequently the Budget has to be revised, amended.

Obviously it is not the correct time for speculation on the Budget, and not the correct time to play politician gamblings

I agree with your first sentence, but it must be clear to PTP that they cannot go ahead with their original 20112 budget.

The government is going to have to spend silly money to help the country recover.

Many of the populist policies will have to be put on ice for the time being. The PTP budget was already going to put the Treasury in to big debt, but with the additional RRR spending required, it will be disastrous.

Although, the 1st car and home policies might be so popular after this, that it could empty the coffers in no time.

I read on CNN today regarding the garbage problem that a BMA official estimated that up to 500,000 cars might have to be scrapped.

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How can we make accurate estimates when we are still in the middle of the Crisis?

Only when things will be back to normal, a survey can be done and consequently the Budget has to be revised, amended.

Obviously it is not the correct time for speculation on the Budget, and not the correct time to play politician gamblings

I agree with your first sentence, but it must be clear to PTP that they cannot go ahead with their original 2012 budget.

The government is going to have to spend silly money to help the country recover.

Many of the populist policies will have to be put on ice for the time being. The PTP budget was already going to put the Treasury in to big debt, but with the additional RRR spending required, it will be disastrous.

Although, the 1st car and home policies might be so popular after this, that it could empty the coffers in no time.

I read on CNN today regarding the garbage problem that a BMA official estimated that up to 500,000 cars might have to be scrapped.

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Go Abhisit!

Your shout is a bit too late - he's already out. :)

He may be 'out' (of office), BUT not 'out of mind'

Certainly, he is out helping actually. Plenty of footage of him wading through the filth passing out relief bags.

It would be hilarious if he gets elected PM at the next election.

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Go Abhisit!

Your shout is a bit too late - he's already out. :)

He may be 'out' (of office), BUT not 'out of mind'

Certainly, he is out helping actually. Plenty of footage of him wading through the filth passing out relief bags.

It would be hilarious if he gets elected PM at the next election.

Plenty of footage of Yingluck passing out relief bags she didn't donate. If you want to pass out relief bags do it with the bags you've paid for, not for show like yingluck does. If she wants to be useful let her fill sandbags. That's something what I like to see politicians do.

It was hilarious that Yingluck was elected.

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Ok, lemme see what it feels like to be on the other side of the fence. dam_n that Abhisit for being the opposition. Why does it even exist to hinder the ELECTED government's plans in Rescuing, Restoring, and Reconstructing Thailand? They should just keep their mouths shut and let Yingluck run the country since the Thai people don't want them anyway. Opposition is such a stupid thing.. the government should be able do whatever they want. If there's any corruption, we can always rely on the justice department, DSI, and the police force to make sure people are accountable. GO YINGLUCK!

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Certainly, he is out helping actually. Plenty of footage of him wading through the filth passing out relief bags.

It would be hilarious if he gets elected PM at the next election.

Plenty of footage of Yingluck passing out relief bags she didn't donate. If you want to pass out relief bags do it with the bags you've paid for, not for show like yingluck does. If she wants to be useful let her fill sandbags. That's something what I like to see politicians do.

It was hilarious that Yingluck was elected.

Poetic footage of the difference between handing down to those in need (especially your elders) as opposed to handing up.

The difference is not lost on the Thais posting these in their discussions.




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Poetic footage of the difference between handing down to those in need (especially your elders) as opposed to handing up.

The difference is not lost on the Thais posting these in their discussions.



Why is she wearing plastic gloves? Is she scared of catching something from the people?

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