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Cigarette Advertising Row


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From 'The Nation' newspaper.

Cigarette charges dropped

Published on Nov 18 , 2005

Public Health Minister Pinij Charusombat is to drop charges against 7-Eleven convenience stores after CP Seven Eleven Plc announced it would put cigarette packets out of sight behind phone cards.

After a meeting yesterday involving representatives of the police, the Council of State, the Attorney-General's Office, and the Finance, Commerce and Public Health ministries, Pinij said the authorities had received full cooperation from Family Marts, 7-Eleven stores and retail stores in petrol stations not to display cigarette packets.

On Thursday CP Seven Eleven announced that its convenience outlets would put cigarette packets out of sight. Earlier, 7-eleven stores defied the government's ban on displaying cigarettes at points of sale by refusing to hide them from customers.

"This is a victory for the people, for youth, for lecturers and media members," Pinij said, adding that he would drop all charges against the 7-Eleven stores "because the government should also use political principles and not just the law."

However, on Monday officials and police will inspect stores and proceed with legal action against those still displaying cigarettes, he said.

A committee in charge of approving the design of cigarette displays also ruled yesterday that two designs proposed by the 7-Eleven chain were still forms of advertising and could therefore not be implemented, Disease Control Department deputy director-general Dr Narong Sahamethaphat said.

The stores proposed either locating cigarettes behind a cashier or mixing cigarette packets with chicken-soup concentrate or bird's-nest beverages.

Narong said the Internal Trade Department had also informed him that it had taken tobacco products, including cigarettes, off a list of goods needing to have prices displayed. However, the move will on the part of the Finance Ministry.

CP Seven Eleven deputy managing director Prasit Chakadtham said the company had informed all of its branches to cover cigarette packets on the shelves with phone refill cards "to show its business sincerity".

Customers will not see the cigarette packets or logos because the sales staff will not pull the phone cards out of the shelves to sell them. The stores have a policy of insisting that its salespeople never turn their backs on customers, he said.

Cigarettes will remain behind the counter because they are a commodity in need of restrictions to prevent sales to people under 18, he said.

As of last night my local 7/11 had the cigarette pack fronts covered......but on a shelf above were stacked full cartons of cigarettes, is this their way of getting round the advertising ban?

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Nonsense - why are they allowed to show there bottles of whisky? Like it doesn't cause death and misery?

Only last night a probable drunken driver over took me on the way home smashing headon into a motorbike. The rider came flying through the air past my window as did parts of the bike.

The pick-up truck(usually the vehicle for drunk drivers) that hit the bike didn't stop and went speeding on. I wasn't sure what to do, but pursued the pick-up.

I thought I'd try and get the reg. plate number, but he was out of there going very fast through Khon Kaen city. If I hadn't had a car full of kids and dogs, I might have followed.

Now - this guy had probably driven into the petrol station 7-11, with booze on his breath, seen the whisky, thought "oh one for the road would be nice".

The motorcycle guy died - he looked about 18.

Can't show cigarrettes but can show whisky in a petrol station 7-11 - <deleted>.

I am a smoke - what's next - they'll tell me I can't smoke?

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Neeranam: I totally agree with you. Unfortunately the case of a drunk driver causing death or injury on the roads wasn't the first and won't be the last.

Yes - I smoke. I am addicted to nicotine. But this week I started using patches and I hope to give up by the end of this month - totally. I have been smoking now for nearly 35 years. I don't have the willpower to stop cold turkey.

I am not a teetotaller - just have the occasional social drink. I prefer cola or fruit juice.

Sure - I don't like people's breath or the lingering smell of smoke on clothes - but I have NEVER seen one case of domestic violence or any other sort of violence caused by TOBACCO ... only by ALCOHOL.

Let the Family Marts, 7-Elevens, petrol stations sell their cigarettes openly - but only to over 18s. Ban the sale of alcohol for all I care!


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On the subject of fuel stations selling alcohol.

This will cease as of the end of the year under the new rules for alcohol sales.

Gas station convenience stores will not have their licences renewed when they expire on 31/12/05

At least that will remove some temptation.

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Neeranam: I totally agree with you. Unfortunately the case of a drunk driver causing death or injury on the roads wasn't the first and won't be the last.

Yes - I smoke. I am addicted to nicotine. But this week I started using patches and I hope to give up by the end of this month - totally. I have been smoking now for nearly 35 years. I don't have the willpower to stop cold turkey.

I am not a teetotaller - just have the occasional social drink. I prefer cola or fruit juice.

Sure - I don't like people's breath or the lingering smell of smoke on clothes - but I have NEVER seen one case of domestic violence or any other sort of violence caused by TOBACCO ... only by ALCOHOL.

Let the Family Marts, 7-Elevens, petrol stations sell their cigarettes openly - but only to over 18s. Ban the sale of alcohol for all I care!


Alcohol may loosen peoples inhibitions and as a result they do bad things....but tobacco consumption is unhealthy in and of itself.

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