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Palestinian president calls for non-violent resistance against Israel


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Palestinian president calls for non-violent resistance against Israel

2011-11-17 18:21:45 GMT+7 (ICT)

RAMALLAH (BNO NEWS) -- President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday urged Palestinians to participate in a non-violent resistance against Israel's occupation of the West Bank, the Palestine News and Information Agency (WAFA) reported on Thursday.

"I call for the widest participation in the popular resistance," he said at a ceremony held to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. "Everyone, rank and file, should join this resistance to show the world that resistance is our right and to prove that Israel is the aggressor."

"We are peace seekers and we resist peacefully," he added. "This is my position and I will not change it."

Abbas said the Palestinian people will not accept and give in to the Israeli occupation, but that they will resist it in any way possible. He said the Palestinians asserted their position at the United Nations when they applied for full membership in the international body on September 23, which the United States is likely to veto.

"If we do not get it (membership) today, we will get it tomorrow, or after tomorrow. We will not go back on our request. This is our right," Abbas said.

About 120 out of 193 countries have currently recognized the State of Palestine and those are seen as possible supporters if the UN General Assembly votes on the issue. If the UN Security Council resolution to recognize Palestine is approved, Palestine would become the 194th member of the United Nations.

Abbas said that the United States remains a friend of the Palestinian people in spite of its strong support for Israel. However, he added, if U.S. policy contradicts with Palestinian interest, he will not hesitate to tell it "no."

In May, U.S. President Barack Obama called on the Israelis and Palestinians to renew peace talks for a two-state solution based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed upon swaps. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the solution based on the 1967 borders as that measure would leave a large population of Israelis in Judea and Samaria outside Israel's borders.

Abbas said negotiations with Israel will not resume before it accepts the 1967 lines as the borders of the Palestinian state and stops all settlement activities. "Without these two conditions, there will be no negotiations," he said.

Last year, Israel and the Palestinian Authority stalled the peace negotiations, which were supported by the United States and the United Nations, after the Jewish nation refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in occupied Palestinian territory.

In response, President Abbas broke off direct talks as recommended by Hamas. Israel resumed settlement constructions even though they were labeled as a violation of international law by the international community.

Finally, Abbas said he will meet Hamas leader Khaled Mishaal on November 23 to discuss the reconciliation agreement between his Fatah party and Hamas. They will also discuss the formation of a government of technocrats to prepare for presidential and legislative elections.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-17

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Peaceful protests? Keep it up. That might get somewhere.

At this point, I'm not even sure what the Palestinians really want.

Some want to wipe out Israel, some want a two state solution with roughly 1967 borders, and there is a growing movement for a one state mixed democratic state, the end of Zionist Israel but not the end of Jews living in the region. Not sure how the latter one is possible but the idea seems to be growing at least among the young and idealistic.

Edited by Jingthing
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"non-violent resistance"?

It worked for Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.. About time some of these Palestinians figured it out.

I agree. Peaceful protest is good. Peace is good. But I still don't know what the Palestinians really want ... collectively. They obviously want something from Israel, but what exactly? I know some people think I might be playing games here. But I write this is response to information I have read that young Palestinians have no interest in a separate state.
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"non-violent resistance"?

It worked for Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.. About time some of these Palestinians figured it out.

I agree. Peaceful protest is good. Peace is good. But I still don't know what the Palestinians really want ... collectively. They obviously want something from Israel, but what exactly? I know some people think I might be playing games here. But I write this is response to information I have read that young Palestinians have no interest in a separate state.

they want a Palestinian state,ideally based upon 1967 borders.

its not rocket science

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I see nothing violent whatsoever in what Rachel Corrie did in 2003 by simply standing or kneeling in front of a local Palestinian's home ? This still didn't stop her from being killed in the Gaza Strip by an Israel Defence Forces bulldozer ? So nonviolent resistance doesn't guarantee your safety? :blink:

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Rachel Corrie's accidental suicide was her own fault. She got in front of a moving bulldozed and slipped and was killed by the debris that it was moving. The bulldozer never touched her and the driver passed a lie detector test that proved that he had never seen her. If you purposely do stupid, dangerous things, you have to take responsibility for your own mistakes.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"non-violent resistance"?

It worked for Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr.. About time some of these Palestinians figured it out.

I agree. Peaceful protest is good. Peace is good. But I still don't know what the Palestinians really want ... collectively. They obviously want something from Israel, but what exactly? I know some people think I might be playing games here. But I write this is response to information I have read that young Palestinians have no interest in a separate state.

they want a Palestinian state,ideally based upon 1967 borders.

its not rocket science

Nonsense. They want a Palestinian State based on ALL the territory that was given to both the Jews and the Arabs by the UN to share and that they have refused over and again to agree to. They had many chances to accept the 1967 borders and they always refused to accept it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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they want a Palestinian state,ideally based upon 1967 borders.

its not rocket science

Who is they? I agree a segment of Palestinians want that. But there are major segments who want something different, and I feel I mentioned the three major segments above. Anyone who has widely read the news lately understands there are many thoughtful people on both sides who not only don't want two states anymore, but don't even think it is possible. I feel that most of the young Palestinians that want one democratic state, living in peace, are anti-radical Islamists. Hamas as you know is a horrible, repressive, radical Islamic regime. Idealistic young people hate such regimes! Israel isn't the only problem for them, or even the most severe problem, when they think how they might have a decent future living in their region. No, personally I don't see how this mixed one state is possible given the toxic factions of the right wing of Israel and the kill Israel wing of the Palestinians, but it certainly complicates the matter. People who think Palestinians are unified for a two state solution simply are uninformed.

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Nonsense. They want a Palestinian State based on ALL the territory that was given to both the Jews and the Arabs by the UN to share and that they have refused over and again to agree to. They had many chances to accept the 1967 borders and they always refused to accept it.

Just look at the PLO badge with the whole of Israel marked on it and ask yourself why the PLO, which was set up in 1964 had no interest in the West bank or Gaza strip, which were then occupied by Jordan and Egypt respectively. The Palestinians have never accepted Israel as a Jewish state, nor have the vast majority of Arab nations so when they talk of 'stolen' arab land they are referring to all of Israel.

Pat sums it up as ever.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I wish them all luck, and I hope it works for them. It worked for us Black Americans but even still the social/economic despairties are huge. They have a long road ahead of them but at least their foe isn't quite as bad as ours was.

However nonviolence with dignity, and mutual accord... I think Malcolm X said it best back in 1964 (excerpt from his "The Ballot or the Bullet" Speech)

"I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do. And that's the way every Negro should get. Any time you know you're within the law, within your legal rights, within your moral rights, in accord with justice, then die for what you believe in. But don't die alone. Let your dying be reciprocal. This is what is meant by equality. What's good for the goose is good for the gander."

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I wish them all luck, and I hope it works for them. It worked for us Black Americans but even still the social/economic despairties are huge. They have a long road ahead of them but at least their foe isn't quite as bad as ours was.

However nonviolence with dignity, and mutual accord... I think Malcolm X said it best back in 1964 (excerpt from his "The Ballot or the Bullet" Speech)

"I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do. And that's the way every Negro should get. Any time you know you're within the law, within your legal rights, within your moral rights, in accord with justice, then die for what you believe in. But don't die alone. Let your dying be reciprocal. This is what is meant by equality. What's good for the goose is good for the gander."

Short version -- an eye for an eye.

I think you don't get the idea of NON-VIOLENT protest.

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I probably don't.

But I know the way I described it is what I would advocate. How could they be expected to just stand by and be murdered when, unlike in the States, no one will step in to stop the violence of the oppressor? In the US decent moral human beings of all races stood up for the non-violent civil rights movement. Who would dare stand up to Israel, America won't, and no one else can. If they lay down their lives without a fight they will just die and be pushed back even further.

Lets see what unfolds..

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How I think? As opposed to what? How you think? Whats your opinion of how they should protest to get their country and stolen land back?

I'm not in any position to tell the Palestinians what to do now. The ones that demand that all the Jews go away from all of Israel, I can't abide them though, and there are way too many like that.

I recently watched this documentary about a British young woman with a Jewish mother and an Arab Muslim father. She traveled the area and found things to both love and loathe about BOTH sides. That to me reflects the reality. Too much hate from both sides, and no solution in sight.

Part 1 of 4.


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How I think? As opposed to what? How you think? Whats your opinion of how they should protest to get their country and stolen land back?

They have never had a country, but Jordan is the closet thing to it as it was actually given to them by the UN. Maybe they should go try to protest there instead.

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How I think? As opposed to what? How you think? Whats your opinion of how they should protest to get their country and stolen land back?

They have never had a country, but Jordan is the closet thing to it as it was actually given to them by the UN. Maybe they should go try to protest there instead.

HA! They know that other Arabs would take off the kid gloves the Israelis use.

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Nonsense. They want a Palestinian State based on ALL the territory that was given to both the Jews and the Arabs by the UN to share and that they have refused over and again to agree to. They had many chances to accept the 1967 borders and they always refused to accept it.

Just look at the PLO badge with the whole of Israel marked on it and ask yourself why the PLO, which was set up in 1964 had no interest in the West bank or Gaza strip, which were then occupied by Jordan and Egypt respectively. The Palestinians have never accepted Israel as a Jewish state, nor have the vast majority of Arab nations so when they talk of 'stolen' arab land they are referring to all of Israel.

Pat sums it up as ever.

Quite correct Dan, Condell says it as it really is, much to the chagrin of the Jew haters I may add, the Palestinians cannot even live at peace with each ,as Hamas and Fattah think entirely different ,and as long as Hamas is being backed to the tune of untold millions by Iran and Saudi to keep "the pot boiling", peace is just a pipe dream . ;) Edited by Colin Yai
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