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PM Yingluck Affirms Thaksin Not Named For Amnesty


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PM Affirms Thaksin Not Named for Amnesty

The prime minister insists that her brother's name was not included in the government's amnesty decree that has been presented for royal endorsement.

Meanwhile, a deputy PM has reaffirmed that this decree is in compliance with the previous administration's principles on amnesty.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung reaffirmed that the amnesty conditions specified by the decree approved by the Cabinet are similar to those in the decree issued by the previous administration.

Chalerm also insisted that the royal decree is not aimed to help former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

However, he pledged to give Thaksin justice.

He believes that judging by the landslide victory of the Pheu Thai Party in the recent election, most Thais also support this while there is opposition only from those who stand to lose or were defeated in the last poll.

Chalerm said that the government is now waiting for the right time to move forward with its plan to help the former premier.

He insisted that the royal pardon decree will not benefit any particular individuals and he is confident it will not meet with strong opposition from the public.

The deputy prime minister also claimed that much progress has been made on the investigation into the 91 deaths during the crackdown on last year's red- shirt unrest as police's investigation report has already been submitted to the prosecution.

In any case, Chalerm announced that Thaksin will not return to Thailand this year.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has also confirmed that her brother's name was not included in the royal pardon decree for His Majesty the King's 84th birthday.

Yingluck insisted that the government's proposal of the royal pardon decree has been carried out in line with the law and regulations.


-- Tan Network 2011-11-22


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PM: Thaksin not on royal pardon list


BANGKOK, Nov 22 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Tuesday reaffirmed that, her brother, fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, is not on the list of convicts applying for the proposed royal pardon to be submitted for royal endorsement.

The premier, however, refused to disclose details on the draft royal decree, saying the process is considered confidential.

Ms Yingluck’s reaction was in response to her cabinet’s proposed decree on the royal pardon last week which sparked an outcry among anti-Thaksin movements and the public for fear that it could benefit the convicted ex-premier.

The prime minister stated that the government's proposed decree is in accordance with law and tradition, without discrimination against anyone.

"Everything proceeds upon the principles and the rule of law for the benefit of the public and equality," she said. "This is my stance that I declared to the public since on the first day of my duty and today it remains unchanged."

Ms Yingluck assured the public that Mr Thaksin's name is definitely not on the list to receive a royal pardon as the government itself did not propose the list but concerned state agencies. The list will then be studied by the Council of State.

Ousted in a coup in 2006, Mr Thaksin was sentenced in absentia in 2008 to two years imprisonment for abuse of power by helping his then wife acquire a parcel of prime Bangkok commercial land at a price far below its market value.

When the cabinet met last Tuesday, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, it secretly revised the draft decree on the royal pardon, opening the way for convicts to seek pardon without serving their jail terms, reducing the imprisonment period from actually serving one year to holding a two or three year conviction, and allowing those convicted of particular charges such as corruption, earlier barred from seeking amnesty, to apply for it.

Justice Minister Pol Gen Pracha Promnog affirmed that no significant change has been made on the draft, especially the conditions barring those convicted on drug-related and corruption charges, and that the deposed premier would not get preferential treatment on the matter.

The self-imposed exile ex-premier on Sunday released a letter in Dubai saying he believed the government would not do anything in particular to benefit him. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-11-22

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"Chalerm said that the government is now waiting for the right time to move forward with its plan to help the former premier"

So basically he is saying: we can't get a pardon for Thaksin this time.................but we will be back!

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From the news article in the OP:

The prime minister insists that her brother's name was not included in the government's amnesty decree that has been presented for royal endorsement.

I'm quite sure the prime minister is telling the truth when she says that the decree does not mention Thaksin by name. It just includes something like "all convicted person aged 60 years and older". And it does not say that these convicted persons must have served part of their sentences. I wonder, do these Royal decrees get published in the Government Gazette? I really would like to see its official text.

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I recall news stories before mentioning that the amnesty plan was covered all men over 60 years old. So if that is true, then it would still be applicable to Thaksin, even if his name is not specifically mentioned.

If the government seriously wants to grants amnesty without having it apply to Thaksin, then should specifically EXCLUDE him, or all males over sixty convicted of corruption who happen to have a sister named Yingluck Shinawatra. B)

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"He believes that judging by the landslide victory of the Pheu Thai Party in the recent election, most Thais also support this while there is opposition only from those who stand to lose or were defeated in the last poll."

"stand to lose"? Is there going to be some kind of retaliation? I think the people that oppose this support the ruling of the land. Why should this person who created more havoc and loss of lives and loss of income for purposes of personal gain be let off the hook? Where is the integrity of this government. Obviously they don't have a face to lose. <_<

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"Ms Yingluck assured the public that Mr Thaksin's name is definitely not on the list to receive a royal pardon as the government itself did not propose the list but concerned state agencies. The list will then be studied by the Council of State. "

They will need to check whether Mr. Takky Shinegra or names used on any of his other passports are included, too.

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I have no doubt his name is not on the list.

It would be if there had not been such a viloent reaction to the idea.

No where does it say that the idea of a pardon was not even considered.

As for the nitwits who think the majority of the people voted for Thaksin get your facts straight.

The majority of the people voted against the PT and not all of them that voted for the PT really want Thaksin back they were just voting against the Democrats. And there are those who really thought Yingluck would make a difference.

And yes there is a lot of them who want Thaksin back. These are the ones who think it is OK to invade a city with armed forces and raid hospitals and when like the spoiled children that they are they tried try to burn Bangkok down.

Them wanting Thaksin back tells me that no good can come from him. :jap:

Edited by hellodolly
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what a load of shit is this? All lies, all big fat lies.... IT has become clear to everybody what the priority nr.1 of this Government is...

Yeap, same same. And I fear we are getting closer to a political meltdown in Thailand. These lying morons in the present administration are just beyond belief. Ignorant, retarded, spoilt 13-year olds all of them. To lead a country. Right.

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"Chalerm said that the government is now waiting for the right time to move forward with its plan to help the former premier"

So basically he is saying: we can't get a pardon for Thaksin this time.................but we will be back!

Yep quite correct Majic and anyone who disagree's with your summing up should respectfully go and seek urgent medical assistance :lol: :lol:
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Yingluk has affirmed in the past things that were proven not to be true, so pardon me if I take her statement with a cubic metre of salt.

This novice is only good in lying. THe rest she doesn't know! She is a Shinawatra, a professional liar! It's in their genes within this family... :bah: :bah: :bah:

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Everyone should stop having a go at Yingluck. She's new but clever even though she does talk like bar girl.

I don't care what she does or says. She's the most beautiful Prime Minister on the planet and that's what counts.

red shirt nonsense talk!

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Everyone should stop having a go at Yingluck. She's new but clever even though she does talk like bar girl.

I don't care what she does or says. She's the most beautiful Prime Minister on the planet and that's what counts.

She's not clever and you know it.

The beauty thing is debatable assuming you're including lady presidents.

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"Chalerm said that the government is now waiting for the right time to move forward with its plan to help the former premier"

So basically he is saying: we can't get a pardon for Thaksin this time.................but we will be back!

Yep quite correct Majic and anyone who disagree's with your summing up should respectfully go and seek urgent medical assistance :lol: :lol:

From the shoulders up.

Did any one see if she was crying when she made her announcement?:)

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It appears to me that the government has wrongfooted the opposition, the media and even its own supporters with the leak from a "rump" cabinet meeting. Does anyone yet know who was the whistle blower? Is it not possible that this was a deliberate strategy by the government to test and then muddy the waters?

The cabinet meeting was held in the absence of the PM (with a feeble excuse) and she was subsequently able to deny knowledge of what had transpired.

This may obviously require a suspension of belief but it remains a fact that she was not there. However the meeting was chaired by a politician far more experienced than Yingluck in the murk that is Thai politics and he was of course sold early in the new government's tenure as the one who would bring Thaksin back. His absence during the critical (to BKK) flooding was noticeable and led to lots of speculation as to what he was up to; was he really staying out of the limelight for personal ambition - having no part and therefore no culpability? I don't know the answer but it does seem strange that he should take a back seat in a crisis and then become involved in what could only be interpreted as a stupid attempt to rescue Thaksin that was bound to resurrect those elements who would be outraged. A consummate Thai politician would not, IMO, be so naive without a less obvious agenda.

The furore caused by the allegation that Thaksin would be cleared of his transgressions , including the all too predictable feeding frenzy on TV, was seen in PAD and the media in spite of the questionable evidence that any such plan existed. What that may have shown was that the "establishment" might react although it is unprovable that PAD could have assembled significant numbers of protestors - social networking sites are not a reliable source. What I think apparent is that the parliamentary opposition were less concerned by the apocalyptic vision of the possibility than the extra-parliamentary opposition. Perhaps a greater awareness of Thai realpolitik exists in the Democrat party.

Additionally, those who are perceived as Thaksin's and PT's real opposition, the military were not drawn into the dispute but instead went about their task of aiding with the floods and apparently ignored the irrelevant bickering of those who wanted to make an issue of the fact that they believed what the rumour mill was telling them. An eminently sensible approach - get on with something that helps the people and keep out of the childish spats.

I suspect that in fact the leak was government-inspired and its purpose was at least twofold:

1. To attempt to distract attention from the flooding crisis

2. To assess the level of support/opposition to an amnesty that was not being planned to take place now but would be reconsidered later.

Politicians in all countries are an unholy breed but they achieve power because of their ability to lead and to mislead the electorate; this facility is also used in dealings with the media. I believe that what we have witnessed is a complete scam on the Thai media - but I could be completely wrong

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it is a prerequisite for membership that you are a sycophant for everything anti-thalksin and believe that anyone who criticises the members is an undercover Thaksin-o-phile.

i notice that the only politician you can use satire on is Thaksin; another person - especially democrats - who are satirised wil have their post deleted.

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it is a prerequisite for membership that you are a sycophant for everything anti-thalksin and believe that anyone who criticises the members is an undercover Thaksin-o-phile.

i notice that the only politician you can use satire on is Thaksin; another person - especially democrats - who are satirised wil have their post deleted.

So, you, being a member, must be a sycophant for everything anti-thaksin ...

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Everyone should stop having a go at Yingluck. She's new but clever even though she does talk like bar girl.

I don't care what she does or says. She's the most beautiful Prime Minister on the planet and that's what counts.

She's not clever and you know it.

The beauty thing is debatable assuming you're including lady presidents.

Well I certainly have to give you full points there Jingthing

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what a load of shit is this? All lies, all big fat lies.... IT has become clear to everybody what the priority nr.1 of this Government is...

Yeap, same same. And I fear we are getting closer to a political meltdown in Thailand. These lying morons in the present administration are just beyond belief. Ignorant, retarded, spoilt 13-year olds all of them. To lead a country. Right.

It's clear to you perhaps that in spite of Thaksin not being included in any amnesty/pardon that his exoneration is the government's "priority nr1" but that does not mean it is "clear to everybody'

Ignorant retarded 13-year olds?

Please a little more adult reasoning might not go amiss

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