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Dating A Thai Girl


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I'm sure this topic will bring out some wonderful comments from the usual suspects that are on this forum

But There is a question that i would like answered.

I've been dating a Thai girl who works in an office in Bangkok (I'm from Central Thailand)

We have gone out for many dinners and walks around markets so far this year and she always comes alone (which is nice)

This girl likes to travel and climb mountains in her spare time and we have gone to many great places together

No romance has happened yet but we are fond of each other,we have talked about future plans together and she is quiet open.

I've been working in Thailand (teaching) for 5 years and i've seen first hand the horror story's from many of my friends

Money has never been one of our conversations,

Now the question - Has anyone else been in this situation and can you offer me some advice on the next few steps

I'm expecting 80% response from the bar crew,bj, bar fine crowd I'm really looking for the 20% that might of been in the same situation

Thanks in advance

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Have you asked her about any past dating history? If she's never dated or had interest in a Thai man, why not?

Do you meet her friends? I know it is nice that she wants to be with you alone, and it avoids the painful pattern of you feeling pressured to pay for the friends- but if you NEVER meet them that's a little odd- she should want them to check you out and see if you are compatible with them (because presumably you would be spending a lot of time with them, too). Also it will send you a signal about her choices which could be useful to you.

Otherwise you seem to be doing things the right way, if you don't mind winding up married!

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Has she introduced you to the family yet?

Sister yes Father no I know that's the test

I have traveled and hiked with the sister and her boyfriend

Held hands? Tried to kiss her yet? (jeez I feel like am 15 again, lol).

To be blunt i haven't shagged her yet (now i feel like i'm 15 )

I've asked to meet the parents but she and i are in no hurry for that fun

I've brought small gifts for her family but she said not to worry about doing that

Everything so far points towards a keeper

She wants to work so she has money to travel,she doesn't want my money , Her buffalo so far hasn't got sick

Her father has been sick nearly one year But still no asking me for money

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Now the question - Has anyone else been in this situation and can you offer me some advice on the next few steps

If this is not your first date ever, do as you did last time. Really, what kind of question is this? Asking strangers on a internet forum how you should proceed with your dating... :rolleyes:

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Now the question - Has anyone else been in this situation and can you offer me some advice on the next few steps

If this is not your first date ever, do as you did last time. Really, what kind of question is this? Asking strangers on a internet forum how you should proceed with your dating... :rolleyes:

I think he should post up a photo of her - only then can we really tell him how to proceed :unsure:

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Since you're asking for advice, need to know a few details:

How old are you?

How old is she?

Has she ever been married or in a serious long term relationship?

Who was the guy, farang or Thai?

Has she ever dated a farang guy?

How did you meet?

Is she a Social Network queen (i.e., TLL, Facebook and the rest)?

Just some basic questions...

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If you are uncertain about the intentions of this girl towards you, then why not become you’re own online detective.

If you have her email address/addresses, names, nick names, mobile phone numbers, just type this into Google, people search engines and facebook to see if she is a member of any social networking sites, such as facebook and MySpace to name a few. You can check out her social activities on there.

In my experience, for many people these days, belonging to an online social networking site is like an addiction and usually all will be revealed about them on those sites.

The facts are that if a girl is smitten with you, then she will give her usual social activities low priority to be with you and should be proud to announce to her family and friends that both of you are now an item.

If not, then you should proceed this relationship with caution.

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When i met my now wife ,she brought her sister to my office ,just to check i was what i said i was ,we then just went out together for one year ,me coming back and for about every 6/8 weeks ,she was late 20s so not a kid ,we did what most adult couples do now 17 years later we are still married she has never had a sick buffalo ,although i did borrow money off her familly ,to save me bringing in too much in one go once .

to be honest its just like any relationship i have had with a western woman.

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Now the question - Has anyone else been in this situation and can you offer me some advice on the next few steps

How many dates have you had with this girl?

Do you hold hands when you're out together? Do you put your arm around her? Do the two of you kiss?

Are you sexually attracted to her?

Are either of you (or both of you) virgins?

If the two of you are abstaining from sex, is it because of shyness, inexperience or religion?

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just type this into Google, people search engines and facebook to see if she is a member of any social networking sites, such as facebook and MySpace to name a few.

The facts are that if a girl is smitten with you, then she will give her usual social activities low priority to be with you and should be proud to announce to her family and friends that both of you are now an item.

If not, then you should proceed this relationship with caution.

Not sure what you are trying to say could be wrong if she:

a) does use social networking sites

- most people with a phone and Internet aceess does

b ) if she hasn't advertised her dating details on the net

- some of us value privacy :)

- and not to forget that from the op, it does not suggest they are in a relationship. They are sorta thinking about moving from friends to romance. So what's she suppose to say? Ermmm

But yes I certainly agree with - if u have known each other for sometime it would make sense to meet some of her friends. And the op did say he's met the sister

Everything sounds normal to me. Whether there's romantic feelinga on both side is something only the two of you can figure out :)

Enjoy :)

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are you mad. a mountain climber and you haven't shagged her yet. she must be well fit. lol

but you shouldn't have to put ( not a bar girl) in your description). they don't grow up wanting to be bar girls. they are just like any thai girl.

hope it works out for you

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As i thought 80% b/s 20 % fact thanks for the response

Some comments bring up interesting points

I was hoping to hear about the culture do's and don'ts that some people have experienced

But the of topic stuff i was expecting and enjoyed

Well the culture thing is, you don't meet a man alone, unless

1) you are expecting to have sex

2) you think he is a gay friend

Any other circumstances and you take a friend along for modesty, reputation, safety.

You saying she is a good girl, but meets you alone, confuses us all.

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Geez, another thread about the dreaded Thai ladies :whistling: , they are just women the same the world over, sure their culture is different to western culture, but that just means you both have to adapt to the differences , why should it be one way ??

Stop being a wimp, stop worrying your gonna lose the shirt off your back and step it up a level.

Anyone would think the ladies here are fire breathing , farang eating dragons the way some people talk on here. If your a sensible , decent bloke then you'll have no problem forming a decent relationship with a girl out here.

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As i thought 80% b/s 20 % fact thanks for the response

Some comments bring up interesting points

I was hoping to hear about the culture do's and don'ts that some people have experienced

But the of topic stuff i was expecting and enjoyed

Well the culture thing is, you don't meet a man alone, unless

1) you are expecting to have sex

2) you think he is a gay friend

Any other circumstances and you take a friend along for modesty, reputation, safety.

You saying she is a good girl, but meets you alone, confuses us all.

Agree....especially a foreign man. What's more confusing is he's asking for advice, yet refuses to answer relevant questions. The culture do's and don'ts may not apply in certain situations. If he's 25 and she's 55, that really is a tad different than the opposite.

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