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Triple Entry Tourist Visa From Vientienne

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I obtained a triple entry (60 day each entry) tourist visa in Los Angeles for $105. Soon will do a visa run for my third entry.

I realize i can pay for a 30 day extension.

Is the same 3 entry visa available from Vientienne and does anyone know the price?

I'm an american passport holder, if that matters.

Thanks for any helpful info.


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They are possible but the success of the application may depend on your visa history in your current passport.

Incorrect. Vientiane does not issue triple entry tourist visas. They do however issue single and double entry tourist visas.

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I believ that Vientianne ocassionally does issue a 3 triple entry, although I'm not sure about their current policy. In the OP's case i would suspect not.

Not under the current Consul, BTW the validity is just 3month, so a triple entry would not make much sense.

However currently they are strict and if you got a history of previous Tourist Visa , you might have a problem or just get a Single Entry.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone know what the closest embassy is to BKK where an American can get a triple entry tourist visa?

I'd prefer to get it in China but anywhere closer is good too.

I know Amsterdam gives out triple entries but airfare to there and back to BKK is currently ~25,000 baht.

For that much I can just get another year of ED visa.

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  • 6 months later...

Not under the current Consul, BTW the validity is just 3month, so a triple entry would not make much sense.


Triples "enter before" date is always 6 months from the date of issue. Disclaimer - I should say at least I've never heard of a triple with 3 months, what would be the point?

For the OP - I don't think any of the neighbouring consulates will issue triples. Some won't even give you a double, single only. Fwiw current consensus is that Vientiane are generally okay for doubles if you don't already have a bucketload of previous visas (the fewer the better - maximum seems to be anything from 3 to 5 depending whose opinion).

For a triple you'd need to go home, or at least much further afield (e.g. Aus) than neighbours.

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Normal period is indeed 3 months for any tourist visa issue in the area - the point for multi entry visas is travel and return - they are not designed for long term stay so for some, especially those without visa exempt entry, a three entry valid for 3 months would be useful.

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Not under the current Consul, BTW the validity is just 3month, so a triple entry would not make much sense.


Triples "enter before" date is always 6 months from the date of issue.

No it is not. This is from Embassy in Finland


Validity of visa and Period of stay

Validity: One/Single entry tourist visa is valid for 3 months.

Two/Three entries tourist visa is valid for 3 months.

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