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Is winter on its way ?

Been seeing many Thais wearing bobble hats and big padded jackets in the past few days.

even the wife's sister who at this moment is wrapped up in a big blanket watching the soaps, i said wazzzzzzz up are you cold, she replied now mak mak .

Half of Thailand wants to try and live in the UK, then they will know what,,, Now mak mk is all about

Now i do admit that the past day or so now, the wind as been picking up, and today is quite breezy.

But still ok for me to sit outside drinking a cold one with just a pair of shorts on,,but have to admit that my nipples are starting to look like rugby studs rolleyes.gif


My first so-called cold season here I remember turning up at work in T-shirt and trousers, and seeing most of my colleagues in wooly hats and jackets , this is in BKK though , it does get a bit chilly oop North around now smile.gif


Frost in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai is not unknown.

No snow, as it is dry when the cold season comes............ :bah:

I remember a chilly break in Hua Hin, many years back, when my friend and I

headed for the local market and bought woolly jumpers.

Something I never expected to need.


Yep getting cooler up here in Phetch, best time of the day for walking the dogs just after daybreak, nice cool winds.

You know its getting cold when the little man has his coat on.



It's that time-of-year, when many Chiang Mai dogs & cats are seen wearing tattered child-size T-shirts, to keep warm. :o:blink:

So they must certainly feel that it is cold ! :)



re ... Frost in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai is not unknown.

true ... and this years first frost report on doi internon was 12 nov but they had

winter coats for sale up in mai sai on the 20 of october : (


re .. It's that time-of-year, when many Chiang Mai dogs & cats are seen wearing tattered child-size T-shirts,

like this ?

enjoy ... dave2





Always makes me chuckle that so many people that decided to live here are happy when it gets a bit 'cold'

Are these people unhappy for 50 weeks of the year? Why do you live in a stinking hot, humid country when you don't like it?

Why don't you just go home so you can wear your jumpers and take your dogs for a nice walk most of the year?

Personally I don't like the heat and have always thought that people who love being hot all the time are a bit simple.



Why do you live in a stinking hot, humid country when you don't like it?

Because I prefer it to anywhere else despite the stinking hot weather and IMO so-so food. Thank Buddha for air-conditioning and good foreign restaurants! :thumbsup:


35c here in sunny Kanchanaburi.

Touring Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai by motorbike next week, should I pack thermals?

Gets down to around 14c at night here in Chiang Rai at the moment but feels cooler.


Always makes me chuckle that so many people that decided to live here are happy when it gets a bit 'cold'

Are these people unhappy for 50 weeks of the year? Why do you live in a stinking hot, humid country when you don't like it?

Contrast it always a pleasure for me.

When I lived in LOS I always looked forward to November and the change of season.

Now I live by the Medditeranean and enjoy 4 seasons in a year. :D

The heat of LOS became too much.

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