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Thai Army Deserves All The Current Praise It Is Getting: Flood


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Army deserves all the current praise it is getting

The Nation

As politicians fight amongst themselves, only the military has shown real commitment to helping flood victims and ending the crisis

The Yingluck government is on the back foot. The Democrat Party is not getting any more popular with the grassroots rural people. The yellow shirts are still quiet. Fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra is apparently not pushing any political agenda.

It appears the flood disaster has subdued most players in the Thai political crisis. All but one, to be exact. The Thai Army, with its active role in rescue and relief operations, has emerged the only winner from this disaster so far, receiving praise from all corners.

Compliments being given to the Army are not a result of political manoeuvring. Soldiers have won the hearts of the Thai public through real hard work and sacrifice. While politicians keep up their petty fighting over who is to blame and who is blocking floodwaters, soldiers keep their heads down and hard at work, only concentrating on their immediate job.

The Army has gone about its relief and rescue operations despite not being fully trusted by the Pheu Thai government. The lack of leadership from Prime Minister Yingluck does not help propel a good image of the government during this difficult time.

Although the red-shirt politicians and their leaders have managed to organise to serve their political purposes, they have failed to organise relief to support the flood victims, even though many of those inundated are their political supporters.

In the meantime, bad blood can still be seen through stinging comments from Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan, who until recently kept inflaming speculation about a military coup. Thaksin's lawyer Robert Amsterdam has also visited Thailand in an apparent bid to take the former government and Thai military to task over last year's political violence.

None of the political attacks on the Army have created a big impact. The floods have caught everyone off guard, particularly the likes of Jatuporn and Amsterdam. Any attempt to paint the men in uniform as a bloodthirsty and dictatorial political element have gone against the backdrop of troops being the first to reach villagers in urgent need of help.

Opinion polls have confirmed who is being vindicated and who is being perceived as playing politics. Most surveys place soldiers as the biggest heroes so far in this flood crisis. Politicians, predictably, rank below volunteers and the media. This, however, is unlikely to prevent political division from rearing its ugly head once the country becomes dry again.

Army officers have not done anything beyond the norm to deserve the accolades. These officials, especially the low-ranking officers, are simply doing their duty fastidiously. Clips on TV networks show a low-ranking officer refusing to accept a gift from an appreciative flood victim. The officer told her it was his duty.

In fact, if every demographic group performed its duty, the results would be more satisfying. Political leaders are supposed to steer a course for the country. Politicians are supposed to take care of their constituencies. Law enforcement officers are supposed to ensure that people do not take unfair advantage of flood victims during this tough time.

What will happen after the water recedes is not easy to predict. As soldiers perform heroics during this hard time, they have been spared from the gravitational pull of politics. In other words, they have acquired an immunity that was not there before.

How long this immunity will last depends on the Army itself as much as the political players who have been all but tamed by this flood disaster.


-- The Nation 2011-11-11

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Considering how ineffectual the government has been in handling the floods, the Army has in comparison done much better in this crisis. The Thai Army isn't there just for coups only. In this case, they genuinely are there to help the people.

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Nice to see that The Nation is determined to continue politicizing the floods.

Next, ...

I know it must be such a bummer waiting for some news that would praise the government right? Might as well wait for pigs to fly. I know.. how about we write some praises for the government ourselves?? I'll start...




the boats did a helluva good job! the distribution of goods from Don Muang was excellent!.. clear concise message to the people so that they knew what to expect!

What else did I miss? Please do fill in... since Nation keeps writing garbage, we need to tell the truth.

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Soldiers have won the hearts of the Thai public through real hard work and sacrifice. While politicians keep up their petty fighting over who is to blame and who is blocking floodwaters, soldiers keep their heads down and hard at work, only concentrating on their immediate job.

Opinion polls have confirmed who is being vindicated and who is being perceived as playing politics. Most surveys place soldiers as the biggest heroes so far in this flood crisis. Politicians, predictably, rank below volunteers and the media.

Not difficult to understand when scenes like this are repeatedly captured by Thais



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Soldiers have won the hearts of the Thai public through real hard work and sacrifice. While politicians keep up their petty fighting over who is to blame and who is blocking floodwaters, soldiers keep their heads down and hard at work, only concentrating on their immediate job.

Opinion polls have confirmed who is being vindicated and who is being perceived as playing politics. Most surveys place soldiers as the biggest heroes so far in this flood crisis. Politicians, predictably, rank below volunteers and the media.

Not difficult to understand when scenes like this are repeatedly captured by Thais


I believe soldiers are doing a fine job, as would be expected.

It's what an army should be doing in times like these.Prayuth should also receive specific praise for behaving like a responsible senior officer now (though he remains accountable for past actions)

Of course there will be reactionaries who will seek to politicise this.There always are.

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Soldiers have won the hearts of the Thai public through real hard work and sacrifice. While politicians keep up their petty fighting over who is to blame and who is blocking floodwaters, soldiers keep their heads down and hard at work, only concentrating on their immediate job.

Opinion polls have confirmed who is being vindicated and who is being perceived as playing politics. Most surveys place soldiers as the biggest heroes so far in this flood crisis. Politicians, predictably, rank below volunteers and the media.

Not difficult to understand when scenes like this are repeatedly captured by Thais



There is nothing political about young men sacrificing their lives in trying to save the life of another. The young man below was electrocuted trying to save a family. The real heroes are the volunteers and the military who both work endlessly and unselfishly. I cannot say that about any member of this government who are far to preoccupied with image, distorting facts and withholding information. My hats off to the volunteers and Thai military. jap.gif


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Nice to see that The Nation is determined to continue politicizing the floods.

Next, ...

Perhaps you missed the point of the article it was giving the army credit for doing it's job.

You have a problem with that.

What are you one of those red shirts who thought the army should have stood around and watched while you tried to burn Bangkok down?

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Nice to see that The Nation is determined to continue politicizing the floods.

Next, ...

I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,

The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats (soldiers) here."

The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,

I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:

O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";

But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,

The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,

O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play. Rudyard Kippling.

Mostly true the World over, although latterly the UK and USA are giving much more credit to their brave service personnel and making their sacrifices known more widely to the public, consequently they are being looked upon far more favourably. I hope the same happens in Thailand for these unselfish, dedicated and hard working people. You have jusifiably earned the respect of your fellow countrymen.:jap:

Edited by robertson468
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Nice to see that The Nation is determined to continue politicizing the floods.

Next, ...

Not so nice, but surely predictable, that your transparent political bias continue to characterize your posts - even at a time of national disaster.

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tlansford...The National is pointing out the truth here, politics or not.


Exploring the flooded areas these past few days and using transportation provided by the army into and through the flooded areas. Very helpful, very polite and respectful. I offer my sincere thanks to all of those involved in providing this critical service.

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The army excels and the current government set their own priorities before that of the citizens of the country - business as usual

More flowers to the army - more boots to the current government for their appalling handling of the situation - also normal...

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Anyone out there that is taking the Nation newsletter seriously? I can't imagine. It is a pity that all the water could not be diverted to the Nation HQ. Good to see though that the Nation is still politicizing the rainfall, except for the man made rainfall of course. My editorial would be. Do not buy the army's newsletter called the Nation, you do not want to be found dead with the rubbish in your possession.

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The military have done and still are doing a first class job. Would be interesting to see where the police are and what they might be doing,

Perhaps the detractors of the military in this particular forum might tell us what they have been doing to assist those suffering as a result of the governments inaction in relieving the suffering of flood victims.

That suffering being due to the now publicly admitted deliberate flooding policy pursued by a cabinet minister and passed by the cabinet, thus damaging Thailand and its people by virtue of the loss of life , property damage, financial losses and long term foreign investor confidence etc.

Edited by siampolee
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Nice to see that The Nation is determined to continue politicizing the floods.

Next, ...

Seems that both people of the divide agree that this is not a political piece. In fact in my eyes it doesn't seem to be complimentary to any politicians.

Nice to see that tlansford is determined to continue politicizing the floods, ie attempting to politicize and non political article,

In your own words tlansford


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Nice to see that The Nation is determined to continue politicizing the floods.

Next, ...

The army is the only part of the government that hasn't totally bollocksed things up and has done something useful. They deserve a bit of recognition. You can always write a letter to the Editor thanking FROC if you want to get more evenly balanced coverage :rolleyes:

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I miss the good old days when Army & PAD rule thailand.

Go on, do another one like 2006.

i will be on the street waiting with flowers, wet or dry.

These days when the Army turned off the internet censorship system that Thaksin installed....

One small correction: PAD never ruled Thailand. The PAD heavily criticized Surayud as very inefficient.

I guess now we all would be happy to have a government which is just inefficient and not criminal.

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Anyone out there that is taking the Nation newsletter seriously? I can't imagine. It is a pity that all the water could not be diverted to the Nation HQ. Good to see though that the Nation is still politicizing the rainfall, except for the man made rainfall of course. My editorial would be. Do not buy the army's newsletter called the Nation, you do not want to be found dead with the rubbish in your possession.

Could you not overcome your hatred of the military to concede that they are actually doing positive things in this disaster, or that the people being helped are appreciative?

Can I also assume you are not flood-bound?B)

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Yes, the Army is doing a good job.

But let's not forget: it is THEIR JOB!

Far more impressive:

- volunteers

- doctors and nurses running double shifts (without payment, I assume) in evacuee centers and field hospitals

- the guys cleaning up the mess

- the "normal people" helping others in their community instead of breaking down floodwalls

- everyone who contributes "real" aid, like shelter for the neighbors family, for the animals abbandoned...

Those will be the unsung heroes at the end of the day.

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Yes, the Army is doing a good job.

But let's not forget: it is THEIR JOB!

Far more impressive:

- volunteers

- doctors and nurses running double shifts (without payment, I assume) in evacuee centers and field hospitals

- the guys cleaning up the mess

- the "normal people" helping others in their community instead of breaking down floodwalls

- everyone who contributes "real" aid, like shelter for the neighbors family, for the animals abbandoned...

Those will be the unsung heroes at the end of the day.

Well Doc, I think the Army is highlighted because it's the ONLY arm of the Govt that seems to be doing something that deserves some praise and recognition.

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It would be revealing to know if the 21st Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division are at all involved in the anti-flood actions. Does anyone know?

Their involvement may further improve the perception of the army among the general population.

And after all, they do need to save a few lives in order to balance their karmic books, so to speak.

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Yes they ARE doing their job. I'm afraid the same can't be said for the useless Prime Minister and her cronies though,

Yes, the Army is doing a good job.

But let's not forget: it is THEIR JOB!

Far more impressive:

- volunteers

- doctors and nurses running double shifts (without payment, I assume) in evacuee centers and field hospitals

- the guys cleaning up the mess

- the "normal people" helping others in their community instead of breaking down floodwalls

- everyone who contributes "real" aid, like shelter for the neighbors family, for the animals abbandoned...

Those will be the unsung heroes at the end of the day.

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