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International Criminal Court Demands Libya Hand Over Captured Saif Al-Islam

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International Criminal Court demands Libya hand over captured Saif al-Islam


The International Criminal Court today demanded that Libya hand over Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's captured son Saif al-Islam, amid fears that he could face the summary justice as his father.

Hours after news broke on Saturday morning that the late Libyan dictator's fugitive son had been caught near the border of Niger, the ICC said the Libyan government had an "obligation" to cooperate with the court.

Prosecutors at the Hague-based tribunal are anxious to prevent a repeat of the events following the arrest of Colonel Gaddafi himself, who was killed by a mob after being caught near the Libyan town of Sirte just over a month ago

Continued: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8901464/International-Criminal-Court-demands-Libya-hand-over-captured-Saif-al-Islam.html

footer_n.gifThe Telegraph--2011-11-20

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I am sure there is no chance of him being handed over to the ICC. Indeed it is highly unlikely that he will stand trial anywhere. He is the only one left who could spill the beans on his father's dodgy dealings with Western politicians and other public figures over the past forty odd years. Just imagine the "close friends" he would call as character witnesses. Tony Bliar, Peter Mandelson, Prince Andrew, Nathanial Rothschild etc. Which probably explains why units of the SAS have been scouring the Libyan desert for him during the past few weeks, desperate to stop him leaving the country. Just imagine the embarrassment he could cause the great and good in the West. No chance of that being allowed to happen. I suspect he will soon be experiencing ' That Jack Ruby Moment '.

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