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Yingluck Needs To Take A Stand If She Wants To Save Her Govt


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Yingluck needs to take a stand if she wants to save her govt

Piyanart Srivalo

Restoring confidence in the government is an urgent task for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, because her administration is being strongly criticised for failing to deal with the flood disaster and mismanaging the situation as huge masses of water bear down on the capital.

Many opinion polls have indicated a lack of confidence in the government, while comments from the military's top brass emphasise the administration's shortcomings. Maybe the people who voted Yingluck and her Pheu Thai Party into power feel this way too.

And perhaps this is why the government is looking for a scapegoat - after all, Yingluck needs someone else to blame for her own failure.

This is also the reason why Pheu Thai Party's associates and the prime minister's men have started floating the idea that the massive flooding had been caused by Bhumibol Dam releasing too much water and the Irrigation Department mismanaging the water flow in the central region. Then there is the row with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administrative (BMA), led by opposition Democrat Party's Sukhumbhand Paribatra, who has been accused of "playing politics".

Those in power claim that the Democrats, the BMA and the governor have been unnecessarily blaming the government when they should be helping it to manage the flooding.

Now, Yingluck has another decoy to divert public attention. The ruling Pheu Thai Party is talking about a Cabinet reshuffle so "incapable" ministers can be dumped for failing to handle the situation.

Reports say that the "real" boss of Pheu Thai Party, Yingluck's older brother and former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, is disappointed with many ministers for supplying inaccurate information and forcing his sister to make the wrong decisions.

In Thaksin' view, the incapable ministers include Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit; Justice Minister Pracha Promnok, who is also chief of the Flood Relief Operations Centre; Social Development and Human Security Minister Santi Promphat and the minister attached to Prime Minister's Office Kitsana Seehalak. Plus there are ministers from coalition parties, namely Industry Minister Wannarat Charnnukul from Chart Pattana Puea Pandin Party and Agriculture Minister Theera Wongsamut from Chart Thai Pattana.

To rebuild confidence in her government and improve its image, Yingluck has wooed two prominent public figures to join her committees for national rehabilitation. Senior economist Virbongsa Ramangkura was brought in to lead the Strategic Committee for Reconstruction and Future Development, and royalist Sumet Tantivejkul, who is secretary-general of the Chai Pattana Foundation, was made adviser to the Strategic Committee for Water Resources Management.

It is believed that Thaksin called on these personalities to help restore confidence in his sister's government. Virabongsa is known to have good relations with Thaksin for a long while and has worked as an economic advisor during Thaksin and Samak Sundaravej's governments.

"Since one of three economic zones of the country is damaged by floods, it is every Thai citizen's duty to help save the country," Virabongsa was heard saying.

Sumet, meanwhile, has strong links with the palace and having him work closely with the government would be an asset for Yingluck.

Yet, no matter how many committees she puts together and no matter how many powerful men she has behind her, if Yingluck continues being indecisive in her response to disasters, she will not be able to save her government.


-- The Nation 2011-11-10

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

If you believe Puea Thai=Red Shirt, their specialty is in burning. For flood, they have no clue!unsure.gif

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

A piece of utter garbage written by the minority Democrat party. Why don't they just understand that the Thai people don't want them? When did they last win a proper election? 15 years ago? I'm astonished that they are allowed to print such propoganda.

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

If you believe Puea Thai=Red Shirt, their specialty is in burning. For flood, they have no clue!unsure.gif

Then why don't they put that to good use? Water doesn't boil but oil does. Poor some oil on the floodwater, set it on fire and then boil it away. Crisis over.

I agree with the article 100%. PM Yingluck needs to come out and state that she's against the flood. No more wavering.

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Save her government from what? She has up to 3.5 years in power if she wants. In that time she can reshuffle anything she wants and that is part of the democratic process. Her party have an overall majority and add on the coalition and it becomes huge. Even if she calls an election, the PTP voters arent going to vote for anyone else. Surely minorities that dont like the government arent going to think of something like a military or legal coup.

Sure maybe Yingluck and the PTP is disliked a bit more in BKK. Then again Sukhumbnad has done a very good job decreasing Democrat popularity in flooded areas

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A piece of utter garbage written by the minority Democrat party. Why don't they just understand that the Thai people don't want them? When did they last win a proper election? 15 years ago? I'm astonished that they are allowed to print such propoganda.

Written by the Democrats? Is Piyanart Srivalo a Democrat politician?

Didn't about 30% of "the Thai people" want the Democrats?

The Democrats didn't win the election, so no one is allowed to criticise the PT government?

Garbage, Yes. But what happened to freedom of speech? Don't worry. If the PTP have their way, "propaganda" like this, or anything criticising the government, can be banned.

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

If you believe Puea Thai=Red Shirt, their specialty is in burning. For flood, they have no clue!unsure.gif

Maybe they are simply planning on bringing all the water to Bangkok and then setting the city on fire and boiling it all off?

Edit: oops. Just looked above. Someone beat me to the punchline.

Edited by gregb
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So will there be an inquiry into water management in the months leading up to the flooding? Any just who was this Minister that ordered reduced releases from the dams during this time? Saw it mentioned a couple of times here and there, but no names were given.

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

A piece of utter garbage written by the minority Democrat party. Why don't they just understand that the Thai people don't want them? When did they last win a proper election? 15 years ago? I'm astonished that they are allowed to print such propoganda.

PTP obviously feel the same way - hence the Publisher's Licence Law proposal. Hooray for freedom of speech, hooray for red democracy!

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

If you believe Puea Thai=Red Shirt, their specialty is in burning. For flood, they have no clue!unsure.gif

Maybe they are simply planning on bringing all the water to Bangkok and then setting the city on fire and boiling it all off?

Edit: oops. Just looked above. Someone beat me to the punchline.

Moses managed ten plagues on the Egyptians so it remains to see what P.T have in mind for their remaining 8, though I suspect pestilence and famine are already in the bag.

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It's a bit rich complaining about criticism and politicing from the opposition considering Phua Thai never managed a single constructive suggestion in all their time in opposiion.

If you believe Puea Thai=Red Shirt, their specialty is in burning. For flood, they have no clue!unsure.gif

i thought this was settled, it was the democrats fault, or the armys fault, or the governor of bangkoks fault......IT IS NOT PHUE THAIS FAULT!!!!! look at all thaksin has done to, i mean for this country

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What Thailand is experiencing is a NATURAL disaster. It is ridiculous to blame the current Government for the deluge of water that is affecting the country. The situation would have been no different if the Democrats were still in power.

The Prime Minister HAS to rely on experts in the field, professionals from OUTSIDE Government as to the best way to deal with the flood crisis. With the best will in the World some schemes will work better than others but everyone involved is genuinely trying their best to mitigate the affects of the disaster.

This is not a time for political point scoring, or for yellow shirts or red shirts to continue their animosity. The Thai economy will be gravely damaged by this disaster at a time when many of the World's economies are struggling to cope with their own financial crises.

The whole of the Thai nation, young and old, rich and poor need to adopt a Churchillian spirit to rescue Thailand from it's current woes, and return the country to it's splendid best.

There has rarely been a time when National unity is so essential to the future of Thailand

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The problem is, the only time I have seen YS is during her "on demand tears shedding" routine. I mean, under her the PM role has been basically delegated into a PR spokesperson role, reading scripts here and there (heck, she can't even read her scripts correctly, the latest gaff being the reading of the budget bill). She isn't strong enough to take a stand as it is.

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I laughed when I read the title stating darling YS needs to take a stand.

Reminded me back decades ago in boot camp or the police academy (can't remember which) where the trainees would be presented with a field stress situation requiring us to react. Some times one of the trainees would freeze with that deer-in-the-headlights-look in their eyes.

The drill Sgt./instructor would walk up behind them and bellow in their ear AS LOUD AS HE COULD--"DON'T JUST STAND THERE---DO SOMETHING YOU FUC*ING IDIOT !

Not implying that darling YS is an idiot, but maybe someone needs to slap her suggest to her she needs to take a stand...right or wrong...at least she has a 50/50 chance of doing the right thing.

Of course none of us really knows what is going on behind the scenes and I also find it interesting that no one has taken HMK advice to "let the water take it's natural course."

Interesting yet sad times here Thailand.

R.I.P. to all those who have perished in the flood waters.

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The problem is, the only time I have seen YS is during her "on demand tears shedding" routine.

i thought she looked good on the tele ,painting a wall

let the cameras roll .

hope the paint is water resistant .


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So will there be an inquiry into water management in the months leading up to the flooding? Any just who was this Minister that ordered reduced releases from the dams during this time? Saw it mentioned a couple of times here and there, but no names were given.

Exactly. Between April and July they had ample opportunity to lower the water levels in the dams. The water levels were kept consistently at double the level they were in 2010. The farmers wanted water released for a second rice crop but were refused by central gov. Abhisit, yellow shirt, royalist, think of a name.Poo yah!

Then come August with the dams full the rain it just wouldn't stop not until October so exasperated they just flooded the country. Who was put in charge? Up until now the democrats have been surprisingly quiet. When you recall how they had a shadow ministry with the explicit, implicit aim to highlight PTP failures.

Now the misery of it all. People flooded out of their houses. Peoples possessions destroyed.

This is a typical "the Nation" style smear story. They have a long track record. We have Rupert Murdoch but he doesn't write the leaders or say what is included and what is not. It's different here.

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If anyone wants a reformed Thailand, we should try to have a steady government. Since Abhisit showed his sincerity to have a transparent election, the outcome already shows. So let that be the result that also show Thai people that this is the chosen path. Unless there is foulplay, we should put up with it for the remaining of this term unless something else arises. We are Thai people, Please dont show the world that we are uncivilised.

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So will there be an inquiry into water management in the months leading up to the flooding? Any just who was this Minister that ordered reduced releases from the dams during this time? Saw it mentioned a couple of times here and there, but no names were given.

Exactly. Between April and July they had ample opportunity to lower the water levels in the dams. The water levels were kept consistently at double the level they were in 2010. The farmers wanted water released for a second rice crop but were refused by central gov. Abhisit, yellow shirt, royalist, think of a name.Poo yah!

Then come August with the dams full the rain it just wouldn't stop not until October so exasperated they just flooded the country. Who was put in charge? Up until now the democrats have been surprisingly quiet. When you recall how they had a shadow ministry with the explicit, implicit aim to highlight PTP failures.

Now the misery of it all. People flooded out of their houses. Peoples possessions destroyed.

This is a typical "the Nation" style smear story. They have a long track record. We have Rupert Murdoch but he doesn't write the leaders or say what is included and what is not. It's different here.

Can you please document/link the claim that the Abhisit government refused a water level release for a 2nd rice crop - otherwise it sounds like BS.

The Democrats have " a shadow ministry with the explicit, implicit aim to highlight PTP failures." Don't you understand that this is the function of an opposition?

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If anyone wants a reformed Thailand, we should try to have a steady government. Since Abhisit showed his sincerity to have a transparent election, the outcome already shows. So let that be the result that also show Thai people that this is the chosen path. Unless there is foulplay, we should put up with it for the remaining of this term unless something else arises. We are Thai people, Please dont show the world that we are uncivilised.

Uncivilized is the least of your problems. How about ill-informed, gullible, corrupt, vote-selling, venal to the point of accepting a kleptocracy as long as I get a windfall, etc, etc,..........

Admitting to making a mistake would be one small step for democracy, one giant leap for Thailand.

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So will there be an inquiry into water management in the months leading up to the flooding? Any just who was this Minister that ordered reduced releases from the dams during this time? Saw it mentioned a couple of times here and there, but no names were given.

Exactly. Between April and July they had ample opportunity to lower the water levels in the dams. The water levels were kept consistently at double the level they were in 2010. The farmers wanted water released for a second rice crop but were refused by central gov. Abhisit, yellow shirt, royalist, think of a name.Poo yah!

Then come August with the dams full the rain it just wouldn't stop not until October so exasperated they just flooded the country. Who was put in charge? Up until now the democrats have been surprisingly quiet. When you recall how they had a shadow ministry with the explicit, implicit aim to highlight PTP failures.

Now the misery of it all. People flooded out of their houses. Peoples possessions destroyed.

This is a typical "the Nation" style smear story. They have a long track record. We have Rupert Murdoch but he doesn't write the leaders or say what is included and what is not. It's different here.

OMB why do you tell untruths?, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Agriculture Minister Theera Wongsamut yesterday acknowledged that the controversial decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government."I admit ordering a delay in the release of water into the plains areas so that farmers could harvest their crops first," he said. My linkThis incident does not result from a natural disaster. Our problem is that we do not know how to manage water. We did not assess from the beginning of the rainy season whether there would be lots of rain and how much water should have been held in the dams.

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed.
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So will there be an inquiry into water management in the months leading up to the flooding? Any just who was this Minister that ordered reduced releases from the dams during this time? Saw it mentioned a couple of times here and there, but no names were given.

Exactly. Between April and July they had ample opportunity to lower the water levels in the dams. The water levels were kept consistently at double the level they were in 2010. The farmers wanted water released for a second rice crop but were refused by central gov. Abhisit, yellow shirt, royalist, think of a name.Poo yah!

Then come August with the dams full the rain it just wouldn't stop not until October so exasperated they just flooded the country. Who was put in charge? Up until now the democrats have been surprisingly quiet. When you recall how they had a shadow ministry with the explicit, implicit aim to highlight PTP failures.

Now the misery of it all. People flooded out of their houses. Peoples possessions destroyed.

This is a typical "the Nation" style smear story. They have a long track record. We have Rupert Murdoch but he doesn't write the leaders or say what is included and what is not. It's different here.

Really? So why did Mr. Theera Wongsamut, the Agriculture Minister under this government's cabinet, just came out and admit he was the one who delayed the release of the water? Derpy derp derp... keep spouting nonsense without checking the facts my dear red friend. Edit: LOL Somebody beat me to it.

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Save her government from what? She has up to 3.5 years in power if she wants. In that time she can reshuffle anything she wants and that is part of the democratic process. Her party have an overall majority and add on the coalition and it becomes huge. Even if she calls an election, the PTP voters arent going to vote for anyone else. Surely minorities that dont like the government arent going to think of something like a military or legal coup.

Sure maybe Yingluck and the PTP is disliked a bit more in BKK. Then again Sukhumbnad has done a very good job decreasing Democrat popularity in flooded areas

Think you are being somewhat ambitious there Hammered, Harold Wilson had it nailed in the late 1960s, when he gave birth to the classic saying : "A week in Politics is a long time"

In Yinglucks case of Governing,she will not see anywhere remotely near 3.5 years in power.

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"In Thaksin' view, the incapable ministers include Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit; Justice Minister Pracha Promnok, who is also chief of the Flood Relief Operations Centre; Social Development and Human Security Minister Santi Promphat and the minister attached to Prime Minister's Office Kitsana Seehalak. Plus there are ministers from coalition parties, namely Industry Minister Wannarat Charnnukul from Chart Pattana Puea Pandin Party and Agriculture Minister Theera Wongsamut from Chart Thai Pattana."

LOL, really?

when did he say this?

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So will there be an inquiry into water management in the months leading up to the flooding? Any just who was this Minister that ordered reduced releases from the dams during this time? Saw it mentioned a couple of times here and there, but no names were given.

Exactly. Between April and July they had ample opportunity to lower the water levels in the dams. The water levels were kept consistently at double the level they were in 2010. The farmers wanted water released for a second rice crop but were refused by central gov. Abhisit, yellow shirt, royalist, think of a name.Poo yah!

Then come August with the dams full the rain it just wouldn't stop not until October so exasperated they just flooded the country. Who was put in charge? Up until now the democrats have been surprisingly quiet. When you recall how they had a shadow ministry with the explicit, implicit aim to highlight PTP failures.

Now the misery of it all. People flooded out of their houses. Peoples possessions destroyed.

This is a typical "the Nation" style smear story. They have a long track record. We have Rupert Murdoch but he doesn't write the leaders or say what is included and what is not. It's different here.

OMB why do you tell untruths?, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Agriculture Minister Theera Wongsamut yesterday acknowledged that the controversial decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government."I admit ordering a delay in the release of water into the plains areas so that farmers could harvest their crops first," he said. My link

This incident does not result from a natural disaster. Our problem is that we do not know how to manage water. We did not assess from the beginning of the rainy season whether there would be lots of rain and how much water should have been held in the dams.

The reason they tell untruths is that they lift the info from the red websites which manufacture and peddle the lies. They think they are being heroic and useful. And then disappear when called out.

A lot of this going on during the April/May 2010 events.

Edited by yoshiwara
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