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PM Yingluck's Tears Not Helping Us: Thai Poll


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I suppose people would rather be ruled by robots. How refreshing to see a human being in politics for a change.

Exactly my view and very true too. It is not difficult to imagine her being criticised for being unmoved, aloof or even callous, had she never shared any emotion. It's a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't in this horrible situation. And this horrible situation being the collective responsibility of every government, and the media for the past fifty years.

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It's okay to cry once to show sympathy for the people; it's not okay to cry at every single media occasion as doing repeatedly will make people wonder whether it's all for show.

Let's try to bring a bit more understanding to this debate. The Prime Minister is a 45 year old lady. Any knowledge of female human development should give you a partial explanation for her tearfulness. I apologize if this is rather cryptic, but if I was more explicit ThaiVisa would not publish this reply; perhaps they still may not.

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I would not have wanted to inherit this mess either no wonder she has had a cry,

no matter what your political views are stop and think for a minute how you would feel

if you inherited this major problem would you have done any better?

Give her a break she is only human too and if she shows it for 5 minutes

everyone gets the knives out??

No wonder soceity is selfish and self centered .

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It seems protecting pristine real-estate at central Bangkok is more important than even factories with ten thousand workers, backbone for GDP of Thailand. :angry: Workers themselves...they do not matter one iota to the rich elite.

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A stiff upper lip may be a sign of strength, just as a tear can be a tear of compassion. I have seen Margaret thatcher cry, yet you cannot deny her strength. Thailand is a chauvinist culture, men should never cry but women can.

those who make a fuss about Yingluck crying are making mountains out of molehills, a woman can cry and still function, if you think otherwise then you have never been married, or at least not to a real woman.

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It's okay to cry once to show sympathy for the people; it's not okay to cry at every single media occasion as doing repeatedly will make people wonder whether it's all for show.

Let's try to bring a bit more understanding to this debate. The Prime Minister is a 45 year old lady. Any knowledge of female human development should give you a partial explanation for her tearfulness. I apologize if this is rather cryptic, but if I was more explicit ThaiVisa would not publish this reply; perhaps they still may not.

She is a novice in Burberry outfit, and nothing more or nothing less... :bah:

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It's okay to cry once to show sympathy for the people; it's not okay to cry at every single media occasion as doing repeatedly will make people wonder whether it's all for show.

Let's try to bring a bit more understanding to this debate. The Prime Minister is a 45 year old lady. Any knowledge of female human development should give you a partial explanation for her tearfulness. I apologize if this is rather cryptic, but if I was more explicit ThaiVisa would not publish this reply; perhaps they still may not.

Not quite sure if you are implying that she is female contributed to her tendency to cry or not, and I'm sure other female PMs like Chancellor Merkel would debate your point. Anyway, as the poll topic highlighted, it's not doing her any good to cry and cry. She needs to show leadership and firm determination to pull this country out of this crisis and so far we have seen zero of that so far.

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This is all fabricated BS, if she has tears in picture, then it is only because she loves her people, a lot more then the last governing body, they couldn't give one nat arse about the Thai people, only their own well being. I am 100% behind her, and what she has tried to do for all concerned. Lets get real here, the press can blow up any story and make a mountain out of a mole hill, :whistling: they are pro yellow.

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I suppose people would rather be ruled by robots. How refreshing to see a human being in politics for a change.

Her oft-repeated sobbing spells make her look weak. Weak people cannot be in a position as high as hers.

sorry-her sobbing spells dont make her look week - what they do is make her look "human" pity there were not more like her - i remember a black man in south africa who cried also - he became one of the greatest men in the world and an icon to human suffering -- keep up the good good work Madam PM - we need more like you ----

Edited by sbk
flame removed- do not do it again
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I suppose people would rather be ruled by robots. How refreshing to see a human being in politics for a change.

Her oft-repeated sobbing spells make her look weak. Weak people cannot be in a position as high as hers.

She turns them on and off like you do the shower.

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This is all fabricated BS, if she has tears in picture, then it is only because she loves her people, a lot more then the last governing body, they couldn't give one nat arse about the Thai people, only their own well being. I am 100% behind her

So is Red Shirt Leader Arisaman... and at at time when she wasn't crying


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she is not crying out of sorrow for thai people she crying because of stress she has been dumped in it my big brother the country are looking to her

for help and answers she has neither there's four years of this government to go they will never make it two years tops then another coup id but money on it

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Here tears will only increase the water level.

Adding salt to wound?

who cares they are all pigs at trough and Thais voted for them and got what they wanted I doubt it will make any difference to ignorance and ability of top elite of which Taksin and his crew are at top ability to manipulate and brainwash the herd Ive given up with this and just now try as best i can to protect my family. Thailand has been and is very good to me and my family and for that im grateful but after 15 + years mostly under Taksin or his puppets ive grown weary of greed and lack of decent humanity amongst many but not all Thais. They seem to only care weather rich or dirt poor for what their so called betters give them and stuff rest be that reds elites. I do think Abhasit cared more than most and tried in ways to improve things but to many vested interests stopped any real progress and in end Taksins billions IMO bought and will continue to buy elections. Ive seen many perfectly rational thais of quite good education really believe Taksin paid for IMF loans out of his own money, Taksin is paying for relief efforts, Taksin might take from country but at least he gives us 500 baht When Taksin comes back price of gold will go down and we can all afford it again and these are not your uneducated people from slums or poor illiterate farmers and their families a lot of them have university education or at least high school. But poor up where I live listen to them because they are higher have more money and are so called educated. And then I know illiterate thais and some from real slums who can see straight through what Taksin Yingluk and rest really are bah.gifbah.gif

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Is she crying because she didn't sign up for this crisis? Because it caught her unawares and unprepared and it's all so unfair to her and being PM was about having fun and prestige and power and people swooning and not critizising? Maybe she is crying because she is just her brother's clone and not her own person? Or, she is crying because she is inadequate to lead the country in a crisis, making decisions that affect the lives and futures of her people and country? Or, because her cabinet and FROC and government agencies are equally inept, incompetent and only looking out for their own agendas as they do on any other given day since the inception of "Thai Democracy"?

Or, maybe a fly got into her eye. 7 times. Same fly!

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Do you mean Nostitz is wrong about Matichon; the newspaper that published it?

neither the Nation nor the Bangkok Post have ever been proponents of modern journalism. Thailand has far better publications in the newspaper genre anyhow, such as Matichon or Thai Rath.

The question is always"Is it real or Reuters?" wink.gif

Remember the scandal over images in Iraq

oh ok, I'll have to reconsider the validity of Nostitz's assessment then.

Perhaps monkfish can provide another of his illuminating assessments on photographic genuineness.


Does Thaksin still publish his glossy zine? Now there's journalism!

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I would not have wanted to inherit this mess either no wonder she has had a cry,

no matter what your political views are stop and think for a minute how you would feel

if you inherited this major problem would you have done any better?

Give her a break she is only human too and if she shows it for 5 minutes

everyone gets the knives out??

No wonder soceity is selfish and self centered .

As far as I know, it's this forum's members who gets the knives out. They are the ones who are selfish and self centred, no matter how they try to explain off otherwise. I know many Thais who are not PT supporters but they would never criticise YL like the self important members here and would surely not droop to the level of insults that we read here. I guess Thai culture is still far superior to ours.

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Tears are a sign of weakness in a national leader, unless something truly extraordinary and horrible has happened. Such as if the dam had burst and killed 10,000 in a day.

A slow moving flood that's killed 450 in 3 months is not that heart wrenching to call for this show of extraordinary emotion, and makes it seem a sign of weakness, not of ' the rock ' needed for all to cling to in their need. It is a truly sad and melancholy thing in so many ways, and should cause controlled emotion to be seen.

Would they accept it if she cried if a plane with 450 Thais crashed and all lost? No they wouldn't. They would expect she was upset, and talked of the steps being taken for their loved ones, not break down in tears. Strength in a leader is what they need and expect.

A leader MUST show STRENGTH to lead,

crying is not a show of this strength,

regardless of is shows humanity.

This is exactly how most men think, and they don't understand women. A woman's tears are not a sign of weakness, but usually a sign of rage and/or frustration. There have been many studies done on the reason men and women tear-up.

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A stiff upper lip may be a sign of strength, just as a tear can be a tear of compassion. I have seen Margaret thatcher cry, yet you cannot deny her strength. Thailand is a chauvinist culture, men should never cry but women can.

those who make a fuss about Yingluck crying are making mountains out of molehills, a woman can cry and still function, if you think otherwise then you have never been married, or at least not to a real woman.

;) seems like your last point could apply to a majority here...

It's been studied for decades : when women cry they are angry or frustrated. In the same situation, we men would "lose our cool" and explode in anger - or maybe barely control it...

I've seen high-ranking women in typical male-dominated business environments who have had tears in their eyes, and there was no doubt about why - they were not being weak or helpless... and you would not have wanted to have been the object of their anger at that moment, either.

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re: jkolak's comment

I'm not sure if I'd like to see a surgeon who is about operate on my problem start crying no matter how "human" it may make them appear. Let an unfeeling robot take charge.



Heartbreaking, really.:crying:

Edited by mungostjohn
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I suppose people would rather be ruled by robots. How refreshing to see a human being in politics for a change.

I'm sure I wouldn't want to see my surgeon looking over me crying before dealing with my problem. Send in the robotic arm and do the job!

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I suppose people would rather be ruled by robots. How refreshing to see a human being in politics for a change.

I'm sure I wouldn't want to see my surgeon looking over me crying before dealing with my problem. Send in the robotic arm and do the job!

Compassion or doubt on bill payment ?

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Tears are a sign of weakness in a national leader, unless something truly extraordinary and horrible has happened. Such as if the dam had burst and killed 10,000 in a day.

A slow moving flood that's killed 450 in 3 months is not that heart wrenching to call for this show of extraordinary emotion, and makes it seem a sign of weakness, not of ' the rock ' needed for all to cling to in their need. It is a truly sad and melancholy thing in so many ways, and should cause controlled emotion to be seen.

Would they accept it if she cried if a plane with 450 Thais crashed and all lost? No they wouldn't. They would expect she was upset, and talked of the steps being taken for their loved ones, not break down in tears. Strength in a leader is what they need and expect.

A leader MUST show STRENGTH to lead,

crying is not a show of this strength,

regardless of is shows humanity.

This is exactly how most men think, and they don't understand women. A woman's tears are not a sign of weakness, but usually a sign of rage and/or frustration. There have been many studies done on the reason men and women tear-up.

Unless she's grieving or sad, women cry for a myriad of reasons not just because of anger or frustration.

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I suppose people would rather be ruled by robots. How refreshing to see a human being in politics for a change.

Her oft-repeated sobbing spells make her look weak. Weak people cannot be in a position as high as hers.

sorry-her sobbing spells dont make her look week - what they do is make her look "human" pity there were not more like her - i remember a black man in south africa who cried also - he became one of the greatest men in the world and an icon to human suffering -- keep up the good good work Madam PM - we need more like you ----

Keep up the good work...we need more like you? Her governance is crap so if the good work is crying then we need more leaders crying. Seriously!

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Tears are a sign of weakness in a national leader, unless something truly extraordinary and horrible has happened. Such as if the dam had burst and killed 10,000 in a day.

A slow moving flood that's killed 450 in 3 months is not that heart wrenching to call for this show of extraordinary emotion, and makes it seem a sign of weakness, not of ' the rock ' needed for all to cling to in their need. It is a truly sad and melancholy thing in so many ways, and should cause controlled emotion to be seen.

Would they accept it if she cried if a plane with 450 Thais crashed and all lost? No they wouldn't. They would expect she was upset, and talked of the steps being taken for their loved ones, not break down in tears. Strength in a leader is what they need and expect.

A leader MUST show STRENGTH to lead,

crying is not a show of this strength,

regardless of is shows humanity.

This is exactly how most men think, and they don't understand women. A woman's tears are not a sign of weakness, but usually a sign of rage and/or frustration. There have been many studies done on the reason men and women tear-up.

Unless she's grieving or sad, women cry for a myriad of reasons not just because of anger or frustration.

Agreed. Grieving or sad applies for men as well. But when men get frustrated or angry, we don't tend to get tears, but (at least some) women do - so that doesn't make tears any more a sign of weakness than a man getting angry.

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